#!/usr/bin/env php
| bin/deluser.sh |
| |
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| Copyright ( C) 2014, The Roundcube Dev Team |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the README file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Utility script to remove all data related to a certain user |
| from the local database. |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <thomas@roundcube.net> |
define( 'INSTALL_PATH' , realpath( __DIR__ . '/..' ) . '/' ) ;
require_once INSTALL_PATH . 'program/include/clisetup.php' ;
function print_usage( )
print "Usage: deluser.sh [--host=HOST][--age=DAYS][--dry-run] [username]\n" ;
print "--host=HOST The IMAP hostname or IP the given user is related to\n" ;
print "--age=DAYS Delete all users who have not logged in for more than X days\n" ;
print "--dry-run List users but do not delete them (for use with --age)\n" ;
function _die( $msg , $usage = false )
fputs( STDERR, $msg . "\n" ) ;
if ( $usage ) print_usage( ) ;
exit( 1) ;
$rcmail = rcube::get_instance( ) ;
// get arguments
$args = rcube_utils::get_opt( array( 'h' = > 'host' , 'a' = > 'age' , 'd' = > 'dry-run:bool' ) ) ;
if ( !empty( $args [ 'age' ] ) && ( $age = intval( $args [ 'age' ] ) ) ) {
$db = $rcmail ->get_dbh( ) ;
$db ->db_connect( 'r' ) ;
$query = $db ->query( "SELECT `username`, `mail_host` FROM " . $db ->table_name( 'users' , true )
. " WHERE `last_login` < " . $db ->now( $age * -1 * 86400)
. ( $args [ 'host' ] ? " AND `mail_host` = " . $db ->quote( $args [ 'host' ] ) : '' )
) ;
while ( $user = $db ->fetch_assoc( $query ) ) {
if ( !empty( $args [ 'dry-run' ] ) ) {
printf( "%s (%s)\n" , $user [ 'username' ] , $user [ 'mail_host' ] ) ;
continue ;
system( sprintf( "php %s/deluser.sh --host=%s %s" , INSTALL_PATH . 'bin' , $user [ 'mail_host' ] , $user [ 'username' ] ) ) ;
exit( 1) ;
$username = trim( $args [ 0] ) ;
if ( empty( $username ) ) {
_die( "Missing required parameters" , true ) ;
if ( empty( $args [ 'host' ] ) ) {
$hosts = $rcmail ->config->get( 'default_host' , '' ) ;
if ( is_string( $hosts ) ) {
$args [ 'host' ] = $hosts ;
else if ( is_array( $hosts ) && count( $hosts ) = = 1) {
$args [ 'host' ] = reset( $hosts ) ;
else {
_die( "Specify a host name" , true ) ;
// host can be a URL like tls://
$host_url = parse_url( $args [ 'host' ] ) ;
if ( $host_url [ 'host' ] ) {
$args [ 'host' ] = $host_url [ 'host' ] ;
// connect to DB
$db = $rcmail ->get_dbh( ) ;
$db ->db_connect( 'w' ) ;
$transaction = false;
if ( !$db ->is_connected( ) || $db ->is_error( ) ) {
_die( "No DB connection\n" . $db ->is_error( ) ) ;
// find user in local database
$user = rcube_user::query( $username , $args [ 'host' ] ) ;
if ( !$user ) {
die( "User not found.\n" ) ;
// inform plugins about approaching user deletion
$plugin = $rcmail ->plugins->exec_hook( 'user_delete_prepare' , array( 'user' = > $user , 'username' = > $username , 'host' = > $args [ 'host' ] ) ) ;
// let plugins cleanup their own user-related data
if ( !$plugin [ 'abort' ] ) {
$transaction = $db ->startTransaction( ) ;
$plugin = $rcmail ->plugins->exec_hook( 'user_delete' , $plugin ) ;
if ( $plugin [ 'abort' ] ) {
if ( $transaction ) {
$db ->rollbackTransaction( ) ;
_die( "User deletion aborted by plugin" ) ;
// deleting the user record should be sufficient due to ON DELETE CASCADE foreign key references
// but not all database backends actually support this so let' s do it by hand
foreach ( array( 'identities' ,'contacts' ,'contactgroups' ,'dictionary' ,'cache' ,'cache_index' ,'cache_messages' ,'cache_thread' ,'searches' ,'users' ) as $table ) {
$db ->query( 'DELETE FROM ' . $db ->table_name( $table , true ) . ' WHERE `user_id` = ?' , $user ->ID) ;
if ( $db ->is_error( ) ) {
$rcmail ->plugins->exec_hook( 'user_delete_rollback' , $plugin ) ;
_die( "DB error occurred: " . $db ->is_error( ) ) ;
else {
// inform plugins about executed user deletion
$plugin = $rcmail ->plugins->exec_hook( 'user_delete_commit' , $plugin ) ;
if ( $plugin [ 'abort' ] ) {
unset( $plugin [ 'abort' ] ) ;
$db ->rollbackTransaction( ) ;
$rcmail ->plugins->exec_hook( 'user_delete_rollback' , $plugin ) ;
else {
$db ->endTransaction( ) ;
echo " Successfully deleted user $user ->ID\n " ;