@ -103,21 +103,6 @@ will be fine.
For templates_c/, allow write access (only) for the web server user (e. g. www-data).
The easiest way to do this is chown -R www-data templates_c
The next 'step', is optional. Only do it, if other non-trusted users have access
to your user:
Depending on your environment, you may want to protect the database username
and password stored in config.inc.php - if so, you could move them into the
Apache configuration file (which can be set to be visible only by root) using
something like the following in your VirtualHost definition :
SetEnv DB_USER "postfix"
SetEnv DB_PASS "opensesame"
config.inc.php would then be able to access these through :
$CONF['database_user'] = $_SERVER['DB_USER']
4. Check settings, and create Admin user