| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| |
| Copyright (C) The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Display a mail message similar as a usual mail application does |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> |
$PRINT_MODE = $RCMAIL->action == 'print';
// Read browser capabilities and store them in session
if ($caps = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_caps', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET)) {
$browser_caps = array();
foreach (explode(',', $caps) as $cap) {
$cap = explode('=', $cap);
$browser_caps[$cap[0]] = $cap[1];
$_SESSION['browser_caps'] = $browser_caps;
$msg_id = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_uid', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET);
$uid = preg_replace('/\.[0-9.]+$/', '', $msg_id);
$mbox_name = $RCMAIL->storage->get_folder();
// similar code as in program/steps/mail/get.inc
if ($uid) {
// set message format (need to be done before rcube_message construction)
if (!empty($_GET['_format'])) {
$prefer_html = $_GET['_format'] == 'html';
$RCMAIL->config->set('prefer_html', $prefer_html);
$_SESSION['msg_formats'][$mbox_name.':'.$uid] = $prefer_html;
else if (isset($_SESSION['msg_formats'][$mbox_name.':'.$uid])) {
$RCMAIL->config->set('prefer_html', $_SESSION['msg_formats'][$mbox_name.':'.$uid]);
$MESSAGE = new rcube_message($msg_id, $mbox_name, intval($_GET['_safe']));
// if message not found (wrong UID)...
if (empty($MESSAGE->headers)) {
// show images?
// set message charset as default
if (!empty($MESSAGE->headers->charset)) {
if (!isset($_SESSION['writeable_abook'])) {
$_SESSION['writeable_abook'] = $RCMAIL->get_address_sources(true) ? true : false;
$OUTPUT->set_pagetitle(abbreviate_string($MESSAGE->subject, 128, '...', true));
// set environment
$OUTPUT->set_env('uid', $msg_id);
$OUTPUT->set_env('safemode', $MESSAGE->is_safe);
$OUTPUT->set_env('message_context', $MESSAGE->context);
$OUTPUT->set_env('message_flags', array_keys(array_change_key_case((array) $MESSAGE->headers->flags)));
$OUTPUT->set_env('sender', $MESSAGE->sender['string']);
$OUTPUT->set_env('mailbox', $mbox_name);
$OUTPUT->set_env('username', $RCMAIL->get_user_name());
$OUTPUT->set_env('permaurl', $RCMAIL->url(array('_action' => 'show', '_uid' => $msg_id, '_mbox' => $mbox_name)));
$OUTPUT->set_env('has_writeable_addressbook', $_SESSION['writeable_abook']);
$OUTPUT->set_env('delimiter', $RCMAIL->storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter());
$OUTPUT->set_env('mimetypes', rcmail_supported_mimetypes());
if ($MESSAGE->headers->get('list-post', false)) {
$OUTPUT->set_env('list_post', true);
// set configuration
$RCMAIL->set_env_config(array('delete_junk', 'flag_for_deletion', 'read_when_deleted',
'skip_deleted', 'display_next', 'forward_attachment'));
// set special folders
foreach (array('drafts', 'trash', 'junk') as $mbox) {
if ($folder = $RCMAIL->config->get($mbox . '_mbox')) {
$OUTPUT->set_env($mbox . '_mailbox', $folder);
if ($MESSAGE->has_html_part()) {
$prefer_html = $RCMAIL->config->get('prefer_html');
$OUTPUT->set_env('optional_format', $prefer_html ? 'text' : 'html');
if (!$OUTPUT->ajax_call) {
$OUTPUT->add_label('checkingmail', 'deletemessage', 'movemessagetotrash',
'movingmessage', 'deletingmessage', 'markingmessage', 'replyall', 'replylist',
'bounce', 'bouncemsg', 'sendingmessage');
// check for unset disposition notification
if ($MESSAGE->headers->mdn_to
&& $MESSAGE->context === null
&& empty($MESSAGE->headers->flags['MDNSENT'])
&& empty($MESSAGE->headers->flags['SEEN'])
&& ($RCMAIL->storage->check_permflag('MDNSENT') || $RCMAIL->storage->check_permflag('*'))
&& $mbox_name != $RCMAIL->config->get('drafts_mbox')
&& $mbox_name != $RCMAIL->config->get('sent_mbox')
) {
$mdn_cfg = intval($RCMAIL->config->get('mdn_requests'));
if ($mdn_cfg == 1 || (($mdn_cfg == 3 || $mdn_cfg == 4) && rcmail_contact_exists($MESSAGE->sender['mailto']))) {
// Send MDN
if (rcmail_send_mdn($MESSAGE, $smtp_error))
$OUTPUT->show_message('receiptsent', 'confirmation');
else if ($smtp_error)
$OUTPUT->show_message($smtp_error['label'], 'error', $smtp_error['vars']);
$OUTPUT->show_message('errorsendingreceipt', 'error');
else if ($mdn_cfg != 2 && $mdn_cfg != 4) {
// Ask user
$OUTPUT->set_env('mdn_request', true);
if (empty($MESSAGE->headers->flags['SEEN']) && $MESSAGE->context === null) {
$v = intval($RCMAIL->config->get('mail_read_time'));
if ($v > 0) {
$OUTPUT->set_env('mail_read_time', $v);
else if ($v == 0) {
$RCMAIL->output->command('set_unread_message', $MESSAGE->uid, $mbox_name);
$RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_read', array(
'uid' => $MESSAGE->uid,
'mailbox' => $mbox_name,
'message' => $MESSAGE,
$set_seen_flag = true;
'mailboxname' => 'rcmail_mailbox_name_display',
'messageattachments' => 'rcmail_message_attachments',
'messageobjects' => 'rcmail_message_objects',
'messagesummary' => 'rcmail_message_summary',
'messageheaders' => 'rcmail_message_headers',
'messagefullheaders' => 'rcmail_message_full_headers',
'messagebody' => 'rcmail_message_body',
'contactphoto' => 'rcmail_message_contactphoto',
if ($RCMAIL->action == 'print' && $OUTPUT->template_exists('messageprint'))
$OUTPUT->send('messageprint', false);
else if ($RCMAIL->action == 'preview' && $OUTPUT->template_exists('messagepreview'))
$OUTPUT->send('messagepreview', false);
$OUTPUT->send('message', false);
// mark message as read
if (!empty($set_seen_flag)) {
if ($RCMAIL->storage->set_flag($MESSAGE->uid, 'SEEN', $mbox_name)) {
if ($count = rcmail_get_unseen_count($mbox_name)) {
rcmail_set_unseen_count($mbox_name, $count - 1);
function rcmail_message_attachments($attrib)
$out = $ol = '';
$attachments = array();
if (count($MESSAGE->attachments)) {
foreach ($MESSAGE->attachments as $attach_prop) {
$filename = rcmail_attachment_name($attach_prop, true);
$filesize = $RCMAIL->message_part_size($attach_prop);
$mimetype = $attach_prop->mimetype;
$class = rcube_utils::file2class($mimetype, $filename);
$id = 'attach' . $attach_prop->mime_id;
if ($attrib['maxlength'] && mb_strlen($filename) > $attrib['maxlength']) {
$title = $filename;
$filename = abbreviate_string($filename, $attrib['maxlength']);
else {
$title = '';
$item = html::span('attachment-name', rcube::Q($filename))
. html::span('attachment-size', '(' . rcube::Q($filesize) . ')');
$li_class = $class;
if (!$PRINT_MODE) {
$link_attrs = array(
'href' => $MESSAGE->get_part_url($attach_prop->mime_id, false),
'onclick' => sprintf('return %s.command(\'load-attachment\',\'%s\',this)',
rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME, $attach_prop->mime_id),
'onmouseover' => $title ? '' : 'rcube_webmail.long_subject_title_ex(this, 0)',
'title' => $title,
'class' => 'filename',
if ($mimetype != 'message/rfc822' && empty($attach_prop->size)) {
$li_class .= ' no-menu';
$link_attrs['onclick'] = sprintf('%s.alert_dialog(%s.get_label(\'emptyattachment\')); return false',
rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME, rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME);
$item = html::a($link_attrs, $item);
$attachments[$attach_prop->mime_id] = $mimetype;
$ol .= html::tag('li', array('class' => $li_class, 'id' => $id), $item);
$out = html::tag('ul', $attrib, $ol, html::$common_attrib);
$RCMAIL->output->set_env('attachments', $attachments);
$RCMAIL->output->add_gui_object('attachments', $attrib['id']);
return $out;
function rcmail_remote_objects_msg()
$attrib['id'] = 'remote-objects-message';
$attrib['class'] = 'notice';
$attrib['style'] = 'display: none';
$msg = html::span(null, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('blockedresources')));
$buttons = html::a(array(
'href' => "#loadremote",
'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('load-remote')"
// add link to save sender in addressbook and reload message
if ($MESSAGE->sender['mailto'] && $RCMAIL->config->get('show_images') == 1) {
$buttons .= ' ' . html::a(array(
'href' => "#loadremotealways",
'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('load-remote', true)",
'style' => "white-space:nowrap"
rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext(array('name' => 'alwaysallow', 'vars' => array('sender' => $MESSAGE->sender['mailto'])))));
$RCMAIL->output->add_gui_object('remoteobjectsmsg', $attrib['id']);
return html::div($attrib, $msg . ' ' . html::span('boxbuttons', $buttons));
function rcmail_message_buttons()
$delim = $RCMAIL->storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter();
$dbox = $RCMAIL->config->get('drafts_mbox');
// the message is not a draft
if ($MESSAGE->context
|| ($MESSAGE->folder != $dbox && strpos($MESSAGE->folder, $dbox.$delim) !== 0)
) {
return '';
$attrib['id'] = 'message-buttons';
$attrib['class'] = 'information notice';
$msg = html::span(null, rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('isdraft'))) . ' '
. html::a(array(
'href' => "#edit",
'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('edit')"
return html::div($attrib, $msg);
function rcmail_message_objects($attrib)
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'message-objects';
$content = array(
$plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_objects',
array('content' => $content, 'message' => $MESSAGE));
$content = implode("\n", $plugin['content']);
return html::div($attrib, $content);
function rcmail_contact_exists($email)
global $RCMAIL;
if ($email) {
// @TODO: search in all address books?
$CONTACTS = $RCMAIL->get_address_book(-1, true);
if (is_object($CONTACTS)) {
$existing = $CONTACTS->search('email', $email, 1, false);
if ($existing->count) {
return true;
return false;
function rcmail_message_contactphoto($attrib)
$placeholder = $attrib['placeholder'] ? $RCMAIL->output->abs_url($attrib['placeholder'], true) : null;
$placeholder = $RCMAIL->output->asset_url($placeholder ?: 'program/resources/blank.gif');
if ($MESSAGE->sender) {
$photo_img = $RCMAIL->url(array(
'_task' => 'addressbook',
'_action' => 'photo',
'_email' => $MESSAGE->sender['mailto'],
'_error' => strpos($placeholder, 'blank.gif') === false ? 1 : null,
$attrib['onerror'] = "this.src = '$placeholder'; this.onerror = null";
else {
$photo_img = $placeholder;
return html::img(array('src' => $photo_img, 'alt' => $RCMAIL->gettext('contactphoto')) + $attrib);
* Returns table with message headers
function rcmail_message_headers($attrib, $headers=null)
static $sa_attrib;
// keep header table attrib
if (is_array($attrib) && !$sa_attrib && !$attrib['valueof']) {
$sa_attrib = $attrib;
else if (!is_array($attrib) && is_array($sa_attrib)) {
$attrib = $sa_attrib;
if (!isset($MESSAGE)) {
return false;
// get associative array of headers object
if (!$headers) {
$headers_obj = $MESSAGE->headers;
$headers = get_object_vars($MESSAGE->headers);
else if (is_object($headers)) {
$headers_obj = $headers;
$headers = get_object_vars($headers_obj);
else {
$headers_obj = rcube_message_header::from_array($headers);
// show these headers
$standard_headers = array('subject', 'from', 'sender', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'replyto',
'mail-reply-to', 'mail-followup-to', 'date', 'priority');
$exclude_headers = $attrib['exclude'] ? explode(',', $attrib['exclude']) : array();
$output_headers = array();
foreach ($standard_headers as $hkey) {
if ($headers[$hkey]) {
$value = $headers[$hkey];
else if ($headers['others'][$hkey]) {
$value = $headers['others'][$hkey];
else if (!$attrib['valueof']) {
if (in_array($hkey, $exclude_headers)) {
$ishtml = false;
$header_title = $RCMAIL->gettext(preg_replace('/(^mail-|-)/', '', $hkey));
if ($hkey == 'date') {
$header_value = $RCMAIL->format_date($value,
$PRINT_MODE ? $RCMAIL->config->get('date_long', 'x') : null);
else if ($hkey == 'priority') {
if ($value) {
$header_value = html::span('prio' . $value, rcube::Q(rcmail_localized_priority($value)));
$ishtml = true;
else {
else if ($hkey == 'replyto') {
if ($headers['replyto'] != $headers['from']) {
$header_value = rcmail_address_string($value, $attrib['max'], true,
$attrib['addicon'], $headers['charset'], $header_title);
$ishtml = true;
else {
else if ($hkey == 'mail-reply-to') {
if ($headers['mail-replyto'] != $headers['replyto']
&& $headers['replyto'] != $headers['from']
) {
$header_value = rcmail_address_string($value, $attrib['max'], true,
$attrib['addicon'], $headers['charset'], $header_title);
$ishtml = true;
else {
else if ($hkey == 'sender') {
if ($headers['sender'] != $headers['from']) {
$header_value = rcmail_address_string($value, $attrib['max'], true,
$attrib['addicon'], $headers['charset'], $header_title);
$ishtml = true;
else {
else if ($hkey == 'mail-followup-to') {
$header_value = rcmail_address_string($value, $attrib['max'], true,
$attrib['addicon'], $headers['charset'], $header_title);
$ishtml = true;
else if (in_array($hkey, array('from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc'))) {
$header_value = rcmail_address_string($value, $attrib['max'], true,
$attrib['addicon'], $headers['charset'], $header_title);
$ishtml = true;
else if ($hkey == 'subject' && empty($value)) {
$header_value = $RCMAIL->gettext('nosubject');
else {
$value = is_array($value) ? implode(' ', $value) : $value;
$header_value = trim(rcube_mime::decode_header($value, $headers['charset']));
$output_headers[$hkey] = array(
'title' => $header_title,
'value' => $header_value,
'raw' => $value,
'html' => $ishtml,
$plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_headers_output', array(
'output' => $output_headers,
'headers' => $headers_obj,
'exclude' => $exclude_headers, // readonly
'folder' => $MESSAGE->folder, // readonly
'uid' => $MESSAGE->uid, // readonly
// single header value is requested
if (!empty($attrib['valueof'])) {
$row = $plugin['output'][$attrib['valueof']];
return $row['html'] ? $row['value'] : rcube::SQ($row['value']);
// compose html table
$table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2));
foreach ($plugin['output'] as $hkey => $row) {
$val = $row['html'] ? $row['value'] : rcube::SQ($row['value']);
$table->add(array('class' => 'header-title'), rcube::SQ($row['title']));
$table->add(array('class' => 'header '.$hkey), $val);
return $table->show($attrib);
* Returns element with "From|To <sender|recipient> on <date>"
function rcmail_message_summary($attrib)
if (!isset($MESSAGE) || empty($MESSAGE->headers)) {
$header = $MESSAGE->context ? 'from' : rcmail_message_list_smart_column_name();
$label = 'shortheader' . $header;
$date = $RCMAIL->format_date($MESSAGE->headers->date, $RCMAIL->config->get('date_long', 'x'));
$user = $MESSAGE->headers->$header;
if (!$user && $header == 'to') {
$user = $MESSAGE->headers->cc;
if (!$user && $header == 'to') {
$user = $MESSAGE->headers->bcc;
$vars[$header] = rcmail_address_string($user, 1, true, $attrib['addicon'], $MESSAGE->headers->charset);
$vars['date'] = html::span('text-nowrap', $date);
if (empty($user)) {
$label = 'shortheaderdate';
$out = html::span(null, $RCMAIL->gettext(array('name' => $label, 'vars' => $vars)));
return html::div($attrib, $out);
* Convert Priority header value into a localized string
function rcmail_localized_priority($value)
global $RCMAIL;
$labels_map = array(
'1' => 'highest',
'2' => 'high',
'3' => 'normal',
'4' => 'low',
'5' => 'lowest',
if ($value && $labels_map[$value]) {
return $RCMAIL->gettext($labels_map[$value]);
return '';
* Returns block to show full message headers
function rcmail_message_full_headers($attrib)
global $OUTPUT, $RCMAIL;
$html = html::div(array('id' => "all-headers", 'class' => "all", 'style' => 'display:none'),
html::div(array('id' => 'headers-source'), ''));
$html .= html::div(array(
'class' => "more-headers show-headers",
'onclick' => "return ".rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('show-headers','',this)",
'title' => $RCMAIL->gettext('togglefullheaders')
), '');
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('all_headers_row', 'all-headers');
$OUTPUT->add_gui_object('all_headers_box', 'headers-source');
return html::div($attrib, $html);
* Handler for the 'messagebody' GUI object
* @param array Named parameters
* @return string HTML content showing the message body
function rcmail_message_body($attrib)
if (!is_array($MESSAGE->parts) && empty($MESSAGE->body)) {
return '';
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmailMsgBody';
$safe_mode = $MESSAGE->is_safe || intval($_GET['_safe']);
$out = '';
$part_no = 0;
$header_attrib = array();
foreach ($attrib as $attr => $value) {
if (preg_match('/^headertable([a-z]+)$/i', $attr, $regs)) {
$header_attrib[$regs[1]] = $value;
if (!empty($MESSAGE->parts)) {
foreach ($MESSAGE->parts as $part) {
if ($part->type == 'headers') {
$out .= html::div('message-partheaders', rcmail_message_headers(count($header_attrib) ? $header_attrib : null, $part->headers));
else if ($part->type == 'content') {
// unsupported (e.g. encrypted)
if ($part->realtype) {
if ($part->realtype == 'multipart/encrypted' || $part->realtype == 'application/pkcs7-mime') {
if (!empty($_SESSION['browser_caps']['pgpmime']) && ($pgp_mime_part = $MESSAGE->get_multipart_encrypted_part())) {
$out .= html::span('part-notice', $RCMAIL->gettext('externalmessagedecryption'));
$OUTPUT->set_env('pgp_mime_part', $pgp_mime_part->mime_id);
$OUTPUT->set_env('pgp_mime_container', '#' . $attrib['id']);
if (!$MESSAGE->encrypted_part) {
$out .= html::span('part-notice', $RCMAIL->gettext('encryptedmessage'));
else if (!$part->size) {
// Check if we have enough memory to handle the message in it
// #1487424: we need up to 10x more memory than the body
else if (!rcube_utils::mem_check($part->size * 10)) {
$out .= rcmail_part_too_big_message($MESSAGE, $part->mime_id);
// fetch part body
$body = $MESSAGE->get_part_body($part->mime_id, true);
// message is cached but not exists (#1485443), or other error
if ($body === false) {
$plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_body_prefix',
array('part' => $part, 'prefix' => '', 'message' => $MESSAGE));
// Set attributes of the part container
$container_class = $part->ctype_secondary == 'html' ? 'message-htmlpart' : 'message-part';
$container_id = $container_class . (++$part_no);
$container_attrib = array('class' => $container_class, 'id' => $container_id);
$body_args = array(
'safe' => $safe_mode,
'plain' => !$RCMAIL->config->get('prefer_html'),
'css_prefix' => 'v' . $part_no,
'body_class' => 'rcmBody',
'container_id' => $container_id,
'container_attrib' => $container_attrib,
// Parse the part content for display
$body = rcmail_print_body($body, $part, $body_args);
// check if the message body is PGP encrypted
if (strpos($body, '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----') !== false) {
$OUTPUT->set_env('is_pgp_content', '#' . $container_id);
if ($part->ctype_secondary == 'html') {
$body = rcmail_html4inline($body, $body_args);
$out .= html::div($body_args['container_attrib'], $plugin['prefix'] . $body);
else {
// Check if we have enough memory to handle the message in it
// #1487424: we need up to 10x more memory than the body
if (!rcube_utils::mem_check(strlen($MESSAGE->body) * 10)) {
$out .= rcmail_part_too_big_message($MESSAGE, 0);
else {
$plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('message_body_prefix',
array('part' => $MESSAGE, 'prefix' => ''));
$out .= html::div('message-part',
$plugin['prefix'] . rcmail_plain_body($MESSAGE->body));
// list images after mail body
if ($RCMAIL->config->get('inline_images', true) && !empty($MESSAGE->attachments)) {
$thumbnail_size = $RCMAIL->config->get('image_thumbnail_size', 240);
$client_mimetypes = (array)$RCMAIL->config->get('client_mimetypes');
$show_label = rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('showattachment'));
$download_label = rcube::Q($RCMAIL->gettext('download'));
foreach ($MESSAGE->attachments as $attach_prop) {
// skip inline images
if ($attach_prop->content_id && $attach_prop->disposition == 'inline') {
// Content-Type: image/*...
if ($mimetype = rcmail_part_image_type($attach_prop)) {
// display thumbnails
if ($thumbnail_size) {
$supported = in_array($mimetype, $client_mimetypes);
$show_link_attr = array(
'href' => $MESSAGE->get_part_url($attach_prop->mime_id, false),
'onclick' => sprintf(
'return %s.command(\'load-attachment\',\'%s\',this)',
$download_link_attr = array(
'href' => $show_link_attr['href'] . '&_download=1',
$show_link = html::a($show_link_attr + array('class' => 'open'), $show_label);
$download_link = html::a($download_link_attr + array('class' => 'download'), $download_label);
$out .= html::p(array('class' => 'image-attachment', 'style' => $supported ? '' : 'display:none'),
html::a($show_link_attr + array('class' => 'image-link', 'style' => sprintf('width:%dpx', $thumbnail_size)),
'class' => 'image-thumbnail',
'src' => $MESSAGE->get_part_url($attach_prop->mime_id, 'image') . '&_thumb=1',
'title' => $attach_prop->filename,
'alt' => $attach_prop->filename,
'style' => sprintf('max-width:%dpx; max-height:%dpx', $thumbnail_size, $thumbnail_size),
'onload' => $supported ? '' : '$(this).parents(\'p.image-attachment\').show()',
) .
html::span('image-filename', rcube::Q($attach_prop->filename)) .
html::span('image-filesize', rcube::Q($RCMAIL->message_part_size($attach_prop))) .
html::span('attachment-links', ($supported ? $show_link . ' ' : '') . $download_link) .
html::br(array('style' => 'clear:both'))
else {
$out .= html::tag('fieldset', 'image-attachment',
html::tag('legend', 'image-filename', rcube::Q($attach_prop->filename)) .
html::p(array('align' => 'center'),
'src' => $MESSAGE->get_part_url($attach_prop->mime_id, 'image'),
'title' => $attach_prop->filename,
'alt' => $attach_prop->filename,
// tell client that there are blocked remote objects
if ($REMOTE_OBJECTS && !$safe_mode) {
$OUTPUT->set_env('blockedobjects', true);
return html::div($attrib, $out);
* Returns a HTML notice element for too big message parts
function rcmail_part_too_big_message($MESSAGE, $part_id)
global $RCMAIL;
$token = $RCMAIL->get_request_token();
$url = $RCMAIL->url(array(
'task' => 'mail',
'action' => 'get',
'download' => 1,
'uid' => $MESSAGE->uid,
'part' => $part_id,
'mbox' => $MESSAGE->folder,
'token' => $token,
return html::span('part-notice', $RCMAIL->gettext('messagetoobig') . ' ' . html::a($url, $RCMAIL->gettext('download')));