Merge pull request #107 from JohnDoh/multi-logo

allow different logos for different functions (eg. normal and print)
Aleksander Machniak 11 years ago
commit b5c364273d

@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ $config['support_url'] = '';
// replace Roundcube logo with this image
// specify an URL relative to the document root of this Roundcube installation
// an array can be used to specify different logos for specific template files, '*' for default logo
// for example array("*" => "/images/roundcube_logo.png", "messageprint" => "/images/roundcube_logo_print.png")
$config['skin_logo'] = null;
// automatically create a new Roundcube user when log-in the first time.

@ -924,8 +924,21 @@ class rcmail_output_html extends rcmail_output
else if ($object == 'logo') {
$attrib += array('alt' => $this->xml_command(array('', 'object', 'name="productname"')));
if ($logo = $this->config->get('skin_logo'))
$attrib['src'] = $logo;
if ($logo = $this->config->get('skin_logo')) {
if (is_array($logo)) {
if ($template_logo = $logo[$this->template_name]) {
$attrib['src'] = $template_logo;
elseif ($template_logo = $logo['*']) {
$attrib['src'] = $template_logo;
else {
$attrib['src'] = $logo;
$content = html::img($attrib);
else if ($object == 'productname') {
