You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

768 lines
24 KiB

19 years ago
| program/steps/mail/ |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
19 years ago
| |
| Compose a new mail message with all headers and attachments |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
// define constants for message compose mode
define('RCUBE_COMPOSE_REPLY', 0x0106);
define('RCUBE_COMPOSE_FORWARD', 0x0107);
define('RCUBE_COMPOSE_DRAFT', 0x0108);
// remove an attachment
if ($_action=='remove-attachment' && preg_match('/^rcmfile([0-9]+)$/', $_GET['_file'], $regs))
$id = $regs[1];
if (is_array($_SESSION['compose']['attachments'][$id]))
$_SESSION['compose']['attachments'][$id] = NULL;
$commands = sprintf("parent.%s.remove_from_attachment_list('rcmfile%d');\n", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $id);
19 years ago
// nothing below is called during message composition, only at "new/forward/reply/draft" initialization
// since there are many ways to leave the compose page improperly, it seems necessary to clean-up an old
// compose when a "new/forward/reply/draft" is called - otherwise the old session attachments will appear
$_SESSION['compose'] = array('id' => uniqid(rand()));
// add some labels to client
rcube_add_label('nosubject', 'norecipientwarning', 'nosubjectwarning', 'nobodywarning', 'notsentwarning', 'savingmessage', 'sendingmessage', 'messagesaved');
// get reference message and set compose mode
if ($msg_uid = get_input_value('_reply_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_GET))
$compose_mode = RCUBE_COMPOSE_REPLY;
else if ($msg_uid = get_input_value('_forward_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_GET))
$compose_mode = RCUBE_COMPOSE_FORWARD;
else if ($msg_uid = get_input_value('_draft_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_GET))
$compose_mode = RCUBE_COMPOSE_DRAFT;
19 years ago
if (!empty($msg_uid))
// similar as in program/steps/mail/
$MESSAGE = array('UID' => $msg_uid);
$MESSAGE['headers'] = &$IMAP->get_headers($msg_uid);
$MESSAGE['structure'] = &$IMAP->get_structure($msg_uid);
19 years ago
$MESSAGE['subject'] = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->subject);
$MESSAGE['parts'] = $IMAP->get_mime_numbers($MESSAGE['structure']);
if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_REPLY)
19 years ago
$_SESSION['compose']['reply_uid'] = $msg_uid;
$_SESSION['compose']['reply_msgid'] = $MESSAGE['headers']->messageID;
$_SESSION['compose']['references'] = $MESSAGE['headers']->reference;
$_SESSION['compose']['references'] .= !empty($MESSAGE['headers']->reference) ? ' ' : '';
$_SESSION['compose']['references'] .= $MESSAGE['headers']->messageID;
if (!empty($_GET['_all']))
$MESSAGE['reply_all'] = 1;
19 years ago
else if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_FORWARD)
19 years ago
$_SESSION['compose']['forward_uid'] = $msg_uid;
19 years ago
else if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_DRAFT)
$_SESSION['compose']['draft_uid'] = $msg_uid;
19 years ago
19 years ago
/****** compose mode functions ********/
function rcmail_compose_headers($attrib)
global $IMAP, $MESSAGE, $DB, $compose_mode;
static $sa_recipients = array();
19 years ago
list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib);
$out = '';
$part = strtolower($attrib['part']);
switch ($part)
case 'from':
return rcmail_compose_header_from($attrib);
19 years ago
case 'to':
$fname = '_to';
$header = 'to';
19 years ago
// we have contact id's as get parameters
if (!empty($_GET['_to']) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*$/', $_GET['_to']))
19 years ago
$a_recipients = array();
$sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT name, email
FROM ".get_table_name('contacts')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND del<>1
AND contact_id IN (".$_GET['_to'].")",
19 years ago
while ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
$a_recipients[] = format_email_recipient($sql_arr['email'], $sql_arr['name']);
if (sizeof($a_recipients))
$fvalue = join(', ', $a_recipients);
else if (!empty($_GET['_to']))
$fvalue = get_input_value('_to', RCUBE_INPUT_GET);
19 years ago
case 'cc':
if (!$fname)
$fname = '_cc';
$header = 'cc';
19 years ago
case 'bcc':
if (!$fname)
$fname = '_bcc';
$allow_attrib = array('id', 'class', 'style', 'cols', 'rows', 'wrap', 'tabindex');
19 years ago
$field_type = 'textarea';
case 'replyto':
case 'reply-to':
$fname = '_replyto';
$allow_attrib = array('id', 'class', 'style', 'size', 'tabindex');
19 years ago
$field_type = 'textfield';
if ($fname && !empty($_POST[$fname]))
19 years ago
$fvalue = get_input_value($fname, RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE);
else if ($header && $compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_REPLY)
19 years ago
// get recipent address(es) out of the message headers
if ($header=='to' && !empty($MESSAGE['headers']->replyto))
$fvalue = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->replyto);
else if ($header=='to' && !empty($MESSAGE['headers']->from))
$fvalue = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->from);
// add recipent of original message if reply to all
else if ($header=='cc' && !empty($MESSAGE['reply_all']))
if ($v = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->to))
$fvalue .= $v;
if ($v = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->cc))
$fvalue .= (!empty($fvalue) ? ', ' : '') . $v;
19 years ago
// split recipients and put them back together in a unique way
if (!empty($fvalue))
$to_addresses = $IMAP->decode_address_list($fvalue);
$fvalue = '';
foreach ($to_addresses as $addr_part)
if (!in_array($addr_part['mailto'], $sa_recipients) && (!$MESSAGE['FROM'] || !in_array($addr_part['mailto'], $MESSAGE['FROM'])))
$fvalue .= (strlen($fvalue) ? ', ':'').$addr_part['string'];
$sa_recipients[] = $addr_part['mailto'];
19 years ago
else if ($header && $compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_DRAFT)
// get drafted headers
if ($header=='to' && !empty($MESSAGE['headers']->to))
$fvalue = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->to);
if ($header=='cc' && !empty($MESSAGE['headers']->cc))
$fvalue = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->cc);
if ($header=='bcc' && !empty($MESSAGE['headers']->bcc))
$fvalue = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->bcc);
19 years ago
if ($fname && $field_type)
// pass the following attributes to the form class
$field_attrib = array('name' => $fname);
foreach ($attrib as $attr => $value)
if (in_array($attr, $allow_attrib))
$field_attrib[$attr] = $value;
// create teaxtarea object
$input = new $field_type($field_attrib);
$out = $input->show($fvalue);
if ($form_start)
$out = $form_start.$out;
19 years ago
return $out;
function rcmail_compose_header_from($attrib)
global $IMAP, $MESSAGE, $DB, $OUTPUT, $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $compose_mode;
// pass the following attributes to the form class
$field_attrib = array('name' => '_from');
foreach ($attrib as $attr => $value)
if (in_array($attr, array('id', 'class', 'style', 'size', 'tabindex')))
$field_attrib[$attr] = $value;
// extract all recipients of the reply-message
$a_recipients = array();
if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_REPLY && is_object($MESSAGE['headers']))
$MESSAGE['FROM'] = array();
$a_to = $IMAP->decode_address_list($MESSAGE['headers']->to);
foreach ($a_to as $addr)
if (!empty($addr['mailto']))
$a_recipients[] = $addr['mailto'];
19 years ago
if (!empty($MESSAGE['headers']->cc))
$a_cc = $IMAP->decode_address_list($MESSAGE['headers']->cc);
foreach ($a_cc as $addr)
if (!empty($addr['mailto']))
$a_recipients[] = $addr['mailto'];
19 years ago
// get this user's identities
$sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT identity_id, name, email, signature
FROM ".get_table_name('identities')."
WHERE user_id=?
AND del<>1
ORDER BY ".$DB->quoteIdentifier('standard')." DESC, name ASC",
if ($DB->num_rows($sql_result))
$from_id = 0;
$a_signatures = array();
$field_attrib['onchange'] = "$JS_OBJECT_NAME.change_identity(this)";
$select_from = new select($field_attrib);
while ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
$select_from->add(format_email_recipient($sql_arr['email'], $sql_arr['name']), $sql_arr['identity_id']);
19 years ago
// add signature to array
if (!empty($sql_arr['signature']))
$a_signatures[$sql_arr['identity_id']] = $sql_arr['signature'];
// set identity if it's one of the reply-message recipients
if (in_array($sql_arr['email'], $a_recipients))
$from_id = $sql_arr['identity_id'];
if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_REPLY && is_array($MESSAGE['FROM']))
$MESSAGE['FROM'][] = $sql_arr['email'];
if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_DRAFT && strstr($MESSAGE['headers']->from, $sql_arr['email']))
$from_id = $sql_arr['identity_id'];
19 years ago
// overwrite identity selection with post parameter
if (isset($_POST['_from']))
$from_id = get_input_value('_from', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
19 years ago
$out = $select_from->show($from_id);
19 years ago
// add signatures to client
$OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s.set_env('signatures', %s);", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, array2js($a_signatures)));
$input_from = new textfield($field_attrib);
$out = $input_from->show($_POST['_from']);
if ($form_start)
$out = $form_start.$out;
19 years ago
return $out;
19 years ago
19 years ago
function rcmail_compose_body($attrib)
global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $MESSAGE, $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $compose_mode;
19 years ago
list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib);
if (empty($attrib['id']))
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmComposeMessage';
19 years ago
$attrib['name'] = '_message';
$textarea = new textarea($attrib);
$body = '';
// use posted message body
if (!empty($_POST['_message']))
$body = get_input_value('_message', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE);
19 years ago
// compose reply-body
else if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_REPLY)
19 years ago
$body = rcmail_first_text_part($MESSAGE);
19 years ago
if (strlen($body))
$body = rcmail_create_reply_body($body);
// forward message body inline
else if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_FORWARD)
19 years ago
$body = rcmail_first_text_part($MESSAGE);
19 years ago
if (strlen($body))
$body = rcmail_create_forward_body($body);
// forward message body inline
else if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_DRAFT)
$body = rcmail_first_text_part($MESSAGE);
if (strlen($body))
$body = rcmail_create_draft_body($body);
19 years ago
$out = $form_start ? "$form_start\n" : '';
$saveid = new hiddenfield(array('name' => '_draft_saveid', 'value' => str_replace(array('<','>'),"",$MESSAGE['headers']->messageID) ));
$out .= $saveid->show();
$drafttoggle = new hiddenfield(array('name' => '_draft', 'value' => 'yes'));
$out .= $drafttoggle->show();
19 years ago
$out .= $textarea->show($body);
$out .= $form_end ? "\n$form_end" : '';
// include GoogieSpell
if (!empty($CONFIG['enable_spellcheck']))
$lang_set = '';
if (!empty($CONFIG['spellcheck_languages']) && is_array($CONFIG['spellcheck_languages']))
$lang_set = "googie.setLanguages(".array2js($CONFIG['spellcheck_languages']).");\n";
$OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("var googie = new GoogieSpell('\$__skin_path/images/googiespell/','%s&_action=spell&lang=');\n".
"googie.lang_chck_spell = \"%s\";\n".
"googie.lang_rsm_edt = \"%s\";\n".
"googie.lang_close = \"%s\";\n".
"googie.lang_revert = \"%s\";\n".
"googie.lang_no_error_found = \"%s\";\n%s".
"%s.set_env('spellcheck', googie);",
$JS_OBJECT_NAME), 'foot');
$out .= "\n".'<iframe name="savetarget" src="program/blank.gif" style="width:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;"></iframe>';
19 years ago
return $out;
function rcmail_create_reply_body($body)
global $IMAP, $MESSAGE;
19 years ago
// soft-wrap message first
$body = wordwrap($body, 75);
// split body into single lines
$a_lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', $body);
// add > to each line
for($n=0; $n<sizeof($a_lines); $n++)
if (strpos($a_lines[$n], '>')===0)
$a_lines[$n] = '>'.$a_lines[$n];
$a_lines[$n] = '> '.$a_lines[$n];
$body = join("\n", $a_lines);
// add title line
$pefix = sprintf("\n\n\nOn %s, %s wrote:\n",
// try to remove the signature
if ($sp = strrpos($body, '-- '))
if ($body{$sp+3}==' ' || $body{$sp+3}=="\n" || $body{$sp+3}=="\r")
$body = substr($body, 0, $sp-1);
19 years ago
return $pefix.$body;
function rcmail_create_forward_body($body)
global $IMAP, $MESSAGE;
19 years ago
// soft-wrap message first
$body = wordwrap($body, 80);
$prefix = sprintf("\n\n\n-------- Original Message --------\nSubject: %s\nDate: %s\nFrom: %s\nTo: %s\n\n",
// add attachments
if (!isset($_SESSION['compose']['forward_attachments']) &&
is_array($MESSAGE['parts']) && sizeof($MESSAGE['parts'])>1)
19 years ago
return $prefix.$body;
function rcmail_create_draft_body($body)
global $IMAP, $MESSAGE;
// add attachments
if (!isset($_SESSION['compose']['forward_attachments']) &&
is_array($MESSAGE['parts']) && sizeof($MESSAGE['parts'])>1)
return $body;
function rcmail_write_compose_attachments(&$message)
global $IMAP;
$temp_dir = rcmail_create_compose_tempdir();
if (!is_array($_SESSION['compose']['attachments']))
$_SESSION['compose']['attachments'] = array();
foreach ($message['parts'] as $pid => $part)
if ($part->ctype_primary != 'message' && $part->ctype_primary != 'text' &&
($part->disposition=='attachment' || $part->disposition=='inline' || $part->headers['content-id'] ||
(empty($part->disposition) && ($part->d_parameters['filename'] || $part->ctype_parameters['name']))))
$tmp_path = tempnam($temp_dir, 'rcmAttmnt');
if ($fp = fopen($tmp_path, 'w'))
fwrite($fp, $IMAP->get_message_part($message['UID'], $pid, $part->encoding));
$filename = !empty($part->d_parameters['filename']) ? $part->d_parameters['filename'] :
(!empty($part->ctype_parameters['name']) ? $part->ctype_parameters['name'] :
(!empty($part->headers['content-description']) ? $part->headers['content-description'] : 'file'));
$_SESSION['compose']['attachments'][] = array(
'name' => rcube_imap::decode_mime_string($filename),
'mimetype' => $part->ctype_primary . '/' . $part->ctype_secondary,
'path' => $tmp_path
$_SESSION['compose']['forward_attachments'] = TRUE;
19 years ago
function rcmail_compose_subject($attrib)
global $CONFIG, $MESSAGE, $compose_mode;
19 years ago
list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib);
$attrib['name'] = '_subject';
$textfield = new textfield($attrib);
$subject = '';
// use subject from post
if (isset($_POST['_subject']))
19 years ago
$subject = get_input_value('_subject', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE);
19 years ago
// create a reply-subject
else if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_REPLY)
if (eregi('^re:', $MESSAGE['subject']))
$subject = $MESSAGE['subject'];
$subject = 'Re: '.$MESSAGE['subject'];
19 years ago
// create a forward-subject
else if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_FORWARD)
if (eregi('^fwd:', $MESSAGE['subject']))
$subject = $MESSAGE['subject'];
$subject = 'Fwd: '.$MESSAGE['subject'];
19 years ago
// creeate a draft-subject
else if ($compose_mode == RCUBE_COMPOSE_DRAFT)
$subject = $MESSAGE['subject'];
19 years ago
$out = $form_start ? "$form_start\n" : '';
$out .= $textfield->show($subject);
$out .= $form_end ? "\n$form_end" : '';
return $out;
function rcmail_compose_attachment_list($attrib)
// add ID if not given
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmAttachmentList';
// allow the following attributes to be added to the <ul> tag
$attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('id', 'class', 'style'));
$out = '<ul'. $attrib_str . ">\n";
if (is_array($_SESSION['compose']['attachments']))
if ($attrib['deleteicon'])
$button = sprintf('<img src="%s%s" alt="%s" border="0" style="padding-right:2px;vertical-align:middle" />',
$button = rcube_label('delete');
foreach ($_SESSION['compose']['attachments'] as $id => $a_prop)
$out .= sprintf('<li id="rcmfile%d"><a href="#delete" onclick="return %s.command(\'remove-attachment\',\'rcmfile%d\', this)" title="%s">%s</a>%s</li>',
19 years ago
$OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s.gui_object('attachmentlist', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $attrib['id']));
$out .= '</ul>';
return $out;
function rcmail_compose_attachment_form($attrib)
// add ID if not given
if (!$attrib['id'])
$attrib['id'] = 'rcmUploadbox';
// allow the following attributes to be added to the <div> tag
$attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('id', 'class', 'style'));
$input_field = rcmail_compose_attachment_field(array());
$label_send = rcube_label('upload');
$label_close = rcube_label('close');
$out = <<<EOF
<form action="./" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
$input_field<br />
<input type="button" value="$label_close" class="button" onclick="document.getElementById('$attrib[id]').style.visibility='hidden'" />
<input type="button" value="$label_send" class="button" onclick="$JS_OBJECT_NAME.command('send-attachment', this.form)" />
$OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s.gui_object('uploadbox', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $attrib['id']));
return $out;
function rcmail_compose_attachment_field($attrib)
// allow the following attributes to be added to the <input> tag
$attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('id', 'class', 'style', 'size'));
$out = '<input type="file" name="_attachments[]"'. $attrib_str . " />";
return $out;
19 years ago
function rcmail_priority_selector($attrib)
list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib);
$attrib['name'] = '_priority';
$selector = new select($attrib);
array(5, 4, 0, 2, 1));
19 years ago
$sel = isset($_POST['_priority']) ? $_POST['_priority'] : 0;
19 years ago
$out = $form_start ? "$form_start\n" : '';
$out .= $selector->show($sel);
$out .= $form_end ? "\n$form_end" : '';
return $out;
function rcmail_receipt_checkbox($attrib)
list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib);
if (!isset($attrib['id']))
$attrib['id'] = 'receipt';
$attrib['name'] = '_receipt';
$attrib['value'] = '1';
$checkbox = new checkbox($attrib);
$out = $form_start ? "$form_start\n" : '';
$out .= $checkbox->show(0);
$out .= $form_end ? "\n$form_end" : '';
return $out;
19 years ago
function get_form_tags($attrib)
$form_start = '';
if (!strlen($MESSAGE_FORM))
$hiddenfields = new hiddenfield(array('name' => '_task', 'value' => $GLOBALS['_task']));
$hiddenfields->add(array('name' => '_action', 'value' => 'send'));
$form_start = empty($attrib['form']) ? '<form name="form" action="./" method="post">' : '';
19 years ago
$form_start .= "\n$SESS_HIDDEN_FIELD\n";
$form_start .= $hiddenfields->show();
$form_end = (strlen($MESSAGE_FORM) && !strlen($attrib['form'])) ? '</form>' : '';
$form_name = !empty($attrib['form']) ? $attrib['form'] : 'form';
19 years ago
if (!strlen($MESSAGE_FORM))
$OUTPUT->add_script("$JS_OBJECT_NAME.gui_object('messageform', '$form_name');");
$MESSAGE_FORM = $form_name;
return array($form_start, $form_end);
function format_email_recipient($email, $name='')
if ($name && $name != $email)
return sprintf('%s <%s>', strpos($name, ",") ? '"'.$name.'"' : $name, $email);
return $email;
function rcmail_charset_pulldown($selected='ISO-8859-1')
$select = new select();
return $select->show($selected);
19 years ago
/****** get contacts for this user and add them to client scripts ********/
$sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT name, email
FROM ".get_table_name('contacts')." WHERE user_id=?
AND del<>1",$_SESSION['user_id']);
19 years ago
if ($DB->num_rows($sql_result))
$a_contacts = array();
while ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
if ($sql_arr['email'])
$a_contacts[] = format_email_recipient($sql_arr['email'], rep_specialchars_output($sql_arr['name'], 'js'));
$OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("$JS_OBJECT_NAME.set_env('contacts', %s);", array2js($a_contacts)));