You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

396 lines
13 KiB

class PostfixAdminDomain extends Shell {
* Contains tasks to load and instantiate
* @var array
* @access public
var $tasks = array('Add', 'Update', 'Delete', 'View');
* Show help for this shell.
* @access public
function help() {
$head = "Usage: postfixadmin-cli domain <task> [<domain>] [-desc \"<description>\"] [-a <aliases>] [-m <mailboxes>] [-q <quota in MB>] [-t <transport>] [-default] [-backup]\n";
$head .= "-----------------------------------------------\n";
$head .= "Parameters:\n\n";
$commands = array(
'task' => "\t<task>\n" .
"\t\tAvailable values:\n\n".
"\t\t".sprintf("%-20s %s", "view: ", "View an existing domain.")."\n".
"\t\t".sprintf("%-20s %s", "add: ", "Adds a domain.")."\n".
"\t\t".sprintf("%-20s %s", "update: ", "Updates an domain.")."\n".
"\t\t".sprintf("%-20s %s", "delete: ", "Deletes a domain")."\n",
'domain' => "\t[<domain>]\n" .
"\t\tA address of recipient.\n",
'a' => "\t[<aliaes>]\n" .
"\t\tNumber of max aliases. -1 = disable | 0 = unlimited\n",
'm' => "\t[<mailboxes>]\n" .
"\t\tNumber of max mailboxes. -1 = disable | 0 = unlimited\n",
'q' => "\t[<quota in MB>]\n" .
"\t\tMax Quota in MB. -1 = disable | 0 = unlimited\n",
'd' => "\t[<domain quota in MB>]\n" .
"\t\tDomain Quota in MB. -1 = disable | 0 = unlimited\n",
't' => "\t[<transport>]\n" .
"\t\tTransport options from\n",
'default' => "\t\tSet to add default Aliases.\n",
'backup' => "\t\tSet if mailserver is backup MX.\n",
if (!isset($this->args[1])) {
foreach ($commands as $cmd) {
} elseif (isset($commands[strtolower($this->args[1])])) {
$this->out($commands[strtolower($this->args[1])] . "\n\n");
} else {
$this->out("Command '" . $this->args[1] . "' not found");
class AddTask extends Shell {
* Execution method always used for tasks
* @access public
function execute() {
if (empty($this->args)) {
if (!empty($this->args[0])) {
$this->__handle($this->args[0], $this->args[1]);
# TODO: handle the various -* parameters (see help)
* Interactive
* @access private
function __interactive() {
while(0==0) {
$question = "Enter domain:";
$domain = $this->in($question);
if(preg_match("/^((?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][\.\-_]?){0,62})[a-zA-Z0-9])+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,6})$/", $domain) == 1)
$this->err("Invalid domain");
$question = "Description:";
$values['description'] = $this->in($question);
$question = "Number of Aliases:";
$values['aliases'] = $this->in($question);
$question = "Numer of Mailboxes:";
$values['mailboxes'] = $this->in($question);
$question = "Max Quota (in MB):";
$values['maxquota'] = $this->in($question);
$question = "Domain Quota (in MB):";
$values['quota'] = $this->in($question);
$handler = new DomainHandler();
$struct = $handler->getStruct();
$transports = $struct['transport']['options'];
$qt[] = 'Choose transport option';
foreach ($transports AS $key => $val) {
//workaround. $this->in hates number 0
$key = $key + 1;
$qt[] = '['.$key.'] - '.$val;
$t = $this->in( join("\n", $qt) );
$values['transport'] = $transports[$t-1]; # convert int to transport name
$question = "Add default Aliases:";
$values['default_aliases'] = $this->in($question, array('y','n'));
($values['default_aliases'] == 'y') ? $values['default_aliases'] = true : $values['default_aliases'] = false;
$question = "Use as Backup MX:";
$values['backupmx'] = $this->in($question, array('y','n'));
($values['backupmx'] == 'y') ? $values['backupmx'] = true : $values['backupmx'] = false;
$this->__handle($domain, $values);
* Interactive
* @access private
function __handle($domain, $values) {
$handler = new DomainHandler(1);
if (!$handler->init($domain)) {
$this->error("Error:",join("\n", $handler->errormsg));
if (!$handler->set($values)) {
$this->error("Error:", join("\n", $handler->errormsg));
if (!$handler->store()) {
$this->error("Error:", join("\n", $handler->errormsg));
} else {
$this->out("Domain ( $domain ) generated.");
* Displays help contents
* @access public
function help() {
# TODO: this is the DOMAIN shell...
$this->out("Usage: postfixadmin-cli user add <address> [<password>] <name> <quota> [-g]");
$this->out("\n\tadd\n\t\tAdds mailbox in interactive mode.");
$this->out("\n\tadd <address> [<password>] [-g] <name> <quota>\n\t\tAdds mailbox for <address> with password <password> of if -g with rand pw. <quota> in MB.");
class UpdateTask extends Shell {
* Execution method always used for tasks
* @access public
function execute() {
if (empty($this->args)) {
if (!empty($this->args[0])) {
* Interactive
* @access private
function __interactive() {
* Displays help contents
* @access public
function help() {
$this->out("Not Implemented yet! ");
/*$this->out("Usage: postfixadmin-cli user update <args>");
$this->out("\n\tmodel\n\t\tbakes model in interactive mode.");
$this->out("\n\tmodel <name>\n\t\tbakes model file with no associations or validation");
class DeleteTask extends Shell {
* Execution method always used for tasks
* @access public
function execute() {
if (empty($this->args)) {
if (!empty($this->args[0])) {
$output = $this->__handle($this->args[0]);
* Interactive
* @access private
function __interactive() {
$question = "Which domain do you want to delete?";
$address = $this->in($question);
$question = "Do you really want to delete domain '$address'?";
$create = $this->in($question, array('y','n'));
* Interactive
* @access private
function __handle($address) {
$handler = new DomainHandler();
if (!$handler->init($address)) {
$this->error("Error:",join("\n", $handler->errormsg));
$status = $handler->delete();
if ($status == true) {
$this->out("Domain '$address' was deleted.");
} else {
$this->error("Error:", join("\n", $handler->errormsg));
* Displays help contents
* @access public
function help() {
$this->out("NOT Implemented yet.");
$this->out("Usage: postfixadmin-cli user model <arg1>");
//$this->out("\n\tdelete\n\t\tdeletes mailbox in interactive mode.");
//$this->out("\n\tdelete <address>\n\t\tdeletes mailbox with address <address>");
##Deleted PasswordTask because its silly in domain shell
class ViewTask extends Shell {
* Execution method always used for tasks
* @access public
function execute() {
if (empty($this->args)) {
if (!empty($this->args[0])) {
$output = $this->__handle($this->args[0]);
* Interactive
* @access private
function __interactive() {
$question[] = "Which Domain do you want to view?";
$domain = $this->in(join("\n", $question));
* Interactive
* @access private
function __handle($domain) {
$handler = new DomainHandler();
if (!$handler->init($domain)) {
$this->error("Error:",join("\n", $handler->errormsg));
$status = $handler->view();
if (!$status) {
$this->error("Error:",join("\n", $handler->errormsg));
} else {
$result = $handler->result();
$struct = $handler->getStruct();
# TODO: $totalfield should be in DomainHandler (in $struct or as separate array)
$totalfield = array(
'aliases' => 'alias_count',
'mailboxes' => 'mailbox_count',
'quota' => 'total_quota',
foreach($struct as $key => $field) {
if ($field['display_in_list']) {
if (isset($totalfield[$key])) {
# TODO: format based on $field['type'] (also in the else section)
$this->out($field['label'] . ": \t" . $result[$totalfield[$key]] . " / " . $result[$key] );
} else {
if (!in_array($key, $totalfield)) { # skip if we already displayed the field as part of "x/y"
$this->out($field['label'] . ": \t" . $result[$key]);
* Displays help contents
* @access public
function help() {
# TODO: this is the DOMAIN shell...
$this->out("Usage: postfixadmin-cli user view <address>");
$this->out("\n\tview\n\t\tView user. Select address in interactive mode.");
$this->out("\n\tview <address>\n\t\tView user with address <address>");
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