Enigma: Larry support, finished PGP decryption, other fixes and improvements

Aleksander Machniak 10 years ago
parent 9af8e22b8e
commit 0878c846bc

WARNING: Don't use with gnupg-2.x!
Enigma Plugin Status:
Plugin Status:
+ PGP: signed messages verification
+ PGP: messages decryption
+ PGP: keys management UI (keys import and delete)
+ Handling of PGP keys attached to incoming messages
- PGP signed messages verification
- Handling of PGP keys files attached to incoming messages
- PGP encrypted messages decryption (started)
- PGP keys management UI (started)
- S/MIME signatures verification (started)
TODO (must have):
* TODO (must have):
- Parsing of decrypted messages into array (see rcube_mime_struct) and then into rcube_message_part structure
(create core class rcube_mime_parser or take over PEAR::Mail_mimeDecode package and improve it)
- Sending encrypted/signed messages (probably some changes in core will be needed)
- Fix issues with enabled messages_cache
- PGP: Sending of encrypted/signed messages
- Per-Identity settings (including keys/certs)
- Handling big messages with temp files (including changes in Roundcube core)
- Performance improvements (some caching, code review)
- better (and more) icons
* TODO (later):
- Keys generation
- Certs generation
- Keys/Certs info in Contacts details page (+ split Contact details page into tabs)
- Key server support
- S/MIME signed messages verification
- S/MIME encrypted messages decryption
- Handling of S/MIME certs files attached to incoming messages
- SSL (S/MIME) Certs management
- Test/Make working with gnupg-2.x
- Keys export to file
- Disable Reply/Forward options when viewing encrypted messages
until they are decrypted successfully
- Handling of replying/forwarding of encrypted messages
- Add composer.json file
- Performance improvements:
- cache decrypted message key id in cache so we can skip
decryption if we have no password in session
- cache sig verification status to not verify on every msg preview (optional)
TODO (later):
- Handling of big messages with temp files
- Server-side keys generation (warning: no-entropy issue, max_execution_time issue)
- Client-side keys generation (with OpenPGP.js?)
- Key info in contact details page (optional)
- Extended key management:
- disable,
- revoke,
- change expiration date, change passphrase, add photo,
- manage user IDs
- Generate revocation certs
- Search filter to see invalid/expired keys
- Key server(s) support (search, import, upload, refresh)
- Attaching public keys to email
- Mark keys as trusted/untrasted, display appropriate message in verify/decrypt status
- User-preferences to disable signature verification, decrypting, encrypting or all enigma features
- Change attachment icon on messages list for encrypted messages (like vcard_attachment plugin does)
- S/MIME: Certs generation
- S/MIME: Certs management
- S/MIME: signed messages verification
- S/MIME: encrypted messages decryption
- S/MIME: Sending signed/encrypted messages
- S/MIME: Handling of certs attached to incoming messages
- S/MIME: Certificate info in Contacts details page (optional)

@ -1,42 +1,51 @@
/* Enigma Plugin */
if (window.rcmail)
rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(evt)
if (rcmail.env.task == 'settings') {
rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma', function() { rcmail.goto_url('plugin.enigma') }, true);
rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-key-import', function() { rcmail.enigma_key_import() }, true);
rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-key-export', function() { rcmail.enigma_key_export() }, true);
if (rcmail.gui_objects.keyslist)
var p = rcmail;
rcmail.keys_list = new rcube_list_widget(rcmail.gui_objects.keyslist,
{multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:false});
rcmail.keys_list.addEventListener('select', function(o){ p.enigma_key_select(o); });
rcmail.register_command('firstpage', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_list_page('first'); });
rcmail.register_command('previouspage', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_list_page('previous'); });
rcmail.register_command('nextpage', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_list_page('next'); });
rcmail.register_command('lastpage', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_list_page('last'); });
window.rcmail && rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(evt) {
if (rcmail.env.task == 'settings') {
rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma', function() { rcmail.goto_url('plugin.enigma') }, true);
rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-key-import', function() { rcmail.enigma_key_import() }, true);
// rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-key-export', function() { rcmail.enigma_key_export() }, true);
rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-key-delete', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_key_delete(); });
if (rcmail.gui_objects.keyslist) {
rcmail.keys_list = new rcube_list_widget(rcmail.gui_objects.keyslist,
{multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:false});
.addEventListener('select', function(o) { rcmail.enigma_keylist_select(o); })
.addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { rcmail.enigma_keylist_keypress(o); })
rcmail.register_command('firstpage', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_list_page('first'); });
rcmail.register_command('previouspage', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_list_page('previous'); });
rcmail.register_command('nextpage', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_list_page('next'); });
rcmail.register_command('lastpage', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_list_page('last'); });
if (rcmail.env.action == 'edit-prefs') {
rcmail.register_command('search', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_search(props); }, true);
rcmail.register_command('reset-search', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_search_reset(props); }, true);
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'plugin.enigma') {
rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-import', function() { rcmail.enigma_import() }, true);
rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-export', function() { rcmail.enigma_export() }, true);
if (rcmail.env.action == 'plugin.enigmakeys') {
rcmail.register_command('search', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_search(props); }, true);
rcmail.register_command('reset-search', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_search_reset(props); }, true);
rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-import', function() { rcmail.enigma_import(); }, true);
// rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-export', function() { rcmail.enigma_export(); }, true);
else if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') {
if (rcmail.env.action == 'compose') {
$('input,label', $('#enigmamenu')).mouseup(function(e) {
// don't close the menu on mouse click inside
else if (rcmail.env.action == 'show' || rcmail.env.action == 'preview') {
if (rcmail.env.enigma_password_request) {
/********* Enigma Settings/Keys/Certs UI *********/
@ -45,47 +54,82 @@ if (window.rcmail)
// Display key(s) import form
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_key_import = function()
this.enigma_loadframe(null, '&_a=keyimport');
// Delete key(s)
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_key_delete = function()
var keys = this.keys_list.get_selection();
if (!keys.length || !confirm(this.get_label('enigma.keyremoveconfirm')))
var lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('enigma.keyremoving'), 'loading'),
post = {_a: 'delete', _keys: keys};
// send request to server
this.http_post('plugin.enigmakeys', post, lock);
// Submit key(s) form
// Submit key(s) import form
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_import = function()
var form, file;
if (form = this.gui_objects.importform) {
file = document.getElementById('rcmimportfile');
if (file && !file.value) {
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'importwait');
form.action = this.add_url(form.action, '_unlock', lock);
this.set_busy(true, 'importwait');
this.lock_form(form, true);
// list row selection handler
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_key_select = function(list)
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_keylist_select = function(list)
var id;
if (id = list.get_single_selection())
this.enigma_loadframe('&_action=plugin.enigmakeys&_a=info&_id=' + id);
this.enable_command('plugin.enigma-key-delete', list.selection.length > 0);
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_keylist_keypress = function(list)
if (list.modkey == CONTROL_KEY)
if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY || list.key_pressed == list.BACKSPACE_KEY)
else if (list.key_pressed == 33)
else if (list.key_pressed == 34)
// load key frame
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_loadframe = function(id, url)
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_loadframe = function(url)
var frm, win;
if (this.env.contentframe && window.frames && (frm = window.frames[this.env.contentframe])) {
if (!id && !url && (win = window.frames[this.env.contentframe])) {
if (win.location && win.location.href.indexOf(this.env.blankpage)<0)
if (!url && (win = window.frames[this.env.contentframe])) {
if (win.location && win.location.href.indexOf(this.env.blankpage) < 0)
win.location.href = this.env.blankpage;
if (!url)
url = '&_a=keyinfo&_id='+id;
frm.location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=plugin.enigma&_framed=1' + url;
frm.location.href = this.env.comm_path + '&_framed=1' + url;
@ -96,14 +140,14 @@ rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_search = function(props)
props = this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value;
if (props || this.env.search_request) {
var params = {'_a': 'keysearch', '_q': urlencode(props)},
var params = {'_a': 'search', '_q': urlencode(props)},
lock = this.set_busy(true, 'searching');
// if (this.gui_objects.search_filter)
// addurl += '&_filter=' + this.gui_objects.search_filter.value;
this.env.current_page = 1;
this.env.current_page = 1;
this.http_post('plugin.enigma', params, lock);
this.http_post('plugin.enigmakeys', params, lock);
return false;
@ -129,7 +173,7 @@ rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_search_reset = function(props)
// Keys/certs listing
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_list = function(page)
var params = {'_a': 'keylist'},
var params = {'_a': 'list'},
lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
this.env.current_page = page ? page : 1;
@ -140,7 +184,7 @@ rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_list = function(page)
params._p = page;
this.http_post('plugin.enigma', params, lock);
this.http_post('plugin.enigmakeys', params, lock);
// Change list page
@ -197,10 +241,82 @@ rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_add_list_row = function(r)
// Import attached keys/certs file
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_import_attachment = function(mime_id)
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
this.http_post('plugin.enigmaimport', '_uid='+this.env.uid+'&_mbox='
+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+'&_part='+urlencode(mime_id), lock);
var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading'),
post = {_uid: this.env.uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox, _part: mime_id};
this.http_post('plugin.enigmaimport', post, lock);
return false;
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_password_request = function(data)
if (!data || !data.keyid) {
var ref = this,
msg = this.get_label('enigma.enterkeypass'),
myprompt = $('<div class="prompt">'),
myprompt_content = $('<div class="message">')
myprompt_input = $('<input>').attr({type: 'password', size: 30})
.keypress(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13)
(ref.is_framed() ? window.parent.$ : $)('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button.mainaction:visible').click();
data.key = data.keyid;
data.keyid = data.keyid.substr(0, 8);
$.each(['keyid', 'user'], function() {
msg = msg.replace('$' + this, data[this]);
this.show_popup_dialog(myprompt, this.get_label('enigma.enterkeypasstitle'),
text: this.get_label('save'),
'class': 'mainaction',
click: function(e) {
var jq = ref.is_framed() ? window.parent.$ : $,
pass = myprompt_input.val();
if (!pass) {
ref.enigma_password_submit(data.key, pass);
text: this.get_label('cancel'),
click: function(e) {
var jq = ref.is_framed() ? window.parent.$ : $;
}], {width: 400});
if (this.is_framed() && parent.rcmail.message_list) {
// this fixes bug when pressing Enter on "Save" button in the dialog
rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_password_submit = function(keyid, password)
var form = $('<form>').attr({method: 'post', action: location.href, style: 'display:none'})
.append($('<input>').attr({type: 'hidden', name: '_keyid', value: keyid}))
.append($('<input>').attr({type: 'hidden', name: '_passwd', value: password}))
.append($('<input>').attr({type: 'hidden', name: '_token', value: this.env.request_token}))

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
| Enigma Plugin for Roundcube |
| Version 0.1 |
| |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 |
@ -33,10 +32,7 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
public $rc;
public $engine;
private $env_loaded;
private $message;
private $keys_parts = array();
private $keys_bodies = array();
private $env_loaded = false;
@ -44,48 +40,52 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
function init()
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$this->rc = $rcmail;
$section = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_section', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET);
$this->rc = rcube::get_instance();
if ($this->rc->task == 'mail') {
$section = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_section', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET);
// message parse/display hooks
$this->add_hook('message_part_structure', array($this, 'parse_structure'));
$this->add_hook('message_part_structure', array($this, 'part_structure'));
$this->add_hook('message_part_body', array($this, 'part_body'));
$this->add_hook('message_body_prefix', array($this, 'status_message'));
$this->register_action('plugin.enigmaimport', array($this, 'import_file'));
// message displaying
if ($rcmail->action == 'show' || $rcmail->action == 'preview') {
if ($this->rc->action == 'show' || $this->rc->action == 'preview') {
$this->add_hook('message_load', array($this, 'message_load'));
$this->add_hook('template_object_messagebody', array($this, 'message_output'));
$this->register_action('plugin.enigmaimport', array($this, 'import_file'));
// message composing
else if ($rcmail->action == 'compose') {
else if ($this->rc->action == 'compose') {
// message sending (and draft storing)
else if ($rcmail->action == 'sendmail') {
else if ($this->rc->action == 'sendmail') {
//$this->add_hook('outgoing_message_body', array($this, 'msg_encode'));
//$this->add_hook('outgoing_message_body', array($this, 'msg_sign'));
else if ($this->rc->task == 'settings') {
// add hooks for Enigma settings
$this->add_hook('preferences_sections_list', array($this, 'preferences_section'));
$this->add_hook('preferences_list', array($this, 'preferences_list'));
$this->add_hook('preferences_save', array($this, 'preferences_save'));
$this->add_hook('settings_actions', array($this, 'settings_actions'));
// $this->add_hook('preferences_list', array($this, 'preferences_list'));
// $this->add_hook('preferences_save', array($this, 'preferences_save'));
// register handler for keys/certs management
$this->register_action('plugin.enigma', array($this, 'preferences_ui'));
// $this->register_action('plugin.enigma', array($this, 'preferences_ui'));
$this->register_action('plugin.enigmakeys', array($this, 'preferences_ui'));
$this->register_action('plugin.enigmacerts', array($this, 'preferences_ui'));
// grab keys/certs management iframe requests
if ($this->rc->action == 'edit-prefs' && preg_match('/^enigma(certs|keys)/', $section)) {
$this->add_hook('refresh', array($this, 'refresh'));
@ -93,8 +93,9 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
function load_env()
if ($this->env_loaded)
if ($this->env_loaded) {
$this->env_loaded = true;
@ -113,16 +114,20 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
* Plugin UI initialization.
function load_ui()
function load_ui($all = false)
if ($this->ui)
if (!$this->ui) {
// load config/localization
// load config/localization
// Load UI
$this->ui = new enigma_ui($this, $this->home);
// Load UI
$this->ui = new enigma_ui($this, $this->home);
if ($all) {
@ -130,13 +135,14 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
function load_engine()
if ($this->engine)
if ($this->engine) {
return $this->engine;
// load config/localization
$this->engine = new enigma_engine($this);
return $this->engine = new enigma_engine($this);
@ -147,51 +153,59 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
* @return array Modified parameters
function parse_structure($p)
function part_structure($p)
// $struct = $p['structure'];
if ($p['mimetype'] == 'text/plain' || $p['mimetype'] == 'application/pgp') {
else if ($p['mimetype'] == 'multipart/signed') {
else if ($p['mimetype'] == 'multipart/encrypted') {
else if ($p['mimetype'] == 'application/pkcs7-mime') {
return $this->engine->part_structure($p);
return $p;
* Handler for message_part_body hook.
* Called to get body of a message part.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function part_body($p)
return $this->engine->part_body($p);
* Handler for preferences_sections_list hook.
* Adds Enigma settings sections into preferences sections list.
* Handler for settings_actions hook.
* Adds Enigma settings section into preferences.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function preferences_section($p)
function settings_actions($args)
// add labels
// register as settings action
$args['actions'][] = array(
'action' => 'plugin.enigmakeys',
'class' => 'enigma keys',
'label' => 'enigmakeys',
'title' => 'enigmakeys',
'domain' => 'enigma',
$p['list']['enigmasettings'] = array(
'id' => 'enigmasettings', 'section' => $this->gettext('enigmasettings'),
$args['actions'][] = array(
'action' => 'plugin.enigmacerts',
'class' => 'enigma certs',
'label' => 'enigmacerts',
'title' => 'enigmacerts',
'domain' => 'enigma',
$p['list']['enigmacerts'] = array(
'id' => 'enigmacerts', 'section' => $this->gettext('enigmacerts'),
$p['list']['enigmakeys'] = array(
'id' => 'enigmakeys', 'section' => $this->gettext('enigmakeys'),
return $p;
return $args;
@ -209,16 +223,7 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
// This makes that section is not removed from the list
$p['blocks']['dummy']['options']['dummy'] = array();
else */
if ($p['section'] == 'enigmacerts') {
// This makes that section is not removed from the list
$p['blocks']['dummy']['options']['dummy'] = array();
else if ($p['section'] == 'enigmakeys') {
// This makes that section is not removed from the list
$p['blocks']['dummy']['options']['dummy'] = array();
return $p;
@ -232,12 +237,13 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
function preferences_save($p)
if ($p['section'] == 'enigmasettings') {
$a['prefs'] = array(
// 'dummy' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_dummy', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
'dummy' => rcube_utils::get_input_value('_dummy', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST),
return $p;
@ -247,6 +253,7 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
function preferences_ui()
@ -262,163 +269,20 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
function status_message($p)
$part_id = $p['part']->mime_id;
// skip: not a message part
if ($p['part'] instanceof rcube_message)
return $p;
// skip: message has no signed/encoded content
if (!$this->engine)
return $p;
// Decryption status
if (isset($this->engine->decryptions[$part_id])) {
// get decryption status
$status = $this->engine->decryptions[$part_id];
// Load UI and add css script
// display status info
$attrib['id'] = 'enigma-message';
if ($status instanceof enigma_error) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmaerror';
$code = $status->getCode();
if ($code == enigma_error::E_KEYNOTFOUND)
$msg = rcube::Q(str_replace('$keyid', enigma_key::format_id($status->getData('id')),
else if ($code == enigma_error::E_BADPASS)
$msg = rcube::Q($this->gettext('decryptbadpass'));
$msg = rcube::Q($this->gettext('decrypterror'));
else {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmanotice';
$msg = rcube::Q($this->gettext('decryptok'));
$p['prefix'] .= html::div($attrib, $msg);
// Signature verification status
if (isset($this->engine->signed_parts[$part_id])
&& ($sig = $this->engine->signatures[$this->engine->signed_parts[$part_id]])
) {
// add css script
// display status info
$attrib['id'] = 'enigma-message';
if ($sig instanceof enigma_signature) {
$sender = ($sig->name ? $sig->name . ' ' : '') . '<' . $sig->email . '>';
if ($sig->valid === enigma_error::E_UNVERIFIED) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmawarning';
$msg = str_replace('$sender', $sender, $this->gettext('sigunverified'));
$msg = str_replace('$keyid', $sig->id, $msg);
$msg = rcube::Q($msg);
else if ($sig->valid) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmanotice';
$msg = rcube::Q(str_replace('$sender', $sender, $this->gettext('sigvalid')));
else {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmawarning';
$msg = rcube::Q(str_replace('$sender', $sender, $this->gettext('siginvalid')));
else if ($sig && $sig->getCode() == enigma_error::E_KEYNOTFOUND) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmawarning';
$msg = rcube::Q(str_replace('$keyid', enigma_key::format_id($sig->getData('id')),
else {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmaerror';
$msg = rcube::Q($this->gettext('sigerror'));
$msg .= '&nbsp;' . html::a(array('href' => "#sigdetails",
'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('enigma-sig-details')"),
// test
// $msg .= '<br /><pre>'.$sig->body.'</pre>';
$p['prefix'] .= html::div($attrib, $msg);
// Display each signature message only once
return $p;
* Handler for plain/text message.
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters (see enigma::parse_structure())
private function parse_plain(&$p)
* Handler for multipart/signed message.
* Verifies signature.
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters (see enigma::parse_structure())
private function parse_signed(&$p)
return $this->ui->status_message($p);
* Handler for multipart/encrypted and application/pkcs7-mime message.
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters (see enigma::parse_structure())
private function parse_encrypted(&$p)
* Handler for message_load hook.
* Check message bodies and attachments for keys/certs.
function message_load($p)
$this->message = $p['object'];
// handle attachments vcard attachments
foreach ((array)$this->message->attachments as $attachment) {
if ($this->is_keys_part($attachment)) {
$this->keys_parts[] = $attachment->mime_id;
// the same with message bodies
foreach ((array)$this->message->parts as $part) {
if ($this->is_keys_part($part)) {
$this->keys_parts[] = $part->mime_id;
$this->keys_bodies[] = $part->mime_id;
// @TODO: inline PGP keys
if ($this->keys_parts) {
return $this->ui->message_load($p);
@ -428,34 +292,9 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
function message_output($p)
$attach_script = false;
foreach ($this->keys_parts as $part) {
// remove part's body
if (in_array($part, $this->keys_bodies))
$p['content'] = '';
$style = "margin:0 1em; padding:0.2em 0.5em; border:1px solid #999; width: auto"
." border-radius:4px; -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px";
// add box below message body
$p['content'] .= html::p(array('style' => $style),
'href' => "#",
'onclick' => "return ".rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME.".enigma_import_attachment('".rcube::JQ($part)."')",
'title' => $this->gettext('keyattimport')),
html::img(array('src' => $this->url('skins/classic/key_add.png'), 'style' => "vertical-align:middle")))
. ' ' . html::span(null, $this->gettext('keyattfound')));
$attach_script = true;
if ($attach_script) {
return $p;
return $this->ui->message_output($p);
@ -464,22 +303,28 @@ class enigma extends rcube_plugin
function import_file()
* Checks if specified message part is a PGP-key or S/MIME cert data
* @param rcube_message_part Part object
* @return boolean True if part is a key/cert
* Handle password submissions
private function is_keys_part($part)
function password_handler()
return (
// Content-Type: application/pgp-keys
$part->mimetype == 'application/pgp-keys'
* Handler for refresh hook.
function refresh($p)
// calling enigma_engine constructor to remove passwords
// stored in session after expiration time
return $p;

@ -44,8 +44,11 @@ abstract class enigma_driver
* Decryption..
* @param string Encrypted message
* @param array List of key-password mapping
abstract function decrypt($text, $key, $passwd);
abstract function decrypt($text, $keys = array());
* Signing.
@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ abstract class enigma_driver
* @return mixed Array of enigma_key objects or enigma_error
abstract function list_keys($pattern='');
* Single key information.
@ -98,9 +101,9 @@ abstract class enigma_driver
* @return mixed Key (enigma_key) object or enigma_error
abstract function gen_key($data);
* Key deletion.
abstract function del_key($keyid);
abstract function delete_key($keyid);

@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ class enigma_driver_gnupg extends enigma_driver
function __construct($user)
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$this->rc = $rcmail;
$this->rc = rcmail::get_instance();
$this->user = $user;
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ class enigma_driver_gnupg extends enigma_driver
function init()
$homedir = $this->rc->config->get('enigma_pgp_homedir', INSTALL_PATH . '/plugins/enigma/home');
$homedir = $this->rc->config->get('enigma_pgp_homedir', INSTALL_PATH . 'plugins/enigma/home');
if (!$homedir)
return new enigma_error(enigma_error::E_INTERNAL,
@ -78,7 +77,8 @@ class enigma_driver_gnupg extends enigma_driver
try {
$this->gpg = new Crypt_GPG(array(
'homedir' => $this->homedir,
// 'debug' => true,
// 'binary' => '/usr/bin/gpg2',
// 'debug' => true,
catch (Exception $e) {
@ -97,9 +97,18 @@ class enigma_driver_gnupg extends enigma_driver
function decrypt($text, $key, $passwd)
* Register private keys and passwords
* @param string Encrypted message
* @param array List of key-password mapping
function decrypt($text, $keys = array())
// $this->gpg->addDecryptKey($key, $passwd);
foreach ($keys as $key => $password) {
$this->gpg->addDecryptKey($key, $password);
try {
$dec = $this->gpg->decrypt($text);
return $dec;
@ -147,12 +156,12 @@ class enigma_driver_gnupg extends enigma_driver
try {
$keys = $this->gpg->getKeys($pattern);
$result = array();
foreach ($keys as $idx => $key) {
$result[] = $this->parse_key($key);
return $result;
catch (Exception $e) {
@ -175,12 +184,20 @@ class enigma_driver_gnupg extends enigma_driver
public function del_key($keyid)
public function delete_key($keyid)
// $this->get_key($keyid);
// delete public key
$result = $this->delete_pubkey($keyid);
// if not found, delete private key
if ($result !== true && $result->getCode() == enigma_error::E_KEYNOTFOUND) {
$result = $this->delete_privkey($keyid);
return $result;
public function del_privkey($keyid)
public function delete_privkey($keyid)
try {
@ -191,7 +208,7 @@ class enigma_driver_gnupg extends enigma_driver
public function del_pubkey($keyid)
public function delete_pubkey($keyid)
try {

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
class enigma_driver_phpssl extends enigma_driver
private $rc;
//private $gpg;
private $homedir;
private $user;
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ class enigma_driver_phpssl extends enigma_driver
function decrypt($text, $key, $passwd)
function decrypt($text, $keys = array())
@ -145,15 +144,15 @@ class enigma_driver_phpssl extends enigma_driver
public function del_key($keyid)
public function delete_key($keyid)
public function del_privkey($keyid)
public function delete_privkey($keyid)
public function del_pubkey($keyid)
public function delete_pubkey($keyid)

@ -35,19 +35,23 @@ class enigma_engine
private $pgp_driver;
private $smime_driver;
public $decryptions = array();
public $signatures = array();
public $decryptions = array();
public $signatures = array();
public $signed_parts = array();
const PASSWORD_TIME = 120;
* Plugin initialization.
function __construct($enigma)
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$this->rc = $rcmail;
$this->rc = rcmail::get_instance();
$this->enigma = $enigma;
// this will remove passwords from session after some time
@ -55,10 +59,11 @@ class enigma_engine
function load_pgp_driver()
if ($this->pgp_driver)
if ($this->pgp_driver) {
$driver = 'enigma_driver_' . $this->rc->config->get('enigma_pgp_driver', 'gnupg');
$driver = 'enigma_driver_' . $this->rc->config->get('enigma_pgp_driver', 'gnupg');
$username = $this->rc->user->get_username();
// Load driver
@ -89,10 +94,11 @@ class enigma_engine
function load_smime_driver()
if ($this->smime_driver)
if ($this->smime_driver) {
$driver = 'enigma_driver_' . $this->rc->config->get('enigma_smime_driver', 'phpssl');
$driver = 'enigma_driver_' . $this->rc->config->get('enigma_smime_driver', 'phpssl');
$username = $this->rc->user->get_username();
// Load driver
@ -118,6 +124,58 @@ class enigma_engine
* Handler for message_part_structure hook.
* Called for every part of the message.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function part_structure($p)
if ($p['mimetype'] == 'text/plain' || $p['mimetype'] == 'application/pgp') {
else if ($p['mimetype'] == 'multipart/signed') {
else if ($p['mimetype'] == 'multipart/encrypted') {
else if ($p['mimetype'] == 'application/pkcs7-mime') {
return $p;
* Handler for message_part_body hook.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function part_body($p)
// encrypted attachment, see parse_plain_encrypted()
if ($p['part']->need_decryption && $p['part']->body === null) {
$storage = $this->rc->get_storage();
$body = $storage->get_message_part($p['object']->uid, $p['part']->mime_id, $p['part'], null, null, true, 0, false);
$result = $this->pgp_decrypt($body);
// @TODO: what to do on error?
if ($result === true) {
$p['part']->body = $body;
$p['part']->size = strlen($body);
$p['part']->body_modified = true;
return $p;
* Handler for plain/text message.
@ -127,17 +185,22 @@ class enigma_engine
$part = $p['structure'];
// exit, if we're already inside a decrypted message
if ($part->encrypted) {
// Get message body from IMAP server
$this->set_part_body($part, $p['object']->uid);
$body = $this->get_part_body($p['object'], $part->mime_id);
// @TODO: big message body can be a file resource
// @TODO: big message body could be a file resource
// PGP signed message
if (preg_match('/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----/', $part->body)) {
if (preg_match('/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----/', $body)) {
$this->parse_plain_signed($p, $body);
// PGP encrypted message
else if (preg_match('/^-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----/', $part->body)) {
else if (preg_match('/^-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----/', $body)) {
$this->parse_plain_encrypted($p, $body);
@ -154,13 +217,16 @@ class enigma_engine
if ($struct->parts[1] && $struct->parts[1]->mimetype == 'application/pkcs7-signature') {
// PGP/MIME: RFC3156
// The multipart/signed body MUST consist of exactly two parts.
// The first part contains the signed data in MIME canonical format,
// including a set of appropriate content headers describing the data.
// The second body MUST contain the PGP digital signature. It MUST be
// labeled with a content type of "application/pgp-signature".
else if ($struct->parts[1] && $struct->parts[1]->mimetype == 'application/pgp-signature') {
else if ($struct->ctype_parameters['protocol'] == 'application/pgp-signature'
&& count($struct->parts) == 2
&& $struct->parts[1] && $struct->parts[1]->mimetype == 'application/pgp-signature'
) {
@ -178,14 +244,16 @@ class enigma_engine
if ($struct->mimetype == 'application/pkcs7-mime') {
// The multipart/encrypted MUST consist of exactly two parts. The first
// PGP/MIME: RFC3156
// The multipart/encrypted MUST consist of exactly two parts. The first
// MIME body part must have a content type of "application/pgp-encrypted".
// This body contains the control information.
// The second MIME body part MUST contain the actual encrypted data. It
// must be labeled with a content type of "application/octet-stream".
else if ($struct->parts[0] && $struct->parts[0]->mimetype == 'application/pgp-encrypted' &&
$struct->parts[1] && $struct->parts[1]->mimetype == 'application/octet-stream'
else if ($struct->ctype_parameters['protocol'] == 'application/pgp-encrypted'
&& count($struct->parts) == 2
&& $struct->parts[0] && $struct->parts[0]->mimetype == 'application/pgp-encrypted'
&& $struct->parts[1] && $struct->parts[1]->mimetype == 'application/octet-stream'
) {
@ -195,16 +263,17 @@ class enigma_engine
* Handler for plain signed message.
* Excludes message and signature bodies and verifies signature.
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters
* @param string Message (part) body
private function parse_plain_signed(&$p)
private function parse_plain_signed(&$p, $body)
$part = $p['structure'];
// Verify signature
if ($this->rc->action == 'show' || $this->rc->action == 'preview') {
$sig = $this->pgp_verify($part->body);
$sig = $this->pgp_verify($body);
// @TODO: Handle big bodies using (temp) files
@ -213,10 +282,12 @@ class enigma_engine
$fh = fopen('php://memory', 'br+');
// @TODO: fopen/fwrite errors handling
if ($fh) {
fwrite($fh, $part->body);
fwrite($fh, $body);
$part->body = null;
$body = $part->body = null;
$part->body_modified = true;
// Extract body (and signature?)
while (!feof($fh)) {
@ -248,7 +319,7 @@ class enigma_engine
* Handler for PGP/MIME signed message.
* Verifies signature.
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters
private function parse_pgp_signed(&$p)
@ -261,11 +332,13 @@ class enigma_engine
$sig_part = $struct->parts[1];
// Get bodies
$this->set_part_body($msg_part, $p['object']->uid);
$this->set_part_body($sig_part, $p['object']->uid);
// Note: The first part body need to be full part body with headers
// it also cannot be decoded
$msg_body = $this->get_part_body($p['object'], $msg_part->mime_id, true);
$sig_body = $this->get_part_body($p['object'], $sig_part->mime_id);
// Verify
$sig = $this->pgp_verify($msg_part->body, $sig_part->body);
$sig = $this->pgp_verify($msg_body, $sig_body);
// Store signature data for display
$this->signatures[$struct->mime_id] = $sig;
@ -275,10 +348,11 @@ class enigma_engine
foreach ($msg_part->parts as $part)
$this->signed_parts[$part->mime_id] = $struct->mime_id;
else {
$this->signed_parts[$msg_part->mime_id] = $struct->mime_id;
// Remove signature file from attachments list
// Remove signature file from attachments list (?)
@ -291,6 +365,8 @@ class enigma_engine
private function parse_smime_signed(&$p)
return; // @TODO
// Verify signature
if ($this->rc->action == 'show' || $this->rc->action == 'preview') {
@ -321,25 +397,55 @@ class enigma_engine
* Handler for plain encrypted message.
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters
* @param array Reference to hook's parameters
* @param string Message (part) body
private function parse_plain_encrypted(&$p)
private function parse_plain_encrypted(&$p, $body)
$part = $p['structure'];
// Get body
$this->set_part_body($part, $p['object']->uid);
// Decrypt
$result = $this->pgp_decrypt($part->body);
$result = $this->pgp_decrypt($body);
// Store decryption status
$this->decryptions[$part->mime_id] = $result;
// Parse decrypted message
if ($result === true) {
// @TODO
$part->body = $body;
$part->body_modified = true;
$part->encrypted = true;
// Encrypted plain message may contain encrypted attachments
// in such case attachments have .pgp extension and application/octet-stream.
// This is what happens when you select "Encrypt each attachment separately
// and send the message using inline PGP" in Thunderbird's Enigmail.
// find parent part ID
if (strpos($part->mime_id, '.')) {
$items = explode('.', $part->mime_id);
$parent = implode('.', $items);
else {
$parent = 0;
if ($p['object']->mime_parts[$parent]) {
foreach ((array)$p['object']->mime_parts[$parent]->parts as $p) {
if ($p->disposition == 'attachment' && $p->mimetype == 'application/octet-stream'
&& preg_match('/^(.*)\.pgp$/i', $p->filename, $m)
) {
// modify filename
$p->filename = $m[1];
// flag the part, it will be decrypted when needed
$p->need_decryption = true;
// disable caching
$p->body_modified = true;
@ -351,22 +457,32 @@ class enigma_engine
private function parse_pgp_encrypted(&$p)
$struct = $p['structure'];
$part = $struct->parts[1];
$part = $struct->parts[1];
// Get body
$this->set_part_body($part, $p['object']->uid);
$body = $this->get_part_body($p['object'], $part->mime_id);
// Decrypt
$result = $this->pgp_decrypt($part->body);
$result = $this->pgp_decrypt($body);
$this->decryptions[$part->mime_id] = $result;
// Parse decrypted message
if ($result === true) {
// @TODO
// Parse decrypted message
$struct = $this->parse_body($body);
// Modify original message structure
$this->modify_structure($p, $struct);
// Attach the decryption message to all parts
$this->decryptions[$struct->mime_id] = $result;
foreach ((array) $struct->parts as $sp) {
$this->decryptions[$sp->mime_id] = $result;
else {
$this->decryptions[$part->mime_id] = $result;
// Make sure decryption status message will be displayed
$part->type = 'content';
$p['object']->parts[] = $part;
@ -418,8 +534,8 @@ class enigma_engine
// @TODO: Handle big bodies using (temp) files
// @TODO: caching of verification result
$key = ''; $pass = ''; // @TODO
$result = $this->pgp_driver->decrypt($msg_body, $key, $pass);
$keys = $this->get_passwords();
$result = $this->pgp_driver->decrypt($msg_body, $keys);
if ($result instanceof enigma_error) {
$err_code = $result->getCode();
@ -432,7 +548,8 @@ class enigma_engine
return $result;
// $msg_body = $result;
$msg_body = $result;
return true;
@ -443,7 +560,7 @@ class enigma_engine
* @return mixed Array of keys or enigma_error
function list_keys($pattern='')
function list_keys($pattern = '')
$result = $this->pgp_driver->list_keys($pattern);
@ -470,7 +587,30 @@ class enigma_engine
$result = $this->pgp_driver->get_key($keyid);
if ($result instanceof enigma_error) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
'message' => "Enigma plugin: " . $result->getMessage()
), true, false);
return $result;
* PGP key delete.
* @param string Key ID
* @return enigma_error|bool True on success
function delete_key($keyid)
$result = $this->pgp_driver->delete_key($keyid);
if ($result instanceof enigma_error) {
'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php',
@ -478,7 +618,7 @@ class enigma_engine
'message' => "Enigma plugin: " . $result->getMessage()
), true, false);
return $result;
@ -535,20 +675,162 @@ class enigma_engine
function password_handler()
$keyid = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_keyid', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST);
$passwd = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_passwd', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true);
if ($keyid && $passwd !== null && strlen($passwd)) {
$this->save_password($keyid, $passwd);
function save_password($keyid, $password)
// we store passwords in session for specified time
if ($config = $_SESSION['enigma_pass']) {
$config = $this->rc->decrypt($config);
$config = @unserialize($config);
$config[$keyid] = array($password, time());
$_SESSION['enigma_pass'] = $this->rc->encrypt(serialize($config));
function get_passwords()
if ($config = $_SESSION['enigma_pass']) {
$config = $this->rc->decrypt($config);
$config = @unserialize($config);
$threshold = time() - self::PASSWORD_TIME;
$keys = array();
// delete expired passwords
foreach ((array) $config as $key => $value) {
if ($value[1] < $threshold) {
$modified = true;
else {
$keys[$key] = $value[0];
if ($modified) {
$_SESSION['enigma_pass'] = $this->rc->encrypt(serialize($config));
return $keys;
* Checks if specified message part contains body data.
* If body is not set it will be fetched from IMAP server.
* Get message part body.
* @param rcube_message_part Message part object
* @param integer Message UID
* @param rcube_message Message object
* @param string Message part ID
* @param bool Return raw body with headers
private function set_part_body($part, $uid)
private function get_part_body($msg, $part_id, $full = false)
// @TODO: Create such function in core
// @TODO: Handle big bodies using file handles
if (!isset($part->body)) {
$part->body = $this->rc->storage->get_message_part(
$uid, $part->mime_id, $part);
if ($full) {
$storage = $this->rc->get_storage();
$body = $storage->get_raw_headers($msg->uid, $part_id);
$body .= $storage->get_raw_body($msg->uid, null, $part_id);
else {
$body = $msg->get_part_body($part_id, false);
return $body;
* Parse decrypted message body into structure
* @param string Message body
* @return array Message structure
private function parse_body(&$body)
// Mail_mimeDecode need \r\n end-line, but gpg may return \n
$body = preg_replace('/\r?\n/', "\r\n", $body);
// parse the body into structure
$struct = rcube_mime::parse_message($body);
return $struct;
* Replace message encrypted structure with decrypted message structure
* @param array
* @param rcube_message_part
private function modify_structure(&$p, $struct)
// modify mime_parts property of the message object
$old_id = $p['structure']->mime_id;
foreach (array_keys($p['object']->mime_parts) as $idx) {
if (!$old_id || $idx == $old_id || strpos($idx, $old_id . '.') === 0) {
// modify the new structure to be correctly handled by Roundcube
$this->modify_structure_part($struct, $p['object'], $old_id);
// replace old structure with the new one
$p['structure'] = $struct;
$p['mimetype'] = $struct->mimetype;
* Modify decrypted message part
* @param rcube_message_part
* @param rcube_message
private function modify_structure_part($part, $msg, $old_id)
// never cache the body
$part->body_modified = true;
$part->encoding = 'stream';
// Cache the fact it was decrypted
$part->encrypted = true;
// modify part identifier
if ($old_id) {
$part->mime_id = !$part->mime_id ? $old_id : ($old_id . '.' . $part->mime_id);
$msg->mime_parts[$part->mime_id] = $part;
// modify sub-parts
foreach ((array) $part->parts as $p) {
$this->modify_structure_part($p, $msg, $old_id);
* Checks if specified message part is a PGP-key or S/MIME cert data
* @param rcube_message_part Part object
* @return boolean True if part is a key/cert
public function is_keys_part($part)
return (
// Content-Type: application/pgp-keys
$part->mimetype == 'application/pgp-keys'

@ -37,11 +37,12 @@ class enigma_error
const E_EXPIRED = 6;
const E_UNVERIFIED = 7;
function __construct($code = null, $message = '', $data = array())
$this->code = $code;
$this->code = $code;
$this->message = $message;
$this->data = $data;
$this->data = $data;
function getCode()
@ -56,9 +57,11 @@ class enigma_error
function getData($name)
if ($name)
if ($name) {
return $this->data[$name];
else {
return $this->data;

@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ class enigma_key
public $id;
public $name;
public $users = array();
public $users = array();
public $subkeys = array();
const TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
const TYPE_KEYPAIR = 1;
const TYPE_PUBLIC = 2;
const TYPE_PUBLIC = 2;
* Keys list sorting callback for usort()
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class enigma_key
* Returns true if all user IDs are revoked
function is_revoked()
foreach ($this->subkeys as $subkey)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class enigma_key
* Returns true if any user ID is valid
function is_valid()
foreach ($this->users as $user)
@ -76,18 +76,18 @@ class enigma_key
return false;
* Returns true if any of subkeys is not expired
function is_expired()
$now = time();
foreach ($this->subkeys as $subkey)
if (!$subkey->expires || $subkey->expires > $now)
return true;
return false;
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class enigma_key
static function format_id($id)
// E.g. 04622F2089E037A5 => 89E037A5
return substr($id, -8);
@ -114,15 +114,18 @@ class enigma_key
static function format_fingerprint($fingerprint)
if (!$fingerprint)
if (!$fingerprint) {
return '';
$result = '';
for ($i=0; $i<40; $i++) {
if ($i % 4 == 0)
if ($i % 4 == 0) {
$result .= ' ';
$result .= $fingerprint[$i];
return $result;

@ -26,16 +26,18 @@ class enigma_ui
private $rc;
private $enigma;
private $home;
private $css_added;
private $css_loaded;
private $js_loaded;
private $data;
private $keys_parts = array();
private $keys_bodies = array();
function __construct($enigma_plugin, $home='')
$this->enigma = $enigma_plugin;
$this->rc = $enigma_plugin->rc;
// we cannot use $enigma_plugin->home here
$this->home = $home;
$this->rc = $enigma_plugin->rc;
$this->home = $home; // we cannot use $enigma_plugin->home here
@ -45,58 +47,65 @@ class enigma_ui
function init($section='')
// Enigma actions
if ($this->rc->action == 'plugin.enigma') {
$action = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_a', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC);
$action = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_a', rcube_utils::INPUT_GPC);
if ($this->rc->action == 'plugin.enigmakeys') {
switch ($action) {
case 'keyedit':
case 'delete':
case 'edit':
case 'keyimport':
case 'import':
case 'keysearch':
case 'keylist':
case 'search':
case 'list':
case 'keyinfo':
case 'info':
'keyslist' => array($this, 'tpl_keys_list'),
'keyframe' => array($this, 'tpl_key_frame'),
'countdisplay' => array($this, 'tpl_keys_rowcount'),
'searchform' => array($this->rc->output, 'search_form'),
// Preferences UI
else if ($this->rc->action == 'plugin.enigmacerts') {
'keyslist' => array($this, 'tpl_certs_list'),
'keyframe' => array($this, 'tpl_cert_frame'),
'countdisplay' => array($this, 'tpl_certs_rowcount'),
'searchform' => array($this->rc->output, 'search_form'),
// Message composing UI
else if ($this->rc->action == 'compose') {
// Preferences UI
else { // if ($this->rc->action == 'edit-prefs') {
if ($section == 'enigmacerts') {
'keyslist' => array($this, 'tpl_certs_list'),
'keyframe' => array($this, 'tpl_cert_frame'),
'countdisplay' => array($this, 'tpl_certs_rowcount'),
'searchform' => array($this->rc->output, 'search_form'),
else {
'keyslist' => array($this, 'tpl_keys_list'),
'keyframe' => array($this, 'tpl_key_frame'),
'countdisplay' => array($this, 'tpl_keys_rowcount'),
'searchform' => array($this->rc->output, 'search_form'),
* Adds CSS style file to the page header.
function add_css()
@ -109,7 +118,46 @@ class enigma_ui
$this->css_added = true;
$this->css_loaded = true;
* Adds javascript file to the page header.
function add_js()
if ($this->js_loaded) {
$this->js_loaded = true;
* Initializes key password prompt
* @param enigma_error Error object with key info
function password_prompt($status)
$data = $status->getData('missing');
if (empty($data)) {
$data = $status->getData('bad');
$data = array('keyid' => key($data), 'user' => $data[key($data)]);
$this->rc->output->set_env('enigma_password_request', $data);
// add some labels to client
$this->rc->output->add_label('enigma.enterkeypasstitle', 'enigma.enterkeypass',
'save', 'cancel');
@ -159,7 +207,7 @@ class enigma_ui
// add some labels to client
$this->rc->output->add_label('enigma.keyremoveconfirm', 'enigma.keyremoving');
return $out;
@ -260,13 +308,14 @@ class enigma_ui
private function key_info()
$id = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_id', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET);
$id = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_id', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET);
$res = $this->enigma->engine->get_key($id);
if ($res instanceof enigma_key)
if ($res instanceof enigma_key) {
$this->data = $res;
else { // error
$this->rc->output->show_message('enigma.keyopenerror', 'error');
@ -319,7 +368,7 @@ class enigma_ui
$out .= html::tag('fieldset', null,
html::tag('legend', null,
$this->enigma->gettext('basicinfo')) . $table->show($attrib));
// Subkeys
$table = new html_table(array('cols' => 6));
// Columns: Type, ID, Algorithm, Size, Created, Expires
@ -335,7 +384,7 @@ class enigma_ui
$out .= html::tag('fieldset', null,
html::tag('legend', null,
$this->enigma->gettext('userids')) . $table->show($attrib));
return $out;
@ -362,8 +411,9 @@ class enigma_ui
else {
$this->rc->output->show_message('enigma.keysimportfailed', 'error');
else if ($err = $_FILES['_file']['error']) {
if ($err == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE || $err == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE) {
@ -401,7 +451,7 @@ class enigma_ui
$this->rc->output->add_gui_object('importform', $attrib['id']);
$out = $this->rc->output->form_tag(array(
'action' => $this->rc->url(array('action' => 'plugin.enigma', 'a' => 'keyimport')),
'action' => $this->rc->url(array('action' => $this->rc->action, 'a' => 'import')),
'method' => 'post',
'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data') + $attrib,
@ -409,21 +459,52 @@ class enigma_ui
return $out;
* Key deleting
private function key_delete()
$keys = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_keys', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST);
foreach ((array)$keys as $key) {
$res = $this->enigma->engine->delete_key($key);
if ($res !== true) {
$this->rc->output->show_message('enigma.keyremoveerror', 'error');
$this->rc->output->show_message('enigma.keyremovesuccess', 'confirmation');
private function compose_ui()
// Options menu button
// @TODO: make this work with non-default skins
'name' => 'enigmamenu',
'imagepas' => 'skins/classic/enigma.png',
'imageact' => 'skins/classic/enigma.png',
'onclick' => "rcmail_ui.show_popup('enigmamenu', true); return false",
'title' => 'securityoptions',
'domain' => 'enigma',
'type' => 'link',
'command' => 'plugin.enigma',
'onclick' => "rcmail.command('menu-open', 'enigmamenu', event.target, event)",
'class' => 'button enigma',
'title' => 'securityoptions',
'label' => 'securityoptions',
'domain' => $this->enigma->ID,
'width' => 32,
'height' => 32
), 'toolbar');
// Options menu contents
$this->enigma->add_hook('render_page', array($this, 'compose_menu'));
function compose_menu($p)
@ -449,7 +530,189 @@ class enigma_ui
$p['content'] = preg_replace('/(<form name="form"[^>]+>)/i', '\\1'."\n$menu", $p['content']);
return $p;
* Handler for message_body_prefix hook.
* Called for every displayed (content) part of the message.
* Adds infobox about signature verification and/or decryption
* status above the body.
* @param array Original parameters
* @return array Modified parameters
function status_message($p)
// skip: not a message part
if ($p['part'] instanceof rcube_message) {
return $p;
// skip: message has no signed/encoded content
if (!$this->enigma->engine) {
return $p;
$engine = $this->enigma->engine;
$part_id = $p['part']->mime_id;
// Decryption status
if (isset($engine->decryptions[$part_id])) {
$attach_scripts = true;
// get decryption status
$status = $engine->decryptions[$part_id];
// display status info
$attrib['id'] = 'enigma-message';
if ($status instanceof enigma_error) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmaerror';
$code = $status->getCode();
if ($code == enigma_error::E_KEYNOTFOUND) {
$msg = rcube::Q(str_replace('$keyid', enigma_key::format_id($status->getData('id')),
else if ($code == enigma_error::E_BADPASS) {
$msg = rcube::Q($this->enigma->gettext('decryptbadpass'));
else {
$msg = rcube::Q($this->enigma->gettext('decrypterror'));
else {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmanotice';
$msg = rcube::Q($this->enigma->gettext('decryptok'));
$p['prefix'] .= html::div($attrib, $msg);
// Signature verification status
if (isset($engine->signed_parts[$part_id])
&& ($sig = $engine->signatures[$engine->signed_parts[$part_id]])
) {
$attach_scripts = true;
// display status info
$attrib['id'] = 'enigma-message';
if ($sig instanceof enigma_signature) {
$sender = ($sig->name ? $sig->name . ' ' : '') . '<' . $sig->email . '>';
if ($sig->valid === enigma_error::E_UNVERIFIED) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmawarning';
$msg = str_replace('$sender', $sender, $this->enigma->gettext('sigunverified'));
$msg = str_replace('$keyid', $sig->id, $msg);
$msg = rcube::Q($msg);
else if ($sig->valid) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmanotice';
$msg = rcube::Q(str_replace('$sender', $sender, $this->enigma->gettext('sigvalid')));
else {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmawarning';
$msg = rcube::Q(str_replace('$sender', $sender, $this->enigma->gettext('siginvalid')));
else if ($sig && $sig->getCode() == enigma_error::E_KEYNOTFOUND) {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmawarning';
$msg = rcube::Q(str_replace('$keyid', enigma_key::format_id($sig->getData('id')),
else {
$attrib['class'] = 'enigmaerror';
$msg = rcube::Q($this->enigma->gettext('sigerror'));
$msg .= '&nbsp;' . html::a(array('href' => "#sigdetails",
'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('enigma-sig-details')"),
// test
// $msg .= '<br /><pre>'.$sig->body.'</pre>';
$p['prefix'] .= html::div($attrib, $msg);
// Display each signature message only once
if ($attach_scripts) {
// add css and js script
return $p;
* Handler for message_load hook.
* Check message bodies and attachments for keys/certs.
function message_load($p)
$engine = $this->enigma->load_engine();
// handle attachments vcard attachments
foreach ((array) $p['object']->attachments as $attachment) {
if ($engine->is_keys_part($attachment)) {
$this->keys_parts[] = $attachment->mime_id;
// the same with message bodies
foreach ((array) $p['object']->parts as $part) {
if ($engine->is_keys_part($part)) {
$this->keys_parts[] = $part->mime_id;
$this->keys_bodies[] = $part->mime_id;
// @TODO: inline PGP keys
if ($this->keys_parts) {
return $p;
* Handler for template_object_messagebody hook.
* This callback function adds a box below the message content
* if there is a key/cert attachment available
function message_output($p)
foreach ($this->keys_parts as $part) {
// remove part's body
if (in_array($part, $this->keys_bodies)) {
$p['content'] = '';
// add box below message body
$p['content'] .= html::p(array('class' => 'enigmaattachment'),
'href' => "#",
'onclick' => "return ".rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME.".enigma_import_attachment('".rcube::JQ($part)."')",
'title' => $this->enigma->gettext('keyattimport')),
html::span(null, $this->enigma->gettext('keyattfound'))));
$attach_scripts = true;
if ($attach_scripts) {
// add css and js script
return $p;

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
$labels = array();
$labels['enigmasettings'] = 'Enigma Settings';
$labels['enigma'] = 'Enigma';
$labels['enigmacerts'] = 'S/MIME Certificates';
$labels['enigmakeys'] = 'PGP Keys';
$labels['keysfromto'] = 'Keys $from to $to of $count';
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ $labels['keyattimport'] = 'Import key(s)';
$labels['createkeys'] = 'Create a new key pair';
$labels['importkeys'] = 'Import key(s)';
$labels['exportkeys'] = 'Export key(s)';
$labels['deletekeys'] = 'Delete key(s)';
$labels['keyactions'] = 'Key actions...';
$labels['keydisable'] = 'Disable key';
$labels['keyrevoke'] = 'Revoke key';
$labels['keyremove'] = 'Remove';
$labels['keydisable'] = 'Disable';
$labels['keyrevoke'] = 'Revoke';
$labels['keysend'] = 'Send public key in a message';
$labels['keychpass'] = 'Change password';
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ $labels['identdefault'] = 'Use settings of selected identity';
$labels['encryptmsg'] = 'Encrypt this message';
$labels['signmsg'] = 'Digitally sign this message';
$labels['enterkeypasstitle'] = 'Enter key passphrase';
$labels['enterkeypass'] = 'A passphrase is needed to unlock the secret key ($keyid) for user: $user.';
$messages = array();
$messages['sigvalid'] = 'Verified signature from $sender.';
$messages['siginvalid'] = 'Invalid signature from $sender.';
@ -48,7 +51,10 @@ $messages['keyopenerror'] = 'Unable to get key information! Internal error.';
$messages['keylisterror'] = 'Unable to list keys! Internal error.';
$messages['keysimportfailed'] = 'Unable to import key(s)! Internal error.';
$messages['keysimportsuccess'] = 'Key(s) imported successfully. Imported: $new, unchanged: $old.';
$messages['keyconfirmdelete'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete selected key(s)?';
$messages['keyremoving'] = 'Removing key(s)...';
$messages['keyremoveconfirm'] = 'Are you sure, you want to delete selected key(s)?';
$messages['keyremovesuccess'] = 'Key(s) deleted successfulyl';
$messages['keyremoveerror'] = 'Unable to delete selected key(s).';
$messages['keyimporttext'] = 'You can import private and public key(s) or revocation signatures in ASCII-Armor format.';

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
$labels['enigmasettings'] = 'Enigma: 設定';
$labels['enigmasettings'] = 'Enigma';
$labels['enigmacerts'] = 'Enigma: 証明書 (S/MIME)';
$labels['enigmakeys'] = 'Enigma: 鍵 (PGP)';
$labels['keysfromto'] = '鍵の一覧 $from $to (合計: $count )';

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
@version 2010-12-23
$labels['enigmasettings'] = 'Enigma: Настройки';
$labels['enigma'] = 'Enigma';
$labels['enigmacerts'] = 'Enigma: Сертификаты (S/MIME)';
$labels['enigmakeys'] = 'Enigma: Ключи (PGP)';
$labels['keysfromto'] = 'Ключи от $from к $to в количестве $count';

@ -50,15 +50,49 @@ div.enigmawarning,
color: #333333;
margin: 0.5em 1em;
border: 1px solid #999;
border-radius: 4px;
width: auto;
p.enigmaattachment a
display: block;
background: url(key_add.png) 10px center no-repeat;
padding: 1em 0.5em 1em 50px;
/***** E-mail Compose Page *****/
#messagetoolbar a.button.enigma {
text-indent: -5000px;
background: url(enigma.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
/***** Keys/Certs Management *****/
top: 80px;
position: absolute;
top: 65px;
right: 10px;
bottom: 10px;
left: 10px;
top: 40px;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
.enigma #quicksearchbar
top: 10px;
right: 0;
@ -111,7 +145,7 @@ div.enigmascreen
position: absolute;
top: 30px;
top: 0;
left: 10px;
height: 35px;
@ -147,14 +181,6 @@ div.enigmascreen
background-position: 0 0;
#keystoolbar a.deleteSel {
background-position: -32px -32px;
#keystoolbar a.delete {
background-position: -32px 0;
#keystoolbar a.importSel {
background-position: -64px -32px;

@ -13,21 +13,27 @@
<body class="iframe">
<div id="prefs-title" class="boxtitle"><roundcube:label name="enigma.enigmakeys" /></div>
<div id="prefs-details" class="boxcontent">
<roundcube:include file="/includes/taskbar.html" />
<roundcube:include file="/includes/header.html" />
<roundcube:include file="/includes/settingstabs.html" />
<div id="mainscreen" class="enigma">
<div id="keystoolbar">
<roundcube:button command="plugin.enigma-key-create" type="link" class="buttonPas create" classAct="button create" classSel="button createSel" title="enigma.createkeys" content=" " />
<roundcube:button command="plugin.enigma-key-delete" type="link" class="buttonPas delete" classAct="button delete" classSel="button deleteSel" title="enigma.deletekeys" content=" " />
<span class="separator">&nbsp;</span>
<roundcube:button command="plugin.enigma-key-import" type="link" class="buttonPas import" classAct="button import" classSel="button importSel" title="enigma.importkeys" content=" " />
<roundcube:button command="plugin.enigma-key-export" type="link" class="buttonPas export" classAct="button export" classSel="button exportSel" title="enigma.exportkeys" content=" " />
<roundcube:button name="messagemenulink" id="messagemenulink" type="link" class="button keymenu" title="enigma.keyactions" onclick="rcmail_ui.show_popup('messagemenu');return false" content=" " />
<div id="quicksearchbar" style="top: 35px; right: 10px;">
<div id="quicksearchbar">
<roundcube:button name="searchmenulink" id="searchmenulink" image="/images/icons/glass.png" />
<roundcube:object name="searchform" id="quicksearchbox" />
<roundcube:button command="reset-search" id="searchreset" image="/images/icons/reset.gif" title="resetsearch" />
@ -64,11 +70,14 @@
<div id="messagemenu" class="popupmenu">
<ul class="toolbarmenu">
<li><roundcube:button class="disablelink" command="enigma.key-disable" label="enigma.keydisable" target="_blank" classAct="disablelink active" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button class="revokelink" command="enigma.key-revoke" label="enigma.keyrevoke" classAct="revokelink active" /></li>
<li class="separator_below"><roundcube:button class="sendlink" command="enigma.key-send" label="enigma.keysend" classAct="sendlink active" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button class="chpasslink" command="enigma.key-chpass" label="enigma.keychpass" classAct="chpasslink active" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button class="deletelink" command="plugin.enigma-key-delete" label="enigma.keyremove" classAct="deletelink active" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button class="disablelink" command="plugin.enigma-key-disable" label="enigma.keydisable" classAct="disablelink active" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button class="revokelink" command="plugin.enigma-key-revoke" label="enigma.keyrevoke" classAct="revokelink active" /></li>
<li class="separator_below"><roundcube:button class="sendlink" command="plugin.enigma-key-send" label="enigma.keysend" classAct="sendlink active" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button class="chpasslink" command="plugin.enigma-key-chpass" label="enigma.keychpass" classAct="chpasslink active" /></li>

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
/*** Style for Enigma plugin ***/
/***** Messages displaying *****/
#messagebody div #enigma-message
margin: 0;
margin-bottom: 5px;
padding: 6px 12px 6px 30px;
font-weight: bold;
#messagebody div.enigmaerror
background: url(enigma_icons.png) 3px -201px no-repeat #f2cccd;
border: 1px solid #c00005;
color: #c00005;
#messagebody div.enigmanotice
background: url(enigma_icons.png) 3px -171px no-repeat #c9e6d3;
border: 1px solid #008a2e;
color: #008a2e;
#messagebody div.enigmawarning
background: url(enigma_icons.png) 3px -231px no-repeat #fef893;
border: 1px solid #ffdf0e;
color: #960;
#enigma-message a
color: #666666;
padding-left: 10px;
#enigma-message a:hover
color: #333333;
p.enigmaattachment {
margin: 0.5em 1em;
width: auto;
background: #f9f9f9;
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px #ccc;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2px #ccc;
p.enigmaattachment a {
display: block;
background: url(enigma_icons.png) 8px -78px no-repeat;
padding: 1em 0.5em 1em 46px;
/***** E-mail Compose Page *****/
#messagetoolbar a.button.enigma {
text-indent: -5000px;
background: url(enigma_icons.png) center -122px no-repeat;
/***** Keys/Certs Management *****/
#settings-sections .enigma.keys a {
background-image: url(enigma_icons.png);
background-position: 7px -345px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
#settings-sections .enigma.keys.selected a {
background-image: url(enigma_icons.png);
background-position: 7px -368px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
#mainscreen.enigma #settings-sections,
#mainscreen.enigma #settings-right
top: 44px;
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 272px;
right: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 260px;
margin-top: 4px;
margin-left: 4px;
width: 100%;
table-layout: fixed;
#keys-table td
text-overflow: ellipsis;
position: absolute;
top: -6px;
left: 0;
height: 40px;
white-space: nowrap;
z-index: 10;
#keystoolbar a.button
background: url(enigma_icons.png) 0 0 no-repeat transparent;
#keystoolbar a.import {
background-position: center 0;
#keystoolbar a.export {
background-position: center 0;

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.2 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/this/enigma.css" />
<body class="iframe">
<h1 class="boxtitle"><roundcube:label name="enigma.importkeys" /></h1>
<div id="import-form" class="boxcontent">
<roundcube:object name="importform" />
<div class="formbuttons">
<roundcube:button command="plugin.enigma-import" type="input" class="button mainaction" label="import" />
<roundcube:include file="/includes/footer.html" />

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<roundcube:object name="doctype" value="html5" />
<title><roundcube:object name="pagetitle" /></title>
<roundcube:include file="/includes/links.html" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/this/enigma.css" />
<body class="iframe">
<h1 class="boxtitle"><roundcube:object name="keyname" part="name" /></h1>
<div id="key-details" class="boxcontent propform">
<roundcube:object name="keydata" class="propform" />
<roundcube:include file="/includes/footer.html" />

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
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<title><roundcube:object name="pagetitle" /></title>
<roundcube:include file="/includes/links.html" />
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<roundcube:include file="/includes/header.html" />
<div id="mainscreen" class="enigma">
<h1 class="voice"><roundcube:label name="settings" /> : <roundcube:label name="enigma.enigmakeys" /></h1>
<!-- toolbar -->
<h2 id="aria-label-toolbar" class="voice"><roundcube:label name="arialabeltoolbar" /></h2>
<div id="keystoolbar" class="toolbar" role="toolbar" aria-labelledby="aria-label-toolbar">
<roundcube:button command="plugin.enigma-key-import" type="link" class="button import disabled" classAct="button import" classSel="button import pressed" label="import" title="enigma.importkeys" />
<roundcube:button command="plugin.enigma-key-export" type="link" class="button export disabled" classAct="button export" classSel="button export pressed" label="export" title="enigma.exportkeys" />
<div id="quicksearchbar" class="searchbox" role="search" aria-labelledby="aria-label-searchform">
<h2 id="aria-label-searchform" class="voice"><roundcube:label name="enigma.arialabelkeysearchform" /></h2>
<label for="quicksearchbox" class="voice"><roundcube:label name="arialabelmailquicksearchbox" /></label>
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<a id="searchmenulink" class="iconbutton searchicon" > </a>
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<roundcube:include file="/includes/settingstabs.html" />
<div id="settings-right" role="main" aria-labelledby="aria-label-enigmakeyslist">
<div id="enigmakeyslist" class="uibox listbox" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="enigmakeyslist-header">
<div id="enigmakeyslist-header" class="boxtitle"><roundcube:label name="enigma.enigmakeys" /></div>
<div class="scroller winfooter">
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<div class="boxpagenav">
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<div class="boxfooter">
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<span class="countdisplay" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="text">
<span class="voice"><roundcube:label name="enigma.enigmakeys" /></span>
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<div id="enigmacontent-box" class="uibox">
<div class="iframebox">
<roundcube:object name="keyframe" id="keyframe" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" src="/watermark.html" />
<div id="keyoptions" class="popupmenu">
<ul class="toolbarmenu">
<li><roundcube:button class="deletelink" command="plugin.enigma-key-delete" label="enigma.keyremove" target="_blank" classAct="deletelink active" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button class="disablelink" command="enigma.key-disable" label="enigma.keydisable" target="_blank" classAct="disablelink active" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button class="revokelink" command="enigma.key-revoke" label="enigma.keyrevoke" classAct="revokelink active" /></li>
<li class="separator_below"><roundcube:button class="sendlink" command="enigma.key-send" label="enigma.keysend" classAct="sendlink active" /></li>
<li><roundcube:button class="chpasslink" command="enigma.key-chpass" label="enigma.keychpass" classAct="chpasslink active" /></li>
<roundcube:include file="/includes/footer.html" />
<script type="text/javascript">
new rcube_splitter({ id:'enigmakeyssplitter', p1:'#enigmakeyslist', p2:'#enigmacontent-box',
orientation:'v', relative:true, start:266, min:180, size:12 }).init();