Fix handling of escaped separator in vCard file (#1488896)

Aleksander Machniak 12 years ago
parent 2c777be5dd
commit 21106b3d1c

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
CHANGELOG Roundcube Webmail
- Fix handling of escaped separator in vCard file (#1488896)
- Fix #countcontrols issue in IE<=8 when text is very long (#1488890)
- Add option to use envelope From address for MDN responses (#1488880)
- Add possibility to search in message body only (#1488770)

@ -770,15 +770,21 @@ class rcube_vcard
private static function vcard_unquote($s, $sep = ';')
// break string into parts separated by $sep, but leave escaped $sep alone
if (count($parts = explode($sep, strtr($s, array("\\$sep" => "\007")))) > 1) {
foreach($parts as $s) {
$result[] = self::vcard_unquote(strtr($s, array("\007" => "\\$sep")), $sep);
// break string into parts separated by $sep
if (!empty($sep)) {
// Handle properly backslash escaping (#1488896)
$rep1 = array("\\\\" => "\010", "\\$sep" => "\007");
$rep2 = array("\007" => "\\$sep", "\010" => "\\\\");
if (count($parts = explode($sep, strtr($s, $rep1))) > 1) {
foreach ($parts as $s) {
$result[] = self::vcard_unquote(strtr($s, $rep2));
return $result;
return $result;
return strtr($s, array("\r" => '', '\\\\' => '\\', '\n' => "\n", '\N' => "\n", '\,' => ',', '\;' => ';', '\:' => ':'));
return strtr($s, array("\r" => '', '\\\\' => '\\', '\n' => "\n", '\N' => "\n", '\,' => ',', '\;' => ';'));

@ -55,12 +55,14 @@ class Framework_VCard extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
function test_parse_four()
$vcard = "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:last\\;;first\\\\;middle;;\nFN:test\nEND:VCARD";
$vcard = "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:last\\;;first\\\\;middle\\\\\\;\\\\;prefix;\nFN:test\nEND:VCARD";
$vcard = new rcube_vcard($vcard, null);
$vcard = $vcard->get_assoc();
$this->assertEquals("last;", $vcard->surname, "Decode backslash character");
$this->assertEquals("first\\", $vcard->firstname, "Decode backslash character");
$this->assertEquals("middle", $vcard->middlename, "Decode backslash character");
$this->assertEquals("last;", $vcard['surname'], "Decode backslash character");
$this->assertEquals("first\\", $vcard['firstname'], "Decode backslash character");
$this->assertEquals("middle\\;\\", $vcard['middlename'], "Decode backslash character");
$this->assertEquals("prefix", $vcard['prefix'], "Decode backslash character");
function test_import()
