| program/include/rcube_user.inc |
| |
| This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005-2010, The Roundcube Dev Team |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
| |
| This class represents a system user linked and provides access |
| to the related database records. |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> |
* Class representing a system user
* @package Core
* @author Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com>
class rcube_user
public $ID;
public $data;
public $language;
* Holds database connection.
* @var rcube_mdb2
private $db;
* rcmail object.
* @var rcmail
private $rc;
* Object constructor
* @param int $id User id
* @param array $sql_arr SQL result set
function __construct($id = null, $sql_arr = null)
$this->rc = rcmail::get_instance();
$this->db = $this->rc->get_dbh();
if ($id && !$sql_arr) {
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT * FROM ".get_table_name('users')." WHERE user_id = ?", $id);
$sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result);
if (!empty($sql_arr)) {
$this->ID = $sql_arr['user_id'];
$this->data = $sql_arr;
$this->language = $sql_arr['language'];
* Build a user name string (as e-mail address)
* @param string $part Username part (empty or 'local' or 'domain')
* @return string Full user name or its part
function get_username($part = null)
if ($this->data['username']) {
list($local, $domain) = explode('@', $this->data['username']);
// at least we should always have the local part
if ($part == 'local') {
return $local;
// if no domain was provided...
if (empty($domain)) {
$domain = $this->rc->config->mail_domain($this->data['mail_host']);
if ($part == 'domain') {
return $domain;
if (!empty($domain))
return $local . '@' . $domain;
return $local;
return false;
* Get the preferences saved for this user
* @return array Hash array with prefs
function get_prefs()
if (!empty($this->language))
$prefs = array('language' => $this->language);
if ($this->ID) {
// Preferences from session (write-master is unavailable)
if (!empty($_SESSION['preferences'])) {
// Check last write attempt time, try to write again (every 5 minutes)
if ($_SESSION['preferences_time'] < time() - 5 * 60) {
$saved_prefs = unserialize($_SESSION['preferences']);
else {
$this->data['preferences'] = $_SESSION['preferences'];
if ($this->data['preferences']) {
$prefs += (array)unserialize($this->data['preferences']);
return $prefs;
* Write the given user prefs to the user's record
* @param array $a_user_prefs User prefs to save
* @return boolean True on success, False on failure
function save_prefs($a_user_prefs)
if (!$this->ID)
return false;
$config = $this->rc->config;
$old_prefs = (array)$this->get_prefs();
// merge (partial) prefs array with existing settings
$save_prefs = $a_user_prefs + $old_prefs;
// don't save prefs with default values if they haven't been changed yet
foreach ($a_user_prefs as $key => $value) {
if (!isset($old_prefs[$key]) && ($value == $config->get($key)))
$save_prefs = serialize($save_prefs);
"UPDATE ".get_table_name('users').
" SET preferences = ?".
", language = ?".
" WHERE user_id = ?",
$this->language = $_SESSION['language'];
// Update success
if ($this->db->affected_rows() !== false) {
$this->data['preferences'] = $save_prefs;
if (isset($_SESSION['preferences'])) {
return true;
// Update error, but we are using replication (we have read-only DB connection)
// and we are storing session not in the SQL database
// we can store preferences in session and try to write later (see get_prefs())
else if ($this->db->is_replicated() && $config->get('session_storage', 'db') != 'db') {
$_SESSION['preferences'] = $save_prefs;
$_SESSION['preferences_time'] = time();
$this->data['preferences'] = $save_prefs;
return false;
* Get default identity of this user
* @param int $id Identity ID. If empty, the default identity is returned
* @return array Hash array with all cols of the identity record
function get_identity($id = null)
$result = $this->list_identities($id ? sprintf('AND identity_id = %d', $id) : '');
return $result[0];
* Return a list of all identities linked with this user
* @param string $sql_add Optional WHERE clauses
* @return array List of identities
function list_identities($sql_add = '')
$result = array();
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT * FROM ".get_table_name('identities').
" WHERE del <> 1 AND user_id = ?".
($sql_add ? " ".$sql_add : "").
" ORDER BY ".$this->db->quoteIdentifier('standard')." DESC, name ASC, identity_id ASC",
while ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
$result[] = $sql_arr;
return $result;
* Update a specific identity record
* @param int $iid Identity ID
* @param array $data Hash array with col->value pairs to save
* @return boolean True if saved successfully, false if nothing changed
function update_identity($iid, $data)
if (!$this->ID)
return false;
$query_cols = $query_params = array();
foreach ((array)$data as $col => $value) {
$query_cols[] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($col) . ' = ?';
$query_params[] = $value;
$query_params[] = $iid;
$query_params[] = $this->ID;
$sql = "UPDATE ".get_table_name('identities').
" SET changed = ".$this->db->now().", ".join(', ', $query_cols).
" WHERE identity_id = ?".
" AND user_id = ?".
" AND del <> 1";
call_user_func_array(array($this->db, 'query'),
array_merge(array($sql), $query_params));
return $this->db->affected_rows();
* Create a new identity record linked with this user
* @param array $data Hash array with col->value pairs to save
* @return int The inserted identity ID or false on error
function insert_identity($data)
if (!$this->ID)
return false;
$insert_cols = $insert_values = array();
foreach ((array)$data as $col => $value) {
$insert_cols[] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($col);
$insert_values[] = $value;
$insert_cols[] = 'user_id';
$insert_values[] = $this->ID;
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('identities').
" (changed, ".join(', ', $insert_cols).")".
" VALUES (".$this->db->now().", ".join(', ', array_pad(array(), sizeof($insert_values), '?')).")";
call_user_func_array(array($this->db, 'query'),
array_merge(array($sql), $insert_values));
return $this->db->insert_id('identities');
* Mark the given identity as deleted
* @param int $iid Identity ID
* @return boolean True if deleted successfully, false if nothing changed
function delete_identity($iid)
if (!$this->ID)
return false;
$sql_result = $this->db->query(
"SELECT count(*) AS ident_count FROM ".get_table_name('identities').
" WHERE user_id = ? AND del <> 1",
$sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result);
// we'll not delete last identity
if ($sql_arr['ident_count'] <= 1)
return -1;
"UPDATE ".get_table_name('identities').
" SET del = 1, changed = ".$this->db->now().
" WHERE user_id = ?".
" AND identity_id = ?",
return $this->db->affected_rows();
* Make this identity the default one for this user
* @param int $iid The identity ID
function set_default($iid)
if ($this->ID && $iid) {
"UPDATE ".get_table_name('identities').
" SET ".$this->db->quoteIdentifier('standard')." = '0'".
" WHERE user_id = ?".
" AND identity_id <> ?".
" AND del <> 1",
* Update user's last_login timestamp
function touch()
if ($this->ID) {
"UPDATE ".get_table_name('users').
" SET last_login = ".$this->db->now().
" WHERE user_id = ?",
* Clear the saved object state
function reset()
$this->ID = null;
$this->data = null;
* Find a user record matching the given name and host
* @param string $user IMAP user name
* @param string $host IMAP host name
* @return rcube_user New user instance
static function query($user, $host)
$dbh = rcmail::get_instance()->get_dbh();
// use BINARY (case-sensitive) comparison on MySQL, other engines are case-sensitive
$mod = preg_match('/^mysql/', $dbh->db_provider) ? 'BINARY' : '';
// query for matching user name
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".get_table_name('users')." WHERE mail_host = ? AND %s = $mod ?";
$sql_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($query, 'username'), $host, $user);
// query for matching alias
if (!($sql_arr = $dbh->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) {
$sql_result = $dbh->query(sprintf($query, 'alias'), $host, $user);
$sql_arr = $dbh->fetch_assoc($sql_result);
// user already registered -> overwrite username
if ($sql_arr)
return new rcube_user($sql_arr['user_id'], $sql_arr);
return false;
* Create a new user record and return a rcube_user instance
* @param string $user IMAP user name
* @param string $host IMAP host
* @return rcube_user New user instance
static function create($user, $host)
$user_name = '';
$user_email = '';
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
// try to resolve user in virtuser table and file
if ($email_list = self::user2email($user, false, true)) {
$user_email = is_array($email_list[0]) ? $email_list[0]['email'] : $email_list[0];
$data = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('user_create',
array('user'=>$user, 'user_name'=>$user_name, 'user_email'=>$user_email));
// plugin aborted this operation
if ($data['abort'])
return false;
$user_name = $data['user_name'];
$user_email = $data['user_email'];
$dbh = $rcmail->get_dbh();
"INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('users').
" (created, last_login, username, mail_host, alias, language)".
" VALUES (".$dbh->now().", ".$dbh->now().", ?, ?, ?, ?)",
strip_newlines($data['alias'] ? $data['alias'] : $user_email),
strip_newlines($data['language'] ? $data['language'] : $_SESSION['language']));
if ($user_id = $dbh->insert_id('users')) {
// create rcube_user instance to make plugin hooks work
$user_instance = new rcube_user($user_id);
$rcmail->user = $user_instance;
$mail_domain = $rcmail->config->mail_domain($host);
if ($user_email == '') {
$user_email = strpos($user, '@') ? $user : sprintf('%s@%s', $user, $mail_domain);
if ($user_name == '') {
$user_name = $user != $user_email ? $user : '';
if (empty($email_list))
$email_list[] = strip_newlines($user_email);
// identities_level check
else if (count($email_list) > 1 && $rcmail->config->get('identities_level', 0) > 1)
$email_list = array($email_list[0]);
// create new identities records
$standard = 1;
foreach ($email_list as $row) {
$record = array();
if (is_array($row)) {
$record = $row;
else {
$record['email'] = $row;
if (empty($record['name']))
$record['name'] = $user_name;
$record['name'] = strip_newlines($record['name']);
$record['user_id'] = $user_id;
$record['standard'] = $standard;
$plugin = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('identity_create',
array('login' => true, 'record' => $record));
if (!$plugin['abort'] && $plugin['record']['email']) {
$standard = 0;
else {
'code' => 500,
'type' => 'php',
'line' => __LINE__,
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Failed to create new user"), true, false);
return $user_id ? $user_instance : false;
* Resolve username using a virtuser plugins
* @param string $email E-mail address to resolve
* @return string Resolved IMAP username
static function email2user($email)
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$plugin = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('email2user',
array('email' => $email, 'user' => NULL));
return $plugin['user'];
* Resolve e-mail address from virtuser plugins
* @param string $user User name
* @param boolean $first If true returns first found entry
* @param boolean $extended If true returns email as array (email and name for identity)
* @return mixed Resolved e-mail address string or array of strings
static function user2email($user, $first=true, $extended=false)
$rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
$plugin = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('user2email',
array('email' => NULL, 'user' => $user,
'first' => $first, 'extended' => $extended));
return empty($plugin['email']) ? NULL : $plugin['email'];