* Postfix Admin
* This source file is subject to the GPL license that is bundled with
* this package in the file LICENSE.TXT.
* Further details on the project are available at :
* http://www.postfixadmin.com or http://postfixadmin.sf.net
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU GPL v2 or later.
* File: login.php
* Authenticates a user, and populates their $_SESSION as appropriate.
* Template File: login.php
* Template Variables:
* tMessage
* tUsername
* Form POST \ GET Variables:
* fUsername
* fPassword
* lang
# force user to delete setup.php (allows creation of superadmins!)
if (file_exists (realpath ("./setup.php"))) {
if (is_string($CONF['configured']) && $CONF['configured'] == 'I_know_the_risk_of_not_deleting_setup.php')
print "Please delete setup.php before using Postfix Admin!";
include ("./templates/header.php");
include ("./templates/login.php");
include ("./templates/footer.php");
$fUsername = '';
$fPassword = '';
if (isset ($_POST['fUsername'])) $fUsername = escape_string ($_POST['fUsername']);
if (isset ($_POST['fPassword'])) $fPassword = escape_string ($_POST['fPassword']);
$lang = safepost('lang');
if ( $lang != check_language(0) ) { # only set cookie if language selection was changed
setcookie('lang', $lang, time() + 60*60*24*30); # language cookie, lifetime 30 days
# (language preference cookie is processed even if username and/or password are invalid)
$result = db_query ("SELECT password FROM $table_admin WHERE username='$fUsername' AND active='1'");
if ($result['rows'] == 1)
$row = db_array ($result['result']);
$password = pacrypt ($fPassword, $row['password']);
$result = db_query ("SELECT * FROM $table_admin WHERE username='$fUsername' AND password='$password' AND active='1'");
if ($result['rows'] != 1)
$error = 1;
$tMessage = $PALANG['pLogin_failed'];
$tUsername = $fUsername;
$error = 1;
$tMessage = $PALANG['pLogin_failed'];
if ($error != 1)
$_SESSION['sessid'] = array();
$_SESSION['sessid']['username'] = $fUsername;
$_SESSION['sessid']['roles'] = array();
$_SESSION['sessid']['roles'][] = 'admin';
// they've logged in, so see if they are a domain admin, as well.
$result = db_query ("SELECT * FROM $table_domain_admins WHERE username='$fUsername' AND domain='ALL' AND active='1'");
if ($result['rows'] == 1)
$_SESSION['sessid']['roles'][] = 'global-admin';
# header("Location: admin/list-admin.php");
# exit(0);
header("Location: main.php");
include ("./templates/header.php");
include ("./templates/login.php");
include ("./templates/footer.php");