Fix iframe scroll on Android tablets, add scrollbar (#117)

Aleksander Machniak 7 years ago
parent cd7505083e
commit 72362a2470

@ -152,11 +152,20 @@ body > #layout {
html.iframe body {
overflow: auto;
html.iframe {
&.webkit.tablet {
body {
overflow: auto;
#layout > .content {
height: 100%;
#layout > .content {
height: 100%;

@ -55,3 +55,23 @@
.font-family {
font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;
.webkit-scroller {
::-webkit-scrollbar {
-webkit-appearance: none;
::-webkit-scrollbar:vertical {
width: .6rem;
::-webkit-scrollbar:horizontal {
height: .6rem;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
border-radius: .3rem;
border: 2px solid #fff;

@ -332,15 +332,12 @@ .propform {
// FIXME: iOS/Android frames have some problem with form buttons element
// when the form height is bigger than the iframe height
// We got rid of the floating buttons effect to fix that,
// which is not perfect because Save button are visible only after
// the page is scrolled to the bottom
.webkit.tablet &,
.iframe.ipad &,
.iframe.iphone & {
display: block;
// Prevent button truncation on tablets
html.iframe.ipad &,
html.iframe.webkit.tablet & {
.formbuttons {
min-height: 4rem;
// We don't need buttons element on small devices
