#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Script takes a CSV list of users and does a 'bulk' insertion into mysql. # # Copyright (C) 2009 Simone Piccardi # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import csv import getopt import sys import re import time import random, string from datetime import datetime from crypt import crypt try: import MySQLdb except ImportError ,e: print 'Cannot import the needed MySQLdb module, you must install it' print 'on Debian systems just use the command' print ' apt-get install python-mysqldb' def usage(): print "Usage: inspostadmusers.py [options] users.csv" print " -h print this help" print " -t test run, do not insert, just print" print " -u DB user" print " -p DB password" print " -D DB name" print " -H DB host" print " -q Quota in Mb (0 => no limit)" print " -n char in seed" print " -d debug info on" print " -A create default alias for each domain" print print "the users.csv file must contains the user list with a line" print "for each user, first line should be a title line with at least" print "the following column names: " print " * user - user part of the email (like user in user@domain.com)" print " * password - cleartext password" print " * domain - domain name (like 'domain.com')" print " * name - full user name ('Name Surname')" print print "the 'name' column is optional, other columns will be ignored" print print "Known restrictions:" print "* this script only works with MySQL" print "* mailbox paths are hardcoded to domain/username/" # option parsing try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'u:p:d:D:H:htdA') optval={} for opt, val in opts: if opt == "-h": usage() sys.exit(0) else: optval[opt]=val except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) # # Setup DB connection # MYSQLDB="postfixadmin" MYSQLUSER="postfixadmin" MYSQLPASSWORD="" MYSQLHOST="localhost" # settings by command line options if optval.has_key('-u'): MYSQLUSER = optval['-u'] if optval.has_key('-p'): MYSQLPASSWORD = optval['-p'] if optval.has_key('-D'): MYSQLDB = optval['-D'] if optval.has_key('-H'): MYSQLHOST = optval['-H'] if optval.has_key('-q'): quota = optval['-q'] else: quota = 0 if optval.has_key('-n'): seed_len = optval['-n'] else: seed_len = 8 # check arguments, only the user list file must be present if len(args) !=1: print 'Need just one argument' usage() sys.exit(1) # MySQL connection (skipped in test run) if optval.has_key('-t'): print "Test Run" else: try: connection = MySQLdb.connect(host=MYSQLHOST, user=MYSQLUSER, db=MYSQLDB, passwd=MYSQLPASSWORD) except MySQLdb.MySQLError, e: print "Database connection error" print e sys.exit(1) cursor = connection.cursor() # # Main body # NOW = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # read and convert CSV data lista = csv.DictReader(open(args[0])) def gen_seed(seed_len, chars): return '$1$'+''.join([random.choice(chars) for _ in xrange(seed_len)])+'$' def insert_record(cursor,table,record): columns = record.keys() query = "INSERT INTO " + table + "(" + ','.join(columns) + ") VALUES (" + ','.join(len(columns)*['%s']) + ")" try: cursor.execute(query, record.values()) return 0 except MySQLdb.MySQLError, e: print "Database insertion error" print e print "Record was:" print record.values() print "Query was:" print query # defining default values for tables (mailbox, alias and domain) mailbox = { 'created': NOW, 'modified': NOW, 'active': 1, 'quota': quota } aliases = { 'created': NOW, 'modified': NOW, 'active': 1 } domain = { 'description': "", 'aliases': 0, 'mailboxes': 0, 'quota': 0, 'transport': 'virtual', 'backupmx': 0, 'created': NOW, 'modified': NOW, 'active': 1 } # list of default alias def_alias = ['abuse','hostmaster','postmaster','webmaster'] domain_list = {} chars = string.letters + string.digits # loop over the CSV for row in lista: # create domain if it does not exists if domain_list.has_key(row["domain"]): if optval.has_key('-d'): print "Domain " + row["domain"] + "already exixts" else: domain_list[row["domain"]] = 1 domain['domain'] = row["domain"] if optval.has_key('-t'): print "Inserting domain" print domain else: insert_record(cursor,'domain',domain) if optval.has_key('-A'): for i in def_alias: aliases['address']= i+'@'+row["domain"] aliases['goto']= aliases['address'] aliases['domain'] = row["domain"] if optval.has_key('-t'): print "Inserting alias" print aliases else: insert_record(cursor,'alias',aliases) # build query data for mailbox table mailbox['username']=row["user"]+'@'+row["domain"] encpass=crypt(row["password"], gen_seed(seed_len,chars)) mailbox['password'] = encpass mailbox['name'] = row["name"] mailbox['maildir'] = row["domain"]+'/'+row["user"]+'/' mailbox['local_part'] =row["user"] mailbox['domain'] = row["domain"] # build query data for alias table aliases['address']= mailbox['username'] aliases['goto']= mailbox['username'] aliases['domain'] = row["domain"] # inserting data for mailbox (and relate alias) if optval.has_key('-t'): print "Inserting mailbox" print mailbox print aliases else: insert_record(cursor,'mailbox',mailbox) insert_record(cursor,'alias',aliases) sys.exit(0)