CHANGELOG RoundCube Webmail
- Write list header to client even if list is empty
- Add functions "select all", "select none" to message list
- Improved filter for HTML messages to remove potentially malicious tags (script, iframe, object) and event handlers.
- Buttons for next/previous message in view mode
- Add new created contact to list and show confirmation status
- Added folder management (subscribe/create/delete)
- Log message sending (SMTP log)
- Grant access for Camino browser
- Added German translation
- Improved cacheing of mailbox messagecount
- Fixed javascript bug when creating a new message folder
- Fixed javascript bugs #1260990 and #1260992: folder selection
- Make Trash folder configurable
- Auto create folders Inbox, Sent and Trash (if configured)
- Support for IMAP root folder
- Added support fot text/enriched messages
- Make list of special mailboxes configurable
- Added French, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch translation
- Clarified license (Bug #1305966)
- Fixed PHP warnings (Bug #1299403)
- Fixed english translation (Bug #1295406)
- Fixed bug #1290833: Last character of email not seen
- Fixed bug #1292199 when creating new user
- Allow more browsers (Bug #1285101)
- Added setting for showing pretty dates
- Added support for SQLite database
- Make use of message caching configurable
- Also add attachments when forwarding a message
- Long folder names will not flow over message list (Bug #1267232)
- Show nested mailboxes hieracically
- Enable IMAPS by host