delete some outdated and no longer needed files in snippets/ :

- snippets/baseclass.php
- snippets/fetchmail-class.php
- snippets/fetchmail-remaining.php
- snippets/model.php
- snippets/user_controller.php
- snippets/user_model.php

git-svn-id: a1433add-5e2c-0410-b055-b7f2511e0802
Christian Boltz 11 years ago
parent ee90f4a74e
commit 4fb4ee264a

@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
# template for all postfixadmin classes (admins, domains, mailboxes etc.)
# What it DOES:
# * handling of listing (database -> array)
# * handling of editing/adding items (database -> variables for item-to-edit and variables -> database)
# * input validation for editing/adding items
# * permission checks
# * accepts / returns data as variables/arrays
# What it DOES NOT:
# * rendering of lists -> table_class
# * rendering of edit forms -> form_class
# * output HTML etc.
class postfixadminBaseclass {
protected function __construct() {
> ^^ What's name() trying to do?
The intention was to use it as basename for generating links (to the "add new",
"edit" and "list" pages). However, I'm not sure if this should be really inside
the class, since it has to do with HTML rendering.
-> removal candidate, I'll comment it out in my draft
# name, also used for generating links
public function name($listmode=0) {
# usually:
return "baseclass";
# for "virtual" list vs. "mailbox" editing
# if ($listmode == 0) {
# return "mailbox";
# } else {
# return "virtual";
# }
# database table name (ensures that add/edit doesn't need to be overwritten
# in modules only using one table, just overwrite $table)
private $table = "baseclass";
# * [read-only] table structure as array (like $fm_struct in
# fetchmail.php)
private $struct;
protected function initStruct() {
$this->struct = array(
# see fetchmail.php / $fm_struct for an example
public function getStruct() {
return $this->struct;
# [read-only] default values and available values for dropdowns
private $defaults;
protected function initDefaults() {
$this->defaults = array(
# see fetchmail.php / $fm_defaults for an example
public function getDefaults() {
return $this->defaults;
# primary key
private $primarykey = 'id';
# * function get_list() (for list view)
# * function get_list_for_domain() (for list view)
# - both get_list* should have an optional $search parameter
# -> I decided to merge this to one function
# -> "list" is a reserved word, switched to "items"
# $filter can contain several parameters to filter the list.
# All parameters in $filter are optional.
# $filter = array(
# 'domain' -> "",
# 'admin' -> "",
# 'search -> "",
# 'offset' -> 0,
# 'limit' -> -1, # unlimited
# )
public function items (array $filter) {
# TODO: implement $filter handling
# TODO: never include password fields in the result
$items = array();
$res = db_query ("SELECT " . implode(",",escape_string(array_keys($this->struct))) . " FROM " . $this->table . " order by id desc");
if ($res['rows'] > 0) {
while ($row = db_array ($res['result'])) {
$items[] = $row;
return $items;
# * function get_item() (current values, for edit form)
public function item ($key) {
# get item from database
# return array (key -> value)
# * function edit() (called when submitting the edit form)
# parameters given as array with named keys
public function edit ($key, array $newvalues) {
self::addOrEdit($key, $newvalues, 0);
# * function add() (basically like edit())
public function add (array $newvalues) {
# TODO: fill $key from $newvalues (if a mail address etc. is used as key)
# or set it to NULL if the primary key is an auto_increment ID
self::addOrEdit($key, $newvalues, 1);
# handles add and edit calls internally
protected function addOrEdit($primarykey, array $newvalues, $mode) {
# mode: 0 = edit, 1 = new
# calls: [TODO]
# - [non-public] function validate_by_type() (simple check against
# field type given in table structure)
# -> see fetchmail.php _inp_*()
# -> also check that only allowed fields are set
# - [non-public] function validate_special() (other checks that are
# not covered by type check)
# - save to database
# - logging
foreach($this->struct as $key=>$row){
list($editible,$viewinedit, $view,$type)=$row;
if ($editible != 0){
if ($type!="password" || strlen($val) > 0) { # skip on empty (aka unchanged) password
$formvars[$key]= escape_string( function_exists($func) ?$func($val) :$val);
$formvars['id'] = $edit; # results in 0 on $new
if($CONF['database_type'] == 'pgsql' && $new) {
// skip - shouldn't need to specify this as it will default to the next available value anyway.
if (!in_array($formvars['mailbox'], $$this->defaults['mailbox'])) {
$save = 0;
if ($formvars['src_server'] == '') {
# TODO: validate domain name
$save = 0;
if (empty($formvars['src_user']) ) {
$save = 0;
if ($new && empty($formvars['src_password']) ) {
$save = 0;
if ($save) {
if ($new) {
$sql="INSERT INTO fetchmail (".implode(",",escape_string(array_keys($formvars))).") VALUES ('".implode("','",escape_string($formvars))."')";
} else { # $edit
foreach(array_keys($formvars) as $key) {
$formvars[$key] = escape_string($key) . "='" . escape_string($formvars[$key]) . "'";
$sql="UPDATE fetchmail SET ".implode(",",$formvars).",returned_text='', date=NOW() WHERE id=".$edit;
$result = db_query ($sql);
if ($result['rows'] != 1)
} else {
$edit = 0; $new = 0; # display list after saving
} else {
$formvars['src_password'] = ''; # never display password
# * function delete()
public function deleteItem($key) {
$result = db_delete($this->table, $this->primarykey, $key);
if ($result != 1)
} else {
# - logging
protected function _inp_num($val){
return (int)($val);
protected function _inp_bool($val){
return $val ? db_get_boolean(true): db_get_boolean(false);
protected function _inp_password($val){
return base64_encode($val);
# * [non-public] check_domain_permission() (check if the admin has
# permissions for this domain)
# * [non-public] check_other_permission() (check other permissions, for
# example if editing mailbox aliases is allowed)
# * other non-public functions as needed - target should be to have most
# code in the common class and as least as possible in the
# mailbox/alias/whatever class.
# -> this also means that functions should be split into subparts where needed
# Usecases:
# Pseudo example:
# Mailbox object:
# -> login($u, $p);
# -> addMailbox($name, $domain)
# -> deleteMailbox($name, [$domain]);
# -> updateMailbox($assoc_array_of_params);
# Vacation object:
# -> setAway($msg, $mailbox);
# -> setReturned($mailbox);
# -> isEnabled($mailbox);
# Domain object:
# -> addNewDomain($name, $other, $parameters);
# -> listDomains();
# -> addMailbox($name);
# Alias object:
# -> addNewAlias($source, $dest);
# -> listAliasesForDomain($domain_name, $paging, $parameters);
# -> removeAlias($source, $dest);
# Admin object:
# -> list admins
# -> list domains for admin
# -> create admin
# -> add domain to admin
# Since you already propose separate objects for mailbox, domain etc,
# I'd prefer to have common names like "add", "edit", "delete".
# replacement for name() in HTML mode
# $pages = array(
# 'domains' -> 'domain',
# 'virtual' -> array('alias_domain', 'alias', 'mailbox'),
# );
/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
class pfaFetchmail extends postfixadminBaseclass {
private $table = "fetchmail";
protected function initStruct() {
$extraopts = boolconf('fetchmail_extra_options');
$display_status = 1;
if ($new || $edit) $display_status = 0;
$this->struct = array(
// list($editible,$viewinedit,$view,$type)
# field allow display in display type
# name editing? add/edit? in list?
"id" => array( 0, 0, 0, 'id' ),
"mailbox" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'enum' ),
"src_server" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'text' ),
"src_auth" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'enum' ),
"src_user" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'text' ),
"src_password" => array( 1, 1, 0, 'password' ),
"src_folder" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'text' ),
"poll_time" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'num' ),
"fetchall" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'bool' ),
"keep" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'bool' ),
"protocol" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'enum' ),
"ssl" => array( 1, 1, 1, 'bool' ),
"extra_options" => array( $extraopts, $extraopts, $extraopts, 'longtext' ),
"mda" => array( $extraopts, $extraopts, $extraopts, 'longtext' ),
"date" => array( 0, 0, 1, 'text' ),
"returned_text" => array( 0, 0, 1, 'longtext' ),
) ;
protected function initDefaults() {
$this->defaults = array(
"id" => 0,
"mailbox" => array(), # filled below
"poll_time" => 10,
"src_auth" =>
"protocol" =>
$list_domains = list_domains_for_admin ($SESSID_USERNAME);
# $user_domains=implode(", ",array_values($list_domains)); # for displaying
$user_domains_sql=implode("','",escape_string(array_values($list_domains))); # for SQL
$sql="SELECT username FROM mailbox WHERE domain in ('".$user_domains_sql."')"; # TODO: replace with domain selection dropdown
$res = db_query ($sql);
if ($res['rows'] > 0){
while ($name = db_array ($res['result'])){
$this->defaults["mailbox"][] = $name["username"];
} else {
$this->defaults["mailbox"][]=$SESSID_USERNAME; # TODO: Does this really make sense? Or should we display a message "please create a mailbox first!"?
/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
# XXX This file is what is left from fetchmail.php after moving everything to fetchmail-class.php and the baseclass.
# XXX It's more or less a TODO list ;-)
# XXX Note that templates/fetchmail.php is not yet converted to a class.
# import control GET/POST variables. Form values are imported below.
$new = (int) safeget ("new") == 1 ? 1:0;
$edit = (int) safeget ("edit");
$delete = (int) safeget ("delete");
$save = safepost("save") != "" ? 1:0;
$cancel = safepost("cancel") != "" ? 1:0;
# labels and descriptions are taken from $PALANG['pFetchmail_field_xxx'] and $PALANG['pFetchmail_desc_xxx']
# TODO: After pressing save or cancel in edit form, date and returned text are not displayed in list view.
# TODO: Reason: $display_status is set before $new and $edit are reset to 0.
# TODO: Fix: split the "display field?" column into "display in list" and "display in edit mode".
$SESSID_USERNAME = authentication_get_username();
$row_id = 0;
if ($delete) {
$row_id = $delete;
} elseif ($edit) {
$row_id = $edit;
if ($row_id) {
$result = db_query ("SELECT ".implode(",",escape_string(array_keys($fm_struct)))." FROM fetchmail WHERE id=" . $row_id);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
$edit_row = db_array ($result['result']);
$account = $edit_row['src_user'] . " @ " . $edit_row['src_server'];
$edit_row_domain = explode('@', $edit_row['mailbox']);
if ($result['rows'] <= 0 || !check_owner($SESSID_USERNAME, $edit_row_domain[1])) { # owner check for $edit and $delete
flash_error(sprintf($PALANG['pFetchmail_error_invalid_id'], $row_id));
$edit = 0; $delete = 0;
if ($cancel) { # cancel $new or $edit
} elseif ($delete) { # delete an entry
} elseif ( ($edit || $new) && $save) { # $edit or $new AND save button pressed
} elseif ($edit) { # edit entry form
$formvars = $edit_row;
$formvars['src_password'] = '';
} elseif ($new) { # create entry form
foreach (array_keys($fm_struct) as $value) {
if (isset($fm_defaults[$value])) {
$formvars[$value] = $fm_defaults[$value];
} else {
$formvars[$value] = '';
include ("./templates/header.php");
include ("./templates/menu.php");
include ("./templates/fetchmail.php");
include ("./templates/footer.php");
/* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=3 tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3: */

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
class Model {
public $errormsg = array();
protected $table;
protected $columns = array();
protected $values = array();
* id of database entry
* @access private
protected $id;
protected $column_id;
public function save() {
$db = new Database;
#Pseudecode if new
$db->insert( $this->table, $this->values );
#pseudocode else
$db->update( $this->table, $this->id, $this->values );
public function load( $parameter = array() ) {
$sql = '';
$db = new Database;
if (array_key_exists( 'where', $parameter) ) {
$w = $parameters['where']; # where = array('column', 'value' )
$sql .= " WHERE $w[0] = $w[1]";
} elseif ( array_key_exists('limit', $parameter ) ) {
$l = $parameter['limit']; # limit = array(start, length)
$sql .= " LIMIT $l[0], $l[1]";
$this->query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM \{ $this->table \} $sql");
public function delete( $parameter = array() ) {
public function Assoc() {
$db = new Database();
return $db->getAssoc($this->query);
public function Array() {
$db = new Database();
return $db->getArray($this->query);
public function Object() {
$db = new Database();
return $db->getObject($this->query);
public function Row() {
$db = new Database();
return $db->getRow($this->query);
//No closing tag only in index.php
//index.php needs drupal like path syntax like ?q=domain/new or ?q=domain/ or ?q=domain/
//which loads the needed controller and view.

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
class UserController extends Controller {
public function view($id = NULL) {
if ($id != NULL) {
$this->User->load( array( 'where' => array( $this->User->coloumn_id, $id ) ) );
} else {
//function for sending the layout the arg $this->User->Assoc();
//return $this->User->Assoc();
public function edit($id) {
if($id == NULL) {
$this->errormsg[] = 'The User is nonexistent.';
return false;
$this->User->load(array( 'where' => array( $this->User->coloumn_id, $id )));
//function for sending the layout the arg $this->User->Assoc();
//bla bla smarty stuff for getting the values
//$this->User->values = array('', 'hased HMAC_MD5 PW', 'Fritz', '/home/fritz/maildir', 51200000, 'fritz', '', '{[CREATED]}', '{[MODIFIED]}'); {} = Model should replace something, [] = constant not tablenames
if( ! $this->User->save() ) {
$this->errormsg[] = "The data can't be saved.";
return false;
//redirect to view($id)
public function add() {
//only if $_POST of $_GET
//bla bla smarty stuff for filling the values
//$this->User->values = array('', 'hased HMAC_MD5 PW', 'Fritz', '/home/fritz/maildir', 51200000, 'fritz', '', '{[CREATED]}', '{[MODIFIED]}'); {} = Model should replace something, [] = constant not tablenames
if( ! $this->User->save() ) {
$this->errormsg[] = "The data can't be saved.";
return false;
//redirect to view($id)
public function delete($id) {
public function activate() {
public function deactivate() {

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
class UserModel extends Model {
public function __construct() {
$this->table = 'mailbox';
$this->columns = array('username' => array('varchar(255)', false),
'password' => array('varchar(255)', false),
'name' => array('varchar(255)', false),
'maildir' => array('varchar(255)', false),
'quota' => array('bigint', false, 0),
'local_part' => array('varchar(255)', false),
'domain' => array('varchar(255)', false),
'created' => array('datetime', false),
'modified' => array('datetime', false),
'active' => array('tinyint(1)', false, 1) );
$this->coloumn_id = 'username';