
- added form to create setup password hash. It will be displayed if
  a) no setup password is defined yet
  b) the "lost password" link was clicked
- moved checks for empty and too short passwort into check_setup_password()
- added an optional $lostpw_mode parameter to check_setup_password() which
  causes slightly different behaviour (enforces generation of new hash, even
  if the password would match)
- changed check_password_setup() return value to array($error, $message)
- moved displaying $tMessage above the form - it is more useful there.
- removed "see" notice from password field in "create superadmin" 
  form - this hint doesn't help much with the hashed password ;-)
- TODO: The if statements to decide which form to display is quite difficult
  (and will become unreadable in case we need another form ;-)
  We should think about a better way to select the form to display...
  (maybe flash_error / flash_info + redirect?)

- added missing <p> tag

git-svn-id: a1433add-5e2c-0410-b055-b7f2511e0802
Christian Boltz 15 years ago
parent 13aa17f463
commit 5ec73b7044

@ -302,23 +302,27 @@ else
$pAdminCreate_admin_password_text = "";
$tUsername = '';
$tMessage = '';
$lostpw_error = 0;
$setuppw = "";
if (isset($CONF['setup_password'])) $setuppw = $CONF['setup_password'];
# ensure setup password is correct
if (safepost('setup_password') == "" ) {
$error += 1;
$tMessage = "Setup password must be specified<br />If you didn't set up a setup password yet, enter the password you want to use.";
} elseif (strlen(safepost('setup_password')) < $CONF['min_password_length']) {
$error += 1;
$tMessage = "The setup password you entered is too short. Please choose a better one.";
if (safepost("form") == "setuppw") {
# "setup password" form submitted
if (safepost('setup_password') != safepost('setup_password2')) {
$tMessage = "The two passwords differ!";
$lostpw_error = 1;
} else {
$pw_check_result = check_setup_password(safepost('setup_password'));
if ($pw_check_result != 'pass_OK') {
$error += 1;
$tMessage = $pw_check_result;
list ($lostpw_error, $lostpw_result) = check_setup_password(safepost('setup_password'), 1);
$tMessage = $lostpw_result;
$setuppw = "changed";
} elseif (safepost("form") == "createadmin") {
# "create admin" form submitted
list ($pw_check_error, $pw_check_result) = check_setup_password(safepost('setup_password'));
if ($pw_check_result != 'pass_OK') {
$error += 1;
$tMessage = $pw_check_result;
if($error == 0 && $pw_check_result == 'pass_OK') {
@ -338,21 +342,52 @@ else
if (isset ($_POST['fUsername'])) $tUsername = escape_string ($_POST['fUsername']);
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET" || $error != 0)
if ( ($setuppw == "" || $setuppw == "changeme" || safeget("lostpw") == 1 || $lostpw_error != 0) /* && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != "POST" */ ) {
# show "create setup password" form
<div class="standout"><?php print $tMessage; ?></div>
<div id="edit_form">
<form name="setuppw" method="post" action="setup.php">
<input type="hidden" name="form" value="setuppw" />
<td colspan="3"><h3>Change setup password</h3></td>
<td>Setup password</td>
<td><input class="flat" type="password" name="setup_password" value="" /></td>
<td>Setup password (again)</td>
<td><input class="flat" type="password" name="setup_password2" value="" /></td>
<td colspan="3" class="hlp_center"><input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="Generate password hash" /></td>
} elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET" || $error != 0 || $lostpw_error == 0) {
<div class="standout"><?php print $tMessage; ?></div>
<div id="edit_form">
<form name="create_admin" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="form" value="createadmin" />
<td colspan="3"><h3>Create superadmin account</h3></td>
<td>Setup password (see</td>
<td>Setup password</td>
<td><input class="flat" type="password" name="setup_password" value="" /></td>
<td><a href="setup.php?lostpw=1">Lost password?</a></td>
<td><?php print $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_username'] . ":"; ?></td>
@ -372,9 +407,6 @@ else
<td colspan="3" class="hlp_center"><input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php print $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_button']; ?>" /></td>
<td colspan="3" class="standout"><?php print $tMessage; ?></td>
@ -401,22 +433,42 @@ function encrypt_setup_password($password, $salt) {
return $salt . ':' . sha1($salt . ':' . $password);
function check_setup_password($password) {
returns: array(
'error' => 0 (or 1),
'message => text
function check_setup_password($password, $lostpw_mode = 0) {
global $CONF;
$error = 1; # be pessimistic
$setuppw = "";
if (isset($CONF['setup_password'])) $setuppw = $CONF['setup_password'];
list($confsalt, $confpass, $trash) = explode(':', $setuppw . '::');
$pass = encrypt_setup_password($password, $confsalt);
if ($pass == $setuppw) { # correct passsword
if ($password == "" ) { # no password specified?
$result = "Setup password must be specified<br />If you didn't set up a setup password yet, enter the password you want to use.";
} elseif (strlen($password) < $CONF['min_password_length']) { # password too short?
$result = "The setup password you entered is too short. Please choose a better one.";
} elseif ($pass == $setuppw && $lostpw_mode == 0) { # correct passsword (and not asking for a new password)
$result = "pass_OK";
$error = 0;
} else {
$pass = encrypt_setup_password($password, generate_setup_password_salt());
$result = '<p><b>Setup password not specified correctly</b></p>';
$result = "";
if ($lostpw_mode == 1) {
$error = 0; # non-matching password is expected when the user asks for a new password
} else {
$result = '<p><b>Setup password not specified correctly</b></p>';
$result .= '<p>If you want to use the password you entered as setup password, edit and set</p>';
$result .= "<pre>\$CONF['setup_password'] = '$pass';</pre>";
return $result;
return array ($error, $result);
/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */

@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ function _do_upgrade($current_version) {
$target_version = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', '$Revision$');
if ($current_version >= $target_version) {
# already up to date
echo "Database is up to date";
# already up to date
echo "<p>Database is up to date</p>";
return true;
