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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* Crypt_GPG is a package to use GPG from PHP
* This package provides an object oriented interface to GNU Privacy
* Guard (GPG). It requires the GPG executable to be on the system.
* Though GPG can support symmetric-key cryptography, this package is intended
* only to facilitate public-key cryptography.
* This file contains an abstract implementation of a user of the
* {@link Crypt_GPG_Engine} class.
* PHP version 5
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @category Encryption
* @package Crypt_GPG
* @author Nathan Fredrickson <>
* @author Michael Gauthier <>
* @copyright 2005-2013 silverorange
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: GPG.php 305428 2010-11-17 02:47:56Z gauthierm $
* @link
* @link
* @link
* GPG key class
require_once 'Crypt/GPG/Key.php';
* GPG sub-key class
require_once 'Crypt/GPG/SubKey.php';
* GPG user id class
require_once 'Crypt/GPG/UserId.php';
* GPG process and I/O engine class
require_once 'Crypt/GPG/Engine.php';
* GPG exception classes
require_once 'Crypt/GPG/Exceptions.php';
// {{{ class Crypt_GPGAbstract
* Base class for implementing a user of {@link Crypt_GPG_Engine}
* @category Encryption
* @package Crypt_GPG
* @author Nathan Fredrickson <>
* @author Michael Gauthier <>
* @copyright 2005-2013 silverorange
* @license LGPL License 2.1
* @link
* @link
abstract class Crypt_GPGAbstract
// {{{ class error constants
* Error code returned when there is no error.
const ERROR_NONE = 0;
* Error code returned when an unknown or unhandled error occurs.
const ERROR_UNKNOWN = 1;
* Error code returned when a bad passphrase is used.
* Error code returned when a required passphrase is missing.
* Error code returned when a key that is already in the keyring is
* imported.
* Error code returned the required data is missing for an operation.
* This could be missing key data, missing encrypted data or missing
* signature data.
const ERROR_NO_DATA = 5;
* Error code returned when an unsigned key is used.
* Error code returned when a key that is not self-signed is used.
* Error code returned when a public or private key that is not in the
* keyring is used.
* Error code returned when an attempt to delete public key having a
* private key is made.
* Error code returned when one or more bad signatures are detected.
* Error code returned when there is a problem reading GnuPG data files.
* Error code returned when a key could not be created.
* Error code returned when bad key parameters are used during key
* generation.
// }}}
// {{{ other class constants
* URI at which package bugs may be reported.
const BUG_URI = '';
// }}}
// {{{ protected class properties
* Engine used to control the GPG subprocess
* @var Crypt_GPG_Engine
* @see Crypt_GPGAbstract::setEngine()
protected $engine = null;
// }}}
// {{{ __construct()
* Creates a new GPG object
* Available options are:
* - <kbd>string homedir</kbd> - the directory where the GPG
* keyring files are stored. If not
* specified, Crypt_GPG uses the
* default of <kbd>~/.gnupg</kbd>.
* - <kbd>string publicKeyring</kbd> - the file path of the public
* keyring. Use this if the public
* keyring is not in the homedir, or
* if the keyring is in a directory
* not writable by the process
* invoking GPG (like Apache). Then
* you can specify the path to the
* keyring with this option
* (/foo/bar/pubring.gpg), and specify
* a writable directory (like /tmp)
* using the <i>homedir</i> option.
* - <kbd>string privateKeyring</kbd> - the file path of the private
* keyring. Use this if the private
* keyring is not in the homedir, or
* if the keyring is in a directory
* not writable by the process
* invoking GPG (like Apache). Then
* you can specify the path to the
* keyring with this option
* (/foo/bar/secring.gpg), and specify
* a writable directory (like /tmp)
* using the <i>homedir</i> option.
* - <kbd>string trustDb</kbd> - the file path of the web-of-trust
* database. Use this if the trust
* database is not in the homedir, or
* if the database is in a directory
* not writable by the process
* invoking GPG (like Apache). Then
* you can specify the path to the
* trust database with this option
* (/foo/bar/trustdb.gpg), and specify
* a writable directory (like /tmp)
* using the <i>homedir</i> option.
* - <kbd>string binary</kbd> - the location of the GPG binary. If
* not specified, the driver attempts
* to auto-detect the GPG binary
* location using a list of known
* default locations for the current
* operating system. The option
* <kbd>gpgBinary</kbd> is a
* deprecated alias for this option.
* - <kbd>string agent</kbd> - the location of the GnuPG agent
* binary. The gpg-agent is only
* used for GnuPG 2.x. If not
* specified, the engine attempts
* to auto-detect the gpg-agent
* binary location using a list of
* know default locations for the
* current operating system.
* - <kbd>boolean debug</kbd> - whether or not to use debug mode.
* When debug mode is on, all
* communication to and from the GPG
* subprocess is logged. This can be
* @param array $options optional. An array of options used to create the
* GPG object. All options are optional and are
* represented as key-value pairs.
* @throws Crypt_GPG_FileException if the <kbd>homedir</kbd> does not exist
* and cannot be created. This can happen if <kbd>homedir</kbd> is
* not specified, Crypt_GPG is run as the web user, and the web
* user has no home directory. This exception is also thrown if any
* of the options <kbd>publicKeyring</kbd>,
* <kbd>privateKeyring</kbd> or <kbd>trustDb</kbd> options are
* specified but the files do not exist or are are not readable.
* This can happen if the user running the Crypt_GPG process (for
* example, the Apache user) does not have permission to read the
* files.
* @throws PEAR_Exception if the provided <kbd>binary</kbd> is invalid, or
* if no <kbd>binary</kbd> is provided and no suitable binary could
* be found.
* @throws PEAR_Exception if the provided <kbd>agent</kbd> is invalid, or
* if no <kbd>agent</kbd> is provided and no suitable gpg-agent
* cound be found.
public function __construct(array $options = array())
$this->setEngine(new Crypt_GPG_Engine($options));
// }}}
// {{{ setEngine()
* Sets the I/O engine to use for GnuPG operations
* Normally this method does not need to be used. It provides a means for
* dependency injection.
* @param Crypt_GPG_Engine $engine the engine to use.
* @return Crypt_GPGAbstract the current object, for fluent interface.
public function setEngine(Crypt_GPG_Engine $engine)
$this->engine = $engine;
return $this;
// }}}
// {{{ _getKeys()
* Gets the available keys in the keyring
* Calls GPG with the <kbd>--list-keys</kbd> command and grabs keys. See
* the first section of <b>doc/DETAILS</b> in the
* {@link GPG package} for a detailed
* description of how the GPG command output is parsed.
* @param string $keyId optional. Only keys with that match the specified
* pattern are returned. The pattern may be part of
* a user id, a key id or a key fingerprint. If not
* specified, all keys are returned.
* @return array an array of {@link Crypt_GPG_Key} objects. If no keys
* match the specified <kbd>$keyId</kbd> an empty array is
* returned.
* @throws Crypt_GPG_Exception if an unknown or unexpected error occurs.
* Use the <kbd>debug</kbd> option and file a bug report if these
* exceptions occur.
* @see Crypt_GPG_Key
protected function _getKeys($keyId = '')
// get private key fingerprints
if ($keyId == '') {
$operation = '--list-secret-keys';
} else {
$operation = '--list-secret-keys ' . escapeshellarg($keyId);
// According to The file 'doc/DETAILS' in the GnuPG distribution, using
// double '--with-fingerprint' also prints the fingerprint for subkeys.
$arguments = array(
$output = '';
$this->engine->setOperation($operation, $arguments);
$code = $this->engine->getErrorCode();
switch ($code) {
case self::ERROR_NONE:
// ignore not found key errors
$filename = $this->engine->getErrorFilename();
if ($filename) {
throw new Crypt_GPG_FileException(
'Error reading GnuPG data file \'%s\'. Check to make ' .
'sure it is readable by the current user.',
throw new Crypt_GPG_FileException(
'Error reading GnuPG data file. Check to make GnuPG data ' .
'files are readable by the current user.',
throw new Crypt_GPG_Exception(
'Unknown error getting keys. Please use the \'debug\' option ' .
'when creating the Crypt_GPG object, and file a bug report ' .
'at ' . self::BUG_URI,
$privateKeyFingerprints = array();
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $output);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$lineExp = explode(':', $line);
if ($lineExp[0] == 'fpr') {
$privateKeyFingerprints[] = $lineExp[9];
// get public keys
if ($keyId == '') {
$operation = '--list-public-keys';
} else {
$operation = '--list-public-keys ' . escapeshellarg($keyId);
$output = '';
$this->engine->setOperation($operation, $arguments);
$code = $this->engine->getErrorCode();
switch ($code) {
case self::ERROR_NONE:
// ignore not found key errors
$filename = $this->engine->getErrorFilename();
if ($filename) {
throw new Crypt_GPG_FileException(
'Error reading GnuPG data file \'%s\'. Check to make ' .
'sure it is readable by the current user.',
throw new Crypt_GPG_FileException(
'Error reading GnuPG data file. Check to make GnuPG data ' .
'files are readable by the current user.',
throw new Crypt_GPG_Exception(
'Unknown error getting keys. Please use the \'debug\' option ' .
'when creating the Crypt_GPG object, and file a bug report ' .
'at ' . self::BUG_URI,
$keys = array();
$key = null; // current key
$subKey = null; // current sub-key
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $output);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$lineExp = explode(':', $line);
if ($lineExp[0] == 'pub') {
// new primary key means last key should be added to the array
if ($key !== null) {
$keys[] = $key;
$key = new Crypt_GPG_Key();
$subKey = Crypt_GPG_SubKey::parse($line);
} elseif ($lineExp[0] == 'sub') {
$subKey = Crypt_GPG_SubKey::parse($line);
} elseif ($lineExp[0] == 'fpr') {
$fingerprint = $lineExp[9];
// set current sub-key fingerprint
// if private key exists, set has private to true
if (in_array($fingerprint, $privateKeyFingerprints)) {
} elseif ($lineExp[0] == 'uid') {
$string = stripcslashes($lineExp[9]); // as per documentation
$userId = new Crypt_GPG_UserId($string);
if ($lineExp[1] == 'r') {
// add last key
if ($key !== null) {
$keys[] = $key;
return $keys;
// }}}
// }}}