assertNotEmpty($hash); $this->assertNotEquals('test', $hash); $this->assertEquals($hash, _pacrypt_md5crypt('test', $hash)); } public function testCrypt() { // E_NOTICE if we pass in '' for the salt $hash = _pacrypt_crypt('test', 'sa'); $this->assertNotEmpty($hash); $this->assertNotEquals('test', $hash); $this->assertEquals($hash, _pacrypt_crypt('test', $hash)); } public function testMySQLEncrypt() { if (!db_mysql()) { $this->markTestSkipped('Not using MySQL'); } $hash = _pacrypt_mysql_encrypt('test'); sleep(1); $hash2 = _pacrypt_mysql_encrypt('test'); $this->assertNotEquals($hash, $hash2); $this->assertNotEmpty($hash); $this->assertNotEquals('test', $hash); $this->assertNotEquals('test', $hash2); $this->assertEquals( $hash, _pacrypt_mysql_encrypt('test', $hash), "test should encrypt to : $hash ..." ); } public function testAuthlib() { global $CONF; // too many options! foreach ( [ 'md5raw' => '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6', 'md5' => 'CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g==', // crypt requires salt ... 'SHA' => 'qUqP5cyxm6YcTAhz05Hph5gvu9M=' ] as $flavour => $hash) { $CONF['authlib_default_flavour'] = $flavour; $stored = "{" . $flavour . "}$hash"; $hash = _pacrypt_authlib('test', $stored); $this->assertEquals($hash, $stored, "Hash: $hash vs Stored: $stored"); //var_dump("Hash: $hash from $flavour"); } } public function testPacryptDovecot() { global $CONF; if (!file_exists('/usr/bin/doveadm')) { $this->markTestSkipped("No /usr/bin/doveadm"); } $CONF['encrypt'] = 'dovecot:SHA1'; $expected_hash = '{SHA1}qUqP5cyxm6YcTAhz05Hph5gvu9M='; $this->assertEquals($expected_hash, _pacrypt_dovecot('test', '')); $this->assertEquals($expected_hash, _pacrypt_dovecot('test', $expected_hash)); } public function testPhpCrypt() { global $CONF; $config = Config::getInstance(); Config::write('encrypt', 'php_crypt:MD5'); $CONF = Config::getInstance()->getAll(); $expected = '$1$z2DG4z9d$jBu3Cl3BPQZrkNqnflnSO.'; $enc = _pacrypt_php_crypt('foo', $expected); $this->assertEquals($enc, $expected); $fail = _pacrypt_php_crypt('bar', $expected); $this->assertNotEquals($fail, $expected); } public function testPhpCryptRandomString() { $str1 = _php_crypt_random_string('abcdefg123456789', 2); $str2 = _php_crypt_random_string('abcdefg123456789', 2); $str3 = _php_crypt_random_string('abcdefg123456789', 2); $this->assertNotEmpty($str1); $this->assertNotEmpty($str2); $this->assertNotEmpty($str3); // it should be difficult for us to get three salts of the same value back... // not impossible though. $this->assertFalse( strcmp($str1, $str2) == 0 && strcmp($str1, $str3) == 0 ); } }