This file is not exhaustive. Please feel free to add yourself and a summary of changes to this file at the bottom if creating a pull request. Postfixadmin was originally written by Mischa Peters Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 High5! Licensed under GPL for more info check GPL-LICENSE.TXT Additional authors: 2004/07/13 David Osborn strict, processes domain level aliases, more subroutines, send reply from original to address 2004/11/09 David Osborn Added syslog support Slightly better logging which includes messageid Avoid infinite loops with domain aliases 2005-01-19 Troels Arvin PostgreSQL-version. Normalized DB schema from one vacation table ("vacation") to two ("vacation", "vacation_notification"). Uses referential integrity CASCADE action to simplify cleanup when a user is no longer on vacation. Inserting variables into queries stricly by prepare() to try to avoid SQL injection. International characters are now handled well. 2005-01-21 Troels Arvin Uses the Email::Valid package to avoid sending notices to obviously invalid addresses. 2007-08-15 David Goodwin Use the Perl Mail::Sendmail module for sending mail Check for headers that start with blank lines (patch from forum) 2007-08-20 Martin Ambroz Added initial Unicode support 2008-05-09 Fabio Bonelli Properly handle failed queries to vacation_notification. Fixed log reporting. 2008-07-29 Patch from Luxten to add repeat notification after timeout. See: 2008-08-01 Luigi Iotti Use envelope sender/recipient instead of using From: and To: header fields; Support to good vacation behavior as in (needs to be tested); 2008-08-04 David Goodwin Use Log4Perl Added better testing (and -t option) 2009-06-29 Stevan Bajic Add Mail::Sender for SMTP auth + more flexibility 2009-07-07 Stevan Bajic Add better alias lookups Check for more heades from Anti-Virus/Anti-Spam solutions 2009-08-10 Sebastian Adjust SQL query for vacation timeframe. It is now possible to set from/until date for vacation message. 2012-04-1 Nikolaos Topp Add configuration parameter $smtp_client in order to get mails through postfix helo-checks, using check_helo_access whitelist without permitting 'localhost' default style stuff 2012-04-19 Jan Kruis change SQL query for vacation into function. Add sub get_interval() Gives the user the option to set the interval time ( 0 = one reply, 1 = autoreply, > 1 = Delay reply ) See 2012-06-18 Christoph Lechleitner Add capability to include the subject of the original mail in the subject of the vacation message. A good vacation subject could be: 'Re: $SUBJECT' Also corrected log entry about "Already informed ..." to show the $orig_from, not $email 2017-07-14 Thomas Kempf Replacing deprecated Mail::Sender by Email::Sender Add configuration parameter $no_vacation_pattern in order to exlude specific alias-recipients from sending vacation mails, even if one or multiple of the recipients the alias points to has vacation currently active.