Add --get and --extract arguments and CACHEDIR env-variable support to (#5882)

Aleksander Machniak 7 years ago
parent 73de455058
commit 3f6ca2cffc

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
CHANGELOG Roundcube Webmail
- Add --get and --extract arguments and CACHEDIR env-variable support to (#5882)
- Update to jquery-minicolors 2.2.6
- Support _filter and _scope as GET arguments for opening mail UI (#5825)
- Support for IMAP folders that cannot contain both folders and messages (#5057)

@ -33,26 +33,20 @@ if (empty($SOURCES['dependencies'])) {
die("ERROR: Failed to read sources from " . INSTALL_PATH . "jsdeps.json\n");
$CURL = trim(`which curl`);
$WGET = trim(`which wget`);
$UNZIP = trim(`which unzip`);
$CURL = trim(`which curl`);
$WGET = trim(`which wget`);
$UNZIP = trim(`which unzip`);
$FILEINFO = trim(`which file`);
if (empty($UNZIP)) {
die("ERROR: Required program 'unzip' not found\n");
if (($CACHEDIR = getenv("CACHEDIR")) && is_writeable($CACHEDIR)) {
// use $CACHEDIR
if (empty($FILEINFO)) {
die("ERROR: Required program 'file' not found\n");
if (empty($CURL) && empty($WGET)) {
die("ERROR: Required program 'wget' or 'curl' not found\n");
$CACHEDIR = sys_get_temp_dir();
if (is_writeable(INSTALL_PATH . 'temp/js_cache') || @mkdir(INSTALL_PATH . 'temp/js_cache', 0774, true)) {
else if (is_writeable(INSTALL_PATH . 'temp/js_cache') || @mkdir(INSTALL_PATH . 'temp/js_cache', 0774, true)) {
$CACHEDIR = INSTALL_PATH . 'temp/js_cache';
else {
$CACHEDIR = sys_get_temp_dir();
//////////////// License definitions
@ -116,13 +110,16 @@ EOL;
function fetch_from_source($package, $useCache = true, &$filetype = null)
global $CURL, $WGET;
$filetype = pathinfo($package['url'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ?: 'tmp';
$cache_file = $CACHEDIR . '/' . $package['lib'] . '-' . $package['version'] . '.' . $filetype;
$cache_file = extract_filetype($package, $filetype);
if (!is_readable($cache_file) || !$useCache) {
echo "Fetching $package[url]\n";
if (empty($CURL) && empty($WGET)) {
die("ERROR: Required program 'wget' or 'curl' not found\n");
echo "Fetching {$package['url']}\n";
if ($CURL)
exec(sprintf('%s -s %s -o %s', $CURL, escapeshellarg($package['url']), $cache_file), $out, $retval);
@ -134,8 +131,21 @@ function fetch_from_source($package, $useCache = true, &$filetype = null)
if (!empty($package['sha1']) && ($sum = sha1_file($cache_file)) !== $package['sha1']) {
die("ERROR: Incorrect sha1 sum of $cache_file. Expected: $package[sha1], got: $sum\n");
return $cache_file;
* Returns package source file location and type
function extract_filetype($package, &$filetype = null)
$filetype = pathinfo($package['url'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ?: 'tmp';
$cache_file = $CACHEDIR . '/' . $package['lib'] . '-' . $package['version'] . '.' . $filetype;
if (empty($FILEINFO)) {
die("ERROR: Required program 'file' not found\n");
// detect downloaded/cached file type
@ -193,6 +203,10 @@ function extract_zipfile($package, $srcfile)
if (empty($UNZIP)) {
die("ERROR: Required program 'unzip' not found\n");
$destdir = INSTALL_PATH . $package['dest'];
if (!is_dir($destdir)) {
mkdir($destdir, 0774, true);
@ -295,9 +309,14 @@ function delete_destfile($package)
//////////////// Execution
$args = rcube_utils::get_opt(array('f' => 'force:bool', 'd' => 'delete:bool'))
+ array('force' => false, 'delete' => false);
$args = rcube_utils::get_opt(array('f' => 'force:bool', 'd' => 'delete:bool', 'g' => 'get:bool', 'e' => 'extract:bool'))
+ array('force' => false, 'delete' => false, 'get' => false, 'extract' => false);
$WHAT = $args[0];
$useCache = !$args['force'] && !$args['get'];
if (!$args['get'] && !$args['extract'] && !$args['delete']) {
$args['get'] = $args['extract'] = 1;
foreach ($SOURCES['dependencies'] as $package) {
if (!isset($package['name'])) {
@ -313,16 +332,27 @@ foreach ($SOURCES['dependencies'] as $package) {
echo "Installing $package[name]...\n";
$srcfile = fetch_from_source($package, !$args['force'], $filetype);
if ($filetype === 'zip') {
extract_zipfile($package, $srcfile);
if ($args['get']) {
$srcfile = fetch_from_source($package, $useCache, $filetype);
else {
compose_destfile($package, $srcfile);
$srcfile = extract_filetype($package, $filetype);
echo "Done.\n\n";
if (!empty($package['sha1']) && ($sum = sha1_file($srcfile)) !== $package['sha1']) {
die("ERROR: Incorrect sha1 sum of $srcfile. Expected: {$package['sha1']}, got: $sum\n");
if ($args['extract']) {
echo "Installing {$package['name']}...\n";
if ($filetype === 'zip') {
extract_zipfile($package, $srcfile);
else {
compose_destfile($package, $srcfile);
echo "Done.\n";
