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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Virtual Vacation 4.0r1
# $Revision$
# Originally by Mischa Peters <mischa at high5 dot net>
# Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 High5!
# Licensed under GPL for more info check GPL-LICENSE.TXT
# Additions:
# 2004/07/13 David Osborn <ossdev at>
# strict, processes domain level aliases, more
# subroutines, send reply from original to address
# 2004/11/09 David Osborn <ossdev at>
# Added syslog support
# Slightly better logging which includes messageid
# Avoid infinite loops with domain aliases
# 2005-01-19 Troels Arvin <troels at>
# PostgreSQL-version.
# Normalized DB schema from one vacation table ("vacation")
# to two ("vacation", "vacation_notification"). Uses
# referential integrity CASCADE action to simplify cleanup
# when a user is no longer on vacation.
# Inserting variables into queries stricly by prepare()
# to try to avoid SQL injection.
# International characters are now handled well.
# 2005-01-21 Troels Arvin <troels at>
# Uses the Email::Valid package to avoid sending notices
# to obviously invalid addresses.
# 2007-08-15 David Goodwin <david at>
# Use the Perl Mail::Sendmail module for sending mail
# Check for headers that start with blank lines (patch from forum)
# 2007-08-20 Martin Ambroz <amsys at>
# Added initial Unicode support
# 2008-05-09 Fabio Bonelli <fabiobonelli at>
# Properly handle failed queries to vacation_notification.
# Fixed log reporting.
# 2008-07-29 Patch from Luxten to add repeat notification after timeout. See:
# 2008-08-01 Luigi Iotti <luigi at iotti dot biz>
# Use envelope sender/recipient instead of using
# From: and To: header fields;
# Support to good vacation behavior as in
# (needs to be tested);
# 2008-08-04 David Goodwin <david at palepurple dot co dot uk>
# Use Log4Perl
# Added better testing (and -t option)
# 2009-06-29 Stevan Bajic <stevan at>
# Add Mail::Sender for SMTP auth + more flexibility
# 2009-07-07 Stevan Bajic <stevan at>
# Add better alias lookups
# Check for more heades from Anti-Virus/Anti-Spam solutions
# 2009-08-10 Sebastian <reg9009 at yahoo dot de>
# Adjust SQL query for vacation timeframe. It is now possible to set from/until date for vacation message.
# 2012-04-1 Nikolaos Topp <info at>
#  Add configuration parameter $smtp_client in order to get mails through
# postfix helo-checks, using check_helo_access whitelist without permitting 'localhost' default style stuff
# 2012-04-19 Jan Kruis <jan at crossreferenc dot nl>
# change SQL query for vacation into function.
# Add sub get_interval()
# Gives the user the option to set the interval time ( 0 = one reply, 1 = autoreply, > 1 = Delay reply )
# See
# Requirements - the following perl modules are required:
# DBD::Pg or DBD::mysql
# Mail::Sender, Email::Valid MIME::Charset, Log::Log4perl, Log::Dispatch, MIME::EncWords and GetOpt::Std
# You may install these via CPAN, or through your package tool.
# CPAN: 'perl -MCPAN -e shell', then 'install Module::Whatever'
# On Debian based systems :
# libmail-sender-perl
# libdbd-pg-perl
# libemail-valid-perl
# libmime-perl
# liblog-log4perl-perl
# liblog-dispatch-perl
# libgetopt-argvfile-perl
# libmime-charset-perl (currently in testing, see instructions below)
# libmime-encwords-perl (currently in testing, see instructions below)
# Note: When you use this module, you may start seeing error messages
# like "Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index
# vacation_notification_pkey" in your system logs. This is expected
# behavior, and not an indication of trouble (see the "already_notified"
# subroutine for an explanation).
# You must also have the Email::Valid and MIME-tools perl-packages
# installed. They are available in some package collections, under the
# names 'perl-Email-Valid' and 'perl-MIME-tools', respectively.
# One such package collection (for Linux) is:
use DBI;
use MIME::Base64;
use MIME::EncWords qw(:all);
use Email::Valid;
use strict;
use Mail::Sender;
use Getopt::Std;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);
use File::Basename;
# ========== begin configuration ==========
# IMPORTANT: If you put passwords into this script, then remember
# to restrict access to the script, so that only the vacation user
# can read it.
# db_type - uncomment one of these
our $db_type = 'Pg';
#our $db_type = 'mysql';
# leave empty for connection via UNIX socket
our $db_host = '';
# connection details
our $db_username = 'user';
our $db_password = 'password';
our $db_name = 'postfix';
our $vacation_domain = '';
# smtp server used to send vacation e-mails
our $smtp_server = 'localhost';
our $smtp_server_port = 25;
# this is the helo we [the vacation script] use on connection; you may need to change this to your hostname or something,
# depending upon what smtp helo restrictions you have in place within Postfix.
our $smtp_client = 'localhost';
# SMTP authentication protocol used for sending.
# Can be 'PLAIN', 'LOGIN', 'CRAM-MD5' or 'NTLM'
# Leave it blank if you don't use authentification
our $smtp_auth = undef;
# username used to login to the server
our $smtp_authid = 'someuser';
# password used to login to the server
our $smtp_authpwd = 'somepass';
# Set to 1 to enable logging to syslog.
our $syslog = 0;
# path to logfile, when empty logging is supressed
# change to e.g. /dev/null if you want nothing logged.
# if we can't write to this, and $log_to_file is 1 (below) the script will abort.
our $logfile='/var/log/vacation.log';
# 2 = debug + info, 1 = info only, 0 = error only
our $log_level = 2;
# Whether to log to file or not, 0 = do not write to a log file
our $log_to_file = 0;
# notification interval, in seconds
# set to 0 to notify only once
# e.g. 1 day ...
#my $interval = 60*60*24;
# disabled by default
our $interval = 0;
# instead of changing this script, you can put your settings to /etc/mail/postfixadmin/vacation.conf
# or /etc/postfixadmin/vacation.conf just use Perl syntax there to fill the variables listed above
# (without the "our" keyword). Example:
# $db_username = 'mail';
if (-f '/etc/mail/postfixadmin/vacation.conf') {
require '/etc/mail/postfixadmin/vacation.conf';
} elsif (-f '/etc/postfixadmin/vacation.conf') {
require '/etc/postfixadmin/vacation.conf';
# =========== end configuration ===========
if($log_to_file == 1) {
if (( ! -w $logfile ) && (! -w dirname($logfile))) {
# Cannot log; no where to write to.
die("Cannot create logfile : $logfile");
my ($from, $to, $cc, $replyto , $subject, $messageid, $lastheader, $smtp_sender, $smtp_recipient, %opts, $test_mode, $logger);
# Setup a logger...
getopts('f:t:', \%opts) or die "Usage: $0 [-t yes] -f sender -- recipient\n\t-t for testing only\n";
$opts{f} and $smtp_sender = $opts{f} or die '-f sender not present on command line';
$test_mode = 0;
$opts{t} and $test_mode = 1;
$smtp_recipient = shift or die 'recipient not given on command line';
my $log_layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new('%d %p> %F:%L %M - %m%n');
if($test_mode == 1) {
$logger = get_logger();
# log to stdout
my $appender = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new('Log::Dispatch::Screen');
$logger->debug('Test mode enabled');
} else {
$logger = get_logger();
if($log_to_file == 1) {
# log to file
my $appender = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new(
filename => $logfile,
mode => 'append');
if($syslog == 1) {
my $syslog_appender = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new(
facility => 'mail',
# change to $DEBUG, $INFO or $ERROR depending on how much logging you want.
if($log_level == 1) {
if($log_level == 2) {
binmode (STDIN,':encoding(UTF-8)');
my $dbh;
if ($db_host) {
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:$db_type:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host","$db_username", "$db_password", { RaiseError => 1 });
} else {
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:$db_type:dbname=$db_name","$db_username", "$db_password", { RaiseError => 1 });
if (!$dbh) {
$logger->error('Could not connect to database'); # eval { } etc better here?
my $db_true; # MySQL and PgSQL use different values for TRUE, and unicode support...
if ($db_type eq 'mysql') {
$dbh->do('SET CHARACTER SET utf8;');
$db_true = '1';
} else { # Pg
$db_true = 'True';
# used to detect infinite address lookup loops
my $loopcount=0;
# Get interval_time for email user from the vacation table
sub get_interval {
my ($to) = @_;
my $query = qq{SELECT interval_time FROM vacation WHERE email=? };
my $stm = $dbh->prepare($query) or panic_prepare($query);
$stm->execute($to) or panic_execute($query," 'email='$to'");
my $rv = $stm->rows;
if ($rv == 1) {
my @row = $stm->fetchrow_array;
my $interval = $row[0] ;
return $interval ;
} else {
return 0 ;
sub already_notified {
my ($to, $from) = @_;
my $logger = get_logger();
# delete old notifications
my $query = qq{DELETE vacation_notification.* FROM vacation_notification LEFT JOIN vacation ON = vacation_notification.on_vacation WHERE on_vacation = ? AND notified = ? AND notified_at < vacation.activefrom};
my $stm = $dbh->prepare($query);
if (!$stm) {
$logger->error("Could not prepare query (trying to delete old vacation notifications) :'$query' to: $to, from:$from");
return 1;
my $query = qq{INSERT into vacation_notification (on_vacation,notified) values (?,?)};
my $stm = $dbh->prepare($query);
if (!$stm) {
$logger->error("Could not prepare query '$query' to: $to, from:$from");
return 1;
$stm->{'PrintError'} = 0;
$stm->{'RaiseError'} = 0;
if (!$stm->execute($to,$from)) {
my $e=$dbh->errstr;
# Violation of a primay key constraint may happen here, and that's
# fine. All other error conditions are not fine, however.
if ($e !~ /(?:_pkey|^Duplicate entry)/) {
$logger->error("Failed to insert into vacation_notification table (to:$to from:$from error:'$e' query:'$query')");
# Let's play safe and notify anyway
return 1;
$interval = get_interval($to);
if ($interval) {
$query = qq{SELECT NOW()-notified_at FROM vacation_notification WHERE on_vacation=? AND notified=?};
$stm = $dbh->prepare($query) or panic_prepare($query);
$stm->execute($to,$from) or panic_execute($query,"on_vacation='$to', notified='$from'");
my @row = $stm->fetchrow_array;
my $int = $row[0];
if ($int > $interval) {
$logger->info("[Interval elapsed, sending the message]: From: $from To:$to");
$query = qq{UPDATE vacation_notification SET notified_at=NOW() WHERE on_vacation=? AND notified=?};
$stm = $dbh->prepare($query);
if (!$stm) {
$logger->error("Could not prepare query '$query' (to: '$to', from: '$from')");
return 0;
if (!$stm->execute($to,$from)) {
$logger->error("Error from running query '$query' (to: '$to', from: '$from', error: '$e')");
return 0;
} else {
$logger->debug("Notification interval not elapsed; not sending vacation reply (to: '$to', from: '$from')");
return 1;
} else {
return 1;
return 0;
# Check to see if there is a vacation record against a specific email address.
sub check_for_vacation {
my ($email_to_check) =@_;
my $query = qq{SELECT email FROM vacation WHERE email=? and active=$db_true and activefrom <= NOW() and activeuntil >= NOW()};
my $stm = $dbh->prepare($query) or panic_prepare($query);
$stm->execute($email_to_check) or panic_execute($query,"email='$email_to_check'");
my $rv = $stm->rows;
return $rv;
# try and determine if email address has vacation turned on; we
# have to do alias searching, and domain aliasing resolution for this.
# If found, return ($num_matches, $real_email);
sub find_real_address {
my ($email) = @_;
my $logger = get_logger();
if (++$loopcount > 20) {
$logger->error("find_real_address loop! (more than 20 attempts!) currently: $email");
my $realemail = '';
my $rv = check_for_vacation($email);
# Recipient has vacation
if ($rv == 1) {
$realemail = $email;
$logger->debug("Found '$email' has vacation active");
} else {
my $vemail = $email;
$vemail =~ s/\@/#/g;
$vemail = $vemail . "\@" . $vacation_domain;
$logger->debug("Looking for alias records that '$email' resolves to with vacation turned on");
my $query = qq{SELECT goto FROM alias WHERE address=? AND (goto LIKE ? OR goto LIKE ? OR goto LIKE ? OR goto = ?)};
my $stm = $dbh->prepare($query) or panic_prepare($query);
$stm->execute($email,"$vemail,%","%,$vemail","%,$vemail,%", "$vemail") or panic_execute($query,"address='$email'");
$rv = $stm->rows;
# Recipient is an alias, check if mailbox has vacation
if ($rv == 1) {
my @row = $stm->fetchrow_array;
my $alias = $row[0];
if ($alias =~ /,/) {
for (split(/\s*,\s*/, lc($alias))) {
my $singlealias = $_;
$logger->debug("Found alias \'$singlealias\' for email \'$email\'. Looking if vacation is on for alias.");
$rv = check_for_vacaton($singlealias);
# Alias has vacation
if ($rv == 1) {
$realemail = $singlealias;
} else {
$rv = check_for_vacation($alias);
# Alias has vacation
if ($rv == 1) {
$realemail = $alias;
# We have to look for alias domain (domain1 -> domain2)
} else {
my ($user, $domain) = split(/@/, $email);
$logger->debug("Looking for alias domain for $domain / $email / $user");
$query = qq{SELECT target_domain FROM alias_domain WHERE alias_domain=?};
$stm = $dbh->prepare($query) or panic_prepare($query);
$stm->execute($domain) or panic_execute($query,"alias_domain='$domain'");
$rv = $stm->rows;
# The domain has a alias domain level alias
if ($rv == 1) {
my @row = $stm->fetchrow_array;
my $alias_domain_dest = $row[0];
($rv, $realemail) = find_real_address ("$user\@$alias_domain_dest");
# We still have to look for domain level aliases...
} else {
my ($user, $domain) = split(/@/, $email);
$logger->debug("Looking for domain level aliases for $domain / $email / $user");
$query = qq{SELECT goto FROM alias WHERE address=?};
$stm = $dbh->prepare($query) or panic_prepare($query);
$stm->execute("\@$domain") or panic_execute($query,"address='\@$domain'");
$rv = $stm->rows;
# The receipient has a domain level alias
if ($rv == 1) {
my @row = $stm->fetchrow_array;
my $wildcard_dest = $row[0];
my ($wilduser, $wilddomain) = split(/@/, $wildcard_dest);
# Check domain alias
if ($wilduser) {
($rv, $realemail) = find_real_address ($wildcard_dest);
} else {
($rv, $realemail) = find_real_address ("$user\@$wilddomain");
} else {
$logger->debug("No domain level alias present for $domain / $email / $user");
return ($rv, $realemail);
# sends the vacation mail to the original sender.
sub send_vacation_email {
my ($email, $orig_from, $orig_to, $orig_messageid, $test_mode) = @_;
my $logger = get_logger();
$logger->debug("Asked to send vacation reply to $email thanks to $orig_messageid");
my $query = qq{SELECT subject,body FROM vacation WHERE email=?};
my $stm = $dbh->prepare($query) or panic_prepare($query);
$stm->execute($email) or panic_execute($query,"email='$email'");
my $rv = $stm->rows;
if ($rv == 1) {
my @row = $stm->fetchrow_array;
if (already_notified($email, $orig_from) == 1) {
$logger->debug("Already notified $email, or some error prevented us from doing so");
$logger->debug("Will send vacation response for $orig_messageid: FROM: $email (orig_to: $orig_to), TO: $orig_from; VACATION SUBJECT: $row[0] ; VACATION BODY: $row[1]");
my $subject = $row[0];
my $body = $row[1];
my $from = $email;
my $to = $orig_from;
my %smtp_connection;
%smtp_connection = (
'smtp' => $smtp_server,
'port' => $smtp_server_port,
'auth' => $smtp_auth,
'authid' => $smtp_authid,
'authpwd' => $smtp_authpwd,
'smtp_client' => $smtp_client,
'skip_bad_recipients' => 'true',
'encoding' => 'Base64',
'ctype' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
'headers' => 'Precedence: junk',
'headers' => 'X-Loop: Postfix Admin Virtual Vacation',
my %mail;
# I believe Mail::Sender qp encodes the subject, so we no longer need to.
%mail = (
'subject' => $subject,
'from' => $from,
'to' => $to,
'msg' => encode_base64($body)
if($test_mode == 1) {
$logger->info("** TEST MODE ** : Vacation response sent to $to from $from subject $subject (not) sent\n");
return 0;
$Mail::Sender::NO_X_MAILER = 1;
my $sender = new Mail::Sender({%smtp_connection});
$sender->Close() or $logger->error('Failed to send vacation response: ' . $sender->{'error_msg'});
$logger->debug("Vacation response sent to $to, from $from");
# Convert a (list of) email address(es) from RFC 822 style addressing to
# RFC 821 style addressing. e.g. convert:
# "John Jones" <>, "Jane Doe/Sales/ACME" <>
# to:
sub strip_address {
my ($arg) = @_;
if(!$arg) {
return '';
my @ok;
$logger = get_logger();
my @list;
@list = $arg =~ m/([\w\.\-\+\'\=_\^\|\$\/\{\}~\?\*\\&\!`\%]+\@[\w\.\-]+\w+)/g;
foreach(@list) {
#$logger->debug("Checking: $_");
my $temp = Email::Valid->address( -address => $_, -mxcheck => 0);
if($temp) {
push(@ok, $temp);
} else {
$logger->debug("Email not valid : $Email::Valid::Details");
# remove duplicates
my %seen = ();
my @uniq;
foreach my $item (@ok) {
push(@uniq, $item) unless $seen{$item}++
my $result = lc(join(', ', @uniq));
#$logger->debug("Result: $result");
return $result;
sub panic_prepare {
my ($arg) = @_;
my $logger = get_logger();
$logger->error("Could not prepare sql statement: '$arg'");
sub panic_execute {
my ($arg,$param) = @_;
my $logger = get_logger();
$logger->error("Could not execute sql statement - '$arg' with parameters '$param'");
# Make sure the email wasn't sent by someone who could be a mailing list etc; if it was,
# then we abort after appropriate logging.
sub check_and_clean_from_address {
my ($address) = @_;
my $logger = get_logger();
if($address =~ /^(noreply|postmaster|mailer\-daemon|listserv|majordomo|owner\-|request\-|bounces\-)/i ||
$address =~ /\-(owner|request|bounces)\@/i ) {
$logger->debug("sender $address contains $1 - will not send vacation message");
$address = strip_address($address);
if($address eq '') {
$logger->error("Address $address is not valid; exiting");
#$logger->debug("Address cleaned up to $address");
return $address;
########################### main #################################
# Take headers apart
$cc = '';
$replyto = '';
$logger->debug("Script argument SMTP recipient is : '$smtp_recipient' and smtp_sender : '$smtp_sender'");
while (<STDIN>) {
last if (/^$/);
if (/^\s+(.*)/ and $lastheader) { $$lastheader .= " $1"; next; }
elsif (/^from:\s*(.*)\n$/i) { $from = $1; $lastheader = \$from; }
elsif (/^to:\s*(.*)\n$/i) { $to = $1; $lastheader = \$to; }
elsif (/^cc:\s*(.*)\n$/i) { $cc = $1; $lastheader = \$cc; }
elsif (/^Reply\-to:\s*(.*)\s*\n$/i) { $replyto = $1; $lastheader = \$replyto; }
elsif (/^subject:\s*(.*)\n$/i) { $subject = $1; $lastheader = \$subject; }
elsif (/^message\-id:\s*(.*)\s*\n$/i) { $messageid = $1; $lastheader = \$messageid; }
elsif (/^x\-spam\-(flag|status):\s+yes/i) { $logger->debug("x-spam-$1: yes found; exiting"); exit (0); }
elsif (/^x\-facebook\-notify:/i) { $logger->debug('Mail from facebook, ignoring'); exit(0); }
elsif (/^precedence:\s+(bulk|list|junk)/i) { $logger->debug("precedence: $1 found; exiting"); exit (0); }
elsif (/^x\-loop:\s+postfix\ admin\ virtual\ vacation/i) { $logger->debug('x-loop: postfix admin virtual vacation found; exiting'); exit (0); }
elsif (/^Auto\-Submitted:\s*no/i) { next; }
elsif (/^Auto\-Submitted:/i) { $logger->debug('Auto-Submitted: something found; exiting'); exit (0); }
elsif (/^List\-(Id|Post|Unsubscribe):/i) { $logger->debug("List-$1: found; exiting"); exit (0); }
elsif (/^(x\-(barracuda\-)?spam\-status):\s+(yes)/i) { $logger->debug("$1: $3 found; exiting"); exit (0); }
elsif (/^(x\-dspam\-result):\s+(spam|bl[ao]cklisted)/i) { $logger->debug("$1: $2 found; exiting"); exit (0); }
elsif (/^(x\-(anti|avas\-)?virus\-status):\s+(infected)/i) { $logger->debug("$1: $3 found; exiting"); exit (0); }
elsif (/^(x\-(avas\-spam|spamtest|crm114|razor|pyzor)\-status):\s+(spam)/i) { $logger->debug("$1: $3 found; exiting"); exit (0); }
elsif (/^(x\-osbf\-lua\-score):\s+[0-9\/\.\-\+]+\s+\[([-S])\]/i) { $logger->debug("$1: $2 found; exiting"); exit (0); }
else {$lastheader = '' ; }
if($smtp_recipient =~ /\@$vacation_domain/) {
# the regexp used here could probably be improved somewhat, for now hope that people won't use # as a valid mailbox character.
my $tmp = $smtp_recipient;
$tmp =~ s/\@$vacation_domain//;
$tmp =~ s/#/\@/;
$logger->debug("Converted autoreply mailbox back to normal style - from $smtp_recipient to $tmp");
$smtp_recipient = $tmp;
undef $tmp;
# If either From: or To: are not set, exit
if(!$from || !$to || !$messageid || !$smtp_sender || !$smtp_recipient) {
$logger->info("One of from=$from, to=$to, messageid=$messageid, smtp sender=$smtp_sender, smtp recipient=$smtp_recipient empty");
$logger->debug("Email headers have to: '$to' and From: '$from'");
$to = strip_address($to);
$cc = strip_address($cc);
$from = check_and_clean_from_address($from);
if($replyto ne '') {
# if reply-to is invalid, or looks like a mailing list, then we probably don't want to send a reply.
$replyto = check_and_clean_from_address($replyto);
$smtp_sender = check_and_clean_from_address($smtp_sender);
$smtp_recipient = check_and_clean_from_address($smtp_recipient);
if ($smtp_sender eq $smtp_recipient) {
$logger->debug("smtp sender $smtp_sender and recipient $smtp_recipient are the same; aborting");
for (split(/,\s*/, lc($to)), split(/,\s*/, lc($cc))) {
my $header_recipient = strip_address($_);
if ($smtp_sender eq $header_recipient) {
$logger->debug("sender header $smtp_sender contains recipient $header_recipient (mailing myself?)");
my ($rv, $email) = find_real_address($smtp_recipient);
if ($rv == 1) {
$logger->debug("Attempting to send vacation response for: $messageid to: $smtp_sender, $smtp_recipient, $email (test_mode = $test_mode)");
send_vacation_email($email, $smtp_sender, $smtp_recipient, $messageid, $test_mode);
} else {
$logger->debug("SMTP recipient $smtp_recipient which resolves to $email does not have an active vacation (rv: $rv, email: $email)");
#/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=3 tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3: */