username = strtolower($username); } public function change_pass($old_password, $new_password) { error_log('MailboxHandler->change_pass is deprecated. Please use MailboxHandler->change_pw!'); return $this->change_pw($new_password, $old_password); } /** * @return boolean true on success; false on failure * @param string $old_password * @param string $new_passwords * @param bool $match = true * * All passwords need to be plain text; they'll be hashed appropriately * as per the configuration in */ public function change_pw($new_password, $old_password, $match = true) { list(/*NULL*/,$domain) = explode('@', $username); $E_username = escape_string($this->username); $table_mailbox = table_by_key('mailbox'); if ($match == true) { $active = db_get_boolean(True); $result = db_query("SELECT password FROM $table_mailbox WHERE username='$E_username' AND active='$active'"); $result = db_assoc($result['result']); if (pacrypt($old_password, $result['password']) != $result['password']) { db_log ($domain, 'edit_password', "MATCH FAILURE: " . $this->username); $this->errormsg[] = 'Passwords do not match'; # TODO: make translatable return false; } } $set = array( 'password' => pacrypt($new_password) , ); $result = db_update('mailbox', 'username', $this->username, $set ); if ($result != 1) { db_log ($domain, 'edit_password', "FAILURE: " . $this->username); $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read('pEdit_mailbox_result_error'); return false; } db_log ($domain, 'edit_password', $this->username); return true; } /** * Attempt to log a user in. * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return boolean true on successful login (i.e. password matches etc) */ public static function login($username, $password) { $username = escape_string($username); $table_mailbox = table_by_key('mailbox'); $active = db_get_boolean(True); $query = "SELECT password FROM $table_mailbox WHERE username='$username' AND active='$active'"; $result = db_query ($query); if ($result['rows'] == 1) { $row = db_array ($result['result']); $crypt_password = pacrypt ($password, $row['password']); if($row['password'] == $crypt_password) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Add mailbox * @param password string password of account * @param gen boolean * @param name string * */ public function add($password, $name = '', $quota = -999, $active = true, $mail = true ) { # FIXME: default value of $quota (-999) is intentionally invalid. Add fallback to default quota. # Solution: Invent an sub config class with additional informations about domain based configs like default qouta. # FIXME: Should the parameters be optional at all? # TODO: check if parameters are valid/allowed (quota?). # TODO: most code should live in a separate function that can be used by add and edit. # TODO: On the longer term, the web interface should also use this class. # TODO: copy/move all checks and validations from create-mailbox.php here $username = $this->username; list($local_part,$domain) = explode ('@', $username); #TODO: more self explaining language strings! if(!check_mailbox ($domain)) { $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read('pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error3'); return false; } # check if an alias with this name already exists $result = db_query ("SELECT * FROM " . table_by_key('alias') . " WHERE address='" . escape_string($username) . "'"); if ($result['rows'] == 1) { $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read('pCreate_mailbox_username_text_error2'); return false; } $plain = $password; $password = pacrypt ($password); # TODO: if we want to have the encryption method in the encrypted password string, it should be done in pacrypt(). No special handling here! # if ( preg_match("/^dovecot:/", Config::read('encrypt')) ) { # $split_method = preg_split ('/:/', Config::read('encrypt')); # $method = strtoupper($split_method[1]); # $password = '{' . $method . '}' . $password; # } #TODO: 2nd clause should be the first for self explaining code. #TODO: When calling config::Read with parameter we sould be right that read return false if the parameter isn't in our config file. if(Config::read('maildir_name_hook') != 'NO' && function_exists(Config::read('maildir_name_hook')) ) { $hook_func = $CONF['maildir_name_hook']; $maildir = $hook_func ($fDomain, $fUsername); } elseif (Config::read('domain_path') == "YES") { if (Config::read('domain_in_mailbox') == "YES") { $maildir = $domain . "/" . $username . "/"; } else { $maildir = $domain . "/" . $local_part . "/"; } } else { $maildir = $username . "/"; } db_begin(); $active = db_get_boolean($active); $quota = multiply_quota ($quota); $alias_data = array( 'address' => $username, 'goto' => $username, 'domain' => $domain, 'active' => $active, ); $result = db_insert('alias', $alias_data); #MARK: db_insert returns true/false?? if ($result != 1) { $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read('pAlias_result_error') . "\n($username -> $username)\n"; return false; } $mailbox_data = array( 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'name' => $name, 'maildir' => $maildir, 'local_part' => $local_part, 'quota' => $quota, 'domain' => $domain, 'active' => $active, ); $result = db_insert('mailbox', $mailbox_data); #MARK: Same here! if ($result != 1 || !mailbox_postcreation($username,$domain,$maildir, $quota)) { $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read('pCreate_mailbox_result_error') . "\n($username)\n"; db_rollback(); return false; } else { db_commit(); db_log ($domain, 'create_mailbox', $username); if ($mail == true) { # TODO: move "send the mail" to a function $fTo = $username; $fFrom = smtp_get_admin_email(); if(empty($fFrom) || $fFrom == 'CLI') $fFrom = $this->username; $fSubject = Lang::read('pSendmail_subject_text'); $fBody = Config::read('welcome_text'); if (!smtp_mail ($fTo, $fFrom, $fSubject, $fBody)) { $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read('pSendmail_result_error'); return false; } } create_mailbox_subfolders($username,$plain); } return true; } public function view() { $username = $this->username; $table_mailbox = table_by_key('mailbox'); # TODO: check if DATE_FORMAT works in MySQL and PostgreSQL # TODO: maybe a more fine-grained date format would be better for non-CLI usage $result = db_query("SELECT username, name, maildir, quota, local_part, domain, DATE_FORMAT(created, '%d.%m.%y') AS created, DATE_FORMAT(modified, '%d.%m.%y') AS modified, active FROM $table_mailbox WHERE username='$username'"); if ($result['rows'] != 0) { $this->return = db_array($result['result']); return true; } $this->errormsg = $result['error']; return false; } public function delete() { $username = $this->username; list(/*$local_part*/,$domain) = explode ('@', $username); $E_username = escape_string($username); $E_domain = escape_string($domain); #TODO: At this level of table by key calls we should think about a solution in our query function and drupal like {mailbox} {alias}. # Pseudocode for db_query etc. # if {} in query then # table_by_key( content between { and } ) # else error $table_mailbox = table_by_key('mailbox'); $table_alias = table_by_key('alias'); $table_vacation = table_by_key('vacation'); $table_vacation_notification = table_by_key('vacation_notification'); db_begin(); #TODO: true/false replacement! $error = 0; $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM $table_alias WHERE address = '$E_username' AND domain = '$domain'"); if($result['rows'] == 1) { $result = db_delete('alias', 'address', $username); db_log ($domain, 'delete_alias', $username); } else { $this->errormsg[] = "no alias $username"; # todo: better message, make translatable $error = 1; } /* is there a mailbox? if do delete it from orbit; it's the only way to be sure */ $result = db_query ("SELECT * FROM $table_mailbox WHERE username='$E_username' AND domain='$domain'"); if ($result['rows'] == 1) { $result = db_delete('mailbox', 'username', $username); $postdel_res=mailbox_postdeletion($username,$domain); if ($result != 1 || !$postdel_res) { $tMessage = Lang::read('pDelete_delete_error') . "$username ("; if ($result['rows']!=1) { # TODO: invalid test, $result is from db_delete and only contains the number of deleted rows $tMessage.='mailbox'; if (!$postdel_res) $tMessage.=', '; $this->errormsg[] = "no mailbox $username"; # todo: better message, make translatable $error = 1; } if (!$postdel_res) { $tMessage.='post-deletion'; $this->errormsg[] = "post-deletion script failed"; # todo: better message, make translatable $error = 1; } $this->errormsg[] = $tMessage.')'; # TODO: does db_rollback(); make sense? Not sure because mailbox_postdeletion was already called (move the call checking the db_delete result?) # TODO: maybe mailbox_postdeletion should be run after all queries, just before commit/rollback $error = 1; # return false; # TODO: does this make sense? Or should we still cleanup vacation and vacation_notification? } db_log ($domain, 'delete_mailbox', $username); } else { $this->errormsg[] = "no mailbox $username"; # TODO: better message, make translatable $error = 1; } $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM $table_vacation WHERE email = '$E_username' AND domain = '$domain'"); if($result['rows'] == 1) { db_delete('vacation', 'email', $username); db_delete('vacation_notification', 'on_vacation', $username); # TODO: delete vacation_notification independent of vacation? (in case of "forgotten" vacation_notification entries) } db_commit(); if ($error != 0) return false; return true; } } /* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */