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utf8 1.0
Copyright: Left
Version: 1.0
Date: 23 November 2004
Author: Alexander Minkovsky (
License: Choose the more appropriated for You - I don't care.
Class provides functionality to convert single byte strings, such as CP1251
ti UTF-8 multibyte format and vice versa.
Class loads a concrete charset map, for example CP1251.
(Refer to for map files)
Directory containing MAP files is predefined as constant.
Each charset is also predefined as constant pointing to the MAP file.
Example usage:
Pass the desired charset in the class constructor:
$utfConverter = new utf8(CP1251); //defaults to CP1250.
or load the charset MAP using loadCharset method like this:
Then call
$res = $utfConverter->strToUtf8($str);
$res = $utfConverter->utf8ToStr($utf);
to get the needed encoding.
Rewrite or Override the onError method if needed. It's the error handler used from everywhere and takes 2 parameters:
err_code and err_text. By default it just prints out a message about the error.
// Charset maps
// Adapted to fit RoundCube
define("UTF8_MAP_DIR", "program/lib/encoding");
$utf8_maps = array(
"CP1250" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"CP1251" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"CP1252" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"CP1253" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"CP1254" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"CP1255" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"CP1256" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"CP1257" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"CP1258" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"ISO-8859-1" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"ISO-8859-2" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"ISO-8859-3" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/",
"ISO-8859-4" => UTF8_MAP_DIR . "/");
//Error constants
//Class definition
Class utf8{
var $charset = CP1250;
var $ascMap = array();
var $utfMap = array();
// made PHP5 capable by RoundCube
function __construct($charset="ISO-8859-1"){
function utf8($charset="ISO-8859-1"){
//Load charset
function loadCharset($charset){
global $utf8_maps;
if (!is_file($utf8_maps[$charset]))
$this->onError(ERR_OPEN_MAP_FILE, "Failed to open map file for $charset");
if (empty($this->ascMap[$charset]))
$lines = file_get_contents($utf8_maps[$charset]);
$lines = preg_replace("/#.*$/m","",$lines);
$lines = preg_replace("/\n\n/","",$lines);
$lines = explode("\n",$lines);
foreach($lines as $line){
$parts = explode('0x',$line);
$this->charset = $charset;
$this->utfMap = array_flip($this->ascMap[$charset]);
//Error handler
function onError($err_code,$err_text){
//print($err_code . " : " . $err_text . "<hr>\n");
raise_error(array('code' => 500,
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => $err_text), TRUE, FALSE);
//Translate string ($str) to UTF-8 from given charset
function strToUtf8($str){
$chars = unpack('C*', $str);
$cnt = count($chars);
for($i=1;$i<=$cnt;$i++) $this->_charToUtf8($chars[$i]);
return implode("",$chars);
//Translate UTF-8 string to single byte string in the given charset
function utf8ToStr($utf){
$chars = unpack('C*', $utf);
$cnt = count($chars);
$res = ""; //No simple way to do it in place... concatenate char by char
for ($i=1;$i<=$cnt;$i++){
$res .= $this->_utf8ToChar($chars, $i);
return $res;
//Char to UTF-8 sequence
function _charToUtf8(&$char){
$c = (int)$this->ascMap[$this->charset][$char];
if ($c < 0x80){
$char = chr($c);
else if($c<0x800) // 2 bytes
$char = (chr(0xC0 | $c>>6) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F));
else if($c<0x10000) // 3 bytes
$char = (chr(0xE0 | $c>>12) . chr(0x80 | $c>>6 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F));
else if($c<0x200000) // 4 bytes
$char = (chr(0xF0 | $c>>18) . chr(0x80 | $c>>12 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c>>6 & 0x3F) . chr(0x80 | $c & 0x3F));
//UTF-8 sequence to single byte character
function _utf8ToChar(&$chars, &$idx){
if(($chars[$idx] >= 240) && ($chars[$idx] <= 255)){ // 4 bytes
$utf = (intval($chars[$idx]-240) << 18) +
(intval($chars[++$idx]-128) << 12) +
(intval($chars[++$idx]-128) << 6) +
(intval($chars[++$idx]-128) << 0);
else if (($chars[$idx] >= 224) && ($chars[$idx] <= 239)){ // 3 bytes
$utf = (intval($chars[$idx]-224) << 12) +
(intval($chars[++$idx]-128) << 6) +
(intval($chars[++$idx]-128) << 0);
else if (($chars[$idx] >= 192) && ($chars[$idx] <= 223)){ // 2 bytes
$utf = (intval($chars[$idx]-192) << 6) +
(intval($chars[++$idx]-128) << 0);
else{ // 1 byte
$utf = $chars[$idx];
return chr($this->utfMap[$utf]);
return "?";