/** * Swipe plugin script * * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the * JavaScript code in this file. * * Copyright (C) 2018 Philip Weir * * The JavaScript code in this page is free software: you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * @licend The above is the entire license notice * for the JavaScript code in this file. */ rcube_webmail.prototype.swipe_position_target = function(obj, pos, vertical) { var translate = ''; if (pos) translate = (vertical ? 'translatey' : 'translatex') + '('+ pos +'px)'; $(obj).css({ '-webkit-transform': translate, '-ms-transform': translate, 'transform': translate }); }; rcube_webmail.prototype.swipe_list_selection = function(uid, show, prev_sel) { // make the system think no preview pane exists while we do some fake message selects // to enable/disable relevant commands for current selection var prev_contentframe = rcmail.env.contentframe, i; rcmail.env.contentframe = null; if (show) { if (rcmail.message_list.selection.length == 0 || !rcmail.message_list.in_selection(uid)) { prev_sel = prev_sel ? prev_sel : rcmail.message_list.get_selection(); rcmail.message_list.clear_selection(); rcmail.message_list.highlight_row(uid, true); } } else if (prev_sel) { rcmail.message_list.clear_selection(); for (i in prev_sel) rcmail[this.list_object].highlight_row(prev_sel[i], true); } else { rcmail.message_list.clear_selection(); } rcmail.env.contentframe = prev_contentframe; return prev_sel; }; rcube_webmail.prototype.swipe_select_action = function(direction, obj) { var action = { 'class': '', 'text': '', 'callback': null }; if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'checkmail') { action.class = 'checkmail'; action.text = 'refresh'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { rcmail.command('checkmail'); }; } else if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'delete') { action.class = 'delete'; action.text = 'delete'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; var prev_sel = rcmail.swipe_list_selection(uid, true); // enable command var prev_command = rcmail.commands['delete']; rcmail.enable_command('delete', true); var result = rcmail.command('delete', '', obj, e); rcmail.enable_command('delete', prev_command); rcmail.swipe_list_selection(uid, false, prev_sel); }; } else if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'flagged') { if (obj.hasClass('flagged')) { action.class = 'unflagged'; action.text = 'swipe.markasunflagged'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; rcmail.mark_message('unflagged', uid); }; } else { action.class = 'flagged'; action.text = 'swipe.markasflagged'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; rcmail.mark_message('flagged', uid); }; } } else if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'forward') { action.class = 'forward'; action.text = 'forward'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; rcmail.enable_command('forward', true); rcmail.env.uid = uid; rcmail.command('forward', '', obj, e); }; } else if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'move') { action.class = 'move'; action.text = 'moveto'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; rcmail.swipe_list_selection(uid, true); rcmail.enable_command('move', true); $('#' + rcmail.buttons['move'][0].id).trigger('click'); }; } else if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'read') { if (obj.hasClass('unread')) { action.class = 'read'; action.text = 'swipe.markasread'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; rcmail.mark_message('read', uid); }; } else { action.class = 'unread'; action.text = 'swipe.markasunread'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; rcmail.mark_message('unread', uid); }; } } else if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'reply') { action.class = 'reply'; action.text = 'reply'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; rcmail.enable_command('reply', true); rcmail.env.uid = uid; rcmail.command('reply', '', obj, e); }; } else if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'replyall') { action.class = 'replyall'; action.text = 'replyall'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; rcmail.enable_command('reply-all', true); rcmail.env.uid = uid; rcmail.command('reply-all', '', obj, e); }; } else if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'select') { if (obj.hasClass('selected')) { action.class = 'deselect'; action.text = 'swipe.deselect'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; rcmail.message_list.highlight_row(uid, true); if (rcmail.message_list.get_selection().length == 0) $(rcmail.gui_objects.messagelist).removeClass('withselection'); }; } else { action.class = 'select'; action.text = 'select'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; $(rcmail.gui_objects.messagelist).addClass('withselection'); rcmail.message_list.highlight_row(uid, true); }; } } else if (rcmail.env.swipe_actions[direction] == 'archive' && rcmail.env.archive_folder) { action.class = 'archive'; action.text = 'archive.buttontext'; action.callback = function(uid, obj, e) { if (!uid) return; var prev_sel = rcmail.swipe_list_selection(uid, true); // enable command var prev_command = rcmail.commands['plugin.archive']; rcmail.enable_command('plugin.archive', true); var result = rcmail.command('plugin.archive', '', obj, e); rcmail.enable_command('plugin.archive', prev_command); rcmail.swipe_list_selection(uid, false, prev_sel); }; } return action; }; rcube_webmail.prototype.swipe_event = function(opts) { var touchstart = {}; // swipe down on message list container opts.source_obj .on('touchstart', function(e) { touchstart.x = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX; touchstart.y = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY; }) .on('touchmove', function(e) { // make sure no other swipes are active if (rcmail.env.swipe_active && rcmail.env.swipe_active != opts.axis) return; var changeX = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX - touchstart.x; var changeY = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY - touchstart.y; // stop the message row from sliding off the screen completely if (opts.axis == 'vertical') { changeY = Math.min(opts.maxmove, changeY); } else { changeX = changeX < 0 ? Math.max(opts.maxmove * -1, changeX) : Math.min(opts.maxmove, changeX); } if ((opts.axis == 'vertical' && (((changeX < 5 && changeX > -5) && opts.source_obj.scrollTop() == 0) || opts.target_obj.hasClass('swipe-active'))) || ((opts.axis == 'horizontal' && ((changeY < 5 && changeY > -5) || opts.target_obj.hasClass('swipe-active'))))) { // do not allow swipe up if (opts.axis == 'vertical' && changeY < 0) return var direction = (opts.axis == 'vertical' ? 'down' : (changeX < 0 ? 'left' : 'right')); var action = rcmail.swipe_select_action(direction, opts.source_obj); // skip if there is no event if (!action.callback) return; $('#swipe-action') .data('callback', action.callback) .children('div') .removeClass() .addClass(direction) .children('span') .removeClass() .addClass(action.class) .text(rcmail.gettext(action.text)); if (!opts.target_obj.hasClass('swipe-active')) { var action_style = opts.action_sytle(opts.target_obj); $('#swipe-action').css({ 'top': action_style.top, 'left': action_style.left, 'width': action_style.width, 'height': action_style.height }).show(); opts.target_obj.addClass('swipe-active'); opts.source_obj.addClass('swipe-noscroll'); rcmail.env.swipe_active = opts.axis; // set the active swipe } // the user must swipe a certain about before the action is activated, try to prevent accidental actions if ((opts.axis == 'vertical' && changeY > opts.minmove) || (opts.axis == 'horizontal' && (changeX < (opts.minmove * -1) || changeX > opts.minmove))) { $('#swipe-action').addClass(action.class); } else { // reset the swipe if the user takes the row back to the start $('#swipe-action').removeClass(); $('#swipe-action').data('callback', null); } rcmail.swipe_position_target(opts.target_obj, opts.axis == 'vertical' ? changeY : changeX, opts.axis == 'vertical'); if (opts.parent_obj) opts.parent_obj.on('touchmove', rcube_event.cancel); } }) .on('touchend', function(e) { if (rcmail.env.swipe_active && rcmail.env.swipe_active == opts.axis && opts.target_obj.hasClass('swipe-active')) { rcmail.swipe_position_target(opts.target_obj, 0, opts.axis == 'vertical'); var callback = null; if (callback = $('#swipe-action').data('callback')) callback(opts.uid, opts.target_obj, e); $('#swipe-action').removeClass().hide(); opts.target_obj.removeClass('swipe-active'); opts.source_obj.removeClass('swipe-noscroll'); rcmail.env.swipe_active = null; if (opts.parent_obj) opts.parent_obj.off('touchmove', rcube_event.cancel); } }); } $(document).ready(function() { if (window.rcmail && bw.touch && !((bw.ie || bw.edge) && bw.pointer)) { rcmail.addEventListener('init', function() { var messagelist_container = $(rcmail.gui_objects.messagelist).parent(); if (rcmail.message_list.draggable || !messagelist_container[0].addEventListener) return; rcmail.env.swipe_parent = messagelist_container; rcmail.env.swipe_parent.prepend($('