= $target_version) {
# already up to date
echo "up to date";
return true;
echo "
Updating database:
old version: $current_version; target version: $target_version";
for ($i = $current_version +1; $i <= $target_version; $i++) {
$function = "upgrade_$i";
$function_mysql = $function . "_mysql";
$function_pgsql = $function . "_pgsql";
if (function_exists($function)) {
echo "
updating to version $i (all databases)...";
echo " done";
if ($CONF['database_type'] == 'mysql' || $CONF['database_type'] == 'mysqli' ) {
if (function_exists($function_mysql)) {
echo "
updating to version $i (MySQL)...";
echo " done";
} elseif($CONF['database_type'] == 'pgsql') {
if (function_exists($function_pgsql)) {
echo "
updating to version $i (PgSQL)...";
echo " done";
# TODO: update version in config table after each change
# TODO: this avoids problems in case the script hits the max_execution_time,
# TODO: simply rerunning it will continue where it was stopped
* Replaces database specific parts in a query
* @param String sql query with placeholders
* @param String (optional) MySQL specific code to attach, useful for COMMENT= on CREATE TABLE
* @return String sql query
function db_query_parsed($sql, $ignore_errors = 0, $attach_mysql = "") {
global $CONF;
if ($CONF['database_type'] == 'mysql' || $CONF['database_type'] == 'mysqli' ) {
$replace = array(
'{AUTOINCREMENT}' => 'int(11) not null auto_increment',
'{PRIMARY}' => 'primary key',
'{UNSIGNED}' => 'unsigned' ,
'{BOOLEAN}' => 'tinyint(1) NOT NULL',
'{UTF-8}' => '/*!40100 CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci */',
'{LATIN1}' => '/*!40100 CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci */',
$sql = "$sql $attach_mysql";
} elseif($CONF['database_type'] == 'pgsql') {
static $replace = array(
'{PRIMARY}' => 'primary key',
'{UNSIGNED}' => '',
'{FULLTEXT}' => '',
'{UTF-8}' => '', # TODO: UTF-8 is simply ignored.
'{LATIN1}' => '', # TODO: same for latin1
'{IF_NOT_EXISTS}' => 'IF NOT EXISTS', # TODO: does this work with PgSQL?
'{RENAME_COLUMN}' => 'CHANGE COLUMN', # TODO: probably wrong
'int(1)' => 'int2',
'int(10)' => 'int4',
'int(11)' => 'int4',
'int(4)' => 'int4',
} else {
echo "Sorry, unsupported database type " . $conf['database_type'];
$replace['{BOOL_TRUE}'] = db_get_boolean(True);
$replace['{BOOL_FALSE}'] = db_get_boolean(False);
$query = trim(str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $sql));
$result = db_query($query, $ignore_errors);
if (safeget('debug') != "") {
print "
print "
" . $result['error'] . "
return $result;
function _drop_index ($table, $index) {
global $CONF;
$tabe = table_by_key ($table);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == 'mysql' || $CONF['database_type'] == 'mysqli' ) {
return "ALTER TABLE $table DROP INDEX $index";
} elseif($CONF['database_type'] == 'pgsql') {
return "DROP INDEX $index"; # TODO: on which table?!
} else {
echo "Sorry, unsupported database type " . $conf['database_type'];
function upgrade_1() {
# inserting the version number is a good start ;-)
'name' => 'version',
'value' => '1',
echo "upgrade_1";
function upgrade_2() {
# upgrade pre-2.1 database
$table_domain = table_by_key ('domain');
$result = db_query_parsed("ALTER TABLE $table_domain ADD COLUMN transport VARCHAR(255) AFTER maxquota;", TRUE);
$result = db_query_parsed("ALTER TABLE $table_domain ADD COLUMN backupmx {BOOLEAN} DEFAULT {BOOL_FALSE} AFTER transport;", TRUE);
function upgrade_3() {
# upgrade pre-2.1 database
$table_admin = table_by_key ('admin');
$table_alias = table_by_key ('alias');
$table_domain = table_by_key ('domain');
$table_mailbox = table_by_key ('mailbox');
$table_vacation = table_by_key ('vacation');
$all_sql = split("\n", trim("
ALTER TABLE $table_admin {RENAME_COLUMN} create_date created DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE $table_admin {RENAME_COLUMN} change_date modified DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE $table_alias {RENAME_COLUMN} create_date created DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE $table_alias {RENAME_COLUMN} change_date modified DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE $table_domain {RENAME_COLUMN} create_date created DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE $table_domain {RENAME_COLUMN} change_date modified DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE $table_domain ADD COLUMN aliases INT(10) DEFAULT '-1' NOT NULL AFTER description;
ALTER TABLE $table_domain ADD COLUMN mailboxes INT(10) DEFAULT '-1' NOT NULL AFTER aliases;
ALTER TABLE $table_domain ADD COLUMN maxquota INT(10) DEFAULT '-1' NOT NULL AFTER mailboxes;
ALTER TABLE $table_domain ADD COLUMN transport VARCHAR(255) AFTER maxquota;
ALTER TABLE $table_domain ADD COLUMN backupmx TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER transport;
ALTER TABLE $table_mailbox {RENAME_COLUMN} create_date created DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE $table_mailbox {RENAME_COLUMN} change_date modified DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE $table_mailbox ADD COLUMN quota INT(10) DEFAULT '-1' NOT NULL AFTER maildir;
ALTER TABLE $table_vacation ADD COLUMN domain VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER cache;
ALTER TABLE $table_vacation ADD COLUMN created DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL AFTER domain;
ALTER TABLE $table_vacation ADD COLUMN active TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER created;
ALTER TABLE $table_vacation ADD PRIMARY KEY(email)
UPDATE $table_vacation SET domain=SUBSTRING_INDEX(email, '@', -1) WHERE email=email;
foreach ($all_sql as $sql) {
$result = db_query_parsed($sql, TRUE);
function upgrade_4_mysql() { # MySQL only
# changes between 2.1 and moving to sourceforge
$table_domain = table_by_key ('domain');
$result = db_query_parsed("ALTER TABLE $table_domain ADD COLUMN quota int(10) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER maxquota", TRUE);
function upgrade_4_pgsql() { # PgSQL only
# changes between 2.1 and moving to sourceforge
Changes in DATABASE_PGSQL.TXT: (in diff format - "-" means removed, "+" means added)
TABLE domain
- domain character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ domain character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ quota integer NOT NULL default 0,
+CREATE INDEX domain_domain_active ON domain(domain,active);
TABLE "admin"
- "username" character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ "username" character varying(255) NOT NULL,
TABLE alias
- address character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ address character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- domain character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ domain character varying(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES domain,
+CREATE INDEX alias_address_active ON alias(address,active);
TABLE domain_admins
- username character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ username character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- domain character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ domain character varying(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES domain,
- data character varying(255) NOT NULL default ''
+ data text NOT NULL default ''
TABLE mailbox
- username character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ username character varying(255) NOT NULL,
- domain character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ domain character varying(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES domain,
+CREATE INDEX mailbox_username_active ON mailbox(username,active);
TABLE vacation
- email character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ email character varying(255) PRIMARY KEY,
- body text NOT NULL,
+ body text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- cache text NOT NULL,
+ cache text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- domain character varying(255) NOT NULL default '',
+ "domain" character varying(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES "domain",
- active boolean NOT NULL default true,
+ active boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL
- Constraint "vacation_key" Primary Key ("email")
-COMMENT ON TABLE vacation IS 'Postfix Admin - Virtual Vacation';
+CREATE INDEX vacation_email_active ON vacation(email,active);
+CREATE TABLE vacation_notification (
+ on_vacation character varying(255) NOT NULL REFERENCES vacation(email) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+ notified character varying(255) NOT NULL,
+ notified_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
+ CONSTRAINT vacation_notification_pkey primary key(on_vacation,notified)
function upgrade_79_mysql() { # MySQL only
# drop useless indicies (already available as primary key)
$result = db_query_parsed(_drop_index('admin', 'username'), True);
$result = db_query_parsed(_drop_index('alias', 'address'), True);
$result = db_query_parsed(_drop_index('domain', 'domain'), True);
$result = db_query_parsed(_drop_index('mailbox', 'username'), True);
function upgrade_81_mysql() { # MySQL only
$table_vacation = table_by_key ('vacation');
$table_vacation_notification = table_by_key('vacation_notification');
$all_sql = split("\n", trim("
ALTER TABLE `$table_vacation` CHANGE `email` `email` VARCHAR( 255 ) {LATIN1} NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `$table_vacation` CHANGE `subject` `subject` VARCHAR( 255 ) {UTF-8} NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `$table_vacation` CHANGE `body` `body` TEXT {UTF-8} NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `$table_vacation` CHANGE `cache` `cache` TEXT {LATIN1} NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `$table_vacation` CHANGE `domain` `domain` VARCHAR( 255 ) {LATIN1} NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `$table_vacation` CHANGE `active` `active` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
ALTER TABLE `$table_vacation` DEFAULT {LATIN1}
ALTER TABLE `$table_vacation` ENGINE = INNODB
foreach ($all_sql as $sql) {
$result = db_query_parsed($sql, TRUE);
" CREATE TABLE {IF_NOT_EXISTS} $table_vacation_notification (
on_vacation varchar(255) NOT NULL,
notified varchar(255) NOT NULL,
notified_at timestamp NOT NULL default now(),
CONSTRAINT vacation_notification_pkey PRIMARY KEY(on_vacation, notified),
FOREIGN KEY (on_vacation) REFERENCES vacation(email) ON DELETE CASCADE
COMMENT='Postfix Admin - Virtual Vacation Notifications'
function upgrade_90() {
# translatable logging
# old format: "create alias"
# new format: "create_alias"
$result = db_query_parsed("UPDATE " . table_by_key ('log') . " SET action = REPLACE(action,' ','_')", TRUE);
# change edit_alias_state to edit_alias_active
$result = db_query_parsed("UPDATE " . table_by_key ('log') . " SET action = 'edit_alias_state' WHERE action = 'edit_alias_active'", TRUE);
function upgrade_169_mysql() { # MySQL only
# allow quota > 2 GB
$table_domain = table_by_key ('domain');
$table_mailbox = table_by_key ('mailbox');
$result = db_query_parsed("ALTER TABLE $table_domain MODIFY COLUMN `quota` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0'", TRUE);
$result = db_query_parsed("ALTER TABLE $table_domain MODIFY COLUMN `maxquota` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0'", TRUE);
$result = db_query_parsed("ALTER TABLE $table_mailbox MODIFY COLUMN `quota` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0'", TRUE);
Database changes that should be done:
* vacation:
- DROP INDEX email
- 'cache' field might be obsolete with vacation_notification - needs to be checked!
* vacation_notification:
- DEFAULT CHARSET and COLLATE should be changed
- change all varchar fields to latin1 (email addresses don't contain utf8 characters)
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