Removing a backup file autoconfig-v2.js

Jacques Deguest 4 years ago
parent 7740a0d132
commit 0d10af6b5d

@ -1,908 +0,0 @@
Created on 2020-03-12
Copyright 2020 Jacques Deguest
Distributed under the same licence as Postfix Admin
const DEBUG = true;
// Credits to:
// Modified by Jacques Deguest to include other form elements:
$.fn.serializeAll = function(options)
return $.param(this.serializeArrayAll(options));
$.fn.serializeArrayAll = function (options)
var o = $.extend({
checkboxesAsBools: false
}, options || {});
var rselectTextarea = /select|textarea/i;
var rinput = /text|hidden|password|search|date|time|number|color|datetime|email|file|image|month|range|tel|url|week/i;
return ()
return this.elements ? $.makeArray(this.elements) : this;
.filter(function ()
return && !this.disabled &&
|| (o.checkboxesAsBools && this.type === 'checkbox')
|| rselectTextarea.test(this.nodeName)
|| rinput.test(this.type));
.map(function (i, elem)
var val = $(this).val();
return val == null ?
null :
$.isArray(val) ?
$.map(val, function (val, i)
return { name:, value: val };
}) :
value: (o.checkboxesAsBools && this.type === 'checkbox') ?
(this.checked ? 1 : 0) :
window.makeMessage = function( type, mesg )
return( sprintf( '<div class="%s">%s</div>', type, mesg ) );
window.showMessage = function()
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Called from " + ( arguments.callee.caller === null ? 'void' : ) );
var opts = {
div: $('#message'),
append: false,
dom: null,
timeout: null,
scroll: false,
timeoutCallback: null,
var msgDiv = $('#message');
if( arguments.length == 3 && typeof( arguments[2] ) === 'object' )
var param = arguments[2];
opts.type = arguments[0];
opts.message = arguments[1];
if( typeof( param.append ) !== 'undefined' ) opts.append = param.append;
if( typeof( param.dom ) !== 'undefined' ) opts.dom = param.dom;
if( typeof( param.timeout ) !== 'undefined' ) opts.timeout = param.timeout;
if( typeof( param.timeoutCallback ) !== 'undefined' ) opts.timeoutCallback = param.timeoutCallback;
if( typeof( param.scroll ) !== 'undefined' ) opts.scroll = param.scroll;
if( typeof( param.speak ) !== 'undefined' ) opts.speak = param.speak;
// Backward compatibility
else if( arguments.length >= 2 )
opts.type = arguments[0];
opts.message = arguments[1];
if( arguments.length > 2 ) opts.append = arguments[2];
if( arguments.length > 3 ) opts.dom = arguments[3];
if( arguments.length > 4 ) opts.timeout = arguments[4];
msgDiv.append( makeMessage( 'warning', "showMessage called with only " + arguments.length + " parameters while 2 at minimum are required. Usage: showMessage( type, message, append, domObject, timeout ) or showMessage( type, message, options )" ) );
return( false );
if( typeof( opts.dom ) === 'object' && opts.dom != null )
msgDiv = opts.dom;
// Check if message is an array of messages
if( Array.isArray )
if( Array.isArray( opts.message ) )
opts.messages = opts.message;
else if( opts.message instanceof( Array ) )
opts.messages = opts.message;
else if( $.isArray( opts.message ) )
opts.messages = opts.message;
// messages has been set with previous check
// Make this array a list of errors
if( opts.hasOwnProperty( 'messages' ) )
opts.message = sprintf( "<ol>\n%s\n</ol>",{ return('<li>' + e + '</li>'); }).join( "\n" ) );
if( opts.append )
msgDiv.append(makeMessage(opts.type, opts.message));
msgDiv.html(makeMessage(opts.type, opts.message));
if( opts.type == 'error' )
msgDiv.addClass( 'error-shake' );
msgDiv.removeClass( 'error-shake' );
}, 70000);
if( parseInt( opts.timeout ) > 0 )
var thisTimeout = parseInt( opts.timeout );
msgDiv.html( '' );
if( typeof( opts.timeoutCallback ) === 'function' )
msgDiv.html( '' );
if( opts.scroll )
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Scrolling to the top of the page..." );
$('html, body').animate( { scrollTop: 0 }, 500 );
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "No scrolling..." );
window.postfixAdminProgressBar = function()
var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Initiating the progress bar." );
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Called from:\n" + (new Error).stack );
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(evt)
if( evt.lengthComputable )
var percentComplete = evt.loaded /;
if( DEBUG ) console.log(percentComplete);
width: percentComplete * 100 + '%' });
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "upload.addEventListener: " + percentComplete );
if( percentComplete === 1 )
}, false);
xhr.addEventListener('progress', function(evt)
if( evt.lengthComputable )
var percentComplete = evt.loaded /;
if( DEBUG ) console.log("addEventListener: " + percentComplete);
width: percentComplete * 100 + '%' });
if( percentComplete === 1 )
}, false);
return( xhr );
window.postfixAdminProgressBarStart = function()
// $('#postfixadmin-progress').show().addClass('done');
$({property: 0}).animate({property: 85},
// Arbitrary time, which should well cover the time it takes to get response from server
// Otherwise, well our progress bar will hang at 85% until we get a call to kill it
duration: 4000,
step: function()
var _percent = Math.round( );
$('#postfixadmin-progress').css( 'width', _percent + '%' );
window.postfixAdminProgressBarStop = function()
$({property: 85}).animate({property: 105},
duration: 1000,
step: function()
var _percent = Math.round( );
$('#postfixadmin-progress').css( 'width', _percent + '%' );
if( _percent == 105 )
complete: function()
$('#postfixadmin-progress').css( 'width', '0%' );
window.autoconfigShowHideArrow = function()
// Reset. Show them all
$('table.server .autoconfig-command').show();
// Hide first and last ones
// This requires jQUery up to v3.3. Version 3.4 onward do not support :first and :last anymore
$('.autoconfig-incoming:first .autoconfig-move-up').hide();
$('.autoconfig-incoming:last .autoconfig-move-down').hide();
$('.autoconfig-outgoing:first .autoconfig-move-up').hide();
$('.autoconfig-outgoing:last .autoconfig-move-down').hide();
window.autoconfig_ajax_call = function( postData )
var prom = $.Deferred();
$this = $(this);
xhr: postfixAdminProgressBar(),
type: "POST",
url: "autoconfig.php",
dataType: "json",
data: postData,
beforeSend: function(xhr)
xhr.overrideMimeType( "application/json; charset=utf-8" );
error: function(xhr, errType, ExceptionObject)
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Returned error " + xhr.status + " with error type " + errType + " and exception object " + JSON.stringify( ExceptionObject ) );
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Current url is: " + xhr.responseURL );
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Http headers are: " + xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() );
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Response raw data is: \n" + xhr.responseText );
// There was a redirect most likely due to some timeout
// if( xhr.getResponseHeader( 'Content-Type' ).toLowerCase().indexOf( 'text/html' ) >= 0 )
// {
// window.location.reload();
// return( true );
// }
var msg = 'An unexpected error has occurred';
showMessage( 'error', msg, { scroll: true });
$this.addClass( 'error-shake' );
success: function(data, status, xhr)
if( data.error )
showMessage( 'error', data.error, { scroll: true });
$this.addClass( 'error-shake' );
$this.removeClass( 'error-shake' );
if( data.success )
showMessage( 'success', data.success, { scroll: true });
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "save(): " + data.success );
else if( )
showMessage( 'info',, { scroll: true } );
showMessage( 'info', data.msg, { scroll: true } );
return( prom.promise() );
$(document).on('click','#autoconfig_save', function(e)
$this = $(this);
var data = {handler: 'autoconfig_save'};
if( data[ ] !== undefined )
if( !data[ ].push )
data[ ] = [ data[] ];
data[ ].push( item.value );
data[ ] = item.value;
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "serialized data is: " + JSON.stringify( data ) );
autoconfig_ajax_call( data ).done(function(data)
// Since this shared function is used for both saving (adding and updating) as well as deleting
// we check if those data properties are returned by the server.
// Those here are only returned if this is the result of an addition
if( data.hasOwnProperty('config_id') )
if( $('#autoconfig_form input[name="config_id"]').length == 0 )
showMessage( 'error', 'An unexpected error has occurred (check web console for details)', { scroll: true });
throw( "Unable to find the field \"config_id\" !" );
if( typeof( data.config_id ) !== 'undefined' && data.config_id.length > 0 )
// We force trigger change, because this is a hidden field and it hidden field do not trigger change
$('#autoconfig_form input[name="config_id"]').val( data.config_id ).trigger('change');
// Do the hosts
var hostTypes = [ 'incoming', 'outgoing' ];
for( var j = 0; j < hostTypes.length; j++ )
var hostType = hostTypes[j];
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Checking host of type " + hostType );
if( data.hasOwnProperty(hostType + '_server') && Array.isArray( data[hostType + '_server'] ) )
var thoseHosts = $('.autoconfig-' + hostType);
var dataHosts = data[hostType + '_server'];
if( thoseHosts.length == 0 )
showMessage( 'error', 'An unexpected error has occurred (check web console for details)', { scroll: true });
throw( "Unable to find any hosts block in our form!" );
else if( dataHosts.length != thoseHosts.length )
showMessage( 'error', 'An unexpected error has occurred (check web console for details)', { scroll: true });
throw( "Total of " + hostType + " servers returned from the server (" + dataHosts.length + ") do not match the total hosts we have in our form (" + thoseHosts.length + ")." );
dataHosts.forEach(function(def, index)
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "def contains: " + JSON.stringify( def ) );
if( !def.hasOwnProperty('config_id') ||
!def.hasOwnProperty('hostname') ||
!def.hasOwnProperty('port') )
if( DEBUG ) console.error( "Something is wrong. Data received is missing fields config_id, or hostname or port" );
return( false );
thoseHosts.each(function(offset, obj)
var dom = $(obj);
var hostId = dom.find('input[name="host_id[]"]');
var hostName = dom.find('input[name="hostname[]"]');
var hostPort = dom.find('input[name="port[]"]');
if( !hostId.length )
showMessage( 'error', 'An unexpected error has occurred (check web console for details)', { scroll: true });
throw( "Unable to find host id field for host type \"" + hostType + "\" at offset " + i );
if( !hostName.length )
showMessage( 'error', 'An unexpected error has occurred (check web console for details)', { scroll: true });
throw( "Unable to find host name field for host type \"" + hostType + "\" at offset " + i );
if( !hostPort.length )
showMessage( 'error', 'An unexpected error has occurred (check web console for details)', { scroll: true });
throw( "Unable to find host port field for host type \"" + hostType + "\" at offset " + i );
// We found our match: no id, hostname and port match
if( hostId.val().length == 0 && hostName.val() == def.hostname && hostPort.val() == def.port )
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Setting host id " + def.host_id + " to host name " + hostName.val() + " with port " + hostPort.val() );
hostId.val( def.host_id );
// exit the loop
return( false );
if( DEBUG ) console.error( "Something is wrong. Data received for hosts of type " + hostType + " does not exist or is not an array." );
// Now, do the texts
var textTypes = ['instruction', 'documentation'];
for( var j = 0; j < textTypes.length; j++ )
var textType = textTypes[j];
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Checking text of type " + textType );
if( data.hasOwnProperty(textType) && Array.isArray( data[textType] ) )
var dataTexts = data[textType];
var thoseTextIds = $('input[name="' + textType + '_id[]"]');
var thoseTextLang = $('select[name="' + textType + '_lang[]"]');
var thoseTextData = $('textarea[name="' + textType + '_text[]"]');
// The array could very well be empty
dataTexts.forEach(function(def, index)
if( !def.hasOwnProperty('id') ||
!def.hasOwnProperty('type') ||
!def.hasOwnProperty('lang') )
if( DEBUG ) console.error( "Something is wrong. Data received is missing fields id, or type or lang" );
return( false );
for( var k = 0; k < thoseTextIds.length; k++ )
var textId = thoseTextIds.eq(k);
var textLang = thoseTextLang.eq(k);
// Found a match
if( textId.val().length == 0 && textLang.val() == def.lang )
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Setting text id " + + " to text with type " + textType + " and language " + def.lang );
textId.val( );
return( false );
if( DEBUG ) console.error( "Something is wrong. Data received for " + textType + " text does not exist or is not an array." );
// Nothing for now
$(document).on('click','#autoconfig_remove', function(e)
var data =
handler: 'autoconfig_remove',
config_id: $('input[name="config_id"]').val(),
token: $('input[name="token"]').val(),
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Data to be sent is: " + JSON.stringify( data ) );
autoconfig_ajax_call( data ).done(function(data)
// Reload the page, but without the query string at the end
window.location.href = window.location.pathname;
// Nothing for now
$(document).on('click', '#autoconfig_cancel', function(e)
window.location.href = 'list.php?table=domain';
return( true );
window.getRandomInt = function(min, max)
return( Math.floor( Math.random() * Math.floor((max - min) + min) ) );
I could have just created one function and called it
// Add and remove hosts
var row = $(this).closest('table.server').closest('tr');
if( !row.length )
throw( "Unable to find the current enclosing row." );
var clone = row.clone();
$(item).val( '' );
// We need to remove the host_id so it can be treated as a new host and not an update of an existing one
clone.find('input[name="host_id[]"]').val( '' );
// Set default value and trigger change, which will call an event handler that will hide/show the section on pop3
var optionLabels = ['leave_messages_on_server', 'download_on_biff', 'days_to_leave_messages_on_server', 'check_interval'];
optionLabels.forEach(function(fieldName, index)
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Checking field name " + fieldName );
var thisField = clone.find('input[name="' + fieldName + '[]"]');
if( thisField.length > 0 )
var forThisField = $('label[for="' + thisField.attr('id') + '"]', clone);
if( forThisField.length > 0 )
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Field is " + thisField.html() + "\nLabel field is: " + forThisField.html() );
thisField.attr('id', 'autoconfig_' + fieldName + '_' + getRandomInt(100,1000));
maxAttempt = 10;
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Checking if generated id exists: " + thisField.attr('id') );
while( $('#' + thisField.attr('id'), clone).length > 0 && ++maxAttempt < 10 )
thisField.attr('id', 'autoconfig_' + fieldName + '_' + getRandomInt(100,1000));
forThisField.attr('for', thisField.attr('id'));
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Final generated id is: " + thisField.attr('id') );
if( DEBUG ) console.error( "Unable to find label element for field name." );
clone.insertAfter( row );
$('html, body').animate( { scrollTop: clone.offset().top }, 500 );
return( true );
var row = $(this).closest('table.server').closest('tr');
if( !row.length )
throw( "Unable to find the current enclosing row." );
// Check if there are at least 2 elements, so that after at least one remain
var re = new RegExp('(autoconfig-(?:incoming|outgoing))-server');
var res = $(this).attr('class').match( re );
console.log( res );
if( res == null )
throw( "Cannot find class \"autoconfig-incoming-server\" or class \"autoconfig-outgoing-server\" in our clicked element." );
// Now find how many elements we have with this class
var total = $('tr.' + res[1]).length;
if( total < 2 )
return( false );
// Add and remove account enable instructions or support documentation
var row = $(this).closest('tr');
if( !row.length )
throw( "Unable to find the current enclosing row." );
var clone = row.clone();
$(item).val( '' );
// We need to remove the host_id so it can be treated as a new text and not an update of an existing one
clone.find('input[name$="_id[]"]').val( '' );
clone.insertAfter( row );
$('html, body').animate( { scrollTop: clone.offset().top }, 500 );
var row = $(this).closest('tr');
if( !row.length )
throw( "Unable to find the current enclosing row." );
var re = new RegExp('(autoconfig-(instruction|documentation))');
var res = $(this).attr('class').match( re );
if( res == null )
throw( "Cannot find class \"autoconfig-instruction\" or class \"autoconfig-documentation\" in our clicked element." );
var textType = res[2];
var total = $('tr.' + res[1]).length;
if( DEBUG ) console.log( total + " rows found for text type " + textType );
if( total < 2 )
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "text remove: one left" );
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Getting lang object with " + '[name="' + textType + '_lang[]"]' );
var textLang = row.find('[name="' + textType + '_lang[]"]');
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Getting text object with " + '[name="' + textType + '_text[]"]' );
var textData = row.find('[name="' + textType + '_text[]"]');
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "text remove: found lang and text field? " + ( ( textLang.length > 0 && textData.length > 0 ) ? "Yes" : "No" ) );
// This is remaining default tet row and there is no more data
if( ( textLang.val() === null || ( textLang.val() !== null && textLang.val() == '' ) ) && $.trim(textData.val()) == '' )
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "text remove: lang and text fields are empty already, error shake it" );
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "text remove: empty fields" );
textLang.val( '' );
textData.val( '' );
return( false );
$(document).on('click', '#copy_provider_value', function(e)
var orgField = $('input[name="organisation"]');
var providerNameField = $('input[name="provider_name"]');
if( !orgField.length || !providerNameField.length )
throw( "Unable to find either the provider name field or the organisation field!" );
if( providerNameField.val().length == 0 )
return( false );
orgField.val( providerNameField.val() );
return( true );
$(document).on('click', '#autoconfig_toggle_select_all_domains', function(e)
// if( DEBUG ) console.log( "provider_domain options length: " + $('#autoconfig_provider_domain option').length + " and disabled options are: " + $('#autoconfig_provider_domain option:disabled').length + " and selected options are: " + $('#autoconfig_provider_domain option:selected').length );
if( $('#autoconfig_provider_domain option:selected').length > 0 )
$('#autoconfig_provider_domain option').prop('selected', false);
if( $('#autoconfig_provider_domain option:disabled').length == $('#autoconfig_provider_domain option').length )
var row = $(this).closest('tr');
return( false );
$('#autoconfig_provider_domain option:not(:disabled)').prop('selected', true);
$(document).on('change', '#autoconfig_form .host_type', function(e)
var typeValue = $(this).val();
// We get the enclosing table object to set some limiting context to the host_pop3 selector below
var tbl = $(this).closest('table');
if( typeValue == 'imap' )
$('.host_pop3', tbl).hide();
$('.host_pop3', tbl).show();
$(document).on('change', '#autoconfig_form .username_template', function(e)
var usernameField = $(this).closest('.server').find('input[name="username[]"]');
if( usernameField.length == 0 )
throw( "Unable to find the username field!" );
usernameField.val( $(this).val() );
$(document).on('change', '#autoconfig_form select[name="jump_to"]', function(e)
var id = $(this).val();
var re = new RegExp( '([a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12})' );
// This will display an empty form
if( id.length == 0 )
window.location.href = 'autoconfig.php';
else if( id.match( re ) )
window.location.href = 'autoconfig.php?config_id=' + encodeURIComponent( id );
// Upon change in the content of the hidden config_id, enable or disable the "Remove" buttton
// The Remove button can only be used if this is for an existing configuration obviously
$(document).on('change', '#autoconfig_form input[name="config_id"]', function(e)
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "Config id field contains \"" + $(this).val() + "\"." );
if( $(this).val().length == 0 || $(this).val().match( /^[[:blank:]\t]*$/ ) )
$('#autoconfig_remove').attr( 'disabled', true );
$('#autoconfig_remove').attr( 'disabled', false );
$(document).on('click', '.autoconfig-move-up', function(e)
var row = $(this).closest('.server').closest('tr');
if( row.prev().length == 0 || ( !row.prev().hasClass('autoconfig-incoming') && !row.prev().hasClass('autoconfig-outgoing') ) )
return( false );
row.insertBefore( row.prev() );
$('html, body').animate( { scrollTop: row.offset().top }, 500 );
$(document).on('click', '.autoconfig-move-down', function(e)
var row = $(this).closest('.server').closest('tr');
if( == 0 || ( !'autoconfig-incoming') && !'autoconfig-outgoing') ) )
return( false );
row.insertAfter( );
$('html, body').animate( { scrollTop: row.offset().top }, 500 );
window.checkExistingTextLanguage = function(opts = {})
if( typeof( opts ) !== 'object' )
throw( "Parameters provided is not an object. Call checkExistingTextLanguage like this: checkExistingTextLanguage({ type: 'instruction', lang: 'fr', caller: $(this) })" );
var textType = opts.type;
var callerMenu = opts.caller;
var langToCheck = opts.lang;
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "checkExistingTextLanguage() checking text type " + textType + " for language " + langToCheck );
if( typeof( textType ) === 'undefined' )
throw( "No text type was provided." );
var langMenu = $('select[name="' + textType + '_lang[]"]');
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "checkExistingTextLanguage() Found " + langMenu.length + " language menu(s)." );
if( langMenu.length == 0 )
throw( "Could not find any language menu for this text type " + textType );
if( langMenu.length == 1 )
return( true );
var alreadySelected = false;
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "checkExistingTextLanguage() checking each existing language menu." );
langMenu.each(function(offset, menuObject)
if( $(menuObject).is( callerMenu ) )
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "checkExistingTextLanguage() skipping because this is our caller menu." );
return( true );
// Found a match, stop there
else if( $(menuObject).val() == langToCheck )
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "checkExistingTextLanguage() Found match with this menu value (" + $(menuObject).val() + ") matching the language to check \"" + langToCheck + "\"." );
alreadySelected = true;
return( false );
if( DEBUG ) console.log( "checkExistingTextLanguage() returning: " + !alreadySelected );
return( !alreadySelected );
// Upon selection or change of a language, we check it has not been selected already
$(document).on('change', 'select[name="instruction_lang[]"]', function(e)
if( !checkExistingTextLanguage({ type: 'instruction', lang: $(this).val(), caller: $(this) }) )
// <i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>
var warning = $('<i/>',
class: 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-2x',
style: 'color: red; font-size: 20px;',
warning.insertAfter( $(this) );
var that = $(this);
return( false );
return( true );
window.toggleCertFiles = function(option)
if( typeof( option ) === 'undefined' )
return( false );
if( option == 'local' )
$(document).on('change', 'select[name="sign_option"]', function(e)
toggleCertFiles( $(this).val() );
// Need to trigger the change for the host type menu
if( $('#autoconfig_form .host_type').length > 0 )
$('#autoconfig_form .host_type').trigger('change');
if( $('#autoconfig_form input[name="config_id"]').length > 0 )
$('#autoconfig_form input[name="config_id"]').trigger('change');
// Hide useless up/down arrows
toggleCertFiles( $('select[name="sign_option"]').val() );