You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1377 lines
45 KiB

* Roundcube functions for the elastic skin
* Copyright (c) 2017, The Roundcube Dev Team
* The contents are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
* License. It is allowed to copy, distribute, transmit and to adapt the work
* by keeping credits to the original autors in the README file.
* See for details.
* @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:90dc5c0be029de84e523b9b3922520e79e0e6f08&dn=cc0.txt CC0-1.0
"use strict";
function rcube_elastic_ui()
var ref = this,
mode = 'normal', // one of: wide, normal, tablet, phone
env = {
config: {
standard_windows: rcmail.env.standard_windows,
message_extwin: rcmail.env.message_extwin,
compose_extwin: rcmail.env.compose_extwin
small_screen_config: {
standard_windows: true,
message_extwin: false,
compose_extwin: false
content_buttons = [],
layout = {
menu: $('#layout > .menu'),
sidebar: $('#layout > .sidebar'),
list: $('#layout > .list'),
content: $('#layout > .content'),
buttons = {
menu: $(''),
back_sidebar: $('a.back-sidebar-button'),
back_list: $('a.back-list-button'),
// Public methods
this.register_frame_buttons = register_frame_buttons;
this.about_dialog = about_dialog;
this.spellmenu = spellmenu;
this.searchmenu = searchmenu;
this.headersmenu = headersmenu;
8 years ago
this.attachmentmenu = attachmentmenu;
// Initialize layout
// Convert some elements to Bootstrap style
// Initialize responsive toolbars (have to be before popups init)
// Initialize content frame and list handlers
// Initialize menu dropdowns
8 years ago
// Update layout after initialization
// Setup various UI elements
8 years ago
* Setup procedure
function setup()
// Initialize search forms (in list headers)
$('.header > .searchbar').each(function() { searchbar_init(this); });
// Intercept jQuery-UI dialogs to re-style them
if ($.ui) {
$.widget('ui.dialog', $.ui.dialog, {
open: function() {
return this;
// menu/sidebar/list button'click', function() { show_menu(); return false; });
buttons.back_sidebar.on('click', function() { show_sidebar(); return false; });
buttons.back_list.on('click', function() { show_list(); return false; });
$('body').on('click', function() { if (mode == 'phone'); });
// Set content frame title in parent window
if (rcmail.is_framed()) {
var title = $('h1.voice:first').text();
if (title) {
parent.$('#content > .header > .header-title').text(title);
else {
var title = $('#content .boxtitle:first').detach().text();
if (title) {
$('#content > .header > .header-title').text(title);
// Move form buttons from the content frame into the frame header (on parent window)
// TODO: Active button state
var form_buttons = [];
$('.formbuttons').children(':not(.cancel)').each(function() {
var target = $(this);
8 years ago
// skip non-content buttons
if (!rcmail.is_framed() && !target.parents('.content').length) {
var button = target.clone();
button.attr({'onclick': '', disabled: false, id: button.attr('id') + '-clone', title: target.text()})
.data('target', target)
.on('click', function(e) {; })
if (form_buttons.length) {
if (rcmail.is_framed()) {
if (parent.UI) {
else {
8 years ago
$('[data-recipient-input]').each(function() { recipient_input(this); });
// Show input elements with non-empty value
// These event handlers need to be registered before rcmail 'init' event
$('#_cc, #_bcc, #_replyto, #_followupto', $('.compose-headers')).each(function() {
$(this).on('change', function() {
$('#compose' + $(this).attr('id'))[this.value ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('hidden');
* Moves form buttons into content frame toolbar (for mobile)
function register_frame_buttons(buttons)
// we need these buttons really only in phone mode
if (/*mode == 'phone' && */layout.content.length && buttons && buttons.length) {
var header = layout.content.children('.header');
if (header.length) {
var toolbar = header.children('.buttons');
if (!toolbar.length) {
var menu = $('a.toolbar-menu-button', header);
toolbar = $('<span class="buttons">');
if (menu.length) {
else {
content_buttons = [];
$.each(buttons, function() {
* Setup environment
function layout_init()
// Select current layout element
env.last_selected = $('#layout > div.selected')[0];
if (!env.last_selected && layout.content.length) {
$.each(['sidebar', 'list', 'content'], function() {
if (layout[this].length) {
env.last_selected = layout[this][0];
return false;
// Register resize handler, and call it to do layout setup
$(window).on('resize', function() {
env.resize_timeout = setTimeout(function() { resize(); }, 25);
.addEventListener('message', message_displayed)
.addEventListener('menu-open', menu_toggle)
.addEventListener('menu-close', menu_toggle)
.addEventListener('editor-init', tinymce_init)
.addEventListener('autocomplete_create', rcmail_popup_init)
.addEventListener('googiespell_create', rcmail_popup_init)
.addEventListener('init', init);
* rcmail 'init' event handler
function init()
// Enable checkbox selection on list widgets
$('table[data-list]').each(function() {
var list = $(this).data('list');
if (rcmail[list] && rcmail[list].multiselect) {
rcmail[list].checkbox_selection = true;
8 years ago
// add menu link for each attachment
$('#attachment-list > li').each(function() {
rcmail.addEventListener('fileappended', function(e) { if (e.attachment.complete) attachmentmenu_append(e.item); });
* Apply bootstrap classes to html elements
function bootstrap_style(context)
$('input.button,button', context || document).addClass('btn').not('.btn-primary,.primary,.mainaction').addClass('btn-secondary');
$('input.button.mainaction,button.primary,button.mainaction', context || document).addClass('btn-primary');
$.each(['warning', 'error'], function() {
var type = this;
$('.box' + type, context).each(function() {
message_displayed({object: this, type: type});
// Forms
$('input,select', $('table.propform')).not('[type=checkbox]').addClass('form-control');
$('[type=checkbox]', $('table.propform')).addClass('form-check-input');
$('table.propform > tbody > tr').each(function() {
var row = $(this),
row_classes = ['form-group', 'row'],
cells = row.children('td');
if (cells.length == 2) {
$('label', cells.first()).addClass('col-form-label');
if (cells.last().find('[type=checkbox]').length) {
row.addClass(row_classes.join(' '));
// Testing Bootstrap Tabs on contact info/edit page
// Tabs do not scale nicely on very small screen, so can be used
// only with small number of tabs with short text labels
// TODO: Should we use Accordion widget instead on mobile?
$('.tabbed', context).each(function(idx, item) {
var tabs = [], nav = $('<ul>').attr({'class': 'nav nav-tabs', role: 'tablist'});
$(this).addClass('tab-content').children('fieldset').each(function(i, fieldset) {
var tab, id = 'tab' + idx + '-' + i;
$(fieldset).addClass('tab-pane').attr({id: id, role: 'tabpanel'});
tab = $('<li>').addClass('nav-item').append(
.attr({role: 'tab', 'href': '#' + id})
.text($('legend:first', fieldset).text())
.click(function() { $(this).tab('show'); })
$('legend:first', fieldset).hide();
// create the navigation bar
// activate the first tab
$('a.nav-link:first', nav).click();
// Make logon form prettier
if (rcmail.env.task == 'login') {
$('#login-form table tr').each(function() {
var input = $('input,select', this),
label = $('label', this),
icon = $('<i>').attr('class', 'input-group-addon icon ' + input.attr('name').replace('_', ''));
$(this).addClass('form-group row');
label.parent().css('display', 'none');
.attr('placeholder', label.text())
* Initializes popup menus
function dropdowns_init()
$('*[data-popup]').each(function() { popup_init(this); });
// close popups on click in an iframe on the page
var close_all_popups = function(e) {
$('.popover-content:visible').each(function() {
var button = $(this).children('*:first').data('button');
if ( != button) {
// TODO: Fix unwanted popups closing on click inside a popup
$(document).on('click', close_all_popups);
rcube_webmail.set_iframe_events({mousedown: close_all_popups});
* Init content frame
function content_frame_init()
// when loading content-frame in small-screen mode display it
layout.content.find('iframe').on('load', function(e) {
var show = !;
if (show && !':visible')) {
env.last_selected = layout.content[0];
else if (!show) {
$('.header > .header-title', layout.content).text('');
// display the list widget after 'list' and 'listgroup' commands
// @TODO: plugins should be able to do the same
var list_handler = function(e) {
if (mode != 'wide') {
if (rcmail.env.task == 'addressbook' || (rcmail.env.task == 'mail' && !rcmail.env.action)) {
// display current folder name in list header
if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail' && !rcmail.env.action) {
var name = $.type(e) == 'string' ? e : rcmail.env.mailbox;
var folder = rcmail.env.mailboxes[name];
$('.header > .header-title', layout.list).text(folder ? : '');
.addEventListener('afterlist', list_handler)
.addEventListener('afterlistgroup', list_handler)
.addEventListener('afterlistsearch', list_handler);
* Handler for editor-init event
function tinymce_init(o)
// FIXME: only for mobile?
if (mode == 'phone') {
// Enable autoresize plugin
// TODO: autoresize for plain text editor area
o.config.plugins += ' autoresize';
// Make the toolbar icons bigger
o.config.toolbar_items_size = null;
// Use minimalistic toolbar
o.config.toolbar = 'undo redo | insert | styleselect';
8 years ago
* Handler for some Roundcube core popups
function rcmail_popup_init(o)
// Add some common styling to the autocomplete/googiespell popups
$('table,ul', o.obj).addClass('listing iconized');
* Window resize handler
* Does layout reflows e.g. on screen orientation change
function resize()
var size, width = $(window).width();
if (width <= 480)
size = 'phone';
else if (width > 1200)
size = 'wide';
else if (width <= 768)
size = 'tablet';
size = 'normal';
mode = size;
display_screen_size(); // debug info
// for development only (to be removed)
function display_screen_size()
if ($('body.iframe').length)
var div = $('#screen-size'), win = $(window);
if (!div.length) {
div = $('<div>').attr({
id: 'screen-size',
8 years ago
style: 'position:absolute;display:block;right:0;z-index:100;'
+ (rcmail.is_framed() ? 'top:0;' : 'bottom:0;')
+ 'opacity:0.5;color:white;background-color:black;white-space:nowrap'
div.text(win.width() + ' x ' + win.height() + ' (' + mode + ')');
function screen_resize()
switch (mode) {
case 'phone': screen_resize_phone(); break;
case 'tablet': screen_resize_tablet(); break;
case 'normal': screen_resize_normal(); break;
case 'wide': screen_resize_wide(); break;
function screen_resize_phone()
function screen_resize_tablet()
screen_resize_small();'display', 'flex');
function screen_resize_small()
var show, got_content = false;
if (layout.content.length) {
show = got_content =;
layout.content.css('display', show ? 'flex' : 'none');
if (layout.list.length) {
show = !got_content &&;
layout.list.css('display', show ? 'flex' : 'none');
if (layout.sidebar.length) {
show = !got_content && ( || !layout.list.length);
layout.sidebar.css('display', show ? 'flex' : 'none');
if (got_content) {;
$('.header > ul.toolbar', layout.content).addClass('popupmenu');
$.each(content_buttons, function() { $(this).hide(); });
// disable ext-windows and other features
rcmail.enable_command('extwin', false);
function screen_resize_normal()
var show;
if (layout.list.length) {
show = || !;
layout.list.css('display', show ? 'flex' : 'none');
if (layout.sidebar.length) {
show = !layout.list.length ||;
layout.sidebar.css('display', show ? 'flex' : 'none');
layout.content.css('display', 'flex');'display', 'flex');
$.each(content_buttons, function() { $(this).show(); });
// re-enable ext-windows
rcmail.enable_command('extwin', true);
function screen_resize_wide()
$.each(layout, function(name, item) { item.css('display', 'flex'); });
$.each(content_buttons, function() { $(this).show(); });
// re-enable ext-windows
rcmail.enable_command('extwin', true);
function show_sidebar()
// show sidebar and hide list
layout.sidebar.css('display', 'flex');
function show_list()
if (!layout.list.length && !layout.sidebar.length) {
else {
// show list and hide sidebar and content
layout.list.css('display', 'flex');
function hide_content()
// show sidebar or list, hide content frame
env.last_selected = layout.list[0] || layout.sidebar[0];
// reset content frame, so we can load it again
// now we have to unselect selected row on the list
$('[data-list]', layout.list).each(function() {
var list = $(this).data('list');
if (rcmail[list]) {
if (rcmail[list].clear_selection) {
rcmail[list].clear_selection(); // list widget
else if (rcmail[list].select) {
rcmail[list].select(); // treelist widget
// show menu widget
function show_menu()
var display = 'flex';
if (mode == 'phone') {
display =':visible') ? 'none' : 'block';
}'display', display);
* Triggered when a UI message is displayed
function message_displayed(p)
var cl, classes = 'ui alert',
map = {
information: 'alert-success',
confirmation: 'alert-success',
notice: 'alert-info',
error: 'alert-danger',
warning: 'alert-warning',
loading: 'alert-info loading'
if (cl = map[p.type]) {
classes += ' ' + cl;
$('<i>').attr('class', 'icon').prependTo(p.object);
$(p.object).addClass(classes).attr('role', 'alert');
$('a', p.object).addClass('alert-link');
var siblings = $(p.object).siblings('div');
if (siblings.length)
// show a popup dialog on errors
if (p.type == 'error' && rcmail.env.task != 'login') {
// hide original message object, we don't want both
* Initializes searchbar widget
function searchbar_init(bar)
var input = $('input', bar),
button = $('', bar),
settings_button = $('a.button.settings', bar)[0],
form = $('form', bar),
all_elements = $('form, a.button.options, a.button.reset', bar),
is_search_pending = function() {
// TODO: This have to be improved to detect real searching state
// There are cases when search is active but the input is empty
return input.val();
hide_func = function(event, focus) {
// TODO: This animation in Chrome does not look as good as in Firefox
$(bar).animate({'width': '0'}, 200, 'swing', function() {
$(bar).width('auto'); // fixes search button position in Chrome
button[is_search_pending() ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('active')
.css('display', 'block');
if (focus) {
if (is_search_pending()) {
// Display search form (with animation effect)
button.on('click', function() {
$(bar).animate({'width': '100%'}, 200);
all_elements.css('display', 'table-cell');
// Search reset action
$('a.button.reset', bar).on('click', function(e) {
// for treelist widget's search setting val and keyup.treelist is needed
// in normal search form reset-search command will do the trick
// TODO: This calls for some generalization, what about two searchboxes on a page?
input.val('').change().trigger('keyup.treelist', {keyCode: 27});
hide_func(e, true);
// These will hide the form, but not reset it
rcube_webmail.set_iframe_events({mousedown: hide_func});
$('body').on('mousedown', function(e) {
if (!':visible') && $.inArray(bar, $( == -1) {
* Converts toolbar menu into popup-menu for small screens
function toolbar_init()
if (env.got_smart_toolbar) {
env.got_smart_toolbar = true;
// TODO: if the toolbar contains "global or list only" buttons
// another popup menu with these options should be created
// on the list (or sidebar if there's no list element).
// TODO: spacer item
// TODO: dropbutton item
// TODO: a way to inject buttons to the menu from content iframe
// or automatically add all buttons except Save and Cancel
// (example QR Code button in contact frame)
var items = [];
// convert toolbar to a popup list
$('.header > .toolbar', layout.content).each(function() {
var toolbar = $(this);
toolbar.children().each(function() {
var button = $(this).detach();
items.push($('<li role="menuitem">').append(button));
// append the new toolbar and menu button
if (items.length) {
var menu_button = $('<a class="button icon toolbar-menu-button" href="#menu">')
.attr({'data-popup': 'toolbar-menu'});
// TODO: copy original toolbar attributes (class, role, aria-*)
.append($('<ul>').attr({'class': 'toolbar popupmenu listing', id: 'toolbar-menu'}).append(items))
8 years ago
// TODO: A menu converted to a popup will be hidden on click in the body
// we do not want that
8 years ago
* Initialize a popup for specified button element
function popup_init(item)
8 years ago
var popup_id = $(item).data('popup'),
popup = $('#' + popup_id)[0],
title = $(item).attr('title'),
popup_position = $(item).data('popup-pos') || 'bottom';
'aria-haspopup': 'true',
'aria-expanded': 'false',
8 years ago
'aria-owns': popup_id
trigger: 'click',
container: 'body',
content: popup,
placement: popup_position,
html: true
8 years ago
.on('', function(event) {
var init_func = $(popup).data('popup-init');
$(popup).attr('aria-hidden', false);
if (init_func && ref[init_func]) {
8 years ago
ref[init_func](popup, item, event);
else if (init_func && window[init_func]) {
8 years ago
window[init_func](popup, item, event);
.on('', function() {
$(popup).attr('aria-hidden', true);
.attr('title', title); // re-add title attribute removed by bootstrap
// TODO: Fix popup positioning
// TODO: Set popup height so it is less than the window height
8 years ago
$(popup).attr('aria-hidden', 'true')
.data('button', item);
* Set UI dialogs size/style depending on screen size
function dialog_open(dialog)
var me = $(dialog.uiDialog),
width = me.width(),
height = me.height(),
maxWidth = $(window).width(),
maxHeight = $(window).height();
if (maxWidth <= 480) {
me.css({width: '100%', height: '100%'});
else {
if (height > maxHeight) {
me.css('height', '100%');
if (width > maxWidth) {
me.css('width', '100%');
// TODO: style buttons/forms
* Handler for menu-open and menu-close events
function menu_toggle(p)
if (p && == 'messagelistmenu') {
else if (p && == 'folder-selector') {
$('ul:first', p.obj).addClass('listing folderlist');
// $(p.obj).addClass('popupmenu');
* Messages list options dialog
function menu_messagelist(p)
var content = $('#listoptions-menu'),
width = content.width() + 25,
dialog = content.clone();
// set form values
$('input[name="sort_col"][value="'+rcmail.env.sort_col+'"]', dialog).prop('checked', true);
$('input[name="sort_ord"][value="DESC"]', dialog).prop('checked', rcmail.env.sort_order == 'DESC');
$('input[name="sort_ord"][value="ASC"]', dialog).prop('checked', rcmail.env.sort_order != 'DESC');
// set checkboxes
$('input[name="list_col[]"]', dialog).each(function() {
$(this).prop('checked', $.inArray(this.value, rcmail.env.listcols) != -1);
var save_func = function(e) {
if (rcube_event.is_keyboard(e.originalEvent)) {
var sort = $('input[name="sort_col"]:checked', dialog).val(),
ord = $('input[name="sort_ord"]:checked', dialog).val(),
layout = $('input[name="layout"]:checked', dialog).val(),
cols = $('input[name="list_col[]"]:checked', dialog)
.map(function() { return this.value; }).get();
rcmail.set_list_options(cols, sort, ord, rcmail.env.threading, layout);
return true;
rcmail.simple_dialog(dialog, rcmail.gettext('listoptionstitle'), save_func, {
closeOnEscape: true,
open: function(e) {
setTimeout(function() { dialog.find('a, input:not(:disabled)').not('[aria-disabled=true]').first().focus(); }, 100);
minWidth: 500,
width: width
* About dialog
function about_dialog(elem)
var support_url, support_func, support_button = false,
dialog = $('<iframe>').attr({id: 'aboutframe', src: rcmail.url('settings/about', {_framed: 1})}),
support_link = $('#supportlink');
// TODO: 'Get Support' link/button
if (support_link.length && (support_url = support_link.attr('href'))) {
support_button = support_link.html();
support_func = function(e) { support_url.indexOf('mailto:') < 0 ? : location.href = support_url };
rcmail.simple_dialog(dialog, $(elem).text(), support_func, {
button: support_button,
width: 600,
height: 400
* Search options menu popup
function searchmenu(obj)
var n, all,
list = $('input[name="s_mods[]"]', obj),
scope_list = $('input[name="s_scope"]', obj),
mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox,
mods = rcmail.env.search_mods,
scope = rcmail.env.search_scope || 'base';
if (!$(obj).data('initialized')) {
list.on('click', function() { set_searchmod(this, obj); });
scope_list.on('click', function() { rcmail.set_searchscope(this.value); });
$(obj).data('initialized', true);
if (rcmail.env.search_mods) {
if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') {
if (scope == 'all') {
mbox = '*';
mods = mods[mbox] ? mods[mbox] : mods['*'];
all = 'text';
scope_list.prop('checked', false).filter('#s_scope_' + scope).prop('checked', true);
else {
all = '*';
if (mods[all]) { {
this.checked = true;
this.disabled = this.value != all;
else {
list.prop('disabled', false).prop('checked', false);
for (n in mods) {
$('#s_mod_' + n, obj).prop('checked', true);
function set_searchmod(elem, menu)
var all, m, task = rcmail.env.task,
mods = rcmail.env.search_mods,
mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox,
scope = $('input[name="s_scope"]:checked', menu).val();
if (scope == 'all') {
mbox = '*';
if (!mods) {
mods = {};
if (task == 'mail') {
if (!mods[mbox]) {
mods[mbox] = rcube_clone_object(mods['*']);
m = mods[mbox];
all = 'text';
else { //addressbook
m = mods;
all = '*';
if (!elem.checked) {
else {
m[elem.value] = 1;
// mark all fields
if (elem.value == all) {
$('input[name="s_mods[]"]', menu).map(function() {
if (this == elem) {
this.checked = true;
if (elem.checked) {
this.disabled = true;
delete m[this.value];
else {
this.disabled = false;
m[this.value] = 1;
* Spellcheck languages list
function spellmenu(obj)
var i, link, li, list = [],
lang = rcmail.spellcheck_lang(),
ul = $('ul', obj);
if (!ul.length) {
ul = $('<ul class="toolbarmenu selectable listing iconized" role="menu">');
for (i in rcmail.env.spell_langs) {
li = $('<li role="menuitem">');
link = $('<a href="#'+ i +'" tabindex="0"></a>')
.addClass('active').data('lang', i)
.on('click keypress', function(e) {
if (e.type != 'keypress' || rcube_event.get_keycode(e) == 13) {
// rcmail.hide_menu('spellmenu', e);
return false;
// select current language
$('li', ul).each(function() {
var el = $('a', this);
if ('lang') == lang) {
el.addClass('selected').attr('aria-selected', 'true');
else if (el.hasClass('selected')) {
8 years ago
* Attachment menu
function attachmentmenu(obj, button, event)
var id = $(button).parent().attr('id').replace(/^attach/, '');
$.each(['open', 'download', 'rename'], function() {
var action = this;
$('#attachmenu' + action, obj).off('click').attr('onclick', '').click(function(e) {
return rcmail.command(action + '-attachment', id, this);
// call menu-open so core can set state of menu commands
rcmail.command('menu-open', {menu: 'attachmentmenu', id: id}, obj, event);
* Appends drop-icon to attachments list item (to invoke attachment menu)
function attachmentmenu_append(item)
item = $(item);
if (!item.children('.drop').length) {
var button = $('<a>')
href: '#',
tabindex: 0,
'class': 'button icon dropdown skip-content',
'data-popup': 'attachment-menu',
.append($('<span class="inner">').text('Show options')) // TODO: Localize "Show options"
8 years ago
* Headers menu in mail compose
function headersmenu(obj, button, event)
$('li > a', obj).each(function() {
var target = '#compose_' + $(this).data('target');
$(this)[$(target).is(':visible') ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('active')
.off().on('click', function() { $(target).removeClass('hidden'); });
* Replaces recipient input with content-editable element that uses "recipient boxes"
function recipient_input(obj)
var input, ac_props;
var insert_recipient = function(name, email) {
var recipient = $('<span>'),
last = input.children('span:last'),
name_element = $('<span>').attr({'class': 'name', contenteditable: false})
.html(recipient_input_name(name || email)),
email_element = $('<span>').attr({'class': 'email', contenteditable: false}),
// TODO: should the 'close' link have tabindex?
link = $('<a>').attr({'class': 'button icon remove', contenteditable: false})
.click(function() {
// update the original input
// no need to propagate the event
return false;
if (name) {
email = ' <' + email + '>';
email_element.text((name ? email : '') + rcmail.env.recipients_separator);
recipient.attr({'class': 'recipient', contenteditable: false, title: name ? (name + email) : null})
.append([name_element, email_element, link]);
if (last.length) {
else {
// contentEditable BR is required as a workaround for cursor issues in Chrome
.append($('<br>').attr('contenteditable', false));
// get text input node from inside of the widget
var get_text_node = function() {
return $(input).contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; }).last()[0];
// Backspace key can add <br type="_moz"> in Firefox
// Puts cursor at proper place of the content editable element
var focus_func = function() {
var obj, range = document.createRange();
rcmail.env.focused_field = obj;
// if there's a text node, put cursor at the end of it
if (obj = get_text_node()) {
range.setStart(obj, $(obj).text().length);
// else if there's <br> put the cursor before it
else if (obj = input.children('br:last')[0]) {
// else if there's at least one recipient box put the cursor after the last one
else if (obj = input.children('span:last')[0]) {
// else if there's any node, put the cursor after it
else if (obj = input.lastChild) {
// else do nothing
else {
var selection = window.getSelection();
var update_func = function() {
var node, text, recipients = [], cloned = input.clone();
text = cloned.text().replace(/[,;\s]+$/, '');
recipients = recipient_input_parser(text);
$.each(recipients, function() {
text = text.replace(this.text, '');
if (recipients.length) {
// update text node
text = $.trim(text.replace(/[,]{1,}/g, ',').replace(/(^,|,$)/g, ''));
$(input).contents().each(function() { if (this.nodeType == 3) $(this).remove(); });
return recipients.length > 0;
var parse_func = function(e) {
// Note it can be also executed when autocomplete inserts a recipient
// update the original input
// fix cursor position
if (e.type != 'blur') {
var keydown_func = function(e) {
// Backspace removes all recipients in Chrome, but in Firefox
// it does nothing. We'll consistently remove the last recipient
if (e.keyCode == 8) {
// check if we're on the far left side of the text entry node
var node = get_text_node(), selection = window.getSelection();
if ((node == selection.focusNode && !selection.focusOffset) || selection.anchorNode == input[0]) {
// update the original input
return false;
// Here we add a recipient box when the separator character was pressed
else if (e.keyCode == 188) {
if (update_func()) {
return false;
// Create the content-editable div
input = $('<div>')
.attr({contenteditable: true, tabindex: $(obj).attr('tabindex')})
.addClass('form-control recipient-input')
.on('paste change blur', parse_func)
.on('keydown', keydown_func)
.on('focus mousedown', focus_func)
.on('keyup', function() {
// Backspace key can add <br type="_moz"> in Firefox
// TODO: this fixes that, but causes input height jump effect
$('br[type=\"_moz\"]', this).remove();
// "Replace" the original input/textarea with the content-editable div
// Note: we do not remove the original element, and we do not use
// display: none, because we want to handle onfocus event
// Note: tabindex:-1 to make Shift+TAB working on these widgets
$(obj).css({position: 'absolute', opacity: 0, left: '-5000px', width: '10px'})
.attr('tabindex', -1).after(input)
// some core code sometimes focuses or changes the original node
// in such cases we wan't to parse it's value and apply changes
// to the widget element
.on('focus', function(e) { input.focus(); })
.on('change', function(e) { input.text(this.value).change(); });
// this one line is here to fix border of Bootstrap's input-group
// input-group should not contain any hidden elements
// Copy and parse the value already set
if (rcmail.env.autocomplete_threads > 0) {
ac_props = {
threads: rcmail.env.autocomplete_threads,
sources: rcmail.env.autocomplete_sources
// Init autocompletion
rcmail.init_address_input_events(input, ac_props);
* Parses recipient address input and extracts recipients from it
function recipient_input_parser(text)
var recipients = [],
delim = rcmail.env.recipients_delimiter + ';',
address_rx_part = '(\\S+|("[^"]+"))@\\S+',
recipient_rx1 = new RegExp('(<' + address_rx_part + '>)'),
recipient_rx2 = new RegExp('(' + address_rx_part + ')'),
global_rx = /(?=\S)[^",;]*(?:"[^\\"]*(?:\\[,;\S][^\\"]*)*"[^",;]*)*/g,
matches = text.match(global_rx);
$.each(matches || [], function() {
if (this.length && (recipient_rx1.test(this) || recipient_rx2.test(this))) {
var email = RegExp.$1,
name = $.trim(this.replace(email, ''));
name: name,
email: email.replace(/(^<|>$)/g, ''),
text: this
return recipients;
* Generates HTML for a text adding <span class="hidden">
* for quote/backslash characters, so they are hidden from the user,
* but still in place to make copying simpler
* Note: Selection works in Chrome, but not in Firefox?
function recipient_input_name(text)
var i, char, result = '', len = text.length;
if (text.charAt(0) != '"' && text.indexOf('"') > -1) {
text = '"' + text.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') + '"';
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
char = text.charAt(i);
switch (char) {
case '"':
if (i > 0 && i < len - 1) {
result += '"';
result += '<span class="quotes">' + char + '</span>';
case '\\':
result += '<span class="quotes">' + char + '</span>';
if (text.charAt(i+1) == '\\') {
result += char;
case '<':
result += '&lt;';
case '>':
result += '&gt;';
result += char;
return result;
var UI = new rcube_elastic_ui();