- Fix handling of debug_level=4 in ajax requests (#1487831)

alecpl 13 years ago
parent fc072bfdb3
commit 23b49558cd

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
CHANGELOG Roundcube Webmail
- Fix handling of debug_level=4 in ajax requests (#1487831)
- Support 'abort' and 'result' response in 'preferences_save' hook, add error handling
- Fix bug where some content would cause hang on html2text conversion (#1487863)
- Improve space-stuffing handling in format=flowed messages (#1487861)

@ -1141,192 +1141,13 @@ function format_date($date, $format=NULL)
* @return string Formatted string
function format_email_recipient($email, $name='')
if ($name && $name != $email)
if ($name && $name != $email) {
// Special chars as defined by RFC 822 need to in quoted string (or escaped).
return sprintf('%s <%s>', preg_match('/[\(\)\<\>\\\.\[\]@,;:"]/', $name) ? '"'.addcslashes($name, '"').'"' : $name, trim($email));
return trim($email);
/****** debugging functions ********/
* Print or write debug messages
* @param mixed Debug message or data
* @return void
function console()
$args = func_get_args();
if (class_exists('rcmail', false)) {
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
if (is_object($rcmail->plugins))
$rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('console', $args);
$msg = array();
foreach ($args as $arg)
$msg[] = !is_string($arg) ? var_export($arg, true) : $arg;
if (!($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['debug_level'] & 4))
write_log('console', join(";\n", $msg));
else if ($GLOBALS['OUTPUT']->ajax_call)
print "/*\n " . join(";\n", $msg) . " \n*/\n";
print '<div style="background:#eee; border:1px solid #ccc; margin-bottom:3px; padding:6px"><pre>';
print join(";<br/>\n", $msg);
print "</pre></div>\n";
* Append a line to a logfile in the logs directory.
* Date will be added automatically to the line.
* @param $name name of log file
* @param line Line to append
* @return void
function write_log($name, $line)
global $CONFIG, $RCMAIL;
if (!is_string($line))
$line = var_export($line, true);
if (empty($CONFIG['log_date_format']))
$CONFIG['log_date_format'] = 'd-M-Y H:i:s O';
$date = date($CONFIG['log_date_format']);
// trigger logging hook
if (is_object($RCMAIL) && is_object($RCMAIL->plugins)) {
$log = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('write_log', array('name' => $name, 'date' => $date, 'line' => $line));
$name = $log['name'];
$line = $log['line'];
$date = $log['date'];
if ($log['abort'])
return true;
if ($CONFIG['log_driver'] == 'syslog') {
$prio = $name == 'errors' ? LOG_ERR : LOG_INFO;
syslog($prio, $line);
return true;
else {
$line = sprintf("[%s]: %s\n", $date, $line);
// log_driver == 'file' is assumed here
if (empty($CONFIG['log_dir']))
$CONFIG['log_dir'] = INSTALL_PATH.'logs';
// try to open specific log file for writing
$logfile = $CONFIG['log_dir'].'/'.$name;
if ($fp = @fopen($logfile, 'a')) {
fwrite($fp, $line);
return true;
trigger_error("Error writing to log file $logfile; Please check permissions", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
* Write login data (name, ID, IP address) to the 'userlogins' log file.
* @return void
function rcmail_log_login()
global $RCMAIL;
if (!$RCMAIL->config->get('log_logins') || !$RCMAIL->user)
write_log('userlogins', sprintf('Successful login for %s (ID: %d) from %s',
$RCMAIL->user->get_username(), $RCMAIL->user->ID, rcmail_remote_ip()));
* Returns remote IP address and forwarded addresses if found
* @return string Remote IP address(es)
function rcmail_remote_ip()
$address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// append the NGINX X-Real-IP header, if set
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) {
$remote_ip[] = 'X-Real-IP: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
// append the X-Forwarded-For header, if set
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$remote_ip[] = 'X-Forwarded-For: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
if (!empty($remote_ip))
$address .= '(' . implode(',', $remote_ip) . ')';
return $address;
* Check whether the HTTP referer matches the current request
* @return boolean True if referer is the same host+path, false if not
function rcube_check_referer()
$uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$referer = parse_url(rc_request_header('Referer'));
return $referer['host'] == rc_request_header('Host') && $referer['path'] == $uri['path'];
* @access private
* @return mixed
function rcube_timer()
return microtime(true);
* @access private
* @return void
function rcube_print_time($timer, $label='Timer', $dest='console')
static $print_count = 0;
$now = rcube_timer();
$diff = $now-$timer;
if (empty($label))
$label = 'Timer '.$print_count;
write_log($dest, sprintf("%s: %0.4f sec", $label, $diff));
return trim($email);
@ -1844,7 +1665,6 @@ function rcube_sess_unset($var_name=null)
* Replaces hostname variables
@ -1995,6 +1815,178 @@ class rcube_base_replacer
/****** debugging and logging functions ********/
* Print or write debug messages
* @param mixed Debug message or data
* @return void
function console()
$args = func_get_args();
if (class_exists('rcmail', false)) {
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
if (is_object($rcmail->plugins)) {
$plugin = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('console', array('args' => $args));
if ($plugin['abort'])
$args = $plugin['args'];
$msg = array();
foreach ($args as $arg)
$msg[] = !is_string($arg) ? var_export($arg, true) : $arg;
write_log('console', join(";\n", $msg));
* Append a line to a logfile in the logs directory.
* Date will be added automatically to the line.
* @param $name name of log file
* @param line Line to append
* @return void
function write_log($name, $line)
global $CONFIG, $RCMAIL;
if (!is_string($line))
$line = var_export($line, true);
if (empty($CONFIG['log_date_format']))
$CONFIG['log_date_format'] = 'd-M-Y H:i:s O';
$date = date($CONFIG['log_date_format']);
// trigger logging hook
if (is_object($RCMAIL) && is_object($RCMAIL->plugins)) {
$log = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('write_log', array('name' => $name, 'date' => $date, 'line' => $line));
$name = $log['name'];
$line = $log['line'];
$date = $log['date'];
if ($log['abort'])
return true;
if ($CONFIG['log_driver'] == 'syslog') {
$prio = $name == 'errors' ? LOG_ERR : LOG_INFO;
syslog($prio, $line);
return true;
else {
$line = sprintf("[%s]: %s\n", $date, $line);
// log_driver == 'file' is assumed here
if (empty($CONFIG['log_dir']))
$CONFIG['log_dir'] = INSTALL_PATH.'logs';
// try to open specific log file for writing
$logfile = $CONFIG['log_dir'].'/'.$name;
if ($fp = @fopen($logfile, 'a')) {
fwrite($fp, $line);
return true;
trigger_error("Error writing to log file $logfile; Please check permissions", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
* Write login data (name, ID, IP address) to the 'userlogins' log file.
* @return void
function rcmail_log_login()
global $RCMAIL;
if (!$RCMAIL->config->get('log_logins') || !$RCMAIL->user)
write_log('userlogins', sprintf('Successful login for %s (ID: %d) from %s',
$RCMAIL->user->get_username(), $RCMAIL->user->ID, rcmail_remote_ip()));
* Returns remote IP address and forwarded addresses if found
* @return string Remote IP address(es)
function rcmail_remote_ip()
$address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// append the NGINX X-Real-IP header, if set
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) {
$remote_ip[] = 'X-Real-IP: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
// append the X-Forwarded-For header, if set
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$remote_ip[] = 'X-Forwarded-For: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
if (!empty($remote_ip))
$address .= '(' . implode(',', $remote_ip) . ')';
return $address;
* Check whether the HTTP referer matches the current request
* @return boolean True if referer is the same host+path, false if not
function rcube_check_referer()
$uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$referer = parse_url(rc_request_header('Referer'));
return $referer['host'] == rc_request_header('Host') && $referer['path'] == $uri['path'];
* @access private
* @return mixed
function rcube_timer()
return microtime(true);
* @access private
* @return void
function rcube_print_time($timer, $label='Timer', $dest='console')
static $print_count = 0;
$now = rcube_timer();
$diff = $now-$timer;
if (empty($label))
$label = 'Timer '.$print_count;
write_log($dest, sprintf("%s: %0.4f sec", $label, $diff));
* Throw system error and show error page
@ -2015,7 +2007,7 @@ function raise_error($arg=array(), $log=false, $terminate=false)
// report bug (if not incompatible browser)
if ($log && $arg['type'] && $arg['message'])
// display error page and terminate script
if ($terminate) {
@ -2035,13 +2027,20 @@ function raise_error($arg=array(), $log=false, $terminate=false)
* @return void
* @see raise_error()
function log_bug($arg_arr)
function rcube_log_bug($arg_arr)
global $CONFIG;
$program = strtoupper($arg_arr['type']);
$level = $CONFIG['debug_level'];
// disable errors for ajax requests, write to log instead (#1487831)
if (($level & 4) && !empty($_REQUEST['_remote'])) {
$level = ($level ^ 4) | 1;
// write error to local log file
if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 1) {
if ($level & 1) {
$post_query = ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ? '?_task='.urlencode($_POST['_task']).'&_action='.urlencode($_POST['_action']) : '');
$log_entry = sprintf("%s Error: %s%s (%s %s)",
@ -2056,13 +2055,13 @@ function log_bug($arg_arr)
// resport the bug to the global bug reporting system
if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 2) {
// report the bug to the global bug reporting system
if ($level & 2) {
// TODO: Send error via HTTP
// show error if debug_mode is on
if ($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 4) {
if ($level & 4) {
print "<b>$program Error";
if (!empty($arg_arr['file']) && !empty($arg_arr['line']))

@ -87,12 +87,9 @@ class rcube_config
ini_set('error_log', $this->prop['log_dir'].'/errors');
if ($this->prop['debug_level'] & 4) {
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
else {
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
// enable display_errors in 'show' level, but not for ajax requests
ini_set('display_errors', intval(empty($_REQUEST['_remote']) && ($this->prop['debug_level'] & 4)));
// export config data
$GLOBALS['CONFIG'] = &$this->prop;
