You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1541 lines
59 KiB

* Base include file for SimpleTest.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
* @version $Id: web_tester.php,v 1.118 2006/11/20 19:17:06 lastcraft Exp $
* include other SimpleTest class files
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/test_case.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/browser.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/page.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/expectation.php');
* Test for an HTML widget value match.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class FieldExpectation extends SimpleExpectation {
var $_value;
* Sets the field value to compare against.
* @param mixed $value Test value to match. Can be an
* expectation for say pattern matching.
* @param string $message Optiona message override. Can use %s as
* a placeholder for the original message.
* @access public
function FieldExpectation($value, $message = '%s') {
if (is_array($value)) {
$this->_value = $value;
* Tests the expectation. True if it matches
* a string value or an array value in any order.
* @param mixed $compare Comparison value. False for
* an unset field.
* @return boolean True if correct.
* @access public
function test($compare) {
if ($this->_value === false) {
return ($compare === false);
if ($this->_isSingle($this->_value)) {
return $this->_testSingle($compare);
if (is_array($this->_value)) {
return $this->_testMultiple($compare);
return false;
* Tests for valid field comparisons with a single option.
* @param mixed $value Value to type check.
* @return boolean True if integer, string or float.
* @access private
function _isSingle($value) {
return is_string($value) || is_integer($value) || is_float($value);
* String comparison for simple field with a single option.
* @param mixed $compare String to test against.
* @returns boolean True if matching.
* @access private
function _testSingle($compare) {
if (is_array($compare) && count($compare) == 1) {
$compare = $compare[0];
if (! $this->_isSingle($compare)) {
return false;
return ($this->_value == $compare);
* List comparison for multivalue field.
* @param mixed $compare List in any order to test against.
* @returns boolean True if matching.
* @access private
function _testMultiple($compare) {
if (is_string($compare)) {
$compare = array($compare);
if (! is_array($compare)) {
return false;
return ($this->_value === $compare);
* Returns a human readable test message.
* @param mixed $compare Comparison value.
* @return string Description of success
* or failure.
* @access public
function testMessage($compare) {
$dumper = &$this->_getDumper();
if (is_array($compare)) {
if ($this->test($compare)) {
return "Field expectation [" . $dumper->describeValue($this->_value) . "]";
} else {
return "Field expectation [" . $dumper->describeValue($this->_value) .
"] fails with [" .
$dumper->describeValue($compare) . "] " .
$dumper->describeDifference($this->_value, $compare);
* Test for a specific HTTP header within a header block.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class HttpHeaderExpectation extends SimpleExpectation {
var $_expected_header;
var $_expected_value;
* Sets the field and value to compare against.
* @param string $header Case insenstive trimmed header name.
* @param mixed $value Optional value to compare. If not
* given then any value will match. If
* an expectation object then that will
* be used instead.
* @param string $message Optiona message override. Can use %s as
* a placeholder for the original message.
function HttpHeaderExpectation($header, $value = false, $message = '%s') {
$this->_expected_header = $this->_normaliseHeader($header);
$this->_expected_value = $value;
* Accessor for aggregated object.
* @return mixed Expectation set in constructor.
* @access protected
function _getExpectation() {
return $this->_expected_value;
* Removes whitespace at ends and case variations.
* @param string $header Name of header.
* @param string Trimmed and lowecased header
* name.
* @access private
function _normaliseHeader($header) {
return strtolower(trim($header));
* Tests the expectation. True if it matches
* a string value or an array value in any order.
* @param mixed $compare Raw header block to search.
* @return boolean True if header present.
* @access public
function test($compare) {
return is_string($this->_findHeader($compare));
* Searches the incoming result. Will extract the matching
* line as text.
* @param mixed $compare Raw header block to search.
* @return string Matching header line.
* @access protected
function _findHeader($compare) {
$lines = split("\r\n", $compare);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if ($this->_testHeaderLine($line)) {
return $line;
return false;
* Compares a single header line against the expectation.
* @param string $line A single line to compare.
* @return boolean True if matched.
* @access private
function _testHeaderLine($line) {
if (count($parsed = split(':', $line, 2)) < 2) {
return false;
list($header, $value) = $parsed;
if ($this->_normaliseHeader($header) != $this->_expected_header) {
return false;
return $this->_testHeaderValue($value, $this->_expected_value);
* Tests the value part of the header.
* @param string $value Value to test.
* @param mixed $expected Value to test against.
* @return boolean True if matched.
* @access protected
function _testHeaderValue($value, $expected) {
if ($expected === false) {
return true;
if (SimpleExpectation::isExpectation($expected)) {
return $expected->test(trim($value));
return (trim($value) == trim($expected));
* Returns a human readable test message.
* @param mixed $compare Raw header block to search.
* @return string Description of success
* or failure.
* @access public
function testMessage($compare) {
if (SimpleExpectation::isExpectation($this->_expected_value)) {
$message = $this->_expected_value->overlayMessage($compare, $this->_getDumper());
} else {
$message = $this->_expected_header .
($this->_expected_value ? ': ' . $this->_expected_value : '');
if (is_string($line = $this->_findHeader($compare))) {
return "Searching for header [$message] found [$line]";
} else {
return "Failed to find header [$message]";
* Test for a specific HTTP header within a header block that
* should not be found.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class NoHttpHeaderExpectation extends HttpHeaderExpectation {
var $_expected_header;
var $_expected_value;
* Sets the field and value to compare against.
* @param string $unwanted Case insenstive trimmed header name.
* @param string $message Optiona message override. Can use %s as
* a placeholder for the original message.
function NoHttpHeaderExpectation($unwanted, $message = '%s') {
$this->HttpHeaderExpectation($unwanted, false, $message);
* Tests that the unwanted header is not found.
* @param mixed $compare Raw header block to search.
* @return boolean True if header present.
* @access public
function test($compare) {
return ($this->_findHeader($compare) === false);
* Returns a human readable test message.
* @param mixed $compare Raw header block to search.
* @return string Description of success
* or failure.
* @access public
function testMessage($compare) {
$expectation = $this->_getExpectation();
if (is_string($line = $this->_findHeader($compare))) {
return "Found unwanted header [$expectation] with [$line]";
} else {
return "Did not find unwanted header [$expectation]";
* Test for a text substring.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage UnitTester
class TextExpectation extends SimpleExpectation {
var $_substring;
* Sets the value to compare against.
* @param string $substring Text to search for.
* @param string $message Customised message on failure.
* @access public
function TextExpectation($substring, $message = '%s') {
$this->_substring = $substring;
* Accessor for the substring.
* @return string Text to match.
* @access protected
function _getSubstring() {
return $this->_substring;
* Tests the expectation. True if the text contains the
* substring.
* @param string $compare Comparison value.
* @return boolean True if correct.
* @access public
function test($compare) {
return (strpos($compare, $this->_substring) !== false);
* Returns a human readable test message.
* @param mixed $compare Comparison value.
* @return string Description of success
* or failure.
* @access public
function testMessage($compare) {
if ($this->test($compare)) {
return $this->_describeTextMatch($this->_getSubstring(), $compare);
} else {
$dumper = &$this->_getDumper();
return "Text [" . $this->_getSubstring() .
"] not detected in [" .
$dumper->describeValue($compare) . "]";
* Describes a pattern match including the string
* found and it's position.
* @param string $substring Text to search for.
* @param string $subject Subject to search.
* @access protected
function _describeTextMatch($substring, $subject) {
$position = strpos($subject, $substring);
$dumper = &$this->_getDumper();
return "Text [$substring] detected at character [$position] in [" .
$dumper->describeValue($subject) . "] in region [" .
$dumper->clipString($subject, 100, $position) . "]";
* Fail if a substring is detected within the
* comparison text.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage UnitTester
class NoTextExpectation extends TextExpectation {
* Sets the reject pattern
* @param string $substring Text to search for.
* @param string $message Customised message on failure.
* @access public
function NoTextExpectation($substring, $message = '%s') {
$this->TextExpectation($substring, $message);
* Tests the expectation. False if the substring appears
* in the text.
* @param string $compare Comparison value.
* @return boolean True if correct.
* @access public
function test($compare) {
return ! parent::test($compare);
* Returns a human readable test message.
* @param string $compare Comparison value.
* @return string Description of success
* or failure.
* @access public
function testMessage($compare) {
if ($this->test($compare)) {
$dumper = &$this->_getDumper();
return "Text [" . $this->_getSubstring() .
"] not detected in [" .
$dumper->describeValue($compare) . "]";
} else {
return $this->_describeTextMatch($this->_getSubstring(), $compare);
* Test case for testing of web pages. Allows
* fetching of pages, parsing of HTML and
* submitting forms.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class WebTestCase extends SimpleTestCase {
var $_browser;
var $_ignore_errors = false;
* Creates an empty test case. Should be subclassed
* with test methods for a functional test case.
* @param string $label Name of test case. Will use
* the class name if none specified.
* @access public
function WebTestCase($label = false) {
* Announces the start of the test.
* @param string $method Test method just started.
* @access public
function before($method) {
* Announces the end of the test. Includes private clean up.
* @param string $method Test method just finished.
* @access public
function after($method) {
* Gets a current browser reference for setting
* special expectations or for detailed
* examination of page fetches.
* @return SimpleBrowser Current test browser object.
* @access public
function &getBrowser() {
return $this->_browser;
* Gets a current browser reference for setting
* special expectations or for detailed
* examination of page fetches.
* @param SimpleBrowser $browser New test browser object.
* @access public
function setBrowser(&$browser) {
return $this->_browser = &$browser;
* Clears the current browser reference to help the
* PHP garbage collector.
* @access public
function unsetBrowser() {
* Creates a new default web browser object.
* Will be cleared at the end of the test method.
* @return TestBrowser New browser.
* @access public
function &createBrowser() {
$browser = &new SimpleBrowser();
return $browser;
* Gets the last response error.
* @return string Last low level HTTP error.
* @access public
function getTransportError() {
return $this->_browser->getTransportError();
* Accessor for the currently selected URL.
* @return string Current location or false if
* no page yet fetched.
* @access public
function getUrl() {
return $this->_browser->getUrl();
* Dumps the current request for debugging.
* @access public
function showRequest() {
* Dumps the current HTTP headers for debugging.
* @access public
function showHeaders() {
* Dumps the current HTML source for debugging.
* @access public
function showSource() {
* Dumps the visible text only for debugging.
* @access public
function showText() {
$this->dump(wordwrap($this->_browser->getContentAsText(), 80));
* Simulates the closing and reopening of the browser.
* Temporary cookies will be discarded and timed
* cookies will be expired if later than the
* specified time.
* @param string/integer $date Time when session restarted.
* If ommitted then all persistent
* cookies are kept. Time is either
* Cookie format string or timestamp.
* @access public
function restart($date = false) {
if ($date === false) {
$date = time();
* Moves cookie expiry times back into the past.
* Useful for testing timeouts and expiries.
* @param integer $interval Amount to age in seconds.
* @access public
function ageCookies($interval) {
* Disables frames support. Frames will not be fetched
* and the frameset page will be used instead.
* @access public
function ignoreFrames() {
* Switches off cookie sending and recieving.
* @access public
function ignoreCookies() {
* Skips errors for the next request only. You might
* want to confirm that a page is unreachable for
* example.
* @access public
function ignoreErrors() {
$this->_ignore_errors = true;
* Issues a fail if there is a transport error anywhere
* in the current frameset. Only one such error is
* reported.
* @param string/boolean $result HTML or failure.
* @return string/boolean $result Passes through result.
* @access private
function _failOnError($result) {
if (! $this->_ignore_errors) {
if ($error = $this->_browser->getTransportError()) {
$this->_ignore_errors = false;
return $result;
* Adds a header to every fetch.
* @param string $header Header line to add to every
* request until cleared.
* @access public
function addHeader($header) {
* Sets the maximum number of redirects before
* the web page is loaded regardless.
* @param integer $max Maximum hops.
* @access public
function setMaximumRedirects($max) {
if (! $this->_browser) {
'Can only set maximum redirects in a test method, setUp() or tearDown()');
* Sets the socket timeout for opening a connection and
* receiving at least one byte of information.
* @param integer $timeout Maximum time in seconds.
* @access public
function setConnectionTimeout($timeout) {
* Sets proxy to use on all requests for when
* testing from behind a firewall. Set URL
* to false to disable.
* @param string $proxy Proxy URL.
* @param string $username Proxy username for authentication.
* @param string $password Proxy password for authentication.
* @access public
function useProxy($proxy, $username = false, $password = false) {
$this->_browser->useProxy($proxy, $username, $password);
* Fetches a page into the page buffer. If
* there is no base for the URL then the
* current base URL is used. After the fetch
* the base URL reflects the new location.
* @param string $url URL to fetch.
* @param hash $parameters Optional additional GET data.
* @return boolean/string Raw page on success.
* @access public
function get($url, $parameters = false) {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->get($url, $parameters));
* Fetches a page by POST into the page buffer.
* If there is no base for the URL then the
* current base URL is used. After the fetch
* the base URL reflects the new location.
* @param string $url URL to fetch.
* @param hash $parameters Optional additional GET data.
* @return boolean/string Raw page on success.
* @access public
function post($url, $parameters = false) {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->post($url, $parameters));
* Does a HTTP HEAD fetch, fetching only the page
* headers. The current base URL is unchanged by this.
* @param string $url URL to fetch.
* @param hash $parameters Optional additional GET data.
* @return boolean True on success.
* @access public
function head($url, $parameters = false) {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->head($url, $parameters));
* Equivalent to hitting the retry button on the
* browser. Will attempt to repeat the page fetch.
* @return boolean True if fetch succeeded.
* @access public
function retry() {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->retry());
* Equivalent to hitting the back button on the
* browser.
* @return boolean True if history entry and
* fetch succeeded.
* @access public
function back() {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->back());
* Equivalent to hitting the forward button on the
* browser.
* @return boolean True if history entry and
* fetch succeeded.
* @access public
function forward() {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->forward());
* Retries a request after setting the authentication
* for the current realm.
* @param string $username Username for realm.
* @param string $password Password for realm.
* @return boolean/string HTML on successful fetch. Note
* that authentication may still have
* failed.
* @access public
function authenticate($username, $password) {
return $this->_failOnError(
$this->_browser->authenticate($username, $password));
* Gets the cookie value for the current browser context.
* @param string $name Name of cookie.
* @return string Value of cookie or false if unset.
* @access public
function getCookie($name) {
return $this->_browser->getCurrentCookieValue($name);
* Sets a cookie in the current browser.
* @param string $name Name of cookie.
* @param string $value Cookie value.
* @param string $host Host upon which the cookie is valid.
* @param string $path Cookie path if not host wide.
* @param string $expiry Expiry date.
* @access public
function setCookie($name, $value, $host = false, $path = '/', $expiry = false) {
$this->_browser->setCookie($name, $value, $host, $path, $expiry);
* Accessor for current frame focus. Will be
* false if no frame has focus.
* @return integer/string/boolean Label if any, otherwise
* the position in the frameset
* or false if none.
* @access public
function getFrameFocus() {
return $this->_browser->getFrameFocus();
* Sets the focus by index. The integer index starts from 1.
* @param integer $choice Chosen frame.
* @return boolean True if frame exists.
* @access public
function setFrameFocusByIndex($choice) {
return $this->_browser->setFrameFocusByIndex($choice);
* Sets the focus by name.
* @param string $name Chosen frame.
* @return boolean True if frame exists.
* @access public
function setFrameFocus($name) {
return $this->_browser->setFrameFocus($name);
* Clears the frame focus. All frames will be searched
* for content.
* @access public
function clearFrameFocus() {
return $this->_browser->clearFrameFocus();
* Clicks a visible text item. Will first try buttons,
* then links and then images.
* @param string $label Visible text or alt text.
* @return string/boolean Raw page or false.
* @access public
function click($label) {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->click($label));
* Checks for a click target.
* @param string $label Visible text or alt text.
* @return boolean True if click target.
* @access public
function assertClickable($label, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertTrue(
sprintf($message, "Click target [$label] should exist"));
* Clicks the submit button by label. The owning
* form will be submitted by this.
* @param string $label Button label. An unlabeled
* button can be triggered by 'Submit'.
* @param hash $additional Additional form values.
* @return boolean/string Page on success, else false.
* @access public
function clickSubmit($label = 'Submit', $additional = false) {
return $this->_failOnError(
$this->_browser->clickSubmit($label, $additional));
* Clicks the submit button by name attribute. The owning
* form will be submitted by this.
* @param string $name Name attribute of button.
* @param hash $additional Additional form values.
* @return boolean/string Page on success.
* @access public
function clickSubmitByName($name, $additional = false) {
return $this->_failOnError(
$this->_browser->clickSubmitByName($name, $additional));
* Clicks the submit button by ID attribute. The owning
* form will be submitted by this.
* @param string $id ID attribute of button.
* @param hash $additional Additional form values.
* @return boolean/string Page on success.
* @access public
function clickSubmitById($id, $additional = false) {
return $this->_failOnError(
$this->_browser->clickSubmitById($id, $additional));
* Checks for a valid button label.
* @param string $label Visible text.
* @return boolean True if click target.
* @access public
function assertSubmit($label, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertTrue(
sprintf($message, "Submit button [$label] should exist"));
* Clicks the submit image by some kind of label. Usually
* the alt tag or the nearest equivalent. The owning
* form will be submitted by this. Clicking outside of
* the boundary of the coordinates will result in
* a failure.
* @param string $label Alt attribute of button.
* @param integer $x X-coordinate of imaginary click.
* @param integer $y Y-coordinate of imaginary click.
* @param hash $additional Additional form values.
* @return boolean/string Page on success.
* @access public
function clickImage($label, $x = 1, $y = 1, $additional = false) {
return $this->_failOnError(
$this->_browser->clickImage($label, $x, $y, $additional));
* Clicks the submit image by the name. Usually
* the alt tag or the nearest equivalent. The owning
* form will be submitted by this. Clicking outside of
* the boundary of the coordinates will result in
* a failure.
* @param string $name Name attribute of button.
* @param integer $x X-coordinate of imaginary click.
* @param integer $y Y-coordinate of imaginary click.
* @param hash $additional Additional form values.
* @return boolean/string Page on success.
* @access public
function clickImageByName($name, $x = 1, $y = 1, $additional = false) {
return $this->_failOnError(
$this->_browser->clickImageByName($name, $x, $y, $additional));
* Clicks the submit image by ID attribute. The owning
* form will be submitted by this. Clicking outside of
* the boundary of the coordinates will result in
* a failure.
* @param integer/string $id ID attribute of button.
* @param integer $x X-coordinate of imaginary click.
* @param integer $y Y-coordinate of imaginary click.
* @param hash $additional Additional form values.
* @return boolean/string Page on success.
* @access public
function clickImageById($id, $x = 1, $y = 1, $additional = false) {
return $this->_failOnError(
$this->_browser->clickImageById($id, $x, $y, $additional));
* Checks for a valid image with atht alt text or title.
* @param string $label Visible text.
* @return boolean True if click target.
* @access public
function assertImage($label, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertTrue(
sprintf($message, "Image with text [$label] should exist"));
* Submits a form by the ID.
* @param string $id Form ID. No button information
* is submitted this way.
* @return boolean/string Page on success.
* @access public
function submitFormById($id) {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->submitFormById($id));
* Follows a link by name. Will click the first link
* found with this link text by default, or a later
* one if an index is given. Match is case insensitive
* with normalised space.
* @param string $label Text between the anchor tags.
* @param integer $index Link position counting from zero.
* @return boolean/string Page on success.
* @access public
function clickLink($label, $index = 0) {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->clickLink($label, $index));
* Follows a link by id attribute.
* @param string $id ID attribute value.
* @return boolean/string Page on success.
* @access public
function clickLinkById($id) {
return $this->_failOnError($this->_browser->clickLinkById($id));
* Tests for the presence of a link label. Match is
* case insensitive with normalised space.
* @param string $label Text between the anchor tags.
* @param mixed $expected Expected URL or expectation object.
* @param string $message Message to display. Default
* can be embedded with %s.
* @return boolean True if link present.
* @access public
function assertLink($label, $expected = true, $message = '%s') {
$url = $this->_browser->getLink($label);
if ($expected === true) {
return $this->assertTrue($url !== false, sprintf($message, "Link [$label] should exist"));
if (! SimpleExpectation::isExpectation($expected)) {
$expected = new IdenticalExpectation($expected);
return $this->assert($expected, $url->asString(), sprintf($message, "Link [$label] should match"));
* Tests for the non-presence of a link label. Match is
* case insensitive with normalised space.
* @param string/integer $label Text between the anchor tags
* or ID attribute.
* @param string $message Message to display. Default
* can be embedded with %s.
* @return boolean True if link missing.
* @access public
function assertNoLink($label, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertTrue(
$this->_browser->getLink($label) === false,
sprintf($message, "Link [$label] should not exist"));
* Tests for the presence of a link id attribute.
* @param string $id Id attribute value.
* @param mixed $expected Expected URL or expectation object.
* @param string $message Message to display. Default
* can be embedded with %s.
* @return boolean True if link present.
* @access public
function assertLinkById($id, $expected = true, $message = '%s') {
$url = $this->_browser->getLinkById($id);
if ($expected === true) {
return $this->assertTrue($url !== false, sprintf($message, "Link ID [$id] should exist"));
if (! SimpleExpectation::isExpectation($expected)) {
$expected = new IdenticalExpectation($expected);
return $this->assert($expected, $url->asString(), sprintf($message, "Link ID [$id] should match"));
* Tests for the non-presence of a link label. Match is
* case insensitive with normalised space.
* @param string $id Id attribute value.
* @param string $message Message to display. Default
* can be embedded with %s.
* @return boolean True if link missing.
* @access public
function assertNoLinkById($id, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertTrue(
$this->_browser->getLinkById($id) === false,
sprintf($message, "Link ID [$id] should not exist"));
* Sets all form fields with that label, or name if there
* is no label attached.
* @param string $name Name of field in forms.
* @param string $value New value of field.
* @return boolean True if field exists, otherwise false.
* @access public
function setField($label, $value) {
return $this->_browser->setField($label, $value);
* Sets all form fields with that name.
* @param string $name Name of field in forms.
* @param string $value New value of field.
* @return boolean True if field exists, otherwise false.
* @access public
function setFieldByName($name, $value) {
return $this->_browser->setFieldByName($name, $value);
* Sets all form fields with that name.
* @param string/integer $id Id of field in forms.
* @param string $value New value of field.
* @return boolean True if field exists, otherwise false.
* @access public
function setFieldById($id, $value) {
return $this->_browser->setFieldById($id, $value);
* Confirms that the form element is currently set
* to the expected value. A missing form will always
* fail. If no value is given then only the existence
* of the field is checked.
* @param string $name Name of field in forms.
* @param mixed $expected Expected string/array value or
* false for unset fields.
* @param string $message Message to display. Default
* can be embedded with %s.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertField($label, $expected = true, $message = '%s') {
$value = $this->_browser->getField($label);
return $this->_assertFieldValue($label, $value, $expected, $message);
* Confirms that the form element is currently set
* to the expected value. A missing form element will always
* fail. If no value is given then only the existence
* of the field is checked.
* @param string $name Name of field in forms.
* @param mixed $expected Expected string/array value or
* false for unset fields.
* @param string $message Message to display. Default
* can be embedded with %s.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertFieldByName($name, $expected = true, $message = '%s') {
$value = $this->_browser->getFieldByName($name);
return $this->_assertFieldValue($name, $value, $expected, $message);
* Confirms that the form element is currently set
* to the expected value. A missing form will always
* fail. If no ID is given then only the existence
* of the field is checked.
* @param string/integer $id Name of field in forms.
* @param mixed $expected Expected string/array value or
* false for unset fields.
* @param string $message Message to display. Default
* can be embedded with %s.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertFieldById($id, $expected = true, $message = '%s') {
$value = $this->_browser->getFieldById($id);
return $this->_assertFieldValue($id, $value, $expected, $message);
* Tests the field value against the expectation.
* @param string $identifier Name, ID or label.
* @param mixed $value Current field value.
* @param mixed $expected Expected value to match.
* @param string $message Failure message.
* @return boolean True if pass
* @access protected
function _assertFieldValue($identifier, $value, $expected, $message) {
if ($expected === true) {
return $this->assertTrue(
sprintf($message, "Field [$identifier] should exist"));
if (! SimpleExpectation::isExpectation($expected)) {
$identifier = str_replace('%', '%%', $identifier);
$expected = new FieldExpectation(
"Field [$identifier] should match with [%s]");
return $this->assert($expected, $value, $message);
* Checks the response code against a list
* of possible values.
* @param array $responses Possible responses for a pass.
* @param string $message Message to display. Default
* can be embedded with %s.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertResponse($responses, $message = '%s') {
$responses = (is_array($responses) ? $responses : array($responses));
$code = $this->_browser->getResponseCode();
$message = sprintf($message, "Expecting response in [" .
implode(", ", $responses) . "] got [$code]");
return $this->assertTrue(in_array($code, $responses), $message);
* Checks the mime type against a list
* of possible values.
* @param array $types Possible mime types for a pass.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertMime($types, $message = '%s') {
$types = (is_array($types) ? $types : array($types));
$type = $this->_browser->getMimeType();
$message = sprintf($message, "Expecting mime type in [" .
implode(", ", $types) . "] got [$type]");
return $this->assertTrue(in_array($type, $types), $message);
* Attempt to match the authentication type within
* the security realm we are currently matching.
* @param string $authentication Usually basic.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertAuthentication($authentication = false, $message = '%s') {
if (! $authentication) {
$message = sprintf($message, "Expected any authentication type, got [" .
$this->_browser->getAuthentication() . "]");
return $this->assertTrue(
} else {
$message = sprintf($message, "Expected authentication [$authentication] got [" .
$this->_browser->getAuthentication() . "]");
return $this->assertTrue(
strtolower($this->_browser->getAuthentication()) == strtolower($authentication),
* Checks that no authentication is necessary to view
* the desired page.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertNoAuthentication($message = '%s') {
$message = sprintf($message, "Expected no authentication type, got [" .
$this->_browser->getAuthentication() . "]");
return $this->assertFalse($this->_browser->getAuthentication(), $message);
* Attempts to match the current security realm.
* @param string $realm Name of security realm.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertRealm($realm, $message = '%s') {
if (! SimpleExpectation::isExpectation($realm)) {
$realm = new EqualExpectation($realm);
return $this->assert(
"Expected realm -> $message");
* Checks each header line for the required value. If no
* value is given then only an existence check is made.
* @param string $header Case insensitive header name.
* @param mixed $value Case sensitive trimmed string to
* match against. An expectation object
* can be used for pattern matching.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertHeader($header, $value = false, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(
new HttpHeaderExpectation($header, $value),
* @deprecated
function assertHeaderPattern($header, $pattern, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(
new HttpHeaderExpectation($header, new PatternExpectation($pattern)),
* Confirms that the header type has not been received.
* Only the landing page is checked. If you want to check
* redirect pages, then you should limit redirects so
* as to capture the page you want.
* @param string $header Case insensitive header name.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertNoHeader($header, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(
new NoHttpHeaderExpectation($header),
* @deprecated
function assertNoUnwantedHeader($header, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertNoHeader($header, $message);
* Tests the text between the title tags.
* @param string/SimpleExpectation $title Expected title.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertTitle($title = false, $message = '%s') {
if (! SimpleExpectation::isExpectation($title)) {
$title = new EqualExpectation($title);
return $this->assert($title, $this->_browser->getTitle(), $message);
* Will trigger a pass if the text is found in the plain
* text form of the page.
* @param string $text Text to look for.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertText($text, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(
new TextExpectation($text),
* @deprecated
function assertWantedText($text, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertText($text, $message);
* Will trigger a pass if the text is not found in the plain
* text form of the page.
* @param string $text Text to look for.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertNoText($text, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(
new NoTextExpectation($text),
* @deprecated
function assertNoUnwantedText($text, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertNoText($text, $message);
* Will trigger a pass if the Perl regex pattern
* is found in the raw content.
* @param string $pattern Perl regex to look for including
* the regex delimiters.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertPattern($pattern, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(
new PatternExpectation($pattern),
* @deprecated
function assertWantedPattern($pattern, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertPattern($pattern, $message);
* Will trigger a pass if the perl regex pattern
* is not present in raw content.
* @param string $pattern Perl regex to look for including
* the regex delimiters.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertNoPattern($pattern, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(
new NoPatternExpectation($pattern),
* @deprecated
function assertNoUnwantedPattern($pattern, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertNoPattern($pattern, $message);
* Checks that a cookie is set for the current page
* and optionally checks the value.
* @param string $name Name of cookie to test.
* @param string $expected Expected value as a string or
* false if any value will do.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertCookie($name, $expected = false, $message = '%s') {
$value = $this->getCookie($name);
if (! $expected) {
return $this->assertTrue(
sprintf($message, "Expecting cookie [$name]"));
if (! SimpleExpectation::isExpectation($expected)) {
$expected = new EqualExpectation($expected);
return $this->assert($expected, $value, "Expecting cookie [$name] -> $message");
* Checks that no cookie is present or that it has
* been successfully cleared.
* @param string $name Name of cookie to test.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True if pass.
* @access public
function assertNoCookie($name, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assertTrue(
$this->getCookie($name) === false,
sprintf($message, "Not expecting cookie [$name]"));
* Called from within the test methods to register
* passes and failures.
* @param boolean $result Pass on true.
* @param string $message Message to display describing
* the test state.
* @return boolean True on pass
* @access public
function assertTrue($result, $message = false) {
return $this->assert(new TrueExpectation(), $result, $message);
* Will be true on false and vice versa. False
* is the PHP definition of false, so that null,
* empty strings, zero and an empty array all count
* as false.
* @param boolean $result Pass on false.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True on pass
* @access public
function assertFalse($result, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(new FalseExpectation(), $result, $message);
* Will trigger a pass if the two parameters have
* the same value only. Otherwise a fail. This
* is for testing hand extracted text, etc.
* @param mixed $first Value to compare.
* @param mixed $second Value to compare.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True on pass
* @access public
function assertEqual($first, $second, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(
new EqualExpectation($first),
* Will trigger a pass if the two parameters have
* a different value. Otherwise a fail. This
* is for testing hand extracted text, etc.
* @param mixed $first Value to compare.
* @param mixed $second Value to compare.
* @param string $message Message to display.
* @return boolean True on pass
* @access public
function assertNotEqual($first, $second, $message = '%s') {
return $this->assert(
new NotEqualExpectation($first),
* Uses a stack trace to find the line of an assertion.
* @return string Line number of first assert*
* method embedded in format string.
* @access public
function getAssertionLine() {
$trace = new SimpleStackTrace(array('assert', 'click', 'pass', 'fail'));
return $trace->traceMethod();