- Mail_Mime 1.6.1

alecpl 15 years ago
parent cc2c83378c
commit be5133a6f3

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ REQUIREMENTS
- mbstring, fileinfo, mcrypt (optional)
* PEAR packages distributed with Roundcube or external:
- MDB2 2.5.0 or newer
- Mail_Mime 1.6.0 or newer
- Mail_Mime 1.6.1 or newer
- Net_SMTP 1.4.2 or newer
* php.ini options (see .htaccess file):
- error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE (or lower)

@ -388,6 +388,7 @@ class Mail_mime
* or base64) instead
* @param string $f_encoding Encoding for attachment filename (Content-Disposition)
* See $n_encoding description
* @param string $description Content-Description header
* @return mixed True on success or PEAR_Error object
* @access public
@ -402,7 +403,8 @@ class Mail_mime
$language = '',
$location = '',
$n_encoding = null,
$f_encoding = null
$f_encoding = null,
$description = ''
) {
$bodyfile = null;
@ -440,6 +442,7 @@ class Mail_mime
'language' => $language,
'location' => $location,
'disposition' => $disposition,
'description' => $description,
'name_encoding' => $n_encoding,
'filename_encoding' => $f_encoding
@ -668,6 +671,9 @@ class Mail_mime
if (!empty($value['filename_encoding'])) {
$params['filename_encoding'] = $value['filename_encoding'];
if (!empty($value['description'])) {
$params['description'] = $value['description'];
$ret = $obj->addSubpart($value['body'], $params);
return $ret;
@ -865,11 +871,13 @@ class Mail_mime
$null = null;
$attachments = count($this->_parts) ? true : false;
$html_images = count($this->_html_images) ? true : false;
$html = strlen($this->_htmlbody) ? true : false;
$text = (!$html && strlen($this->_txtbody)) ? true : false;
$text = (!$html && strlen($this->_txtbody)) ? true : false;
switch (true) {
case $text && !$attachments:
@ -1233,265 +1241,9 @@ class Mail_mime
function encodeHeader($name, $value, $charset, $encoding)
// Structured headers
$comma_headers = array(
'from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'sender', 'reply-to',
'resent-from', 'resent-to', 'resent-cc', 'resent-bcc',
'resent-sender', 'resent-reply-to',
'return-receipt-to', 'disposition-notification-to',
return Mail_mimePart::encodeHeader(
$name, $value, $charset, $encoding, $this->_build_params['eol']
$other_headers = array(
'references', 'in-reply-to', 'message-id', 'resent-message-id',
$name = strtolower($name);
$eol = $this->_build_params['eol'];
if (in_array($name, $comma_headers)) {
$separator = ',';
} else if (in_array($name, $other_headers)) {
$separator = ' ';
if (!$charset) {
$charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
// Structured header (make sure addr-spec inside is not encoded)
if (!empty($separator)) {
$parts = $this->_explodeQuotedString($separator, $value);
$value = '';
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$part = preg_replace('/\r?\n[\s\t]*/', $eol . ' ', $part);
$part = trim($part);
if (!$part) {
if ($value) {
$value .= $separator==',' ? $separator.' ' : ' ';
} else {
$value = $name . ': ';
// let's find phrase (name) and/or addr-spec
if (preg_match('/^<\S+@\S+>$/', $part)) {
$value .= $part;
} else if (preg_match('/^\S+@\S+$/', $part)) {
// address without brackets and without name
$value .= $part;
} else if (preg_match('/<*\S+@\S+>*$/', $part, $matches)) {
// address with name (handle name)
$address = $matches[0];
$word = str_replace($address, '', $part);
$word = trim($word);
// check if phrase requires quoting
if ($word) {
// non-ASCII: require encoding
if (preg_match('#([\x80-\xFF]){1}#', $word)) {
if ($word[0] == '"' && $word[strlen($word)-1] == '"') {
// de-quote quoted-string, encoding changes
// string to atom
$search = array("\\\"", "\\\\");
$replace = array("\"", "\\");
$word = str_replace($search, $replace, $word);
$word = substr($word, 1, -1);
// find length of last line
if (($pos = strrpos($value, $eol)) !== false) {
$last_len = strlen($value) - $pos;
} else {
$last_len = strlen($value);
$word = $this->_encodeString(
$word, $charset, $encoding, $last_len
} else if (($word[0] != '"' || $word[strlen($word)-1] != '"')
&& preg_match('/[\(\)\<\>\\\.\[\]@,;:"]/', $word)
) {
// ASCII: quote string if needed
$word = '"'.addcslashes($word, '\\"').'"';
$value .= $word.' '.$address;
} else {
// addr-spec not found, don't encode (?)
$value .= $part;
// RFC2822 recommends 78 characters limit, use 76 from RFC2047
$value = wordwrap($value, 76, $eol . ' ');
// remove header name prefix (there could be EOL too)
$value = preg_replace(
'/^'.$name.':('.preg_quote($eol, '/').')* /', '', $value
} else {
// Unstructured header
// non-ASCII: require encoding
if (preg_match('#([\x80-\xFF]){1}#', $value)) {
if ($value[0] == '"' && $value[strlen($value)-1] == '"') {
// de-quote quoted-string, encoding changes
// string to atom
$search = array("\\\"", "\\\\");
$replace = array("\"", "\\");
$value = str_replace($search, $replace, $value);
$value = substr($value, 1, -1);
$value = $this->_encodeString(
$value, $charset, $encoding, strlen($name) + 2
} else if (strlen($name.': '.$value) > 78) {
// ASCII: check if header line isn't too long and use folding
$value = preg_replace('/\r?\n[\s\t]*/', $eol . ' ', $value);
$tmp = wordwrap($name.': '.$value, 78, $eol . ' ');
$value = preg_replace('/^'.$name.':\s*/', '', $tmp);
// hard limit 998 (RFC2822)
$value = wordwrap($value, 998, $eol . ' ', true);
return $value;
* Encodes a header value as per RFC2047
* @param string $value The header data to encode
* @param string $charset Character set name
* @param string $encoding Encoding name (base64 or quoted-printable)
* @param int $prefix_len Prefix length
* @return string Encoded header data
* @access private
function _encodeString($value, $charset, $encoding, $prefix_len=0)
if ($encoding == 'base64') {
// Base64 encode the entire string
$value = base64_encode($value);
// Generate the header using the specified params and dynamicly
// determine the maximum length of such strings.
// 75 is the value specified in the RFC.
$prefix = '=?' . $charset . '?B?';
$suffix = '?=';
$maxLength = 75 - strlen($prefix . $suffix) - 2;
$maxLength1stLine = $maxLength - $prefix_len;
// We can cut base4 every 4 characters, so the real max
// we can get must be rounded down.
$maxLength = $maxLength - ($maxLength % 4);
$maxLength1stLine = $maxLength1stLine - ($maxLength1stLine % 4);
$cutpoint = $maxLength1stLine;
$value_out = $value;
$output = '';
while ($value_out) {
// Split translated string at every $maxLength
$part = substr($value_out, 0, $cutpoint);
$value_out = substr($value_out, $cutpoint);
$cutpoint = $maxLength;
// RFC 2047 specifies that any split header should
// be seperated by a CRLF SPACE.
if ($output) {
$output .= $this->_build_params['eol'] . ' ';
$output .= $prefix . $part . $suffix;
$value = $output;
} else {
// quoted-printable encoding has been selected
$value = Mail_mimePart::encodeQP($value);
// Generate the header using the specified params and dynamicly
// determine the maximum length of such strings.
// 75 is the value specified in the RFC.
$prefix = '=?' . $charset . '?Q?';
$suffix = '?=';
$maxLength = 75 - strlen($prefix . $suffix) - 3;
$maxLength1stLine = $maxLength - $prefix_len;
$maxLength = $maxLength - 1;
// This regexp will break QP-encoded text at every $maxLength
// but will not break any encoded letters.
$reg1st = "|(.{0,$maxLength1stLine}[^\=][^\=])|";
$reg2nd = "|(.{0,$maxLength}[^\=][^\=])|";
$value_out = $value;
$realMax = $maxLength1stLine + strlen($prefix . $suffix);
if (strlen($value_out) >= $realMax) {
// Begin with the regexp for the first line.
$reg = $reg1st;
$output = '';
while ($value_out) {
// Split translated string at every $maxLength
// But make sure not to break any translated chars.
$found = preg_match($reg, $value_out, $matches);
// After this first line, we need to use a different
// regexp for the first line.
$reg = $reg2nd;
// Save the found part and encapsulate it in the
// prefix & suffix. Then remove the part from the
// $value_out variable.
if ($found) {
$part = $matches[0];
$len = strlen($matches[0]);
$value_out = substr($value_out, $len);
} else {
$part = $value_out;
$value_out = "";
// RFC 2047 specifies that any split header should
// be seperated by a CRLF SPACE
if ($output) {
$output .= $this->_build_params['eol'] . ' ';
$output .= $prefix . $part . $suffix;
$value_out = $output;
} else {
$value_out = $prefix . $value_out . $suffix;
$value = $value_out;
return $value;
* Explode quoted string
* @param string $delimiter Delimiter expression string for preg_match()
* @param string $string Input string
* @return array String tokens array
* @access private
function _explodeQuotedString($delimiter, $string)
$result = array();
$strlen = strlen($string);
for ($q=$p=$i=0; $i < $strlen; $i++) {
if ($string[$i] == "\""
&& (empty($string[$i-1]) || $string[$i-1] != "\\")
) {
$q = $q ? false : true;
} else if (!$q && preg_match("/$delimiter/", $string[$i])) {
$result[] = substr($string, $p, $i - $p);
$p = $i + 1;
$result[] = substr($string, $p);
return $result;
@ -1556,6 +1308,8 @@ class Mail_mime
return $headers;
$eol = !empty($this->_build_params['eol'])
? $this->_build_params['eol'] : "\r\n";
@ -1590,4 +1344,42 @@ class Mail_mime
return $headers;
* Validate and set build parameters
* @return void
* @access private
function _checkParams()
$encodings = array('7bit', '8bit', 'base64', 'quoted-printable');
= strtolower($this->_build_params['text_encoding']);
= strtolower($this->_build_params['html_encoding']);
if (!in_array($this->_build_params['text_encoding'], $encodings)) {
$this->_build_params['text_encoding'] = '7bit';
if (!in_array($this->_build_params['html_encoding'], $encodings)) {
$this->_build_params['html_encoding'] = '7bit';
// text body
if ($this->_build_params['text_encoding'] == '7bit'
&& !preg_match('/ascii/i', $this->_build_params['text_charset'])
&& preg_match('/[^\x00-\x7F]/', $this->_txtbody)
) {
$this->_build_params['text_encoding'] = 'quoted-printable';
// html body
if ($this->_build_params['html_encoding'] == '7bit'
&& !preg_match('/ascii/i', $this->_build_params['html_charset'])
&& preg_match('/[^\x00-\x7F]/', $this->_htmlbody)
) {
$this->_build_params['html_encoding'] = 'quoted-printable';
} // End of class

@ -247,6 +247,15 @@ class Mail_mimePart
if (!empty($headers['Content-Description'])) {
$headers['Content-Description'] = $this->encodeHeader(
'Content-Description', $headers['Content-Description'],
isset($c_type['charset']) ? $c_type['charset'] : 'US-ASCII',
isset($params['name_encoding']) ? $params['name_encoding'] : 'quoted-printable',
// Default content-type
if (!isset($headers['Content-Type'])) {
$headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain';
@ -769,17 +778,281 @@ class Mail_mimePart
* Callback function to replace extended characters (\x80-xFF) with their
* ASCII values (RFC2231)
* Encodes a header as per RFC2047
* @param array $matches Preg_replace's matches array
* @param string $name The header name
* @param string $value The header data to encode
* @param string $charset Character set name
* @param string $encoding Encoding name (base64 or quoted-printable)
* @param string $eol End-of-line sequence. Default: "\r\n"
* @return string Encoded character string
* @return string Encoded header data (without a name)
* @access public
* @since 1.6.1
function encodeHeader($name, $value, $charset='ISO-8859-1',
$encoding='quoted-printable', $eol="\r\n"
) {
// Structured headers
$comma_headers = array(
'from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'sender', 'reply-to',
'resent-from', 'resent-to', 'resent-cc', 'resent-bcc',
'resent-sender', 'resent-reply-to',
'return-receipt-to', 'disposition-notification-to',
$other_headers = array(
'references', 'in-reply-to', 'message-id', 'resent-message-id',
$name = strtolower($name);
if (in_array($name, $comma_headers)) {
$separator = ',';
} else if (in_array($name, $other_headers)) {
$separator = ' ';
if (!$charset) {
$charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
// Structured header (make sure addr-spec inside is not encoded)
if (!empty($separator)) {
$parts = Mail_mimePart::_explodeQuotedString($separator, $value);
$value = '';
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$part = preg_replace('/\r?\n[\s\t]*/', $eol . ' ', $part);
$part = trim($part);
if (!$part) {
if ($value) {
$value .= $separator==',' ? $separator.' ' : ' ';
} else {
$value = $name . ': ';
// let's find phrase (name) and/or addr-spec
if (preg_match('/^<\S+@\S+>$/', $part)) {
$value .= $part;
} else if (preg_match('/^\S+@\S+$/', $part)) {
// address without brackets and without name
$value .= $part;
} else if (preg_match('/<*\S+@\S+>*$/', $part, $matches)) {
// address with name (handle name)
$address = $matches[0];
$word = str_replace($address, '', $part);
$word = trim($word);
// check if phrase requires quoting
if ($word) {
// non-ASCII: require encoding
if (preg_match('#([\x80-\xFF]){1}#', $word)) {
if ($word[0] == '"' && $word[strlen($word)-1] == '"') {
// de-quote quoted-string, encoding changes
// string to atom
$search = array("\\\"", "\\\\");
$replace = array("\"", "\\");
$word = str_replace($search, $replace, $word);
$word = substr($word, 1, -1);
// find length of last line
if (($pos = strrpos($value, $eol)) !== false) {
$last_len = strlen($value) - $pos;
} else {
$last_len = strlen($value);
$word = Mail_mimePart::encodeHeaderValue(
$word, $charset, $encoding, $last_len, $eol
} else if (($word[0] != '"' || $word[strlen($word)-1] != '"')
&& preg_match('/[\(\)\<\>\\\.\[\]@,;:"]/', $word)
) {
// ASCII: quote string if needed
$word = '"'.addcslashes($word, '\\"').'"';
$value .= $word.' '.$address;
} else {
// addr-spec not found, don't encode (?)
$value .= $part;
// RFC2822 recommends 78 characters limit, use 76 from RFC2047
$value = wordwrap($value, 76, $eol . ' ');
// remove header name prefix (there could be EOL too)
$value = preg_replace(
'/^'.$name.':('.preg_quote($eol, '/').')* /', '', $value
} else {
// Unstructured header
// non-ASCII: require encoding
if (preg_match('#([\x80-\xFF]){1}#', $value)) {
if ($value[0] == '"' && $value[strlen($value)-1] == '"') {
// de-quote quoted-string, encoding changes
// string to atom
$search = array("\\\"", "\\\\");
$replace = array("\"", "\\");
$value = str_replace($search, $replace, $value);
$value = substr($value, 1, -1);
$value = Mail_mimePart::encodeHeaderValue(
$value, $charset, $encoding, strlen($name) + 2, $eol
} else if (strlen($name.': '.$value) > 78) {
// ASCII: check if header line isn't too long and use folding
$value = preg_replace('/\r?\n[\s\t]*/', $eol . ' ', $value);
$tmp = wordwrap($name.': '.$value, 78, $eol . ' ');
$value = preg_replace('/^'.$name.':\s*/', '', $tmp);
// hard limit 998 (RFC2822)
$value = wordwrap($value, 998, $eol . ' ', true);
return $value;
* Explode quoted string
* @param string $delimiter Delimiter expression string for preg_match()
* @param string $string Input string
* @return array String tokens array
* @access private
function _encodeReplaceCallback($matches)
function _explodeQuotedString($delimiter, $string)
return sprintf('%%%02X', ord($matches[1]));
$result = array();
$strlen = strlen($string);
for ($q=$p=$i=0; $i < $strlen; $i++) {
if ($string[$i] == "\""
&& (empty($string[$i-1]) || $string[$i-1] != "\\")
) {
$q = $q ? false : true;
} else if (!$q && preg_match("/$delimiter/", $string[$i])) {
$result[] = substr($string, $p, $i - $p);
$p = $i + 1;
$result[] = substr($string, $p);
return $result;
* Encodes a header value as per RFC2047
* @param string $value The header data to encode
* @param string $charset Character set name
* @param string $encoding Encoding name (base64 or quoted-printable)
* @param int $prefix_len Prefix length. Default: 0
* @param string $eol End-of-line sequence. Default: "\r\n"
* @return string Encoded header data
* @access public
* @since 1.6.1
function encodeHeaderValue($value, $charset, $encoding, $prefix_len=0, $eol="\r\n")
if ($encoding == 'base64') {
// Base64 encode the entire string
$value = base64_encode($value);
// Generate the header using the specified params and dynamicly
// determine the maximum length of such strings.
// 75 is the value specified in the RFC.
$prefix = '=?' . $charset . '?B?';
$suffix = '?=';
$maxLength = 75 - strlen($prefix . $suffix) - 2;
$maxLength1stLine = $maxLength - $prefix_len;
// We can cut base4 every 4 characters, so the real max
// we can get must be rounded down.
$maxLength = $maxLength - ($maxLength % 4);
$maxLength1stLine = $maxLength1stLine - ($maxLength1stLine % 4);
$cutpoint = $maxLength1stLine;
$value_out = $value;
$output = '';
while ($value_out) {
// Split translated string at every $maxLength
$part = substr($value_out, 0, $cutpoint);
$value_out = substr($value_out, $cutpoint);
$cutpoint = $maxLength;
// RFC 2047 specifies that any split header should
// be seperated by a CRLF SPACE.
if ($output) {
$output .= $eol . ' ';
$output .= $prefix . $part . $suffix;
$value = $output;
} else {
// quoted-printable encoding has been selected
$value = Mail_mimePart::encodeQP($value);
// Generate the header using the specified params and dynamicly
// determine the maximum length of such strings.
// 75 is the value specified in the RFC.
$prefix = '=?' . $charset . '?Q?';
$suffix = '?=';
$maxLength = 75 - strlen($prefix . $suffix) - 3;
$maxLength1stLine = $maxLength - $prefix_len;
$maxLength = $maxLength - 1;
// This regexp will break QP-encoded text at every $maxLength
// but will not break any encoded letters.
$reg1st = "|(.{0,$maxLength1stLine}[^\=][^\=])|";
$reg2nd = "|(.{0,$maxLength}[^\=][^\=])|";
$value_out = $value;
$realMax = $maxLength1stLine + strlen($prefix . $suffix);
if (strlen($value_out) >= $realMax) {
// Begin with the regexp for the first line.
$reg = $reg1st;
$output = '';
while ($value_out) {
// Split translated string at every $maxLength
// But make sure not to break any translated chars.
$found = preg_match($reg, $value_out, $matches);
// After this first line, we need to use a different
// regexp for the first line.
$reg = $reg2nd;
// Save the found part and encapsulate it in the
// prefix & suffix. Then remove the part from the
// $value_out variable.
if ($found) {
$part = $matches[0];
$len = strlen($matches[0]);
$value_out = substr($value_out, $len);
} else {
$part = $value_out;
$value_out = "";
// RFC 2047 specifies that any split header should
// be seperated by a CRLF SPACE
if ($output) {
$output .= $eol . ' ';
$output .= $prefix . $part . $suffix;
$value_out = $output;
} else {
$value_out = $prefix . $value_out . $suffix;
$value = $value_out;
return $value;
@ -819,4 +1092,18 @@ class Mail_mimePart
return sprintf('=%02X', ord($matches[1]));
* Callback function to replace extended characters (\x80-xFF) with their
* ASCII values (RFC2231)
* @param array $matches Preg_replace's matches array
* @return string Encoded character string
* @access private
function _encodeReplaceCallback($matches)
return sprintf('%%%02X', ord($matches[1]));
} // End of class
