new = 1; $this->admin_username = $admin_username; if ($this->domain_field == "") { $this->no_domain_field(); } else { if ($admin_username != "") { $this->allowed_domains = list_domains_for_admin($admin_username); } else { $this->allowed_domains = list_domains(); } } $this->initStruct(); $this->initMsg(); } protected function no_domain_field() { if ($this->admin_username != "") die('Attemp to restrict domains without setting $this->domain_field!'); } /** * initialize with $id and check if it is valid * @param string $id */ public function init($id) { $this->id = strtolower($id); $exists = $this->view(false); if ($this->new) { if ($exists) { $this->errormsg[$this->id_field] = Lang::read($this->msg['error_already_exists']); return false; } elseif (!$this->validate_new_id() ) { # errormsg filled by validate_new_id() return false; } else { return true; } } else { # edit mode if (!$exists) { $this->errormsg[$this->id_field] = Lang::read($this->msg['error_does_not_exist']); return false; } else { return true; } } } /** * set and verify values * @param array values - associative array with ($field1 => $value1, $field2 => $value2, ...) * @return bool - true if all values are valid, otherwise false * error messages (if any) are stored in $this->errormsg */ public function set($values) { if ($this->new == 1) { $values[$this->id_field] = $this->id; } # base validation $this->values = array(); $this->values_valid = false; foreach($this->struct as $key=>$row) { if ($row['editable'] == 0) { # not editable if ($this->new == 1) { $this->values[$key] = $row['default']; } } else { if (isset($values[$key])) { if ($row['type'] != "password" || strlen($values[$key]) > 0 || $this->new == 1) { # skip on empty (aka unchanged) password on edit $valid = true; # trust input unless validator objects # validate based on field type (_inp_$type) $func="_inp_".$row['type']; if (method_exists($this, $func) ) { if (!$this->{$func}($key, $values[$key])) $valid = false; } else { # TODO: warning if no validation function exists? } # validate based on field name (_field_$fieldname) $func="_field_".$key; if (method_exists($this, $func) ) { if (!$this->{$func}($key, $values[$key])) $valid = false; } if ($valid) { $this->values[$key] = $values[$key]; } } } elseif ($this->new) { # new, field not set in input data $this->errormsg[] = "field $key is missing"; # echo "MISSING / not set: $key\n"; } else { # edit, field unchanged # echo "skipped / not set: $key\n"; } } } if (count($this->errormsg) == 0) { $this->values_valid = true; } return $this->values_valid; } /** * store $this->values in the database * calls $this->storemore() where additional things can be done * @return bool - true if all values are valid, otherwise false * error messages (if any) are stored in $this->errormsg */ public function store() { if ($this->values_valid == false) { $this->errormsg[] = "one or more values are invalid!"; return false; } $db_values = $this->values; foreach(array_keys($db_values) as $key) { switch ($this->struct[$key]['type']) { # modify field content for some types case 'bool': $db_values[$key] = db_get_boolean($db_values[$key]); break; # TODO: passwords -> pacrypt() } if ($this->struct[$key]['not_in_db'] == 1) unset ($db_values[$key]); # remove 'not in db' columns if ($this->struct[$key]['dont_write_to_db'] == 1) unset ($db_values[$key]); # remove 'dont_write_to_db' columns } if ($this->new) { $result = db_insert($this->db_table, $db_values); } else { $result = db_update($this->db_table, $this->id_field, $this->id, $db_values); } if ($result != 1) { $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read($this->msg['store_error']) . "\n(" . $this->id . ")\n"; # TODO: change message + use sprintf return false; } $result = $this->storemore(); if ($result) { db_log ($this->id, $this->msg['logname'], ""); } return $result; } /** * read_from_db * @param array or string - condition (an array will be AND'ed using db_where_clause, a string will be directly used) * @return array - rows */ protected function read_from_db($condition) { $select_cols = array(); $yes = escape_string(Lang::read('YES')); $no = escape_string(Lang::read('NO')); # TODO: replace hardcoded %Y-%m-%d with a country-specific date format via *.lang? # TODO: (not too easy because pgsql uses a different formatstring format :-/ ) if (Config::read('database_type') == 'pgsql') { $formatted_date = "TO_DATE(text(###KEY###), 'YYYY-mm-dd')"; } else { $formatted_date = "DATE_FORMAT(###KEY###, '%Y-%m-%d')"; } $colformat = array( 'ts' => "$formatted_date AS ###KEY###, ###KEY### AS _###KEY###", 'bool' => "CASE ###KEY### WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(true) . "' THEN '1' WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(false) . "' THEN '0' END as ###KEY###," . "CASE ###KEY### WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(true) . "' THEN '$yes' WHEN '" . db_get_boolean(false) . "' THEN '$no' END as _###KEY###", ); # get list of fields to display $extrafrom = ""; foreach($this->struct as $key=>$row) { if ( ($row['display_in_list'] != 0 || $row['display_in_form'] != 0) && $row['not_in_db'] == 0 ) { if ($row['select'] != '') $key = $row['select']; if ($row['extrafrom'] != '') $extrafrom = $extrafrom . " " . $row['extrafrom'] . "\n"; if (isset($colformat[$row['type']])) { $select_cols[] = str_replace('###KEY###', $key, $colformat[$row['type']] ); } else { $select_cols[] = $key; } } } $cols = join(',', $select_cols); $table = table_by_key($this->db_table); if (is_array($condition)) { $where = db_where_clause($condition, $this->struct); } else { if ($condition == "") $condition = '1=1'; $where = " WHERE $condition "; } if ($this->domain_field != "") { $where .= " AND " . db_in_clause($this->domain_field, $this->allowed_domains); } $query = "SELECT $cols FROM $table $extrafrom $where ORDER BY " . $this->id_field; $result = db_query($query); $db_result = array(); if ($result['rows'] != 0) { while ($row = db_assoc ($result['result'])) { $db_result[$row[$this->id_field]] = $row; } } $db_result = $this->read_from_db_postprocess($db_result); return $db_result; } protected function read_from_db_postprocess($db_result) { return $db_result; } /** * get the values of an item * @param array or string $condition * @return bool - true if at least one item was found * The data is stored in $this->return (as associative array of column => value) * error messages (if any) are stored in $this->errormsg */ public function view($errors=true) { $result = $this->read_from_db(array($this->id_field => $this->id) ); if (count($result) == 1) { $this->return = $result[$this->id]; return true; } if ($errors) $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read($this->msg['error_does_not_exist']); # $this->errormsg[] = $result['error']; return false; } /** * get a list of one or more items with all values * @param array or string $condition * @return bool - true if at least one item was found * The data is stored in $this->return (as array of rows, each row is an associative array of column => value) */ public function getList($condition) { $result = $this->read_from_db($condition); if (count($result) >= 1) { $this->return = $result; return true; } # $this->errormsg[] = Lang::read($this->msg['error_does_not_exist']); # $this->errormsg[] = $result['error']; return false; } /************************************************************************** * functions to read protected variables */ public function getStruct() { return $this->struct; } public function getId_field() { return $this->id_field; } /** * @return return value of previously called method */ public function result() { return $this->return; } /************************************************************************** * functions for basic input validation */ function _inp_num($field, $val) { $valid = is_numeric($val); if ($val < -1) $valid = false; if (!$valid) $this->errormsg[$field] = "$field must be numeric"; return $valid; # return (int)($val); } function _inp_bool($field, $val) { if ($val == "0" || $val == "1") return true; $this->errormsg[$field] = "$field must be boolean"; return false; # return $val ? db_get_boolean(true): db_get_boolean(false); } function _inp_enum($field, $val) { if(in_array($val, $this->struct[$field]['options'])) return true; $this->errormsg[$field] = "Invalid parameter given for $field"; return false; } function _inp_password($field, $val){ # TODO: fetchmail specific. Not suited for mailbox/admin passwords. $this->errormsg[$field] = "_inp_password not implemented yet"; return false; # return base64_encode($val); } } /* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */