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# $Id$
* Handlers User level alias actions - e.g. add alias, get aliases, update etc.
class DomainHandler extends PFAHandler {
protected $username = null; # actually it's the domain - variable name kept for consistence with the other classes
protected $db_table = null;
protected $id_field = null;
protected $struct = array();
protected $new = 0; # 1 on create, otherwise 0
protected $values = array();
protected $values_valid = false;
public $errormsg = array();
# messages used in various functions
# (stored separately to make the functions reuseable)
protected $msg = array();
* Constructor: fill $struct etc.
* @param string $new
public function __construct($new = 0) {
if ($new) $this->new = 1;
* initialize with $username and check if it is valid
* @param string $username
public function init($username) {
$this->username = strtolower($username);
$exists = $this->view(false);
if ($this->new) {
if ($exists) {
$this->errormsg[$this->id_field] = Lang::read($this->msg['error_already_exists']);
return false;
} elseif (!$this->validate_id() ) {
# errormsg filled by validate_id()
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else { # edit mode
if (!$exists) {
$this->errormsg[$this->id_field] = Lang::read($this->msg['error_does_not_exist']);
return false;
} else {
return true;
protected function validate_id() {
$valid = check_domain($this->username);
if ($valid) {
return true;
} else {
$this->errormsg[$this->id_field] = Lang::read('pAdminCreate_domain_domain_text_error2'); # TODO: half of the errormsg is currently delivered via flash_error() in check_domain
return false;
# init $this->struct, $this->db_table and $this->id_field
protected function initStruct() {
$this->db_table = 'domain';
$this->id_field = 'domain';
# TODO: shorter PALANG labels ;-)
# TODO: hardcode 'default' to Config::read in pacol()?
$transp = boolconf('transport') ? 1 : 0; # TOOD: use a function or write a Config::intbool function
$quota = boolconf('quota') ? 1 : 0; # TOOD: use a function or write a Config::intbool function
$dom_q = boolconf('domain_quota') ? 1 : 0; # TOOD: use a function or write a Config::intbool function
# values for the "type" column:
# text one line of text
# num number
# vnum "virtual" number, coming from JOINs etc.
# bool boolean (converted to 0/1, additional column _$field with yes/no)
# ts timestamp (created/modified)
# enum list of options, must be given in column "options" as array
# NOTE: There are dependencies between alias_count, mailbox_count and total_quota.
# NOTE: If you disable "display in list" for one of them, the SQL query for the others might break.
# NOTE: (Disabling all of them shouldn't be a problem.)
# field name allow display in... type $PALANG label $PALANG description default / options / ...
# editing? form list
'domain' => pacol( $this->new, 1, 1, 'text', 'pAdminEdit_domain_domain' , '' ),
'description' => pacol( 1, 1, 1, 'text', 'pAdminEdit_domain_description', '' ),
'aliases' => pacol( 1, 1, 1, 'num' , 'pAdminEdit_domain_aliases' , 'pAdminEdit_domain_aliases_text' , Config::read('aliases') ),
'alias_count' => pacol( 0, 0, 1, 'vnum', '' , '' , '', '',
/*not_in_db*/ 0,
/*dont_write_to_db*/ 1,
/*select*/ 'coalesce(__alias_count,0) - coalesce(__mailbox_count,0) as alias_count',
/*extrafrom*/ 'left join ( select count(*) as __alias_count, domain as __alias_domain from ' . table_by_key('alias') .
' group by domain) as __alias on domain = __alias_domain'),
'mailboxes' => pacol( 1, 1, 1, 'num' , 'pAdminEdit_domain_mailboxes' , 'pAdminEdit_domain_mailboxes_text' , Config::read('mailboxes') ),
'mailbox_count' => pacol( 0, 0, 1, 'vnum', '' , '' , '', '',
/*not_in_db*/ 0,
/*dont_write_to_db*/ 1,
/*select*/ 'coalesce(__mailbox_count,0) as mailbox_count',
/*extrafrom*/ 'left join ( select count(*) as __mailbox_count, sum(quota) as __total_quota, domain as __mailbox_domain from ' . table_by_key('mailbox') .
' group by domain) as __mailbox on domain = __mailbox_domain'),
'maxquota' => pacol( $quota, $quota, $quota, 'num' , 'pAdminEdit_domain_maxquota' , 'pAdminEdit_domain_maxquota_text' , Config::read('maxquota') ),
'total_quota' => pacol( 0, 0, 1, 'vnum', '' , '' , '', '',
/*not_in_db*/ 0,
/*dont_write_to_db*/ 1,
/*select*/ 'round(coalesce(__total_quota/' . intval(Config::read('quota_multiplier')) . ',0)) as total_quota' /*extrafrom*//* already in mailbox_count */ ),
'quota' => pacol( $dom_q, $dom_q, $dom_q, 'num' , 'pAdminEdit_domain_quota' , 'pAdminEdit_domain_maxquota_text' , Config::read('domain_quota_default') ),
'transport' => pacol( $transp, $transp,$transp,'enum', 'pAdminEdit_domain_transport' , 'pAdminEdit_domain_transport_text' , Config::read('transport_default') ,
/*options*/ $this->getTransports() ),
'backupmx' => pacol( 1, 1, 1, 'bool', 'pAdminEdit_domain_backupmx' , '' ),
'active' => pacol( 1, 1, 1, 'bool', 'pAdminEdit_domain_active' , '' , 1 ),
'default_aliases' => pacol( $this->new, $this->new, 0, 'bool', 'pAdminCreate_domain_defaultaliases', '' , 1,'', /*not in db*/ 1 ),
'created' => pacol( 0, 0, 1, 'ts', '' /* TODO: "created" label */ , '' ),
'modified' => pacol( 0, 0, 1, 'ts', 'pAdminList_domain_modified' , '' ),
# TODO: hook to modify $this->struct
# messages used in various functions.
# always list the key to hand over to Lang::read
# the only exception is 'logname' which uses the key for db_log
protected function initMsg() {
$this->msg['error_already_exists'] = 'pAdminCreate_domain_domain_text_error';
$this->msg['error_does_not_exist'] = 'domain_does_not_exist';
if ($this->new) {
$this->msg['logname'] = 'create_domain';
$this->msg['store_error'] = 'pAdminCreate_domain_result_error';
} else {
$this->msg['logname'] = 'edit_domain';
$this->msg['store_error'] = 'pAdminEdit_domain_result_error';
public function getStruct() {
return $this->struct;
public function getId_field() {
return $this->id_field;
public function getTransports() {
return Config::read('transport_options');
# TODO: specific for CLI? If yes, move to CLI code
public function getTransport($id) {
$transports = Config::read('transport_options');
return $transports[$id-1];
public function set($values) {
# TODO: make this a generic function for add and edit
if ($this->new == 1) {
$values[$this->id_field] = $this->username;
# base validation
$this->values = array();
$this->values_valid = false;
foreach($this->struct as $key=>$row) {
if ($row['editable'] == 0) { # not editable
if ($this->new == 1) {
$this->values[$key] = $row['default'];
} else {
if (isset($values[$key])) {
if ($row['type'] != "password" || strlen($values[$key]) > 0 || $this->new == 1) { # skip on empty (aka unchanged) password on edit
$valid = true; # trust input unless validator objects
# validate based on field type (_inp_$type)
if (method_exists($this, $func) ) {
if (!$this->{$func}($key, $values[$key])) $valid = false;
} else {
# TODO: warning if no validation function exists?
# validate based on field name (_field_$fieldname)
if (method_exists($this, $func) ) {
if (!$this->{$func}($key, $values[$key])) $valid = false;
if ($valid) {
$this->values[$key] = $values[$key];
} elseif ($this->new) { # new, field not set in input data
$this->errormsg[] = "field $key is missing";
# echo "MISSING / not set: $key\n";
} else { # edit, field unchanged
# echo "skipped / not set: $key\n";
if (count($this->errormsg) == 0) {
$this->values_valid = true;
return $this->values_valid;
* store $this->values in the database
* calls $this->storemore() where additional things can be done
public function store() {
if ($this->values_valid == false) {
$this->errormsg[] = "one or more values are invalid!";
return false;
$db_values = $this->values;
foreach(array_keys($db_values) as $key) {
switch ($this->struct[$key]['type']) { # modify field content for some types
case 'bool':
$db_values[$key] = db_get_boolean($db_values[$key]);
# TODO: passwords -> pacrypt()
if ($this->struct[$key]['not_in_db'] == 1) unset ($db_values[$key]); # remove 'not in db' columns
if ($this->struct[$key]['dont_write_to_db'] == 1) unset ($db_values[$key]); # remove 'dont_write_to_db' columns
if ($this->new) {
$result = db_insert($this->db_table, $db_values);
} else {
$result = db_update($this->db_table, $this->id_field, $this->username, $db_values);
if ($result != 1) {
$this->errormsg[] = Lang::read($this->msg['store_error']) . "\n(" . $this->username . ")\n"; # TODO: change message + use sprintf
return false;
$result = $this->storemore();
if ($result) {
db_log ($this->username, $this->msg['logname'], "");
return $result;
* called by $this->store() after storing $this->values in the database
* can be used to update additional tables, call scripts etc.
protected function storemore() {
if ($this->new && $this->values['default_aliases']) {
foreach (Config::read('default_aliases') as $address=>$goto) {
$address = $address . "@" . $this->username;
# TODO: use AliasHandler->add instead of writing directly to the alias table
$arr = array(
'address' => $address,
'goto' => $goto,
'domain' => $this->username,
$result = db_insert ('alias', $arr);
# TODO: error checking
if ($this->new) {
$tMessage = Lang::read('pAdminCreate_domain_result_success') . " (" . $this->username . ")"; # TODO: tMessage is not used/returned anywhere
} else {
# TODO: success message for edit
if ($this->new) {
if (!domain_postcreation($this->username)) {
$this->errormsg[] = Lang::read('pAdminCreate_domain_error');
} else {
# we don't have domain_postedit()
return true; # TODO: don't hardcode
* read_from_db
* @param array or string - condition (an array will be AND'ed using db_where_clause, a string will be directly used)
* @return array - rows
protected function read_from_db($condition) {
$select_cols = array();
$yes = escape_string(Lang::read('YES'));
$no = escape_string(Lang::read('NO'));
# TODO: replace hardcoded %Y-%m-%d with a country-specific date format via *.lang?
# TODO: (not too easy because pgsql uses a different formatstring format :-/ )
if (Config::read('database_type') == 'pgsql') {
$formatted_date = "TO_DATE(text(###KEY###), 'YYYY-mm-dd')";
} else {
$formatted_date = "DATE_FORMAT(###KEY###, '%Y-%m-%d')";
$colformat = array(
'ts' => "$formatted_date AS ###KEY###, ###KEY### AS _###KEY###",
'bool' => "CASE ###KEY### WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(true) . "' THEN '1' WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(false) . "' THEN '0' END as ###KEY###," .
"CASE ###KEY### WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(true) . "' THEN '$yes' WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(false) . "' THEN '$no' END as _###KEY###",
# get list of fields to display
$extrafrom = "";
foreach($this->struct as $key=>$row) {
if ( $row['display_in_list'] != 0 && $row['not_in_db'] == 0 ) {
if ($row['select'] != '') $key = $row['select'];
if ($row['extrafrom'] != '') $extrafrom = $extrafrom . " " . $row['extrafrom'] . "\n";
if (isset($colformat[$row['type']])) {
$select_cols[] = str_replace('###KEY###', $key, $colformat[$row['type']] );
} else {
$select_cols[] = $key;
$cols = join(',', $select_cols);
$table = table_by_key($this->db_table);
if (is_array($condition)) {
$where = db_where_clause($condition, $this->struct);
} else {
$where = " WHERE $condition ";
$query = "SELECT $cols FROM $table $extrafrom $where ORDER BY " . $this->id_field;
$result = db_query($query);
$db_result = array();
if ($result['rows'] != 0) {
while ($row = db_assoc ($result['result'])) {
$db_result[] = $row;
return $db_result;
* get the settings of a domain
* @param array or string $condition
* @return bool - true if at least one domain was found
* The data is stored in $this->return (as associative array of column => value)
public function view($errors=true) {
$result = $this->read_from_db(array($this->id_field => $this->username) );
if (count($result) == 1) {
$this->return = $result[0];
return true;
if ($errors) $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read($this->msg['error_does_not_exist']);
# $this->errormsg[] = $result['error'];
return false;
* get a list of one or more domains with all settings
* @param array or string $condition
* @return bool - true if at least one domain was found
* The data is stored in $this->return (as array of rows, each row is an associative array of column => value)
public function getList($condition) {
$result = $this->read_from_db($condition);
if (count($result) >= 1) {
$this->return = $result;
return true;
# $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read($this->msg['error_does_not_exist']);
# $this->errormsg[] = $result['error'];
return false;
* @return true on success false on failure
public function delete() {
if ( ! $this->view() ) {
$this->errormsg[] = 'A domain with that name does not exist.'; # TODO: make translatable
return false;
$this->errormsg[] = '*** Domain deletion not implemented yet ***';
return false; # XXX function aborts here until TODO below is implemented! XXX
# TODO: recursively delete mailboxes, aliases, alias_domains, fetchmail entries etc. before deleting the domain
# TODO: move the needed code from delete.php here
$result = db_delete($this->db_table, $this->id_field, $this->username);
if ( $result == 1 ) {
list(/*NULL*/,$domain) = explode('@', $this->username);
db_log ($domain, 'delete_domain', $this->username); # TODO delete_domain is not a valid db_log keyword yet because we don't yet log add/delete domain
return true;
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