* Postfix Admin
* This source file is subject to the GPL license that is bundled with
* this package in the file LICENSE.TXT.
* Further details on the project are available at :
* http://www.postfixadmin.com or http://postfixadmin.sf.net
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU GPL v2 or later.
* File: edit-alias.php
* Users can use this to set forwards etc for their mailbox.
* Template File: users_edit-alias.tpl
* Template Variables:
* tMessage
* tGotoArray
* tStoreAndForward
* Form POST \ GET Variables:
* fAddress
* fGoto
$smarty->assign ('smarty_template', 'users_edit-alias');
$USERID_USERNAME = authentication_get_username();
$tmp = preg_split ('/@/', $USERID_USERNAME);
$USERID_DOMAIN = $tmp[1];
$vacation_domain = $CONF['vacation_domain'];
$vacation_goto = preg_replace('/@/', '#', $USERID_USERNAME) . '@' . $vacation_domain;
$ah = new AliasHandler($USERID_USERNAME);
$tGotoArray = $ah->get();
$tStoreAndForward = $ah->hasStoreAndForward();
$vacation_domain = $CONF['vacation_domain'];
($tStoreAndForward) ? $smarty->assign ('forward_and_store', ' checked="checked"') : $smarty->assign ('forward_only', ' checked="checked"');
$smarty->assign ('tGotoArray', $tGotoArray);
$smarty->display ('index.tpl');
// user clicked on cancel button
if(isset($_POST['fCancel'])) {
header("Location: main.php");
$pEdit_alias_goto = $PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto'];
if (isset($_POST['fVacation'])) $fVacation = $_POST['fVacation'];
if (isset($_POST['fGoto'])) $fGoto = trim($_POST['fGoto']);
if (isset($_POST['fForward_and_store'])) $fForward_and_store = $_POST['fForward_and_store'];
$goto = strtolower ($fGoto);
$goto = preg_replace ('/\\\r\\\n/', ',', $goto);
$goto = preg_replace ('/\r\n/', ',', $goto);
$goto = preg_replace ('/[\s]+/i', '', $goto);
$goto = preg_replace ('/\,*$/', '', $goto);
$goto = explode(",",$goto);
$error = 0;
$goto = array_merge(array_unique($goto));
$good_goto = array();
if($fForward_and_store == 'NO' && sizeof($goto) == 1 && $goto[0] == '') {
$tMessage = $PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto_text_error1'];
$error += 1;
if($error === 0) {
foreach($goto as $address) {
if ($address != "") { # $goto[] may contain a "" element
# TODO - from https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3027375&group_id=191583&atid=937964
# The not-so-good news is that some internals of edit-alias aren't too nice
# - for example, $goto[] can contain an element with empty string. I added a
# check for that in the 2.3 branch, but we should use a better solution
# (avoid empty elements in $goto) in trunk ;-)
if(!check_email($address)) {
$error += 1;
$tMessage = $PALANG['pEdit_alias_goto_text_error2'] . " $address</font>";
else {
$good_goto[] = $address;
if ($error == 0) {
$flags = 'remote_only';
if($fForward_and_store == "YES" ) {
$flags = 'forward_and_store';
$updated = $ah->update($good_goto, $flags);
if($updated) {
header ("Location: main.php");
$tMessage = $PALANG['pEdit_alias_result_error'];
else {
$tGotoArray = $goto;
$smarty->assign ('tMessage', $tMessage, false);
$smarty->display ('index.tpl');
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