edit-vacation.php: fix handling of empty goto field; fix handling of vacation editing if done by "someone else"

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/postfixadmin/code/trunk@115 a1433add-5e2c-0410-b055-b7f2511e0802
David Goodwin 17 years ago
parent 2ffb2ef3e6
commit c1c97bc77d

@ -37,22 +37,28 @@
$SESSID_USERNAME = authentication_get_username();
if($CONF['vacation'] == 'NO') {
header("Location: " . $CONF['postfix_admin_url'] . "/main.php");
$vacation_domain = $CONF['vacation_domain'];
$vacation_goto = preg_replace('/@/', '#', $SESSID_USERNAME);
$vacation_goto = $vacation_goto . '@' . $vacation_domain;
$SESSID_USERNAME = authentication_get_username();
$tmp = preg_split ('/@/', $SESSID_USERNAME);
$USERID_DOMAIN = $tmp[1];
if (isset ($_GET['username'])) $fUsername = escape_string ($_GET['username']);
if (isset ($_GET['domain'])) $fDomain = escape_string ($_GET['domain']);
// only allow admins to change someone else's 'stuff'
if(authentication_has_role('admin')) {
if (isset($_GET['username'])) $fUsername = escape_string ($_GET['username']);
if (isset($_GET['domain'])) $fDomain = escape_string ($_GET['domain']);
else {
$fUsername = $SESSID_USERNAME;
$fDomain = $USERID_DOMAIN;
$vacation_domain = $CONF['vacation_domain'];
$vacation_goto = preg_replace('/@/', '#', $fUsername);
$vacation_goto = $vacation_goto . '@' . $vacation_domain;
$fCanceltarget = $CONF['postfix_admin_url'] . '/main.php';
@ -69,6 +75,7 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET")
$tUseremail = $fUsername;
$tDomain = $fDomain;
if ($tSubject == '') { $tSubject = $PALANG['pUsersVacation_subject_text']; }
if ($tBody == '') { $tBody = $PALANG['pUsersVacation_body_text']; }
@ -82,14 +89,14 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
if (isset ($_POST['fChange'])) $fChange = escape_string ($_POST['fChange']);
if (isset ($_POST['fBack'])) $fBack = escape_string ($_POST['fBack']);
if (isset ($_GET['domain'])) {
if(authentication_has_role('admin') && isset($_GET['domain'])) {
$fDomain = escape_string ($_GET['domain']);
else {
$fDomain = $USERID_DOMAIN;
if (isset ($_GET['username'])) {
$fUsername = escape_string ($_GET['username']);
if(authentication_has_role('admin') && isset ($_GET['username'])) {
$fUsername = escape_string($_GET['username']);
else {
$fUsername = authentication_get_username();
@ -117,12 +124,17 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
$row = db_array ($result['result']);
$goto = $row['goto'];
//only one of these will do something, first handles address at beginning and middle, second at end
$goto= preg_replace ( "/$vacation_goto,/", '', $goto);
$goto= preg_replace ( "/,$vacation_goto/", '', $goto);
$result = db_query ("UPDATE $table_alias SET goto='$goto',modified=NOW() WHERE address='$fUsername'");
$goto= preg_replace ( "/$vacation_goto/", '', $goto);
if($goto == '') {
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table_alias WHERE address = '$fUsername'";
else {
$sql = "UPDATE $table_alias SET goto='$goto',modified=NOW() WHERE address='$fUsername'";
$result = db_query($sql);
if ($result['rows'] != 1)
$error = 1;
@ -142,18 +154,22 @@ if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
$row = db_array ($result['result']);
$goto = $row['goto'];
($CONF['database_type']=='pgsql') ? $Active='true' : $Active=1;
$Active = db_get_boolean(True);
$result = db_query ("INSERT INTO $table_vacation (email,subject,body,domain,created,active) VALUES ('$fUsername','$fSubject','$fBody','$fDomain',NOW(),$Active)");
if ($result['rows'] != 1)
$error = 1;
$goto = $goto . "," . $vacation_goto;
$result = db_query ("UPDATE $table_alias SET goto='$goto',modified=NOW() WHERE address='$fUsername'");
if($goto == '') {
$goto = $vacation_goto;
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table_alias (goto, address, domain, modified) VALUES ('$goto', '$fUsername', '$fDomain', NOW())";
else {
$goto = $goto . "," . $vacation_goto;
$sql = "UPDATE $table_alias SET goto='$goto',modified=NOW() WHERE address='$fUsername'";
$result = db_query ($sql);
if ($result['rows'] != 1)
$error = 1;
@ -173,7 +189,6 @@ else {
$tMessage = $PALANG['pVacation_result_error'];
$tUseremail = $SESSID_USERNAME;
include ("$incpath/templates/header.tpl");
if (authentication_has_role('global-admin')) {
include ("$incpath/templates/admin_menu.tpl");
