* Postfix Admin
* This source file is subject to the GPL license that is bundled with
* this package in the file LICENSE.TXT.
* Further details on the project are available at :
* http://www.postfixadmin.com or http://postfixadmin.sf.net
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU GPL v2 or later.
* File: create-admin.php
* Used to create new administrators.
* Template File: admin_edit-admin.tpl
* Template Variables:
* tUsername
* tDomains
* Form POST \ GET Variables:
* fUsername
* fPassword
* fPassword2
* fDomains
$list_domains = list_domains ();
$tDomains = array();
$pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error = "";
$pAdminCreate_admin_password_text_error = "";
$fUsername = safepost('fUsername');
$fPassword = safepost('fPassword');
$fPassword2 = safepost('fPassword2');
$fDomains = safepost('fDomains', array());
list ($error, $infoMessage, $pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error, $pAdminCreate_admin_password_text_error) = create_admin($fUsername, $fPassword, $fPassword2, $fDomains);
if ($error != 0) {
$tUsername = $fUsername;
$tDomains = $fDomains;
if(!empty($infoMessage)) flash_info($infoMessage);
$smarty->assign ('mode', 'create');
$smarty->assign ('tUsername', $tUsername);
$smarty->assign ('pAdminCreate_admin_username_text', $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_username_text']);
$smarty->assign ('pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error', $pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error, false);
$smarty->assign ('admin_password_text_error', $pAdminCreate_admin_password_text_error, false);
$smarty->assign ('select_options', select_options ($list_domains, $tDomains), false);
$smarty->assign ('smarty_template', 'admin_edit-admin');
$smarty->display ('index.tpl');
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