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# Virtual Vacation for Postfix Admin #
# Postfix Admin (Virtual Vacation)
# Originally authored by Mischa Peters <mischa at high5 dot net>
# Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 High5!
# Licensed under GPL for more info check GPL-LICENSE.TXT
There are a bunch of Perl modules which need installing, depending on your
distribution these may be available through your package management tool, or
will need installing through CPAN.
A full list of required modules can be found in the source of
It obviously relies on Perl
About Virtual Vacation
The vacation script runs as service within Postfix's configuration file.
Mail is sent to the vacation service via a transport table mapping.
When users mark themselves as away on vacation, an alias is added to their account
sending a copy of all mail to them to the vacation service.
e.g. mail to will be delivered to AND
Mail to is caught by the script and a reply
will be sent based on various settings. By default a reply is only sent once.
Install Virtual Vacation
1. Create a local account
Create a dedicated local user account called "vacation".
This user handles all potentially dangerous mail content - that is why it
should be a separate account.
Do not use "nobody", and most certainly do not use "root" or "postfix". The
user will never log in, and can be given a "*" password and non-existent
shell and home directory.
Also create a separate "vacation" group.
This should look like this:
vacation:*:65501:65501:Virtual Vacation:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
2. Create a log directory or log file
If you want to log to a file ($log_to_file), create a log directory or an
empty log file.
This file or directory needs to be writeable for the "vacation" user.
Note: If you are logging to syslog, you can skip this step.
3. Install
Create a directory /usr/lib/postfixadmin/ and copy the file to it:
$ mkdir /usr/lib/postfixadmin
$ cp /usr/lib/postfixadmin/
$ chown -R root:vacation /usr/lib/postfixadmin
$ chmod 750 /usr/lib/postfixadmin/ /usr/lib/postfixadmin/
Which will then look something like:
-rwxr-x--- 1 root vacation 3356 Dec 21 00:00*
4. Setup the transport type
Define the transport type in the Postfix master file:
vacation unix - n n - - pipe
flags=Rq user=vacation argv=/usr/lib/postfixadmin/ -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}
5. Setup the transport maps file
Tell Postfix to use a transport maps file, so add the following to your
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
Then add the transport definition to the newly created transport file.
Obviously, change to your own domain. This can be any
arbitrary domain, and it is easiest if you just choose one that will be used
for all your domains.
#/etc/postfix/transport vacation:
(You may need to create an entry in /etc/hosts for your non-existant domain)
Execute "postmap /etc/postfix/transport" to build the hashed database.
Execute "postfix reload" to complete the change.
6. Configure
The perl script needs to know which database you are using, and also
how to connect to the database.
Namely :
Change any variables starting with '$db_' and '$db_type' to either 'mysql' or 'pgsql'.
Change the $vacation_domain variable to match what you entered in your /etc/postfix/transport
You can do this in two ways:
a) edit directly (not recommended!)
b) create /etc/postfixadmin/vacation.conf and enter your settings there
Just use perl syntax there to fill the config variables listed in
(without the "our" keyword). Example:
$db_username = 'mail';
To make sure nobody except can read your vacation.conf (including the
database password), run
$ chown root:vacation /etc/postfixadmin/vacation.conf
$ chmod 640 /etc/postfixadmin/vacation.conf
7. Check the alias expansion
Depending on your setup, you may have multiple 'smtpd' service definitions within
your postfix file. This is especially the case if you are also using AMAVIS or
another content filtering system when mail is re-injected into Postfix using the smtpd daemon.
If you are, it's likely that alias expansion may happen more than once, in which case you
may see vacation-style responses duplicated. To suppress this behaviour, you need to add:
-o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
For example :
smtp inet n - - - 12 smtpd
-o content_filter=amavis:[]:10024
-o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings inet n - - - - smtpd
-o smtpd_autorized_xforward_hosts=
-o smtpd_client_restrictions=
-o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
-o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o mynetworks=
-o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks
^^^ Alias expansion occurs here, so we don't want it to happen again for the
first smtpd daemon (above). If you have per-user settings in amavis,
you might want to have no_address_mappings in the smtpd on port 10025
8. Security
If security is an issue for you, read ../DOCUMENTS/Security.txt
What do these files do?
When a user enables a vacation message on their account, the alias
definition is changed so that in addition to delivering to their own
mailbox, it also delivers to a dummy alias which calls the
program. In other words, if enables their vacation, the
entry in the alias database table will deliver mail to, as well as then checks the database to see wether a user is on holiday and
what message to send back. Make sure that is able to communicate
to your database. You have to specify the database, username and password for
it as described in the "Configure" section.
NOTE: Make sure that the path to perl in is correct.
I'm in trouble!
When something is not working there are a couple of files that you can have
a look at. The most important one is your maillog (usually in /var/log/). also has some debugging and logging capabilties. Check the top
When this is all in place you need to have a look at the Postfix Admin Here you need to enable Virtual Vacation for the site.