_welcome(); $CONF = Config::read('all'); } /** * Displays a header for the shell * * @access protected */ function _welcome() { $this->out("\nWelcome to Postfixadmin-CLI v" . $this->Dispatch->version); $this->out("---------------------------------------------------------------"); $this->out('Path: '. PATH); $this->hr(); } /** * Show help for this shell. * * @access public */ function help() { $head = "Usage: postfixadmin-cli alias [
] [] [-m ]\n"; $head .= "-----------------------------------------------\n"; $head .= "Parameters:\n\n"; $commands = array( 'task' => "\t\n" . "\t\tAvailable values:\n\n". "\t\t".sprintf("%-20s %s", "view: ", "View an existing alias.")."\n". "\t\t".sprintf("%-20s %s", "add: ", "Adds an alias.")."\n". "\t\t".sprintf("%-20s %s", "update: ", "Updates an alias.")."\n". "\t\t".sprintf("%-20s %s", "delete: ", "Deletes an alias")."\n", 'address' => "\t[
]\n" . "\t\tA address of recipient.\n", ); $this->out($head); if (!isset($this->args[1])) { foreach ($commands as $cmd) { $this->out("{$cmd}\n\n"); } } elseif (isset($commands[low($this->args[1])])) { $this->out($commands[low($this->args[1])] . "\n\n"); } else { $this->out("Command '" . $this->args[1] . "' not found"); } } } class AddTask extends Shell { /** * Execution method always used for tasks * * @access public */ function execute() { if (empty($this->args)) { $this->__interactive(); } if (!empty($this->args[0])) { $this->__handle($this->args[0], $this->args[1]); } } /** * Interactive * * @access private */ function __interactive() { while(0==0) { $question = "Enter address:"; $address = $this->in($question); if(preg_match("/^((?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][\.\-\+_]?)*)[a-zA-Z0-9])+)\@((?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][\.\-_]?){0,62})[a-zA-Z0-9])+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,6})$/", $address) == 1) break; $this->err("Invalid emailaddress"); } while(0==0) { $question = "Forward to:"; $random = $this->in($question); if(preg_match("/^((?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][\.\-\+_]?)*)[a-zA-Z0-9])+)\@((?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][\.\-_]?){0,62})[a-zA-Z0-9])+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,6})$/", $address) == 1) break; $this->err("Invalid emailaddress"); } $this->__handle($address, $goto); } /** * Interactive * * @access private */ function __handle($address, $goto) { $handler = new AliasHandler($address); $return = $handler->add($goto); if($return == 1) { $this->err(join("\n", $handler->errormsg)); } else { $this->out(""); $this->out("Alias ( $address -> $goto ) generated."); $this->hr(); } return; } /** * Displays help contents * * @access public */ function help() { $this->hr(); $this->out("Usage: postfixadmin-cli user add
[] [-g]"); $this->hr(); $this->out('Commands:'); $this->out("\n\tadd\n\t\tAdds mailbox in interactive mode."); $this->out("\n\tadd
[] [-g] \n\t\tAdds mailbox for
with password of if -g with rand pw. in MB."); $this->out(""); $this->_stop(); } } class UpdateTask extends Shell { /** * Execution method always used for tasks * * @access public */ function execute() { if (empty($this->args)) { $this->help(); //$this->__interactive(); } if (!empty($this->args[0])) { $this->help(); } } /** * Interactive * * @access private */ function __interactive() { } /** * Displays help contents * * @access public */ function help() { $this->hr(); $this->out("Not Implemented yet! If you want to change a password use the password command."); /*$this->out("Usage: postfixadmin-cli user update "); //$this->hr(); //$this->out('Commands:'); //$this->out("\n\tmodel\n\t\tbakes model in interactive mode."); //$this->out("\n\tmodel \n\t\tbakes model file with no associations or validation"); //$this->out("");*/ $this->_stop(); } } class DeleteTask extends Shell { /** * Execution method always used for tasks * * @access public */ function execute() { if (empty($this->args)) { $this->help(); //$this->__interactive(); } if (!empty($this->args[0])) { $this->help(); // $output = $this->__handle($this->args[0]); // $this->out($output); } } /** * Interactive * * @access private */ function __interactive() { $question[] = "Which Address do you want to view?"; $address = $this->in(join("\n", $question)); $question = "Do you really want to delete mailbox of '$address'?"; $create = $this->in($question, array('y','n')); $create == 'y' ? $random = true : $random = false; if ($create) $this->__handle($address); } /** * Interactive * * @access private */ function __handle($address) { $handler = new UserHandler($address); $status = $handler->delete(); if ($status == 0) { $this->out("Mailbox of '$address' was deleted."); } else { $this->err(join("\n", $handler->errormsg)); } return; } /** * Displays help contents * * @access public */ function help() { $this->hr(); $this->out("NOT implemented yet."); //$this->out("Usage: postfixadmin-cli user model "); //$this->hr(); //$this->out('Commands:'); //$this->out("\n\tdelete\n\t\tdeletes mailbox in interactive mode."); //$this->out("\n\tdelete
\n\t\tdeletes mailbox with address
"); //$this->out(""); $this->_stop(); } } class PasswordTask extends Shell { /** * Execution method always used for tasks * * @access public */ function execute() { if (empty($this->args)) { $this->__interactive(); } if (!empty($this->args[0])) { $address = $this->args[0]; if (isset($this->params['g']) && $this->params['g'] == true ) { $random = true; $password = NULL; } elseif (isset($this->args[1]) && length($this->args[1]) > 8) { $password = $this->args[1]; } else { $this->Dispatch->stderr('Missing or -g. Falling back to interactive mode.'); $this->__interactive(); } $this->__handle($address, $password, $random); } } /** * Interactive * * @access private */ function __interactive() { while(0==0) { $question = "Which address' password do you want to change?"; $address = $this->in($question); if(preg_match("/^((?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][\.\-\+_]?)*)[a-zA-Z0-9])+)\@((?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][\.\-_]?){0,62})[a-zA-Z0-9])+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,6})$/", $address) == 1) break; $this->err("Invalid emailaddress"); } $question2[] = "Do you want to change the password?"; $question2[] = "Are you really sure?"; $sure = $this->in(join("\n", $question2), array('y','n')); if ($sure == 'n' ) { $this->out('You\'re not sure.'); $this->_stop(); } $question = "Do you want to generate a random password?"; $random = $this->in($question, array('y','n')); $random == 'y' ? $random = true : $random = false; $password = NULL; if ($random == false) { $question = "Pleas enter the new password?"; $password = $this->in($question); } var_dump($random); $this->__handle($address, $password, $random); } /** * Interactive * * @access private */ function __handle($address, $password = NULL, $random = false) { if ($random == true) { $password = generate_password(); } if ($password != NULL) { $handler = new UserHandler($address); if ($handler->change_pw($password, NULL, false) == 1){ $this->error("Change Password",join("\n", $handler->errormsg)); } } $this->out(""); $this->out("Password updated."); $this->hr(); $this->out(sprintf('The Mail address is %20s', $address)); $this->out(sprintf('The new password is %20s',$password)); $this->hr(); return ; } /** * Displays help contents * * @access public */ function help() { $this->out(""); $this->hr(); $this->out("Usage: postfixadmin-cli user password
[] [-g]"); $this->hr(); $this->out('Commands:'); $this->out("\n\tpassword\n\t\tchanges the password in interactive mode."); $this->out("\n\tpassword
[] [-g]\n\t\tchanges the password to or if -g genereate a new pw for
"); $this->out(""); $this->_stop(); } } class ViewTask extends Shell { /** * Execution method always used for tasks * * @access public */ function execute() { if (empty($this->args)) { $this->__interactive(); } if (!empty($this->args[0])) { $this->__handle($this->args[0]); } } /** * Interactive * * @access private */ function __interactive() { $question[] = "Which Alias do you want to view?"; $address = $this->in(join("\n", $question)); $this->__handle($address); } /** * Interactive * * @access private */ function __handle($address) { $handler = new AliasHandler($address); $status = $handler->get($address); if ($status == 0) { $result = $handler->return; $this->out(sprintf("Entries for: %s\n", $address)); $this->out("Goto: \t"); foreach($result AS $goto) { $this->out("\t -> ".$goto); } } return; } /** * Displays help contents * * @access public */ function help() { $this->out(""); $this->hr(); $this->out("Usage: postfixadmin-cli user view
"); $this->hr(); $this->out('Commands:'); $this->out("\n\tview\n\t\tView user. Select address in interactive mode."); $this->out("\n\tview
\n\t\tView user with address
"); $this->out(""); $this->_stop(); } }