try migrating to pdo

David Goodwin 5 years ago
parent eb61141d2f
commit ea33d9951a

@ -268,11 +268,13 @@ function check_domain($domain) {
function get_password_expiration_value($domain) {
$table_domain = table_by_key('domain');
$domain = escape_string($domain);
$query = "SELECT password_expiry FROM $table_domain WHERE domain='$domain'";
$result = db_query($query);
$password_expiration_value = db_assoc($result['result']);
return $password_expiration_value['password_expiry'];
$query = "SELECT password_expiry FROM $table_domain WHERE domain= :domain";
$result = db_prepared_fetch_one($query, array('domain' => $domain));
if(is_array($result) && isset($result['password_expiry'])) {
return $result['password_expiry'];
return null;
@ -531,12 +533,10 @@ function create_page_browser($idxfield, $querypart) {
# get number of rows
$query = "SELECT count(*) as counter FROM (SELECT $idxfield $querypart) AS tmp";
$result = db_query($query);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
$row = db_assoc($result['result']);
$count_results = $row['counter'] -1; # we start counting at 0, not 1
$result = db_prepared_fetch_one($query);
if ($result && isset($result['counter'])) {
$count_results = $result['counter'] -1; # we start counting at 0, not 1
# echo "<p>rows: " . ($count_results +1) . " --- $query";
if ($count_results < $page_size) {
return array(); # only one page - no pagebrowser required
@ -583,16 +583,17 @@ function create_page_browser($idxfield, $querypart) {
# afterwards: DROP SEQUENCE foo
$result = db_query($query);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
while ($row = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
if ($row2 = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
$label = substr($row['label'], 0, $label_len) . '-' . substr($row2['label'], 0, $label_len);
$pagebrowser[] = $label;
} else { # only one row remaining
$label = substr($row['label'], 0, $label_len);
$pagebrowser[] = $label;
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all($query);
foreach($result as $k => $row) {
if(isset($result[$k + 1])) {
$row2 = $result[$k + 1];
$label = substr($row['label'], 0, $label_len) . '-' . substr($row2['label'], 0, $label_len);
else {
$label = substr($row['label'], 0, $label_len);
$pagebrowser[] = $label;
if (db_pgsql()) {
@ -625,15 +626,17 @@ function divide_quota($quota) {
function check_owner($username, $domain) {
$table_domain_admins = table_by_key('domain_admins');
$E_username = escape_string($username);
$E_domain = escape_string($domain);
$result = db_query("SELECT 1 FROM $table_domain_admins WHERE username='$E_username' AND (domain='$E_domain' OR domain='ALL') AND active='1'");
if ($result['rows'] == 1 || $result['rows'] == 2) { # "ALL" + specific domain permissions is possible
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all(
"SELECT 1 FROM $table_domain_admins WHERE username= ? AND (domain = ? OR domain = 'ALL') AND active = ?" ,
array($username, $domain, db_get_boolean(true))
if(sizeof($result) == 1 || sizeof($result) == 2) { # "ALL" + specific domain permissions is possible
# TODO: if superadmin, check if given domain exists in the database
return true;
} else {
if ($result['rows'] > 2) { # more than 2 results means something really strange happened...
if (sizeof($result) > 2) { # more than 2 results means something really strange happened...
flash_error("Permission check returned multiple results. Please go to 'edit admin' for your username and press the save "
. "button once to fix the database. If this doesn't help, open a bugreport.");
@ -649,6 +652,7 @@ function check_owner($username, $domain) {
* @return array of domain names.
function list_domains_for_admin($username) {
$table_domain = table_by_key('domain');
$table_domain_admins = table_by_key('domain_admins');
@ -659,30 +663,40 @@ function list_domains_for_admin($username) {
$query = "SELECT $table_domain.domain FROM $table_domain ";
$condition[] = "$table_domain.domain != 'ALL'";
$result = db_query("SELECT username FROM $table_domain_admins WHERE username='$E_username' AND domain='ALL'");
if ($result['rows'] < 1) { # not a superadmin
$pvalues = array();
$result = db_prepared_fetch_one("SELECT username FROM $table_domain_admins WHERE username= :username AND domain='ALL'", array('username' => $username));
if (empty($result)) { # not a superadmin
$pvalues['username'] = $username;
$pvalues['active'] = db_get_boolean(true);
$pvalues['backupmx'] = db_get_boolean(false);
$query .= " LEFT JOIN $table_domain_admins ON $table_domain.domain=$table_domain_admins.domain ";
$condition[] = "$table_domain_admins.username='$E_username' ";
$condition[] = "$'" . db_get_boolean(true) . "'"; # TODO: does it really make sense to exclude inactive...
$condition[] = "$table_domain.backupmx='" . db_get_boolean(false) . "'"; # TODO: ... and backupmx domains for non-superadmins?
$condition[] = "$table_domain_admins.username = :username ";
$condition[] = "$ = :active "; # TODO: does it really make sense to exclude inactive...
$condition[] = "$table_domain.backupmx = :backupmx" ; # TODO: ... and backupmx domains for non-superadmins?
$query .= " WHERE " . join(' AND ', $condition);
$query .= " ORDER BY $table_domain.domain";
$list = array();
$result = db_query($query);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
$i = 0;
while ($row = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
$list[$i] = $row['domain'];
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all($query, $pvalues);
return array_column($result, 'domain');
if(!function_exists('array_column')) {
function array_column(array $array, $column) {
$retval = array();
foreach($array as $row) {
$retval[] = $row[$column];
return $retval;
return $list;
* List all available domains.
@ -692,15 +706,11 @@ function list_domains() {
$list = array();
$table_domain = table_by_key('domain');
$result = db_query("SELECT domain FROM $table_domain WHERE domain!='ALL' ORDER BY domain");
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
$i = 0;
while ($row = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
if (is_array($row)) {
$list[$i] = $row['domain'];
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all("SELECT domain FROM $table_domain WHERE domain!='ALL' ORDER BY domain");
$i = 0;
foreach($result as $row) {
$list[$i] = $row['domain'];
return $list;
@ -929,14 +939,13 @@ function _pacrypt_mysql_encrypt($pw, $pw_db) {
// this is apparently useful for pam_mysql etc.
$pw = escape_string($pw);
if ($pw_db!="") {
$salt=escape_string(substr($pw_db, 0, 2));
$res=db_query("SELECT ENCRYPT('".$pw."','".$salt."');");
$values = array('pw' => $pw_db, 'salt' => substr($pw_db, 0, 2));
$res = db_prepared_fetch_one("SELECT ENCRYPT(:pw,:salt) as result", $values);
} else {
$res=db_query("SELECT ENCRYPT('".$pw."');");
$res= db_prepared_fetch_one("SELECT ENCRYPT(:pw) as result", array('pw' => $pw));
$l = db_row($res["result"]);
$password = $l[0];
return $password;
return $res['result'];
function _pacrypt_authlib($pw, $pw_db) {
@ -1460,7 +1469,7 @@ EOF;
* array($link, $error_text);
* @param bool $ignore_errors
* @return resource|mysqli|SQLite3 connection to db
* @return PDO
function db_connect() {
list($link, $_) = db_connect_with_errors();
@ -1485,70 +1494,42 @@ function db_connect_with_errors() {
$link = 0;
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql") {
if (function_exists("mysql_connect")) {
$link = @mysql_connect($CONF['database_host'], $CONF['database_user'], $CONF['database_password']) or $error_text .= ("<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Connect: " . mysql_error() . "$DEBUG_TEXT");
if ($link) {
@mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8", $link);
@mysql_query("SET COLLATION_CONNECTION='utf8_general_ci'", $link);
@mysql_select_db($CONF['database_name'], $link) or $error_text .= ("<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />MySQL Select Database: " . mysql_error() . "$DEBUG_TEXT");
} else {
$error_text .= "<p>DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />MySQL 3.x / 4.0 functions not available! (php5-mysql installed?)<br />database_type = 'mysql' in, are you using a different database? $DEBUG_TEXT";
} elseif ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli") {
$is_connected = false;
if ($CONF['database_use_ssl']) {
if (function_exists("mysqli_real_connect")) {
$link = mysqli_init();
$link->ssl_set($CONF['database_ssl_key'], $CONF['database_ssl_cert'], $CONF['database_ssl_ca'], $CONF['database_ssl_ca_path'], $CONF['database_ssl_cipher']);
$connected = mysqli_real_connect($link, $CONF['database_host'], $CONF['database_user'], $CONF['database_password'], $CONF['database_name'], $CONF['database_port']);
$is_connected = $connected;
} else {
$error_text .= "<p>DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />MySQLi 5 functions not available! (php5-mysqli installed?)<br />database_type = 'mysqli' in, are you using a different database? $DEBUG_TEXT";
} else {
if (function_exists("mysqli_connect")) {
$link = @mysqli_connect($CONF['database_host'], $CONF['database_user'], $CONF['database_password'], $CONF['database_name'], $CONF['database_port'], $CONF['database_socket']) or $error_text .= ("<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Connect: " . mysqli_connect_error() . "$DEBUG_TEXT");
$is_connected = $link;
} else {
$error_text .= "<p>DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />MySQL 4.1 functions not available! (php5-mysqli installed?)<br />database_type = 'mysqli' in, are you using a different database? $DEBUG_TEXT";
if ($is_connected && $link instanceof mysqli) {
@mysqli_query($link, "SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
@mysqli_query($link, "SET COLLATION_CONNECTION='utf8_general_ci'");
} elseif (db_sqlite()) {
if (class_exists("SQLite3")) {
if ($CONF['database_name'] == '' || !is_dir(dirname($CONF['database_name'])) || !is_writable(dirname($CONF['database_name']))) {
$error_text .= ("<p>DEBUG INFORMATION<br />Connect: given database path does not exist, is not writable, or \$CONF['database_name'] is empty.");
} else {
$link = new SQLite3($CONF['database_name']) or $error_text .= ("<p />DEBUG INFORMATION<br />Connect: failed to connect to database. $DEBUG_TEXT");
if ($link instanceof SQLite3) {
$link->createFunction('base64_decode', 'base64_decode');
} else {
$error_text .= "<p>DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />SQLite functions not available! (php5-sqlite installed?)<br />database_type = 'sqlite' in, are you using a different database? $DEBUG_TEXT";
$options = [
$username_password = true;
if (db_mysql()) {
$dsn = "mysql:host={$CONF['database_host']};dbname={$CONF['database_name']};charset=UTF8";
if (Config::bool('database_use_ssl')) {
$options[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA] = Config::read_string('database_ssl_ca');
$options[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CAPATH] = Config::read_string('database_ssl_ca_path');
$options[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT] = Config::read_string('database_ssl_cert');
$options[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CIPHER] = Config::read_string('database_ssl_cipher');
$queries[] = 'SET CHARACTER SET utf8';
$queries[] = "SET COLLATION_CONNECTION='utf8_general_ci'";
elseif (db_sqlite()) {
$dsn = "sqlite:{$CONF['database_name']}";
$username_password = false;
} elseif (db_pgsql()) {
if (function_exists("pg_pconnect")) {
if (!isset($CONF['database_port'])) {
$CONF['database_port'] = '5432';
$connect_string = "host=" . $CONF['database_host'] . " port=" . $CONF['database_port'] . " dbname=" . $CONF['database_name'] . " user=" . $CONF['database_user'] . " password=" . $CONF['database_password'];
$link = @pg_pconnect($connect_string) or $error_text .= ("<p>DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Connect: failed to connect to database. $DEBUG_TEXT");
if ($link) {
pg_set_client_encoding($link, 'UNICODE');
} else {
$error_text .= "<p>DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />PostgreSQL functions not available! (php5-pgsql installed?)<br />database_type = 'pgsql' in, are you using a different database? $DEBUG_TEXT";
if (!isset($CONF['database_port'])) {
$CONF['database_port'] = '5432';
$dsn = "pgsql:host={$CONF['database_host']};port={$CONF['database_port']};dbname={$CONF['database_name']};charset=UTF8";
} else {
$error_text = "<p>DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Invalid \$CONF['database_type']! Please fix your! $DEBUG_TEXT";
if($username_password) {
$link = new PDO($dsn, Config::read_string('database_user'), Config::read_string('database_pass'), $options);
else {
$link = new PDO($dsn, null, null, $options);
return array($link, $error_text);
@ -1650,147 +1631,97 @@ function db_sqlite() {
* @param string $query SQL to execute
* @param int $ignore_errors (default 0 aka do not ignore errors)
* @return array ['result' => resource, 'rows' => int ,'error' => string]
* @param string $sql
* @param array $values
* @return array
function db_query($query, $ignore_errors = 0) {
global $CONF;
global $DEBUG_TEXT;
$result = "";
$number_rows = "";
function db_prepared_fetch_all($sql, array $values = array()) {
$r = db_prepared_query($sql, $values);
return $r['result']->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
* @param string $sql
* @param array $values
* @return array
function db_prepared_fetch_one($sql, array $values = array()) {
$r = db_prepared_query($sql, $values);
return $r['result']->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
function db_prepared_insert($sql, array $values = array()) {
$link = db_connect();
$error_text = "";
if ($ignore_errors) {
$error_text = '';
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql" && is_resource($link)) {
$result = @mysql_query($query, $link) or $error_text = "Invalid query: " . mysql_error($link);
try {
$stmt = $link->prepare($sql);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli" && $link instanceof mysqli) {
$result = @mysqli_query($link, $query) or $error_text = "Invalid query: " . mysqli_error($link);
if (db_sqlite() && $link instanceof SQLite3) {
$result = @$link->query($query) or $error_text = "Invalid query: " . $link->lastErrorMsg();
catch(PDOException $e) {
$error_text = "Invalid query: " . $e->getMessage() . " caused by " . $sql ;
if (db_pgsql() && is_resource($link)) {
/* @var resource $link */
$result = @pg_query($link, $query) or $error_text = "Invalid query: " . pg_last_error();
return $stmt->rowCount();
* @param string $sql
* @param array $values
* @param bool $ignore_errors - set to true to ignore errors.
* @return array e.g. ['result' => PDOStatement, 'error' => string ]
function db_prepared_query($sql, array $values = array(), $ignore_errors = false) {
$link = db_connect();
$error_text = '';
try {
$stmt = $link->prepare($sql);
if ($error_text != "" && $ignore_errors == 0) {
catch(PDOException $e) {
$error_text = "Invalid query: " . $e->getMessage() . " caused by " . $sql ;
error_log("caused by query: $query");
die("<p>DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />$error_text <p>Check your error_log for the failed query. $DEBUG_TEXT");
if ($error_text == "") {
if (db_sqlite() && $result instanceof SQLite3Result && $link instanceof SQLite3) {
/* @var SQLite3Result $result */
/* @var SQLite3 $link */
if ($result->numColumns()) {
// Query returned something
$num_rows = 0;
while (@$result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
$number_rows = $num_rows;
} else {
$number_rows = $link->changes();
} elseif (preg_match("/^SELECT/i", trim($query))) {
/* @var resource $result */
// if $query was a SELECT statement check the number of rows with [database_type]_num_rows ().
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql" && is_resource($result)) {
$number_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli" && $result instanceof mysqli_result) {
$number_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
if (db_pgsql() && is_resource($result)) {
$number_rows = pg_num_rows($result);
} else {
/* @var resource $result */
// if $query was something else, UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT check the number of rows with
// [database_type]_affected_rows ().
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql" && is_resource($link)) {
$number_rows = mysql_affected_rows($link);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli" && $link instanceof mysqli) {
$number_rows = mysqli_affected_rows($link);
if (db_pgsql() && is_resource($result)) {
$number_rows = pg_affected_rows($result);
if(!$ignore_errors) {
die("DEBUG INFORMATION: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/> Check your error_log for the failed query");
$return = array(
"result" => $result,
"rows" => $number_rows,
"error" => $error_text
return array(
"result" => $stmt,
"error" => $error_text,
return $return;
* @param string $query SQL to execute
* @param int $ignore_errors (default 0 aka do not ignore errors)
* @return array ['result' => resource, 'rows' => int ,'error' => string]
function db_query($query, $ignore_errors = 0)
return db_prepared_query($query, array(), $ignore_errors == 0);
// db_row
// Action: Returns a row from a table
// Call: db_row (int result)
* Returns numerically indexed array.
* @param resource|mysqli_result|SQLite3Result $result
* @return array
function db_row($result) {
global $CONF;
$row = "";
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql" && is_resource($result)) {
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli" && $result instanceof mysqli_result) {
$row = mysqli_fetch_row($result);
if (db_sqlite() && $result instanceof SQLite3Result) {
$row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM);
if (db_pgsql() && is_resource($result)) {
$row = pg_fetch_row($result);
if (!is_array($row)) {
return array();
return $row;
* Get an associative array from a DB query resource.
* @param mixed $result - either resource or SQLite3Result depending on DB type chosen.
* @param PDOStatement $result
* @return array
function db_assoc($result) {
global $CONF;
$row = [];
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql" && is_resource($result)) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli" && $result instanceof mysqli_result) {
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
if (db_sqlite() && $result instanceof SQLite3Result) {
$row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
if (db_pgsql() && is_resource($result)) {
$row = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
function db_assoc(PDOStatement $result) {
$row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!is_array($row)) {
$row = [];
@ -1812,17 +1743,14 @@ function db_assoc($result) {
function db_delete($table, $where, $delete, $additionalwhere='') {
$table = table_by_key($table);
$query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE $where ='" . escape_string($delete) . "' " . $additionalwhere;
$result = db_query($query);
$query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE $where = ? $additionalwhere";
return db_prepared_insert($query, [$delete]);
if ($result['rows'] >= 1) {
return $result['rows'];
} else {
return 0;
* db_insert
* Action: Inserts a row from a specified table
@ -1836,10 +1764,6 @@ function db_delete($table, $where, $delete, $additionalwhere='') {
function db_insert($table, array $values, $timestamp = array('created', 'modified')) {
$table = table_by_key($table);
foreach (array_keys($values) as $key) {
$values[$key] = "'" . escape_string($values[$key]) . "'";
foreach ($timestamp as $key) {
if (db_sqlite()) {
$values[$key] = "datetime('now')";
@ -1866,9 +1790,27 @@ function db_insert($table, array $values, $timestamp = array('created', 'modifie
$sql_values = "(" . implode(",", array_keys($values)) .") VALUES (". implode(",", $values).")";
$result = db_query("INSERT INTO $table $sql_values");
return $result['rows'];
$value_string = '';
$comma = '';
$prepared_statment_values = $values;
foreach($values as $field => $value) {
if(in_array($field, $timestamp)) {
$value_string .= $comma . $value; // see above.
else {
$value_string .= $comma . ":{$field}";
$comma = ',';
return db_prepared_insert(
"INSERT INTO $table (" . implode(",", array_keys($values)) .") VALUES ($value_string)",
@ -1884,57 +1826,48 @@ function db_insert($table, array $values, $timestamp = array('created', 'modifie
* @return int - number of updated rows
function db_update($table, $where_col, $where_value, $values, $timestamp = array('modified')) {
$where = $where_col . " = '" . escape_string($where_value) . "'";
return db_update_q($table, $where, $values, $timestamp);
* db_update_q
* Action: Updates a specified table
* Call: db_update_q (string table, string where, array values [, array timestamp])
* @param string $table - table name
* @param string $where - WHERE condition (as SQL)
* @param array $values - key/value map of data to insert into the table.
* @param array $timestamp (optional) - array of fields to set to now() - default: array('modified')
* @return int - number of updated rows
function db_update_q($table, $where, $values, $timestamp = array('modified')) {
global $CONF;
$table_key = table_by_key($table);
$sql_values = array();
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
$sql_values[$key] = $key . "='" . escape_string($value) . "'";
$sql = "UPDATE $table_key SET ";
foreach ($timestamp as $key) {
if (db_sqlite()) {
$sql_values[$key] = escape_string($key) . "=datetime('now')";
} else {
$sql_values[$key] = escape_string($key) . "=now()";
$set = array();
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
if(in_array($key, $timestamp)) {
if(db_sqlite()) {
$set[] = " $key = datetime('now') ";
else {
$set[] = " $key = now() ";
else {
$set[] = " $key = :$key ";
$pvalues[$key] = $value;
/* @todo this needs refactoring/moving out from here */
if (Config::bool('password_expiration')) {
if ($table == 'mailbox' && preg_match('/@/', $where)) {
$where_type = explode('=', $where);
$email = ($where_type[1]);
if ($table == 'mailbox' && preg_match('/@/', $where_value)) {
$email = $where_value;
$domain_dirty = explode('@',$email)[1];
$domain = substr($domain_dirty, 0, -1);
$password_expiration_value = get_password_expiration_value($domain);
$key = 'password_expiry';
$sql_values[$key] = $key . " = now() + interval " . $password_expiration_value . " day";
$set[] = " $key = now() + interval {$password_expiration_value} day";
$sql="UPDATE $table_key SET " . implode(",", $sql_values) . " WHERE $where";
$result = db_query($sql);
if (array_key_exists('rows', $result)) {
return $result['rows'];
return 0;
$pvalues['where'] = $where_value;
$sql="UPDATE $table_key SET " . implode(",", $set) . " WHERE $where_col = :where";
return db_prepared_insert($sql, $pvalues);
@ -2105,16 +2038,12 @@ function check_db_version($error_out = true) {
$table = table_by_key('config');
$sql = "SELECT value FROM $table WHERE name = 'version'";
$r = db_query($sql);
$dbversion = 0;
$row = db_prepared_fetch_one($sql);
if ($r['rows'] == 1) {
$row = db_assoc($r['result']);
if (isset($row['value'])) {
$dbversion = (int) $row['value'];
} else {
if (isset($row['value'])) {
$dbversion = (int) $row['value'];
else {
db_query("INSERT INTO $table (name, value) VALUES ('version', '0')", 0);
@ -2141,13 +2070,11 @@ function gen_show_status($show_alias) {
$table_alias = table_by_key('alias');
$stat_string = "";
$show_alias = escape_string($show_alias);
$stat_goto = "";
$stat_result = db_query("SELECT goto FROM $table_alias WHERE address='$show_alias'");
if ($stat_result['rows'] > 0) {
$row = db_row($stat_result['result']);
$stat_goto = $row[0];
$stat_result = db_prepared_fetch_all("SELECT goto FROM $table_alias WHERE address=?", [$show_alias]);
if (sizeof($stat_result) > 0) {
$stat_goto = $stat_result[0]['goto'];
$delimiter_regex = null;
@ -2175,11 +2102,21 @@ function gen_show_status($show_alias) {
list($local_part, $stat_domain) = explode('@', $g);
$v = array();
$stat_delimiter = "";
$sql = "SELECT address FROM $table_alias WHERE address = ? OR address = ?";
$v[] = $g;
$v[] = '@' . $stat_domain;
if (!empty($CONF['recipient_delimiter']) && isset($delimiter_regex)) {
$stat_delimiter = "OR address = '" . escape_string(preg_replace($delimiter_regex, "@", $g)) . "'";
$v[] = preg_replace($delimiter_regex, "@", $g);
$sql .= " OR address = ? ";
$stat_result = db_query("SELECT address FROM $table_alias WHERE address = '" . escape_string($g) . "' OR address = '@" . escape_string($stat_domain) . "' $stat_delimiter");
$stat_result = db_prepared_query($sql, $v);
if (array_key_exists('rows', $stat_result) && $stat_result['rows'] == 0) {
$stat_ok = 0;
@ -2198,7 +2135,7 @@ function gen_show_status($show_alias) {
// Vacation CHECK
if ( $CONF['show_vacation'] == 'YES' ) {
$stat_result = db_query("SELECT * FROM ". $CONF['database_tables']['vacation'] ." WHERE email = '" . $show_alias . "' AND active = '" . db_get_boolean(true) . "'") ;
$stat_result = db_prepared_query("SELECT * FROM ". $CONF['database_tables']['vacation'] ." WHERE email = ? AND active = ? ", array($show_alias, db_get_boolean(true) )) ;
if ($stat_result['rows'] == 1) {
$stat_string .= "<span style='background-color:" . $CONF['show_vacation_color'] . "'>" . $CONF['show_status_text'] . "</span>&nbsp;";
} else {
@ -2208,7 +2145,10 @@ function gen_show_status($show_alias) {
// Disabled CHECK
if ( $CONF['show_disabled'] == 'YES' ) {
$stat_result = db_query("SELECT * FROM ". $CONF['database_tables']['mailbox'] ." WHERE username = '" . $show_alias . "' AND active = '" . db_get_boolean(false) . "'");
$stat_result = db_prepared_query(
"SELECT * FROM ". $CONF['database_tables']['mailbox'] ." WHERE username = ? AND active = ?",
array($show_alias, db_get_boolean(false))
if ($stat_result['rows'] == 1) {
$stat_string .= "<span style='background-color:" . $CONF['show_disabled_color'] . "'>" . $CONF['show_status_text'] . "</span>&nbsp;";
} else {
@ -2223,7 +2163,7 @@ function gen_show_status($show_alias) {
$now = "datetime('now')";
$stat_result = db_query("SELECT * FROM ". $CONF['database_tables']['mailbox'] ." WHERE username = '" . $show_alias . "' AND password_expiry <= $now AND active = '" . db_get_boolean(true) . "'");
$stat_result = db_prepared_query("SELECT * FROM ". $CONF['database_tables']['mailbox'] ." WHERE username = ? AND password_expiry <= ? AND active = ?", array( $show_alias , $now , db_get_boolean(true) ));
if ($stat_result['rows'] == 1) {
$stat_string .= "<span style='background-color:" . $CONF['show_expired_color'] . "'>" . $CONF['show_status_text'] . "</span>&nbsp;";

@ -479,11 +479,11 @@ class MailboxHandler extends PFAHandler {
return false;
} else {
$table_mailbox = table_by_key('mailbox');
$query = "SELECT SUM(quota) FROM $table_mailbox WHERE domain = '" . escape_string($domain) . "'";
$query .= " AND username != '" . escape_string($this->id) . "'";
$result = db_query($query);
$row = db_row($result['result']);
$cur_quota_total = divide_quota($row[0]); # convert to MB
$query = "SELECT SUM(quota) as sum FROM $table_mailbox WHERE domain = ? AND username != ?";
$rows = db_prepared_fetch_all($query, array($domain, $this->id));
$cur_quota_total = divide_quota($rows[0]['sum']); # convert to MB
if (($quota + $cur_quota_total) > $limit['quota']) {
$rval = false;
} else {

@ -725,15 +725,11 @@ abstract class PFAHandler {
$query .= " LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset ";
$result = db_query($query);
$db_result = array();
if ($result['rows'] != 0) {
while ($row = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
if (is_array($row)) {
$db_result[$row[$this->id_field]] = $row;
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all($query);
foreach($result as $row) {
$db_result[$row[$this->id_field]] = $row;
$db_result = $this->read_from_db_postprocess($db_result);
@ -818,18 +814,17 @@ abstract class PFAHandler {
* @return boolean true on successful login (i.e. password matches etc)
public function login($username, $password) {
$username = escape_string($username);
$table = table_by_key($this->db_table);
$active = db_get_boolean(true);
$query = "SELECT password FROM $table WHERE " . $this->id_field . "='$username' AND active='$active'";
$query = "SELECT password FROM $table WHERE {$this->id_field} = :username AND active = :active";
$values = array('username' => $username, 'active' => $active);
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all($query,$values);
if (sizeof($result) == 1) {
$row = $result[0];
$result = db_query($query);
if ($result['rows'] == 1) {
$row = db_assoc($result['result']);
if (!is_array($row)) {
return false;
$crypt_password = pacrypt($password, $row['password']);
if ($row['password'] == $crypt_password) {
@ -866,19 +861,17 @@ abstract class PFAHandler {
* @return boolean true on success (i.e. code matches etc)
public function checkPasswordRecoveryCode($username, $token) {
$username = escape_string($username);
$table = table_by_key($this->db_table);
$active = db_get_boolean(true);
$query = "SELECT token FROM $table WHERE " . $this->id_field . "='$username' AND token <> '' AND active='$active' AND NOW() < token_validity";
$result = db_query($query);
if ($result['rows'] == 1) {
$row = db_assoc($result['result']);
$query = "SELECT token FROM $table WHERE {$this->id_field} = :username AND token <> '' AND active = :active AND NOW() < token_validity";
$values = array('username' => $username, 'active' => $active);
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all($query, $values);
if(sizeof($result) == 1) {
$row = $result[0];
if (!is_array($row)) {
return false;
$crypt_token = pacrypt($token, $row['token']);
if ($row['token'] == $crypt_token) {

@ -186,16 +186,16 @@ class VacationHandler extends PFAHandler {
* will return false if no existing data
public function get_details() {
$table_vacation = table_by_key('vacation');
$E_username = escape_string($this->username);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_vacation WHERE email = '$E_username'";
$result = db_query($sql);
if ($result['rows'] != 1) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_vacation WHERE email = :username";
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all($sql, array('username' => $this->username));
if(sizeof($result) != 1) {
return false;
$row = db_assoc($result['result']);
$row = $result[0];
if (!is_array($row)) {
return false;

@ -65,8 +65,11 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET") {
$path = (ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') != '') ? ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') : '/tmp';
date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); # Suppress date.timezone warnings
$filename = "postfixadmin-" . date("Ymd") . "-" . getmypid() . ".sql";
$backup = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
// Should use mktemp() or similar.
$backup = tempnam($path, 'postfixadmin-' . date('Ymd'));
$filename = basename($backup) . '.sql';
$header = "#\n# Postfix Admin $version\n# Date: " . date("D M j G:i:s T Y") . "\n#\n";
@ -94,38 +97,39 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET") {
for ($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($tables) ; ++$i) {
$result = db_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . table_by_key($tables[$i]));
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
while ($row = db_row($result['result'])) {
fwrite($fh, "{$row[1]};\n\n");
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . table_by_key($tables[$i]));
foreach($result as $row) {
fwrite($fh, array_pop($row));
for ($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($tables) ; ++$i) {
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM " . table_by_key($tables[$i]));
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
while ($row = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
$fields = array_keys($row);
$values = array_values($row);
$values = array_map(function ($str) {
return escape_string($str);
}, $values);
fwrite($fh, "INSERT INTO ". $tables[$i] . " (". implode(',', $fields) . ") VALUES ('" . implode('\',\'', $values) . "');\n");
$fields = "";
$values = "";
// may be a large resultset?
$pdo = db_connect();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . table_by_key($tables[$i]));
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$fields = array_keys($row);
$values = array_values($row);
$values = array_map(function ($str) {
return escape_string($str);
}, $values);
fwrite($fh, "INSERT INTO ". $tables[$i] . " (". implode(',', $fields) . ") VALUES ('" . implode('\',\'', $values) . "');\n");
$fields = "";
$values = "";
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize("$backup"));
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($backup));
header("Content-Description: Postfix Admin");
$download_backup = fopen("$backup", "r");
$download_backup = fopen($backup, "r");
/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=3 tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3: */

@ -63,14 +63,8 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
if (intval(safepost('mailboxes_only')) == 0) {
$q .= " UNION SELECT goto FROM $table_alias WHERE active='" . db_get_boolean(true) . "' AND ".db_in_clause("domain", $wanted_domains)."AND goto NOT IN ($q)";
$result = db_query($q);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
while ($row = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
if (is_array($row)) {
$recipients[] = $row['username'];
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all($q);
$recipients = array_column($result, 'username');
$recipients = array_unique($recipients);

@ -220,54 +220,52 @@ if (Config::bool('used_quotas') && (! Config::bool('new_quota_table'))) {
$mailbox_pagebrowser_query = "$sql_from\n$sql_join\n$sql_where\n$sql_order" ;
$query = "$sql_select\n$mailbox_pagebrowser_query\n$sql_limit";
$result = db_query($query);
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all($query);
$tMailbox = array();
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
$delimiter = preg_quote($CONF['recipient_delimiter'], "/");
$goto_single_rec_del = "";
while ($row = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
if (!is_array($row)) {
if ($display_mailbox_aliases) {
$goto_split = explode(",", $row['goto']);
$row['goto_mailbox'] = 0;
$row['goto_other'] = array();
foreach ($goto_split as $goto_single) {
if (!empty($CONF['recipient_delimiter'])) {
$goto_single_rec_del = preg_replace('/' .$delimiter. '[^' .$delimiter. '@]*@/', "@", $goto_single);
if ($goto_single == $row['username'] || $goto_single_rec_del == $row['username']) { # delivers to mailbox
$row['goto_mailbox'] = 1;
} elseif (Config::bool('vacation') && strstr($goto_single, '@' . $CONF['vacation_domain'])) { # vacation alias - TODO: check for full vacation alias
# skip the vacation alias, vacation status is detected otherwise
} else { # forwarding to other alias
$row['goto_other'][] = $goto_single;
$delimiter = preg_quote($CONF['recipient_delimiter'], "/");
$goto_single_rec_del = "";
foreach($result as $row) {
if ($display_mailbox_aliases) {
$goto_split = explode(",", $row['goto']);
$row['goto_mailbox'] = 0;
$row['goto_other'] = array();
foreach ($goto_split as $goto_single) {
if (!empty($CONF['recipient_delimiter'])) {
$goto_single_rec_del = preg_replace('/' .$delimiter. '[^' .$delimiter. '@]*@/', "@", $goto_single);
if ($goto_single == $row['username'] || $goto_single_rec_del == $row['username']) { # delivers to mailbox
$row['goto_mailbox'] = 1;
} elseif (Config::bool('vacation') && strstr($goto_single, '@' . $CONF['vacation_domain'])) { # vacation alias - TODO: check for full vacation alias
# skip the vacation alias, vacation status is detected otherwise
} else { # forwarding to other alias
$row['goto_other'][] = $goto_single;
if (db_pgsql()) {
// XXX
$row['modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($row['modified']));
$row['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($row['created']));
$row['active']=('t'==$row['active']) ? 1 : 0;
if (Config::bool('vacation_control_admin')) {
if ($row['v_active'] == null) {
$row['v_active'] = 'f';
$row['v_active']=('t'==$row['v_active']) ? 1 : 0;
if (db_pgsql()) {
// XXX
$row['modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($row['modified']));
$row['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($row['created']));
$row['active']=('t'==$row['active']) ? 1 : 0;
if (Config::bool('vacation_control_admin')) {
if ($row['v_active'] == null) {
$row['v_active'] = 'f';
$row['v_active']=('t'==$row['v_active']) ? 1 : 0;
$tMailbox[] = $row;
$tMailbox[] = $row;
$alias_data['msg']['can_create'] = false;
$tCanAddMailbox = false;

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ $f_mysql_connect = function_exists("mysql_connect");
$f_mysqli_connect = function_exists("mysqli_connect");
$f_pg_connect = function_exists("pg_connect");
$f_sqlite_open = class_exists("SQLite3");
$f_pdo = class_exists('PDO');
$f_session_start = function_exists("session_start");
$f_preg_match = function_exists("preg_match");
$f_mb_encode_mimeheader = function_exists("mb_encode_mimeheader");
@ -302,8 +303,8 @@ if ($error != 0) {
if ($error == 0 && $pw_check_result == 'pass_OK') {
// XXX need to ensure domains table includes an 'ALL' entry.
$table_domain = table_by_key('domain');
$r = db_query("SELECT * FROM $table_domain WHERE domain = 'ALL'");
if ($r['rows'] == 0) {
$rows = db_prepared_fetch_all("SELECT * FROM $table_domain WHERE domain = 'ALL'");
if(empty($rows)) {
db_insert('domain', array('domain' => 'ALL', 'description' => '', 'transport' => '')); // all other fields should default through the schema.

@ -13,18 +13,15 @@ if (!isset($CONF) || !is_array($CONF)) {
* Use this to check whether an object (Table, index etc) exists within a
* Use this to check whether an object (table, index etc) exists within a
* PostgreSQL database.
* @param string the object name
* @return boolean true if it exists
function _pgsql_object_exists($name) {
$sql = "select relname from pg_class where relname = '$name'";
$r = db_query($sql);
if ($r['rows'] == 1) {
return true;
return false;
$r = db_prepared_fetch_one($sql);
return !empty($r);
@ -51,30 +48,24 @@ function _pgsql_field_exists($table, $field) {
AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
AND a.attname = '$field' ";
$r = db_query($sql);
$row = db_row($r['result']);
if ($row) {
return true;
return false;
$r = db_prepared_fetch_all($sql);
return !empty($r);
function _mysql_field_exists($table, $field) {
# $table = table_by_key($table); # _mysql_field_exists is always called with the expanded table name - don't expand it twice
$sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE '$field'";
$r = db_query($sql);
$row = db_row($r['result']);
$sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE ?";
$r = db_prepared_fetch_all($sql, array( $field));
if ($row) {
return true;
return false;
return !empty($r);
function _sqlite_field_exists($table, $field) {
$sql = "PRAGMA table_info($table)";
$r = db_query($sql);
while ($row = db_row($r['result'])) {
$r = db_prepared_fetch_all($sql);
foreach($r as $row) {
if ($row[1] == $field) {
return true;
@ -128,8 +119,7 @@ function printdebug($text) {
$table = table_by_key('config');
if ($CONF['database_type'] == 'pgsql') {
// check if table already exists, if so, don't recreate it
$r = db_query("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '$table'");
if ($r['rows'] == 0) {
if(!_pgsql_object_exists($table)) {
$pgsql = "
@ -1420,18 +1410,13 @@ function upgrade_1284_mysql_pgsql() {
# migrate the ALL domain to the superadmin column
# Note: The ALL domain is not (yet) deleted to stay backwards-compatible for now (will be done in a later upgrade function)
$result = db_query("SELECT username FROM " . table_by_key('domain_admins') . " where domain='ALL'");
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all("SELECT username FROM " . table_by_key('domain_admins') . " where domain='ALL'");
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
while ($row = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
if (!is_array($row)) {
printdebug("Setting superadmin flag for " . $row['username']);
db_update('admin', 'username', $row['username'], array('superadmin' => db_get_boolean(true)));
foreach($result as $row) {
printdebug("Setting superadmin flag for " . $row['username']);
db_update('admin', 'username', $row['username'], array('superadmin' => db_get_boolean(true)));
function upgrade_1345_mysql() {

@ -57,18 +57,22 @@ function sendCodebySMS($to, $username, $code) {
$start_time = microtime(true);
$tUsername = escape_string(safepost('fUsername'));
if (empty($tUsername) || !is_string($tUsername)) {
$username = safepost('fUsername', null);
if (empty($sername) || !is_string($username)) {
die("fUsername field required");
$tUsername = escape_string($username);
$handler = $context === 'admin' ? new AdminHandler : new MailboxHandler;
$token = $handler->getPasswordRecoveryCode($tUsername);
if ($token !== false) {
$table = table_by_key($context === 'users' ? 'mailbox' : 'admin');
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE username='$tUsername'");
$row = db_assoc($result['result']);
$row = db_prepared_fetch_one("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE username= :username", array('username' => $username));
// $row must exist unless there's a race condition?
$email_other = isset($row['email_other']) ? trim($row['email_other']) : null;
$phone = isset($row['phone']) ? trim($row['phone']) : null;

@ -61,18 +61,17 @@ if ($error != 1) {
$table_log = table_by_key('log');
$page_size = isset($CONF['page_size']) ? intval($CONF['page_size']) : 35;
$query = "SELECT timestamp,username,domain,action,data FROM $table_log WHERE domain='$fDomain' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $page_size";
$query = "SELECT timestamp,username,domain,action,data FROM $table_log WHERE domain= :domain ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $page_size";
if (db_pgsql()) {
$query = "SELECT extract(epoch from timestamp) as timestamp,username,domain,action,data FROM $table_log WHERE domain='$fDomain' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $page_size";
$query = "SELECT extract(epoch from timestamp) as timestamp,username,domain,action,data FROM $table_log WHERE domain= :domain ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $page_size";
$result = db_query($query);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
while ($row = db_assoc($result['result'])) {
if (is_array($row) && db_pgsql()) {
$row['timestamp'] = gmstrftime('%c %Z', $row['timestamp']);
$tLog[] = $row;
$result = db_prepared_fetch_all($query, array('domain' => $fDomain));
foreach($result as $row) {
if (is_array($row) && db_pgsql()) {
$row['timestamp'] = gmstrftime('%c %Z', $row['timestamp']);
$tLog[] = $row;

@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ require_once('common.php');
class CheckOwnerTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
public function testBasic() {
$check = check_owner('', '');
$this->assertFalse($check, "there should be no entries in as it's an invalid/non-existant domain");

@ -3,8 +3,20 @@
class DbBasicTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
private $test_domain;
public function setUp() {
$db = db_connect();
$test_domain = 'test' . uniqid() . '.com';
$this->test_domain = $test_domain;
$db->exec("DELETE FROM domain WHERE domain = '$test_domain'");
public function testInsertDeleteDomain() {
$domain = "test". uniqid() . '.com';
$domain = $this->test_domain;
$username = 'testusername' . uniqid();
@ -12,7 +24,7 @@ class DbBasicTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
array('domain' => $domain, 'description' => '', 'transport' => '', 'password_expiry' => 99)
array('domain' => $domain, 'description' => 'test', 'transport' => '', 'password_expiry' => 99)
@ -33,12 +45,16 @@ class DbBasicTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase {
$ret = db_query("SELECT * FROM mailbox WHERE username = '$username'");
$ret = db_prepared_fetch_one("SELECT * FROM mailbox WHERE username = :username", array('username' => $username));
$this->assertEquals(1, $ret['rows']);
$data = db_assoc($ret['result']);
$this->assertEquals($ret['name'], 'blah updated');
$this->assertEquals($data['name'], 'blah updated');
$this->assertEquals(0, db_delete('mailbox', 'username', 'blahblahinvalid'));
$this->assertEquals(1, db_delete('mailbox', 'username', $username));
$this->assertEquals(1, db_delete('domain', 'domain', $domain));

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../common.php');
$CONF['default_language'] = 'en';
$CONF['language_hook'] = '';
$db_file = '/tmp/postfixadmin.sqlite.test';
$db_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/postfixadmin.sqlite.test';
$CONF['database_type'] = 'sqlite';
$CONF['database_name'] = $db_file;
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Config::write('database_type', 'sqlite');
Config::write('database_name', $db_file);
if (file_exists($db_file)) {
//if (file_exists($db_file)) {
// unlink($db_file);
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../public/upgrade.php');
