rc = rcmail::get_instance(); $this->add_hook('user_create', array($this, 'fetch_identities')); $this->add_hook('login_after', array($this, 'recheck_identities')); } function fetch_identities($args) { $this->load_config('config.inc.php.dist'); $this->load_config('config.inc.php'); // Connect to database $this->db = rcube_db::factory($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_db_dsnr'), '', false); $this->db->db_connect('w'); // Get full name and main identity $t_mbox = $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_table_mbox')); $c_mbox_uid = $t_mbox . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_uname')); $c_mbox_fname = $t_mbox . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_fullname')); $c_mbox_email = $t_mbox . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_email')); $c_mbox_dom = $t_mbox . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_mbox_domain')); $qrystr = "SELECT " . $c_mbox_fname . ", " . $c_mbox_email . ", " . $c_mbox_dom . " FROM " . $t_mbox . " WHERE " . $c_mbox_uid . " = '" . $this->db->escape($args['user']) . "'"; $qh = $this->db->query($qrystr); $result = $this->db->fetch_array($qh); if ($result !== FALSE) { $hidden_domains = $this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_hide_domains'); // Set full user name $args['user_name'] = $result[0]; $email_list = array(); $email_list[] = array($result[1], $result[2]); // Fetch alias domains $t_adom = $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_table_aliasdomain')); $c_adom_source = $t_adom . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_aliasdomain')); $c_adom_destin = $t_adom . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_gotodomain')); $c_adom_active = $t_adom . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_aliasdomain_active')); $t_dom = $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_table_domain')); $c_dom_dom = $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_domain')); $c_dom_active = $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_domain_active')); $sdom = $this->db->quote_identifier('srcdom'); $ddom = $this->db->quote_identifier('dstdom'); $qrystr = "SELECT " . $c_adom_source . ", " . $c_adom_destin . " FROM " . $t_adom . " LEFT OUTER JOIN " . $t_dom . " AS " . $sdom . " ON " . $c_adom_source . " = " . $sdom . "." . $c_dom_dom . " LEFT OUTER JOIN " . $t_dom . " AS " . $ddom . " ON " . $c_adom_destin . " = " . $ddom . "." . $c_dom_dom . " WHERE " . $c_adom_active . " = 1 AND" . " " . $sdom . "." . $c_dom_active . " = 1 AND" . " " . $ddom . "." . $c_dom_active . " = 1"; $adom_map = array(); $qh = $this->db->query($qrystr); $result = $this->db->fetch_array($qh); while ($result !== FALSE) { $adom_map[] = array($result[1], $result[0]); $result = $this->db->fetch_array($qh); } // Apply alias domains for the first time $maxrecursion = count($adom_map); foreach ($email_list AS $list_item) { $email = $list_item[0]; $domain = $list_item[1]; $adom_map2 = $adom_map; for ($i = 0; $i < $maxrecursion; $i++) { foreach ($adom_map2 AS $k => $alias) { if ($domain == $alias[0]) { $newdomain = $alias[1]; $newemail = substr($email, 0, -1*strlen($domain)) . $newdomain; if (!in_array(array($newemail, $newdomain), $email_list)) $email_list[] = array($newemail, $newdomain); unset($adom_map2[$k]); break; } } } } // Fetch address aliases $t_a = $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_table_alias')); $c_a_source = $t_a . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_address')); $c_a_destin = $t_a . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_goto')); $c_a_active = $t_a . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_alias_active')); $c_a_dom = $t_a . '.' . $this->db->quote_identifier($this->rc->config->get('postfixadmin_user_identities_col_alias_domain')); $qrystr = "SELECT " . $c_a_source . ", " . $c_a_destin . " FROM " . $t_a . " LEFT OUTER JOIN " . $t_dom . " ON " . $c_a_dom . " = " . $t_dom . "." . $c_dom_dom . " WHERE " . $c_a_active . " = 1 AND" . " " . $t_dom . "." . $c_dom_active . " = 1"; $alias_map = array(); $qh = $this->db->query($qrystr); $result = $this->db->fetch_array($qh); while ($result !== FALSE) { foreach(explode(',', $result[1]) AS $dest) $alias_map[] = array($dest, $result[0]); $result = $this->db->fetch_array($qh); } // Apply aliases $maxrecursion = count($alias_map); foreach ($email_list AS $list_item) { $email = $list_item[0]; $domain = $list_item[1]; $alias_map2 = $alias_map; for ($i = 0; $i < $maxrecursion; $i++) { foreach ($alias_map2 AS $k => $alias) { if ($email == $alias[0]) { $newemail = $alias[1]; $newdomain = strrev(explode('@', strrev($newemail), 2)[0]); if (!in_array(array($newemail, $newdomain), $email_list)) $email_list[] = array($newemail, $newdomain); unset($alias_map2[$k]); break; } } } } // Apply alias domains again $maxrecursion = count($adom_map); foreach ($email_list AS $list_item) { $email = $list_item[0]; $domain = $list_item[1]; $adom_map2 = $adom_map; for ($i = 0; $i < $maxrecursion; $i++) { foreach ($adom_map2 AS $k => $alias) { if ($domain == $alias[0]) { $newdomain = $alias[1]; $newemail = substr($email, 0, -1*strlen($domain)) . $newdomain; if (!in_array(array($newemail, $newdomain), $email_list)) $email_list[] = array($newemail, $newdomain); unset($adom_map2[$k]); break; } } } } // Filter results $f_email_list = array(); foreach ($email_list AS $list_item) { $email = $list_item[0]; $domain = $list_item[1]; if (!in_array($domain, $hidden_domains)) { $f_email_list[] = $email; } } $email_list = $f_email_list; if (count($email_list) == 1) $args['user_email'] = $email_list[0]; if (count($email_list) >= 1) $args['email_list'] = $email_list; } $this->db->closeConnection(); return $args; } function recheck_identities($args) { $this->load_config('config.inc.php.dist'); $this->load_config('config.inc.php'); // Fetch the existing e-mail addresses of the user $old_identities = $this->rc->user->list_identities(); // Fetch the database $db_data = $this->fetch_identities( array( 'user' => $this->rc->user->data['username'], 'host' => $this->rc->user->data['mail_host'], )); // Add new identities foreach ($db_data['email_list'] as $email) { $already_existing = FALSE; foreach ($old_identities as $identity) { if ($identity['email'] == $email) { $already_existing = TRUE; break; } } if (!$already_existing) { $plugin = $this->rc->plugins->exec_hook('identity_create', array( 'login' => true, 'record' => array( 'user_id' => $this->rc->user->ID, 'standard' => 0, 'email' => $email, 'name' => $db_data['user_name'] ) )); if (!$plugin['abort'] && $plugin['record']['email']) { $this->rc->user->insert_identity($plugin['record']); } } } // Remove missing identities foreach ($old_identities as $identity) { $missing = TRUE; foreach ($db_data['email_list'] as $email) { if ($identity['email'] == $email) { $missing = FALSE; break; } } if ($missing) { $plugin = $this->rc->plugins->exec_hook('identity_delete', array( 'id' => $identity['identity_id'] )); if (!$plugin['abort']) { $this->rc->user->delete_identity($plugin['id']); } } } return $args; } }