string = $s->string; $this->metadata = $s->metadata; } else { $this->string = (string) $s; if ($m instanceof TPC_yyToken) { $this->metadata = $m->metadata; } elseif (is_array($m)) { $this->metadata = $m; } } } function __toString() { return $this->_string; } function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->metadata[$offset]); } function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->metadata[$offset]; } function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if ($offset === null) { if (isset($value[0])) { $x = ($value instanceof TPC_yyToken) ? $value->metadata : $value; $this->metadata = array_merge($this->metadata, $x); return; } $offset = count($this->metadata); } if ($value === null) { return; } if ($value instanceof TPC_yyToken) { if ($value->metadata) { $this->metadata[$offset] = $value->metadata; } } elseif ($value) { $this->metadata[$offset] = $value; } } function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->metadata[$offset]); } } class TPC_yyStackEntry { public $stateno; /* The state-number */ public $major; /* The major token value. This is the code ** number for the token at this stack level */ public $minor; /* The user-supplied minor token value. This ** is the value of the token */ }; #line 12 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" class Smarty_Internal_Configfileparser#line 79 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" { #line 14 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" // states whether the parse was successful or not public $successful = true; public $retvalue = 0; private $lex; private $internalError = false; function __construct($lex, $compiler) { // set instance object self::instance($this); $this->lex = $lex; $this->smarty = $compiler->smarty; $this->compiler = $compiler; } public static function &instance($new_instance = null) { static $instance = null; if (isset($new_instance) && is_object($new_instance)) $instance = $new_instance; return $instance; } private function parse_bool($str) { if (in_array(strtolower($str) ,array('on','yes','true'))) { $res = true; } else { assert(in_array(strtolower($str), array('off','no','false'))); $res = false; } return $res; } private static $escapes_single = Array('\\' => '\\', '\'' => '\''); private static function parse_single_quoted_string($qstr) { $escaped_string = substr($qstr, 1, strlen($qstr)-2); //remove outer quotes $ss = preg_split('/(\\\\.)/', $escaped_string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $str = ""; foreach ($ss as $s) { if (strlen($s) === 2 && $s[0] === '\\') { if (isset(self::$escapes_single[$s[1]])) { $s = self::$escapes_single[$s[1]]; } } $str .= $s; } return $str; } private static function parse_double_quoted_string($qstr) { $inner_str = substr($qstr, 1, strlen($qstr)-2); return stripcslashes($inner_str); } private static function parse_tripple_double_quoted_string($qstr) { $inner_str = substr($qstr, 3, strlen($qstr)-6); return stripcslashes($inner_str); } private function set_var(Array $var, Array &$target_array) { $key = $var["key"]; $value = $var["value"]; if ($this->smarty->config_overwrite || !isset($target_array['vars'][$key])) { $target_array['vars'][$key] = $value; } else { settype($target_array['vars'][$key], 'array'); $target_array['vars'][$key][] = $value; } } private function add_global_vars(Array $vars) { if (!isset($this->compiler->config_data['vars'])) { $this->compiler->config_data['vars'] = Array(); } foreach ($vars as $var) { $this->set_var($var, $this->compiler->config_data); } } private function add_section_vars($section_name, Array $vars) { if (!isset($this->compiler->config_data['sections'][$section_name]['vars'])) { $this->compiler->config_data['sections'][$section_name]['vars'] = Array(); } foreach ($vars as $var) { $this->set_var($var, $this->compiler->config_data['sections'][$section_name]); } } #line 175 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" const TPC_OPENB = 1; const TPC_SECTION = 2; const TPC_CLOSEB = 3; const TPC_DOT = 4; const TPC_ID = 5; const TPC_EQUAL = 6; const TPC_FLOAT = 7; const TPC_INT = 8; const TPC_BOOL = 9; const TPC_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING = 10; const TPC_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING = 11; const TPC_TRIPPLE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING = 12; const TPC_NAKED_STRING = 13; const TPC_NEWLINE = 14; const TPC_COMMENTSTART = 15; const YY_NO_ACTION = 54; const YY_ACCEPT_ACTION = 53; const YY_ERROR_ACTION = 52; const YY_SZ_ACTTAB = 35; static public $yy_action = array( /* 0 */ 26, 27, 21, 30, 29, 28, 31, 16, 53, 8, /* 10 */ 19, 2, 20, 11, 24, 23, 20, 11, 17, 15, /* 20 */ 3, 14, 13, 18, 4, 6, 5, 1, 12, 22, /* 30 */ 9, 47, 10, 25, 7, ); static public $yy_lookahead = array( /* 0 */ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 5, 17, 18, /* 10 */ 14, 20, 14, 15, 22, 23, 14, 15, 2, 2, /* 20 */ 20, 4, 13, 14, 6, 3, 3, 20, 1, 24, /* 30 */ 22, 25, 22, 21, 19, ); const YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT = -8; const YY_SHIFT_MAX = 17; static public $yy_shift_ofst = array( /* 0 */ -8, 2, 2, 2, -7, -2, -2, 27, -8, -8, /* 10 */ -8, 9, 17, -4, 16, 23, 18, 22, ); const YY_REDUCE_USE_DFLT = -10; const YY_REDUCE_MAX = 10; static public $yy_reduce_ofst = array( /* 0 */ -9, -8, -8, -8, 5, 10, 8, 12, 15, 0, /* 10 */ 7, ); static public $yyExpectedTokens = array( /* 0 */ array(), /* 1 */ array(5, 14, 15, ), /* 2 */ array(5, 14, 15, ), /* 3 */ array(5, 14, 15, ), /* 4 */ array(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ), /* 5 */ array(14, 15, ), /* 6 */ array(14, 15, ), /* 7 */ array(1, ), /* 8 */ array(), /* 9 */ array(), /* 10 */ array(), /* 11 */ array(13, 14, ), /* 12 */ array(2, 4, ), /* 13 */ array(14, ), /* 14 */ array(2, ), /* 15 */ array(3, ), /* 16 */ array(6, ), /* 17 */ array(3, ), /* 18 */ array(), /* 19 */ array(), /* 20 */ array(), /* 21 */ array(), /* 22 */ array(), /* 23 */ array(), /* 24 */ array(), /* 25 */ array(), /* 26 */ array(), /* 27 */ array(), /* 28 */ array(), /* 29 */ array(), /* 30 */ array(), /* 31 */ array(), ); static public $yy_default = array( /* 0 */ 40, 36, 33, 37, 52, 52, 52, 32, 35, 40, /* 10 */ 40, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 52, 50, 51, /* 20 */ 49, 44, 41, 39, 38, 34, 42, 43, 47, 46, /* 30 */ 45, 48, ); const YYNOCODE = 26; const YYSTACKDEPTH = 100; const YYNSTATE = 32; const YYNRULE = 20; const YYERRORSYMBOL = 16; const YYERRSYMDT = 'yy0'; const YYFALLBACK = 0; static public $yyFallback = array( ); static function Trace($TraceFILE, $zTracePrompt) { if (!$TraceFILE) { $zTracePrompt = 0; } elseif (!$zTracePrompt) { $TraceFILE = 0; } self::$yyTraceFILE = $TraceFILE; self::$yyTracePrompt = $zTracePrompt; } static function PrintTrace() { self::$yyTraceFILE = fopen('php://output', 'w'); self::$yyTracePrompt = '
'; } static public $yyTraceFILE; static public $yyTracePrompt; public $yyidx; /* Index of top element in stack */ public $yyerrcnt; /* Shifts left before out of the error */ public $yystack = array(); /* The parser's stack */ public $yyTokenName = array( '$', 'OPENB', 'SECTION', 'CLOSEB', 'DOT', 'ID', 'EQUAL', 'FLOAT', 'INT', 'BOOL', 'SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING', 'DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING', 'TRIPPLE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING', 'NAKED_STRING', 'NEWLINE', 'COMMENTSTART', 'error', 'start', 'global_vars', 'sections', 'var_list', 'section', 'newline', 'var', 'value', ); static public $yyRuleName = array( /* 0 */ "start ::= global_vars sections", /* 1 */ "global_vars ::= var_list", /* 2 */ "sections ::= sections section", /* 3 */ "sections ::=", /* 4 */ "section ::= OPENB SECTION CLOSEB newline var_list", /* 5 */ "section ::= OPENB DOT SECTION CLOSEB newline var_list", /* 6 */ "var_list ::= var_list newline", /* 7 */ "var_list ::= var_list var", /* 8 */ "var_list ::=", /* 9 */ "var ::= ID EQUAL value", /* 10 */ "value ::= FLOAT", /* 11 */ "value ::= INT", /* 12 */ "value ::= BOOL", /* 13 */ "value ::= SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING", /* 14 */ "value ::= DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING", /* 15 */ "value ::= TRIPPLE_DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING", /* 16 */ "value ::= NAKED_STRING", /* 17 */ "newline ::= NEWLINE", /* 18 */ "newline ::= COMMENTSTART NEWLINE", /* 19 */ "newline ::= COMMENTSTART NAKED_STRING NEWLINE", ); function tokenName($tokenType) { if ($tokenType === 0) { return 'End of Input'; } if ($tokenType > 0 && $tokenType < count($this->yyTokenName)) { return $this->yyTokenName[$tokenType]; } else { return "Unknown"; } } static function yy_destructor($yymajor, $yypminor) { switch ($yymajor) { default: break; /* If no destructor action specified: do nothing */ } } function yy_pop_parser_stack() { if (!count($this->yystack)) { return; } $yytos = array_pop($this->yystack); if (self::$yyTraceFILE && $this->yyidx >= 0) { fwrite(self::$yyTraceFILE, self::$yyTracePrompt . 'Popping ' . $this->yyTokenName[$yytos->major] . "\n"); } $yymajor = $yytos->major; self::yy_destructor($yymajor, $yytos->minor); $this->yyidx--; return $yymajor; } function __destruct() { while ($this->yystack !== Array()) { $this->yy_pop_parser_stack(); } if (is_resource(self::$yyTraceFILE)) { fclose(self::$yyTraceFILE); } } function yy_get_expected_tokens($token) { $state = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno; $expected = self::$yyExpectedTokens[$state]; if (in_array($token, self::$yyExpectedTokens[$state], true)) { return $expected; } $stack = $this->yystack; $yyidx = $this->yyidx; do { $yyact = $this->yy_find_shift_action($token); if ($yyact >= self::YYNSTATE && $yyact < self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE) { // reduce action $done = 0; do { if ($done++ == 100) { $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; // too much recursion prevents proper detection // so give up return array_unique($expected); } $yyruleno = $yyact - self::YYNSTATE; $this->yyidx -= self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['rhs']; $nextstate = $this->yy_find_reduce_action( $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno, self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['lhs']); if (isset(self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate])) { $expected = array_merge($expected, self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate]); if (in_array($token, self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate], true)) { $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; return array_unique($expected); } } if ($nextstate < self::YYNSTATE) { // we need to shift a non-terminal $this->yyidx++; $x = new TPC_yyStackEntry; $x->stateno = $nextstate; $x->major = self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['lhs']; $this->yystack[$this->yyidx] = $x; continue 2; } elseif ($nextstate == self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE + 1) { $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; // the last token was just ignored, we can't accept // by ignoring input, this is in essence ignoring a // syntax error! return array_unique($expected); } elseif ($nextstate === self::YY_NO_ACTION) { $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; // input accepted, but not shifted (I guess) return $expected; } else { $yyact = $nextstate; } } while (true); } break; } while (true); $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; return array_unique($expected); } function yy_is_expected_token($token) { if ($token === 0) { return true; // 0 is not part of this } $state = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno; if (in_array($token, self::$yyExpectedTokens[$state], true)) { return true; } $stack = $this->yystack; $yyidx = $this->yyidx; do { $yyact = $this->yy_find_shift_action($token); if ($yyact >= self::YYNSTATE && $yyact < self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE) { // reduce action $done = 0; do { if ($done++ == 100) { $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; // too much recursion prevents proper detection // so give up return true; } $yyruleno = $yyact - self::YYNSTATE; $this->yyidx -= self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['rhs']; $nextstate = $this->yy_find_reduce_action( $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno, self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['lhs']); if (isset(self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate]) && in_array($token, self::$yyExpectedTokens[$nextstate], true)) { $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; return true; } if ($nextstate < self::YYNSTATE) { // we need to shift a non-terminal $this->yyidx++; $x = new TPC_yyStackEntry; $x->stateno = $nextstate; $x->major = self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['lhs']; $this->yystack[$this->yyidx] = $x; continue 2; } elseif ($nextstate == self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE + 1) { $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; if (!$token) { // end of input: this is valid return true; } // the last token was just ignored, we can't accept // by ignoring input, this is in essence ignoring a // syntax error! return false; } elseif ($nextstate === self::YY_NO_ACTION) { $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; // input accepted, but not shifted (I guess) return true; } else { $yyact = $nextstate; } } while (true); } break; } while (true); $this->yyidx = $yyidx; $this->yystack = $stack; return true; } function yy_find_shift_action($iLookAhead) { $stateno = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno; /* if ($this->yyidx < 0) return self::YY_NO_ACTION; */ if (!isset(self::$yy_shift_ofst[$stateno])) { // no shift actions return self::$yy_default[$stateno]; } $i = self::$yy_shift_ofst[$stateno]; if ($i === self::YY_SHIFT_USE_DFLT) { return self::$yy_default[$stateno]; } if ($iLookAhead == self::YYNOCODE) { return self::YY_NO_ACTION; } $i += $iLookAhead; if ($i < 0 || $i >= self::YY_SZ_ACTTAB || self::$yy_lookahead[$i] != $iLookAhead) { if (count(self::$yyFallback) && $iLookAhead < count(self::$yyFallback) && ($iFallback = self::$yyFallback[$iLookAhead]) != 0) { if (self::$yyTraceFILE) { fwrite(self::$yyTraceFILE, self::$yyTracePrompt . "FALLBACK " . $this->yyTokenName[$iLookAhead] . " => " . $this->yyTokenName[$iFallback] . "\n"); } return $this->yy_find_shift_action($iFallback); } return self::$yy_default[$stateno]; } else { return self::$yy_action[$i]; } } function yy_find_reduce_action($stateno, $iLookAhead) { /* $stateno = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno; */ if (!isset(self::$yy_reduce_ofst[$stateno])) { return self::$yy_default[$stateno]; } $i = self::$yy_reduce_ofst[$stateno]; if ($i == self::YY_REDUCE_USE_DFLT) { return self::$yy_default[$stateno]; } if ($iLookAhead == self::YYNOCODE) { return self::YY_NO_ACTION; } $i += $iLookAhead; if ($i < 0 || $i >= self::YY_SZ_ACTTAB || self::$yy_lookahead[$i] != $iLookAhead) { return self::$yy_default[$stateno]; } else { return self::$yy_action[$i]; } } function yy_shift($yyNewState, $yyMajor, $yypMinor) { $this->yyidx++; if ($this->yyidx >= self::YYSTACKDEPTH) { $this->yyidx--; if (self::$yyTraceFILE) { fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sStack Overflow!\n", self::$yyTracePrompt); } while ($this->yyidx >= 0) { $this->yy_pop_parser_stack(); } #line 127 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" $this->internalError = true; $this->compiler->trigger_config_file_error("Stack overflow in configfile parser"); #line 586 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" return; } $yytos = new TPC_yyStackEntry; $yytos->stateno = $yyNewState; $yytos->major = $yyMajor; $yytos->minor = $yypMinor; array_push($this->yystack, $yytos); if (self::$yyTraceFILE && $this->yyidx > 0) { fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sShift %d\n", self::$yyTracePrompt, $yyNewState); fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sStack:", self::$yyTracePrompt); for($i = 1; $i <= $this->yyidx; $i++) { fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, " %s", $this->yyTokenName[$this->yystack[$i]->major]); } fwrite(self::$yyTraceFILE,"\n"); } } static public $yyRuleInfo = array( array( 'lhs' => 17, 'rhs' => 2 ), array( 'lhs' => 18, 'rhs' => 1 ), array( 'lhs' => 19, 'rhs' => 2 ), array( 'lhs' => 19, 'rhs' => 0 ), array( 'lhs' => 21, 'rhs' => 5 ), array( 'lhs' => 21, 'rhs' => 6 ), array( 'lhs' => 20, 'rhs' => 2 ), array( 'lhs' => 20, 'rhs' => 2 ), array( 'lhs' => 20, 'rhs' => 0 ), array( 'lhs' => 23, 'rhs' => 3 ), array( 'lhs' => 24, 'rhs' => 1 ), array( 'lhs' => 24, 'rhs' => 1 ), array( 'lhs' => 24, 'rhs' => 1 ), array( 'lhs' => 24, 'rhs' => 1 ), array( 'lhs' => 24, 'rhs' => 1 ), array( 'lhs' => 24, 'rhs' => 1 ), array( 'lhs' => 24, 'rhs' => 1 ), array( 'lhs' => 22, 'rhs' => 1 ), array( 'lhs' => 22, 'rhs' => 2 ), array( 'lhs' => 22, 'rhs' => 3 ), ); static public $yyReduceMap = array( 0 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 17 => 0, 18 => 0, 19 => 0, 1 => 1, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10, 11 => 11, 12 => 12, 13 => 13, 14 => 14, 15 => 15, 16 => 16, ); #line 133 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r0(){ $this->_retvalue = null; } #line 653 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 136 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r1(){ $this->add_global_vars($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor); $this->_retvalue = null; } #line 656 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 142 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r4(){ $this->add_section_vars($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -3]->minor, $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor); $this->_retvalue = null; } #line 659 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 143 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r5(){ if ($this->smarty->config_read_hidden) { $this->add_section_vars($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -3]->minor, $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor); } $this->_retvalue = null; } #line 662 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 146 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r6(){ $this->_retvalue = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -1]->minor; } #line 665 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 147 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r7(){ $this->_retvalue = array_merge($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -1]->minor, Array($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor)); } #line 668 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 148 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r8(){ $this->_retvalue = Array(); } #line 671 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 152 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r9(){ $this->_retvalue = Array("key" => $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + -2]->minor, "value" => $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor); } #line 674 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 154 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r10(){ $this->_retvalue = (float) $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor; } #line 677 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 155 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r11(){ $this->_retvalue = (int) $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor; } #line 680 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 156 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r12(){ $this->_retvalue = $this->parse_bool($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor); } #line 683 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 157 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r13(){ $this->_retvalue = self::parse_single_quoted_string($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor); } #line 686 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 158 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r14(){ $this->_retvalue = self::parse_double_quoted_string($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor); } #line 689 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 159 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r15(){ $this->_retvalue = self::parse_tripple_double_quoted_string($this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor); } #line 692 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" #line 160 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" function yy_r16(){ $this->_retvalue = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx + 0]->minor; } #line 695 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" private $_retvalue; function yy_reduce($yyruleno) { $yymsp = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]; if (self::$yyTraceFILE && $yyruleno >= 0 && $yyruleno < count(self::$yyRuleName)) { fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sReduce (%d) [%s].\n", self::$yyTracePrompt, $yyruleno, self::$yyRuleName[$yyruleno]); } $this->_retvalue = $yy_lefthand_side = null; if (array_key_exists($yyruleno, self::$yyReduceMap)) { // call the action $this->_retvalue = null; $this->{'yy_r' . self::$yyReduceMap[$yyruleno]}(); $yy_lefthand_side = $this->_retvalue; } $yygoto = self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['lhs']; $yysize = self::$yyRuleInfo[$yyruleno]['rhs']; $this->yyidx -= $yysize; for($i = $yysize; $i; $i--) { // pop all of the right-hand side parameters array_pop($this->yystack); } $yyact = $this->yy_find_reduce_action($this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->stateno, $yygoto); if ($yyact < self::YYNSTATE) { if (!self::$yyTraceFILE && $yysize) { $this->yyidx++; $x = new TPC_yyStackEntry; $x->stateno = $yyact; $x->major = $yygoto; $x->minor = $yy_lefthand_side; $this->yystack[$this->yyidx] = $x; } else { $this->yy_shift($yyact, $yygoto, $yy_lefthand_side); } } elseif ($yyact == self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE + 1) { $this->yy_accept(); } } function yy_parse_failed() { if (self::$yyTraceFILE) { fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sFail!\n", self::$yyTracePrompt); } while ($this->yyidx >= 0) { $this->yy_pop_parser_stack(); } } function yy_syntax_error($yymajor, $TOKEN) { #line 120 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" $this->internalError = true; $this->yymajor = $yymajor; $this->compiler->trigger_config_file_error(); #line 758 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" } function yy_accept() { if (self::$yyTraceFILE) { fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sAccept!\n", self::$yyTracePrompt); } while ($this->yyidx >= 0) { $stack = $this->yy_pop_parser_stack(); } #line 112 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.y" $this->successful = !$this->internalError; $this->internalError = false; $this->retvalue = $this->_retvalue; //echo $this->retvalue."\n\n"; #line 776 "smarty_internal_configfileparser.php" } function doParse($yymajor, $yytokenvalue) { $yyerrorhit = 0; /* True if yymajor has invoked an error */ if ($this->yyidx === null || $this->yyidx < 0) { $this->yyidx = 0; $this->yyerrcnt = -1; $x = new TPC_yyStackEntry; $x->stateno = 0; $x->major = 0; $this->yystack = array(); array_push($this->yystack, $x); } $yyendofinput = ($yymajor==0); if (self::$yyTraceFILE) { fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sInput %s\n", self::$yyTracePrompt, $this->yyTokenName[$yymajor]); } do { $yyact = $this->yy_find_shift_action($yymajor); if ($yymajor < self::YYERRORSYMBOL && !$this->yy_is_expected_token($yymajor)) { // force a syntax error $yyact = self::YY_ERROR_ACTION; } if ($yyact < self::YYNSTATE) { $this->yy_shift($yyact, $yymajor, $yytokenvalue); $this->yyerrcnt--; if ($yyendofinput && $this->yyidx >= 0) { $yymajor = 0; } else { $yymajor = self::YYNOCODE; } } elseif ($yyact < self::YYNSTATE + self::YYNRULE) { $this->yy_reduce($yyact - self::YYNSTATE); } elseif ($yyact == self::YY_ERROR_ACTION) { if (self::$yyTraceFILE) { fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sSyntax Error!\n", self::$yyTracePrompt); } if (self::YYERRORSYMBOL) { if ($this->yyerrcnt < 0) { $this->yy_syntax_error($yymajor, $yytokenvalue); } $yymx = $this->yystack[$this->yyidx]->major; if ($yymx == self::YYERRORSYMBOL || $yyerrorhit ){ if (self::$yyTraceFILE) { fprintf(self::$yyTraceFILE, "%sDiscard input token %s\n", self::$yyTracePrompt, $this->yyTokenName[$yymajor]); } $this->yy_destructor($yymajor, $yytokenvalue); $yymajor = self::YYNOCODE; } else { while ($this->yyidx >= 0 && $yymx != self::YYERRORSYMBOL && ($yyact = $this->yy_find_shift_action(self::YYERRORSYMBOL)) >= self::YYNSTATE ){ $this->yy_pop_parser_stack(); } if ($this->yyidx < 0 || $yymajor==0) { $this->yy_destructor($yymajor, $yytokenvalue); $this->yy_parse_failed(); $yymajor = self::YYNOCODE; } elseif ($yymx != self::YYERRORSYMBOL) { $u2 = 0; $this->yy_shift($yyact, self::YYERRORSYMBOL, $u2); } } $this->yyerrcnt = 3; $yyerrorhit = 1; } else { if ($this->yyerrcnt <= 0) { $this->yy_syntax_error($yymajor, $yytokenvalue); } $this->yyerrcnt = 3; $this->yy_destructor($yymajor, $yytokenvalue); if ($yyendofinput) { $this->yy_parse_failed(); } $yymajor = self::YYNOCODE; } } else { $this->yy_accept(); $yymajor = self::YYNOCODE; } } while ($yymajor != self::YYNOCODE && $this->yyidx >= 0); } } ?>