You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

480 lines
15 KiB

19 years ago
| program/steps/mail/ |
| |
| This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client |
| Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland |
| Licensed under the GNU GPL |
19 years ago
| |
| Compose a new mail message with all headers and attachments |
| and send it using IlohaMail's SMTP methods or with PHP mail() |
| |
| Author: Thomas Bruederli <> |
19 years ago
if (!isset($_SESSION['compose']['id']))
19 years ago
/****** message sending functions ********/
function rcmail_get_identity($id)
global $DB, $CHARSET, $OUTPUT;
19 years ago
// get identity record
$sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT *, email AS mailto
FROM ".get_table_name('identities')."
WHERE identity_id=?
AND user_id=?
AND del<>1",
19 years ago
if ($DB->num_rows($sql_result))
$sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result);
$out = $sql_arr;
$name = strpos($sql_arr['name'], ",") ? '"'.$sql_arr['name'].'"' : $sql_arr['name'];
$out['string'] = sprintf('%s <%s>',
rcube_charset_convert($name, $CHARSET, $OUTPUT->get_charset()),
19 years ago
return $out;
return FALSE;
* go from this:
* <img src=".../tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-cool.gif" border="0" alt="Cool" title="Cool" />
* to this:
* <IMG src="cid:smiley-cool.gif"/>
* ...
* ------part...
* Content-Type: image/gif
* Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
* Content-ID: <smiley-cool.gif>
function rcmail_attach_emoticons(&$mime_message)
$htmlContents = $mime_message->getHtmlBody();
// remove any null-byte characters before parsing
$body = preg_replace('/\x00/', '', $htmlContents);
$last_img_pos = 0;
$searchstr = 'program/js/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/';
// keep track of added images, so they're only added once
$included_images = array();
// find emoticon image tags
while ($pos = strpos($body, $searchstr, $last_img_pos))
$pos2 = strpos($body, '"', $pos);
$body_pre = substr($body, 0, $pos);
$image_name = substr($body,
$pos + strlen($searchstr),
$pos2 - ($pos + strlen($searchstr)));
// sanitize image name so resulting attachment doesn't leave images dir
$image_name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]/i','',$image_name);
$body_post = substr($body, $pos2);
if (! in_array($image_name, $included_images))
// add the image to the MIME message
$img_file = $INSTALL_PATH . '/' . $searchstr . $image_name;
if(! $mime_message->addHTMLImage($img_file, 'image/gif', '', true, '_' . $image_name))
show_message("emoticonerror", 'error');
array_push($included_images, $image_name);
$body = $body_pre . 'cid:_' . $image_name . $body_post;
$last_img_pos = $pos2;
if (strlen($_POST['_draft_saveid']) > 3)
$olddraftmessageid = get_input_value('_draft_saveid', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
$message_id = sprintf('<%s@%s>', md5(uniqid('rcmail'.rand(),true)), rcmail_mail_domain($_SESSION['imap_host']));
$savedraft = !empty($_POST['_draft']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// remove all scripts and act as called in frame
$_framed = TRUE;
19 years ago
/****** check submission and compose message ********/
if (empty($_POST['_to']) && empty($_POST['_subject']) && $_POST['_message'])
show_message("sendingfailed", 'error');
19 years ago
// set default charset
$input_charset = $OUTPUT->get_charset();
$message_charset = isset($_POST['_charset']) ? $_POST['_charset'] : $input_charset;
$mailto_regexp = array('/[,;]\s*[\r\n]+/', '/[\r\n]+/', '/[,;]\s*$/m', '/;/');
$mailto_replace = array(', ', ', ', '', ',');
19 years ago
// replace new lines and strip ending ', '
$mailto = preg_replace($mailto_regexp, $mailto_replace, get_input_value('_to', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE, $message_charset));
19 years ago
// decode address strings
$to_address_arr = $IMAP->decode_address_list($mailto);
$identity_arr = rcmail_get_identity(get_input_value('_from', RCUBE_INPUT_POST));
19 years ago
$from = $identity_arr['mailto'];
$first_to = is_array($to_address_arr[0]) ? $to_address_arr[0]['mailto'] : $mailto;
if (empty($identity_arr['string']))
$identity_arr['string'] = $from;
19 years ago
// compose headers array
$headers = array('Date' => date('D, j M Y H:i:s O'),
'From' => rcube_charset_convert($identity_arr['string'], $CHARSET, $message_charset),
'To' => $mailto);
19 years ago
// additional recipients
if (!empty($_POST['_cc']))
$headers['Cc'] = preg_replace($mailto_regexp, $mailto_replace, get_input_value('_cc', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE, $message_charset));
19 years ago
if (!empty($_POST['_bcc']))
$headers['Bcc'] = preg_replace($mailto_regexp, $mailto_replace, get_input_value('_bcc', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE, $message_charset));
19 years ago
if (!empty($identity_arr['bcc']))
19 years ago
$headers['Bcc'] = ($headers['Bcc'] ? $headers['Bcc'].', ' : '') . $identity_arr['bcc'];
// add subject
$headers['Subject'] = trim(get_input_value('_subject', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, FALSE, $message_charset));
19 years ago
if (!empty($identity_arr['organization']))
19 years ago
$headers['Organization'] = $identity_arr['organization'];
if (!empty($identity_arr['reply-to']))
19 years ago
$headers['Reply-To'] = $identity_arr['reply-to'];
if (!empty($_SESSION['compose']['reply_msgid']))
19 years ago
$headers['In-Reply-To'] = $_SESSION['compose']['reply_msgid'];
if (!empty($_SESSION['compose']['references']))
$headers['References'] = $_SESSION['compose']['references'];
19 years ago
if (!empty($_POST['_priority']))
19 years ago
$priority = (int)$_POST['_priority'];
$a_priorities = array(1=>'highest', 2=>'high', 4=>'low', 5=>'lowest');
19 years ago
if ($str_priority = $a_priorities[$priority])
$headers['X-Priority'] = sprintf("%d (%s)", $priority, ucfirst($str_priority));
if (!empty($_POST['_receipt']))
$headers['Return-Receipt-To'] = $identity_arr['string'];
$headers['Disposition-Notification-To'] = $identity_arr['string'];
19 years ago
// additional headers
$headers['Message-ID'] = $message_id;
$headers['X-Sender'] = $from;
if (!empty($CONFIG['useragent']))
19 years ago
$headers['User-Agent'] = $CONFIG['useragent'];
// fetch message body
$message_body = get_input_value('_message', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE, $message_charset);
19 years ago
19 years ago
// append generic footer to all messages
if (!empty($CONFIG['generic_message_footer']))
$file = realpath($CONFIG['generic_message_footer']);
if($fp = fopen($file, 'r'))
$content = fread($fp, filesize($file));
$message_body .= "\r\n" . rcube_charset_convert($content, 'UTF-8', $message_charset);
19 years ago
// try to autodetect operating system and use the correct line endings
19 years ago
// use the configured delimiter for headers
if (!empty($CONFIG['mail_header_delimiter']))
$header_delm = $CONFIG['mail_header_delimiter'];
else if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)=='win'))
$header_delm = "\r\n";
else if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)=='mac'))
$header_delm = "\r\n";
$header_delm = "\n";
19 years ago
$isHtmlVal = strtolower(get_input_value('_is_html', RCUBE_INPUT_POST));
$isHtml = ($isHtmlVal == "1");
// create extended PEAR::Mail_mime instance
$MAIL_MIME = new rc_mail_mime($header_delm);
// For HTML-formatted messages, construct the MIME message with both
// the HTML part and the plain-text part
if ($isHtml)
// add a plain text version of the e-mail as an alternative part.
$h2t = new html2text($message_body);
$plainTextPart = $h2t->get_text();
// look for "emoticon" images from TinyMCE and copy into message as attachments
$MAIL_MIME->setTXTBody($message_body, FALSE, TRUE);
19 years ago
// add stored attachments, if any
if (is_array($_SESSION['compose']['attachments']))
foreach ($_SESSION['compose']['attachments'] as $attachment)
$MAIL_MIME->addAttachment($attachment['path'], $attachment['mimetype'], $attachment['name'], true, 'base64', 'attachment', $message_charset);
19 years ago
// add submitted attachments
if (is_array($_FILES['_attachments']['tmp_name']))
foreach ($_FILES['_attachments']['tmp_name'] as $i => $filepath)
$MAIL_MIME->addAttachment($filepath, $files['type'][$i], $files['name'][$i], true, 'base64', 'attachment', $message_charset);
19 years ago
// chose transfer encoding
$charset_7bit = array('ASCII', 'ISO-2022-JP', 'ISO-8859-1', 'ISO-8859-2', 'ISO-8859-15');
$transfer_encoding = in_array(strtoupper($message_charset), $charset_7bit) ? '7bit' : '8bit';
// encoding settings for mail composing
$message_param = array('text_encoding' => $transfer_encoding,
'html_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
'head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
'head_charset' => $message_charset,
'html_charset' => $message_charset,
'text_charset' => $message_charset);
19 years ago
// compose message body and get headers
$msg_body = $MAIL_MIME->get($message_param);
// unset to save memory.
19 years ago
// encoding subject header with mb_encode provides better results with asian characters
if ($MBSTRING && function_exists("mb_encode_mimeheader"))
$mb_subject = mb_encode_mimeheader($headers['Subject'], $message_charset, 'Q');
19 years ago
// Begin SMTP Delivery Block
if (!$savedraft) {
// send thru SMTP server using custom SMTP library
if ($CONFIG['smtp_server'])
19 years ago
// generate list of recipients
$a_recipients = array($mailto);
if (strlen($headers['Cc']))
$a_recipients[] = $headers['Cc'];
if (strlen($headers['Bcc']))
$a_recipients[] = $headers['Bcc'];
// clean Bcc from header for recipients
$send_headers = $headers;
if (!empty($mb_subject))
$send_headers['Subject'] = $mb_subject;
// send message
$smtp_response = array();
$sent = smtp_mail($from, $a_recipients, $MAIL_MIME->txtHeaders($send_headers), $msg_body, $smtp_response);
// log error
if (!$sent)
raise_error(array('code' => 800,
'type' => 'smtp',
'line' => __LINE__,
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "SMTP error: ".join("\n", $smtp_response)), TRUE, FALSE);
19 years ago
// send mail using PHP's mail() function
// unset some headers because they will be added by the mail() function
$headers_enc = $MAIL_MIME->headers($headers);
$headers_php = $MAIL_MIME->_headers;
unset($headers_php['To'], $headers_php['Subject']);
if (!empty($mb_subject))
$headers_enc['Subject'] = $mb_subject;
// reset stored headers and overwrite
$MAIL_MIME->_headers = array();
$header_str = $MAIL_MIME->txtHeaders($headers_php);
if (ini_get('safe_mode'))
$sent = mail($headers_enc['To'], $headers_enc['Subject'], $msg_body, $header_str);
$sent = mail($headers_enc['To'], $headers_enc['Subject'], $msg_body, $header_str, "-f$from");
// return to compose page if sending failed
if (!$sent)
show_message("sendingfailed", 'error');
// set repliead flag
if ($_SESSION['compose']['reply_uid'])
$IMAP->set_flag($_SESSION['compose']['reply_uid'], 'ANSWERED');
19 years ago
} // End of SMTP Delivery Block
19 years ago
// Determine which folder to save message
if ($savedraft)
$store_target = 'drafts_mbox';
$store_target = 'sent_mbox';
19 years ago
if ($CONFIG[$store_target])
19 years ago
// create string of complete message headers
$header_str = $MAIL_MIME->txtHeaders($headers);
// check if mailbox exists
if (!in_array_nocase($CONFIG[$store_target], $IMAP->list_mailboxes()))
$store_folder = $IMAP->create_mailbox($CONFIG[$store_target], TRUE);
$store_folder = TRUE;
// add headers to message body
$msg_body = $header_str."\r\n".$msg_body;
19 years ago
// append message to sent box
if ($store_folder)
$saved = $IMAP->save_message($CONFIG[$store_target], $msg_body);
// raise error if saving failed
if (!$saved)
raise_error(array('code' => 800,
'type' => 'imap',
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Could not save message in $CONFIG[$store_target]"), TRUE, FALSE);
show_message('errorsaving', 'error');
if ($olddraftmessageid)
// delete previous saved draft
$a_deleteid = $IMAP->search($CONFIG['drafts_mbox'],'HEADER Message-ID',$olddraftmessageid);
$deleted = $IMAP->delete_message($IMAP->get_uid($a_deleteid[0],$CONFIG['drafts_mbox']),$CONFIG['drafts_mbox']);
// raise error if deletion of old draft failed
if (!$deleted)
raise_error(array('code' => 800,
'type' => 'imap',
'file' => __FILE__,
'message' => "Could not delete message from ".$CONFIG['drafts_mbox']), TRUE, FALSE);
19 years ago
if ($savedraft)
// clear the "saving message" busy status, and display success
show_message('messagesaved', 'confirmation');
// update "_draft_saveid" on the page, which is used to delete a previous draft
$frameout = "var foundid = parent.rcube_find_object('_draft_saveid', parent.document);\n";
$frameout .= sprintf("foundid.value = '%s';\n", str_replace(array('<','>'), "", $message_id));
// update the "cmp_hash" to prevent "Unsaved changes" warning
$frameout .= sprintf("parent.%s.cmp_hash = parent.%s.compose_field_hash();\n", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $JS_OBJECT_NAME);
// start the auto-save timer again
$frameout .= sprintf("parent.%s.auto_save_start();", $JS_OBJECT_NAME);
// send html page with JS calls as response
19 years ago
if ($CONFIG['smtp_log'])
19 years ago
$log_entry = sprintf("[%s] User: %d on %s; Message for %s; %s\n",
date("d-M-Y H:i:s O", mktime()),
!empty($smtp_response) ? join('; ', $smtp_response) : '');
if ($fp = @fopen($CONFIG['log_dir'].'/sendmail', 'a'))
fwrite($fp, $log_entry);
19 years ago
19 years ago