You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

182 lines
6.0 KiB

foreach(array_keys($fm_struct) as $row){
$title = $PALANG['pFetchmail_field_' . $row];
$comment = $PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_' . $row];
if ($view){
$headers[]=array($editible, $view, $type, $title, $comment);
if ($edit || $new) { # edit mode
echo '<div id="edit_form">';
echo '<form name="fetchmail" method="post">';
print fetchmail_edit_row($formvars);
} else { # display mode
print '<div id="overview">';
print '<form name="overview" method="post">';
print "<table id=\"log_table\" border=0>\n";
print " <tr>\n";
print " <td colspan=\"".(sizeof($headers)+2)."\"><h3>".$PALANG['pFetchmail_welcome'].$user_domains."</h3></td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print " <tr class=\"header\">\n";
foreach($headers as $row){
print " <td>" . $title . "</td>\n";
print "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
print "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
print " </tr>\n";
if (sizeof ($tFmail) > 0){
foreach($tFmail as $row){
print " <tr class=\"hilightoff\" onMouseOver=\"className='hilighton';\" onMouseOut=\"className='hilightoff';\">\n";
foreach($row as $key=>$val){
if (!isset($fm_struct[$key])) continue; # TODO: not really nice, but avoids undefined index warnings ;-)
if ($view){
print " <td nowrap>" . (function_exists($func)?$func($val):$val) . "</td>\n";
print "<td><a href=\"fetchmail.php?edit=" . $row['id'] . "\">" . $PALANG['edit'] . "</a></td>";
print " <td><a href=\"fetchmail.php?delete=" . $row['id'] . "\"onclick=\"return confirm ('"
. $PALANG['confirm'] . $PALANG['pMenu_fetchmail'] . ": ". htmlentities($row['src_user']) . " @ "
. htmlentities($row['src_server']) . "')\">" . $PALANG['del'] . "</a></td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print "</table>";
print "<p />\n";
print "</form>\n";
print "</div>\n";
print "<p><a href='?new=1'>".$PALANG['pFetchmail_new_entry']."</a></p>\n";
} # end display mode
function fetchmail_edit_row($data=array()){
global $fm_struct,$fm_defaults,$PALANG;
$ret .= '<tr><td colspan="3"><h3>' . $PALANG['pMenu_fetchmail'] . '</h3></td></tr>';
# TODO: $formvars possibly contains db-specific boolean values
# TODO: no problems with MySQL, to be tested with PgSQL
# TODO: undefined values may also occour
foreach($fm_struct as $key=>$struct){
$title = $PALANG['pFetchmail_field_' . $key];
$comment = $PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_' . $key];
if ($editible){
$ret.="<tr><td align=left valign=top><label for=${_id} style='width:20em;'>${title}:&nbsp;</label></td>";
$ret.="<td align=left style='padding-left:.25em;padding-right:.25em;background-color:white;'>";
if (! function_exists($func))
:(! is_array($fm_defaults[$key])
$fm_defaults_key = ""; if (isset($fm_defaults[$key])) $fm_defaults_key = $fm_defaults[$key];
$ret.="</td><td align=left valign=top><i>&nbsp;${comment}</i></td></tr>\n";
$ret.="<tr><td align=left valign=top>${title}:&nbsp;</label></td>";
$ret.="<td align=left valign=top style='padding-left:.25em;padding-right:.25em;background-color:white;'>".$val;
$ret.="</td><td align=left valign=top><i>&nbsp;${comment}</i></td></tr>\n";
$ret.="<tr><td align=center colspan=3>
<input type=submit name=save value='" . $PALANG['save'] . "'> &nbsp;
<input type=submit name=cancel value='" . $PALANG['cancel'] . "'>
if ($id){
$ret.="<input type=hidden name=edit value='${id}'>";
$ret.="<p />\n";
return $ret;
function _edit_text($id,$key,$def_vals,$val=""){
return "<input type=text name=${key} id=${id} value='${val}'>";
function _edit_password($id,$key,$def_vals,$val=""){
return "<input type=password name=${key} id=${id} value='${val}'>";
function _edit_num($id,$key,$def_vals,$val=""){
return "<input type=text name=${key} id=${id} value='${val}'>";
function _edit_bool($id,$key,$def_vals,$val=""){
$ret="<input type=checkbox name=${key} id=${id}";
if ($val)
$ret.=" checked";
return $ret;
function _edit_longtext($id,$key,$def_vals,$val=""){
return "<textarea name=${key} id=${id} rows=2 style='width:20em;'>${val}</textarea>";
function _edit_enum($id,$key,$def_vals,$val=""){
$ret="<select name=${key} id=${id}>";
foreach($def_vals as $opt_val){
if ($opt_val==$val)
$ret.=" selected";
return $ret;
function _listview_id($val){
return "<a href='?edit=${val}'>&nbsp;${val}&nbsp;</a>";
function _listview_bool($val){
return $val?"+":"";
function _listview_longtext($val){
return strlen($val)?"Text - ".strlen($val)." chars":"--x--";
function _listview_text($val){
return sizeof($val)?$val:"--x--";
function _listview_password($val){
return preg_replace("{.}","*",$val);
/* vim: set ft=php expandtab softtabstop=3 tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3: */