Fix bug where valid content between HTML comments could have been skipped in some cases (#6464)

Aleksander Machniak 6 years ago
parent c1e8bd75c2
commit 0a0ac045fe

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ CHANGELOG Roundcube Webmail
- Managesieve: Fix bug where show_real_foldernames setting wasn't respected (#6422)
- New_user_identity: Fix %fu/%u vars substitution in user specific LDAP params (#6419)
- Fix support for "allow-from <uri>" in "x_frame_options" config option (#6449)
- Fix bug where valid content between HTML comments could have been skipped in some cases (#6464)
RELEASE 1.4-beta

@ -643,6 +643,9 @@ class rcube_washtml
$html = str_replace($badwordchars, $fixedwordchars, $html);
// FIXME: HTML comments handling could be better. The code below can break comments (#6464),
// we should probably do not modify content inside comments at all.
// fix (unknown/malformed) HTML tags before "wash"
$html = preg_replace_callback('/(<(?!\!)[\/]*)([^\s>]+)([^>]*)/', array($this, 'html_tag_callback'), $html);
@ -665,9 +668,15 @@ class rcube_washtml
public static function html_tag_callback($matches)
// It might be an ending of a comment, ignore (#6464)
if (substr($matches[3], -2) == '--') {
$matches[0] = '';
return implode('', $matches);
$tagname = $matches[2];
$tagname = preg_replace(array(
'/:.*$/', // Microsoft's Smart Tags <st1:xxxx>
'/:.*$/', // Microsoft's Smart Tags <st1:xxxx>
'/[^a-z0-9_\[\]\!?-]/i', // forbidden characters
), '', $tagname);

@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ class Framework_Washtml extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$washed = $this->cleanupResult($washer->wash($html));
$this->assertEquals('<p>para1</p><p>para2</p>', $washed, "HTML comments - bracket inside");
$html = "<p><!-- span>1</span -->\n<span>2</span>\n<!-- >3</span --><span>4</span></p>";
$washed = $this->cleanupResult($washer->wash($html));
$this->assertEquals("<p>\n<span>2</span>\n<span>4</span></p>", $washed, "HTML comments (#6464)");
