You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2503 lines
70 KiB

* Postfix Admin
* This source file is subject to the GPL license that is bundled with
* this package in the file LICENSE.TXT.
* Further details on the project are available at :
* or
* @version $Id$
* @license GNU GPL v2 or later.
* File:
* Contains re-usable code.
$version = '2.4 develop';
* check_session
* Action: Check if a session already exists, if not redirect to login.php
* Call: check_session ()
* @return String username (e.g.
function authentication_get_username()
global $CONF;
if (defined('POSTFIXADMIN_CLI')) {
return 'CLI';
if (!isset($_SESSION['sessid'])) {
header ("Location: login.php");
$SESSID_USERNAME = $_SESSION['sessid']['username'];
* Returns the type of user - either 'user' or 'admin'
* Returns false if neither (E.g. if not logged in)
* @return String admin or user or (boolean) false.
function authentication_get_usertype() {
if(isset($_SESSION['sessid'])) {
if(isset($_SESSION['sessid']['type'])) {
return $_SESSION['sessid']['type'];
return false;
* Used to determine whether a user has a particular role.
* @param String role-name. (E.g. admin, global-admin or user)
* @return boolean True if they have the requested role in their session.
* Note, user < admin < global-admin
function authentication_has_role($role) {
global $CONF;
if(isset($_SESSION['sessid'])) {
if(isset($_SESSION['sessid']['roles'])) {
if(in_array($role, $_SESSION['sessid']['roles'])) {
return true;
return false;
* Used to enforce that $user has a particular role when
* viewing a page.
* If they are lacking a role, redirect them to
* $CONF['postfix_admin_url']/login.php
* Note, user < admin < global-admin
function authentication_require_role($role) {
global $CONF;
// redirect to appropriate page?
if(authentication_has_role($role)) {
return True;
if($role === 'user') {
header("Location: " . $CONF['postfix_admin_url'] . '/users/login.php');
else {
header("Location: " . $CONF['postfix_admin_url'] . "/login.php");
* @return boolean TRUE if a admin, FALSE otherwise.
function authentication_is_admin() {
return authentication_get_usertype() == 'admin';
* @return boolean TRUE if a user, FALSE otherwise.
function authentication_is_user() {
return authentication_get_usertype() == 'user';
* Add an error message for display on the next page that is rendered.
* @param String message to show.
* Stores string in session. Flushed through header template.
* @see _flash_string()
function flash_error($string) {
_flash_string('error', $string);
* Used to display an info message on successful update.
* @param String $string
* Stores data in sessio.
* @see _flash_string()
function flash_info($string) {
_flash_string('info', $string);
* 'Private' method used for flash_info() and flash_error().
function _flash_string($type, $string) {
if(!isset($_SESSION['flash'])) {
$_SESSION['flash'] = array();
if(!isset($_SESSION['flash'][$type])) {
$_SESSION['flash'][$type] = array();
$_SESSION['flash'][$type][] = $string;
// check_language
// Action: checks what language the browser uses
// Call: check_language
// Parameter: $use_post - set to 0 if $_POST should NOT be read
function check_language ($use_post = 1)
global $CONF;
global $supported_languages; # from languages/languages.php
$lang = $CONF['default_language'];
$lang_array = preg_split ('/(\s*,\s*)/', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
if (safecookie('lang')) {
array_unshift($lang_array, safecookie('lang')); # prefer language from cookie
if ( $use_post && safepost('lang')) {
array_unshift($lang_array, safepost('lang')); # but prefer $_POST['lang'] even more
for($i = 0; $i < count($lang_array); $i++)
$lang_next = $lang_array[$i];
$lang_next = strtolower(trim($lang_next));
if(array_key_exists($lang_next, $supported_languages))
$lang = $lang_next;
return $lang;
// language_selector
// Action: returns a language selector dropdown with the browser (or cookie) language preselected
// Call: language_selector()
function language_selector()
global $supported_languages; # from languages/languages.php
$current_lang = check_language();
$selector = '<select name="lang" xml:lang="en" dir="ltr">';
foreach($supported_languages as $lang => $lang_name) {
if ($lang == $current_lang) {
$selected = ' selected="selected"';
} else {
$selected = '';
$selector .= "<option value='$lang'$selected>$lang_name</option>";
$selector .= "</select>";
return $selector;
// check_string
// Action: checks if a string is valid and returns TRUE if this is the case.
// Call: check_string (string var)
function check_string ($var)
if (preg_match ('/^([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)+$/', $var))
return true;
return false;
// check_domain
// Action: Checks if domain is valid and returns TRUE if this is the case.
// Call: check_domain (string domain)
// TODO: make check_domain able to handle as example .local domains
function check_domain ($domain)
global $CONF;
global $PALANG;
if (!preg_match ('/^([-0-9A-Z]+\.)+' . '([0-9A-Z]){2,6}$/i', ($domain)))
flash_error(sprintf($PALANG['pInvalidDomainRegex'], htmlentities($domain)));
return false;
if (isset($CONF['emailcheck_resolve_domain']) && 'YES' == $CONF['emailcheck_resolve_domain'] && 'WINDOWS'!=(strtoupper(substr(php_uname('s'), 0, 7))))
// Look for an AAAA, A, or MX record for the domain
if(function_exists('checkdnsrr')) {
// AAAA (IPv6) is only available in PHP v. >= 5
if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.0.0", ">="))
if (checkdnsrr($domain,'AAAA')) return true;
if (checkdnsrr($domain,'A')) return true;
if (checkdnsrr($domain,'MX')) return true;
flash_error(sprintf($PALANG['pInvalidDomainDNS'], htmlentities($domain)));
return false;
else {
flash_error("emailcheck_resolve_domain is enabled, but function (checkdnsrr) missing!");
return true;
* check_email
* Checks if an email is valid - if it is, return true, else false.
* @param String $email - a string that may be an email address.
* @return boolean true if it's an email address, else false.
* TODO: make check_email able to handle already added domains
function check_email ($email)
global $CONF;
global $PALANG;
//strip the vacation domain out if we are using it
//and change from to
if ($CONF['vacation'] == 'YES')
$vacation_domain = $CONF['vacation_domain'];
$ce_email = preg_replace("/@$vacation_domain/", '', $ce_email);
$ce_email = preg_replace("/#/", '@', $ce_email);
// Perform non-domain-part sanity checks
if (!preg_match ('/^[-!#$%&\'*+\\.\/0-9=?A-Z^_{|}~]+' . '@' . '[^@]+$/i', trim ($ce_email)))
return false;
// Determine domain name
if (!preg_match('|@(.+)$|',$ce_email,$matches))
return false;
# check domain name
return check_domain($domain);
* Clean a string, escaping any meta characters that could be
* used to disrupt an SQL string. i.e. "'" => "\'" etc.
* @param String (or Array)
* @return String (or Array) of cleaned data, suitable for use within an SQL
* statement.
function escape_string ($string)
global $CONF;
// if the string is actually an array, do a recursive cleaning.
// Note, the array keys are not cleaned.
if(is_array($string)) {
$clean = array();
foreach(array_keys($string) as $row) {
$clean[$row] = escape_string($string[$row]);
return $clean;
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc ())
$string = stripslashes($string);
if (!is_numeric($string))
$link = db_connect();
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql")
$escaped_string = mysql_real_escape_string($string, $link);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli")
$escaped_string = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $string);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql")
// php 5.2+ allows for $link to be specified.
if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.0", ">="))
$escaped_string = pg_escape_string($link, $string);
$escaped_string = pg_escape_string($string);
$escaped_string = $string;
return $escaped_string;
* safeget
* Action: get value from $_GET[$param], or $default if $_GET[$param] is not set
* Call: $param = safeget('param') # replaces $param = $_GET['param']
* - or -
* $param = safeget('param', 'default')
* @param String parameter name.
* @param String (optional) - default value if key is not set.
* @return String
function safeget ($param, $default="") {
if (isset($_GET[$param])) $retval=$_GET[$param];
return $retval;
* safepost - similar to safeget()
* @see safeget()
* @param String parameter name
* @param String (optional) default value (defaults to "")
* @return String - value in $_POST[$param] or $default
* same as safeget, but for $_POST
function safepost ($param, $default="") {
if (isset($_POST[$param])) $retval=$_POST[$param];
return $retval;
* safeserver
* @see safeget()
* @param String $param
* @param String $default (optional)
* @return String value from $_SERVER[$param] or $default
function safeserver ($param, $default="") {
if (isset($_SERVER[$param])) $retval=$_SERVER[$param];
return $retval;
* safecookie
* @see safeget()
* @param String $param
* @param String $default (optional)
* @return String value from $_COOKIE[$param] or $default
function safecookie ($param, $default="") {
if (isset($_COOKIE[$param])) $retval=$_COOKIE[$param];
return $retval;
// get_domain_properties
// Action: Get all the properties of a domain.
// Call: get_domain_properties (string domain)
function get_domain_properties ($domain)
global $CONF;
global $table_alias, $table_mailbox, $table_domain;
$list = array ();
$result = db_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_alias WHERE domain='$domain'");
$row = db_row ($result['result']);
$list['alias_count'] = $row[0];
$result = db_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_mailbox WHERE domain='$domain'");
$row = db_row ($result['result']);
$list['mailbox_count'] = $row[0];
$result = db_query ("SELECT SUM(quota) FROM $table_mailbox WHERE domain='$domain'");
$row = db_row ($result['result']);
$list['quota_sum'] = $row[0];
$list['alias_count'] = $list['alias_count'] - $list['mailbox_count'];
$query="SELECT * FROM $table_domain WHERE domain='$domain'";
if ('pgsql'==$CONF['database_type'])
$query=" SELECT *, EXTRACT(epoch FROM created) AS uts_created, EXTRACT(epoch FROM modified) AS uts_modified FROM $table_domain WHERE domain='$domain' ";
$result = db_query ($query);
$row = db_array ($result['result']);
$list['description'] = $row['description'];
$list['aliases'] = $row['aliases'];
$list['mailboxes'] = $row['mailboxes'];
$list['maxquota'] = $row['maxquota'];
$list['quota'] = $row['quota'];
$list['transport'] = $row['transport'];
$list['backupmx'] = $row['backupmx'];
$list['created'] = $row['created'];
$list['modified'] = $row['modified'];
$list['active'] = $row['active'];
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql")
$list['active']=('t'==$row['active']) ? 1 : 0;
$list['backupmx']=('t'==$row['backupmx']) ? 1 : 0;
$list['created']= gmstrftime('%c %Z',$row['uts_created']);
$list['modified']= gmstrftime('%c %Z',$row['uts_modified']);
$list['active'] = $row['active'];
$list['backupmx'] = $row['backupmx'];
return $list;
* create_page_browser
* Action: Get page browser for a long list of mailboxes, aliases etc.
* Call: $pagebrowser = create_page_browser('table.field', 'query', 50) # replaces $param = $_GET['param']
* @param String idxfield - database field name to use as title
* @param String query - core part of the query (starting at "FROM")
* @return String
function create_page_browser($idxfield, $querypart) {
global $CONF;
$page_size = (int) $CONF['page_size'];
$label_len = 2;
$pagebrowser = array();
if ($page_size < 2) { # will break the page browser
die('$CONF[\'page_size\'] must be 2 or more!');
# get number of rows
$query = "SELECT count(*) as counter $querypart";
$result = db_query ($query);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
$row = db_array ($result['result']);
$count_results = $row['counter'] -1; # we start counting at 0, not 1
# echo "<p>rows: " . ($count_results +1) . " --- $query";
if ($count_results < $page_size) {
return array(); # only one page - no pagebrowser required
# init row counter
$initcount = "SET @row=-1";
if ('pgsql'==$CONF['database_type']) {
$result = db_query($initcount);
# get labels for relevant rows (first and last of each page)
$page_size_zerobase = $page_size - 1;
$query = "
SELECT $idxfield AS label, @row := @row + 1 AS row $querypart
) idx WHERE MOD(idx.row, $page_size) IN (0,$page_size_zerobase) OR idx.row = $count_results
if ('pgsql'==$CONF['database_type']) {
$query = "
SELECT $idxfield AS label, nextval('rowcount') AS row $querypart
) idx WHERE MOD(idx.row, $page_size) IN (0,$page_size_zerobase) OR idx.row = $count_results
# echo "<p>$query";
# TODO: $query is MySQL-specific
# PostgreSQL:
# afterwards: DROP SEQUENCE foo
$result = db_query ($query);
if ($result['rows'] > 0) {
while ($row = db_array ($result['result'])) {
if ($row2 = db_array ($result['result'])) {
$label = substr($row['label'],0,$label_len) . '-' . substr($row2['label'],0,$label_len);
$pagebrowser[] = $label;
} else { # only one row remaining
$label = substr($row['label'],0,$label_len);
$pagebrowser[] = $label;
if ('pgsql'==$CONF['database_type']) {
db_query ("DROP SEQUENCE rowcount");
return $pagebrowser;
// get_mailbox_properties
// Action: Get all the properties of a mailbox.
// Call: get_mailbox_properties (string mailbox)
function get_mailbox_properties ($username)
global $CONF;
global $table_mailbox;
$query="SELECT * FROM $table_mailbox WHERE username='$username'";
if ('pgsql'==$CONF['database_type'])
EXTRACT(epoch FROM created) AS uts_created,
EXTRACT(epoch FROM modified) AS uts_modified
FROM $table_mailbox
WHERE username='$username'
$result = db_query ($query);
$row = db_array ($result['result']);
$list['name'] = $row['name'];
$list['maildir'] = $row['maildir'];
$list['quota'] = $row['quota'];
$list['domain'] = $row['domain'];
$list['created'] = $row['created'];
$list['modified'] = $row['modified'];
$list['active'] = $row['active'];
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql")
$list['active']=('t'==$row['active']) ? 1 : 0;
$list['created']= gmstrftime('%c %Z',$row['uts_created']);
$list['modified']= gmstrftime('%c %Z',$row['uts_modified']);
$list['active'] = $row['active'];
return $list;
// check_alias
// Action: Checks if the domain is still able to create aliases.
// Call: check_alias (string domain)
function check_alias ($domain)
$limit = get_domain_properties ($domain);
if ($limit['aliases'] == 0)
# 0 = unlimited, -1 = disabled
return true;
if ($limit['aliases'] < 0)
return false;
if ($limit['alias_count'] >= $limit['aliases'])
return false;
return true;
// check_mailbox
// Action: Checks if the domain is still able to create mailboxes.
// Call: check_mailbox (string domain)
function check_mailbox ($domain)
$limit = get_domain_properties ($domain);
/* -1 = disable, 0 = unlimited */
if ($limit['mailboxes'] == 0)
return true;
if ($limit['mailboxes'] < 0)
return false;
if ($limit['mailbox_count'] >= $limit['mailboxes'])
return false;
return true;
// check_quota
// Action: Checks if the user is creating a mailbox with the correct quota
// Call: check_quota (string domain)
function check_quota ($quota, $domain)
$limit = get_domain_properties ($domain);
if ($limit['maxquota'] == 0)
return true;
if (($limit['maxquota'] < 0) and ($quota < 0))
return true;
if (($limit['maxquota'] > 0) and ($quota == 0))
return false;
if ($quota > $limit['maxquota'])
return false;
return true;
// multiply_quota
// Action: Recalculates the quota from bytes to MBs (multiply, *)
// Call: multiply_quota (string $quota)
function multiply_quota ($quota)
global $CONF;
if ($quota == -1) return $quota;
$value = $quota * $CONF['quota_multiplier'];
return $value;
// divide_quota
// Action: Recalculates the quota from MBs to bytes (divide, /)
// Call: divide_quota (string $quota)
function divide_quota ($quota)
global $CONF;
if ($quota == -1) return $quota;
$value = round($quota / $CONF['quota_multiplier'],2);
return $value;
// check_owner
// Action: Checks if the admin is the owner of the domain (or global-admin)
// Call: check_owner (string admin, string domain)
function check_owner ($username, $domain)
global $table_domain_admins;
$result = db_query ("SELECT 1 FROM $table_domain_admins WHERE username='$username' AND (domain='$domain' OR domain='ALL') AND active='1'");
if ($result['rows'] != 1)
if ($result['rows'] > 1) { # "ALL" + specific domain permissions. 2.3 doesn't create such entries, but they are available as leftover from older versions
flash_error("Permission check returned more than one result. Please go to 'edit admin' for your username and press the save "
. "button once to fix the database. If this doesn't help, open a bugreport.");
return false;
return true;
// check_alias_owner
// Action: Checks if the admin is the owner of the alias.
// Call: check_alias_owner (string admin, string alias)
function check_alias_owner ($username, $alias)
global $CONF;
if (authentication_has_role('global-admin')) return true;
$tmp = preg_split('/\@/', $alias);
if (($CONF['special_alias_control'] == 'NO') && array_key_exists($tmp[0], $CONF['default_aliases']))
return false;
return true;
* List domains for an admin user.
* @param String $username
* @return array of domain names.
function list_domains_for_admin ($username)
global $CONF;
global $table_domain, $table_domain_admins;
$list = array ();
// does $username need escaping here?
$active_sql = db_get_boolean(True);
$backupmx_sql = db_get_boolean(False);
$query = "SELECT $table_domain.domain, $table_domain_admins.username FROM $table_domain
LEFT JOIN $table_domain_admins ON $table_domain.domain=$table_domain_admins.domain
WHERE $table_domain_admins.username='$username'
AND $'$active_sql'
AND $table_domain.backupmx='$backupmx_sql'
ORDER BY $table_domain_admins.domain";
$result = db_query ($query);
if ($result['rows'] > 0)
$i = 0;
while ($row = db_array ($result['result']))
$list[$i] = $row['domain'];
return $list;
// list_domains
// Action: List all available domains.
// Call: list_domains ()
function list_domains ()
global $table_domain;
$list = array();
$result = db_query ("SELECT domain FROM $table_domain WHERE domain!='ALL' ORDER BY domain");
if ($result['rows'] > 0)
$i = 0;
while ($row = db_array ($result['result']))
$list[$i] = $row['domain'];
return $list;
// admin_exist
// Action: Checks if the admin already exists.
// Call: admin_exist (string admin)
function admin_exist ($username)
$result = db_query ("SELECT 1 FROM " . table_by_key ('admin') . " WHERE username='$username'");
if ($result['rows'] != 1)
return false;
return true;
// domain_exist
// Action: Checks if the domain already exists.
// Call: domain_exist (string domain)
function domain_exist ($domain)
global $table_domain;
$result = db_query("SELECT 1 FROM $table_domain WHERE domain='$domain'");
if ($result['rows'] != 1)
return false;
return true;
// list_admins
// Action: Lists all the admins
// Call: list_admins ()
// was admin_list_admins
function list_admins ()
global $table_admin;
$list = "";
$result = db_query ("SELECT username FROM $table_admin ORDER BY username");
if ($result['rows'] > 0)
$i = 0;
while ($row = db_array ($result['result']))
$list[$i] = $row['username'];
return $list;
// get_admin_properties
// Action: Get all the admin properties.
// Call: get_admin_properties (string admin)
function get_admin_properties ($username)
global $CONF;
global $table_admin, $table_domain_admins;
$list = array ();
$result = db_query ("SELECT * FROM $table_domain_admins WHERE username='$username' AND domain='ALL'");
if ($result['rows'] == 1)
$list['domain_count'] = 'ALL';
$result = db_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_domain_admins WHERE username='$username'");
$row = db_row ($result['result']);
$list['domain_count'] = $row[0];
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table_admin WHERE username='$username'";
if ('pgsql'==$CONF['database_type']) {
EXTRACT(epoch FROM created) AS uts_created,
EXTRACT (epoch FROM modified) AS uts_modified
FROM $table_admin
WHERE username='$username'
$result = db_query ($query);
$row = db_array ($result['result']);
$list['created'] = $row['created'];
$list['modified'] = $row['modified'];
$list['active'] = $row['active'];
if ('pgsql'==$CONF['database_type']) {
$list['active'] = ('t'==$row['active']) ? 1 : 0;
$list['created']= gmstrftime('%c %Z',$row['uts_created']);
$list['modified']= gmstrftime('%c %Z',$row['uts_modified']);
return $list;
// encode_header
// Action: Encode a string according to RFC 1522 for use in headers if it contains 8-bit characters.
// Call: encode_header (string header, string charset)
function encode_header ($string, $default_charset = "utf-8")
if (strtolower ($default_charset) == 'iso-8859-1')
$string = str_replace ("\240",' ',$string);
$j = strlen ($string);
$max_l = 75 - strlen ($default_charset) - 7;
$aRet = array ();
$ret = '';
$iEncStart = $enc_init = false;
$cur_l = $iOffset = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $j; ++$i)
switch ($string{$i})
case '=':
case '<':
case '>':
case ',':
case '?':
case '_':
if ($iEncStart === false)
$iEncStart = $i;
if ($cur_l > ($max_l-2))
$aRet[] = substr ($string,$iOffset,$iEncStart-$iOffset);
$aRet[] = "=?$default_charset?Q?$ret?=";
$iOffset = $i;
$cur_l = 0;
$ret = '';
$iEncStart = false;
$ret .= sprintf ("=%02X",ord($string{$i}));
case '(':
case ')':
if ($iEncStart !== false)
$aRet[] = substr ($string,$iOffset,$iEncStart-$iOffset);
$aRet[] = "=?$default_charset?Q?$ret?=";
$iOffset = $i;
$cur_l = 0;
$ret = '';
$iEncStart = false;
case ' ':
if ($iEncStart !== false)
if ($cur_l > $max_l)
$aRet[] = substr ($string,$iOffset,$iEncStart-$iOffset);
$aRet[] = "=?$default_charset?Q?$ret?=";
$iOffset = $i;
$cur_l = 0;
$ret = '';
$iEncStart = false;
$ret .= '_';
$k = ord ($string{$i});
if ($k > 126)
if ($iEncStart === false)
// do not start encoding in the middle of a string, also take the rest of the word.
$sLeadString = substr ($string,0,$i);
$aLeadString = explode (' ',$sLeadString);
$sToBeEncoded = array_pop ($aLeadString);
$iEncStart = $i - strlen ($sToBeEncoded);
$ret .= $sToBeEncoded;
$cur_l += strlen ($sToBeEncoded);
$cur_l += 3;
// first we add the encoded string that reached it's max size
if ($cur_l > ($max_l-2))
$aRet[] = substr ($string,$iOffset,$iEncStart-$iOffset);
$aRet[] = "=?$default_charset?Q?$ret?= ";
$cur_l = 3;
$ret = '';
$iOffset = $i;
$iEncStart = $i;
$enc_init = true;
$ret .= sprintf ("=%02X", $k);
if ($iEncStart !== false)
if ($cur_l > $max_l)
$aRet[] = substr ($string,$iOffset,$iEncStart-$iOffset);
$aRet[] = "=?$default_charset?Q?$ret?=";
$iEncStart = false;
$iOffset = $i;
$cur_l = 0;
$ret = '';
$ret .= $string{$i};
if ($enc_init)
if ($iEncStart !== false)
$aRet[] = substr ($string,$iOffset,$iEncStart-$iOffset);
$aRet[] = "=?$default_charset?Q?$ret?=";
$aRet[] = substr ($string,$iOffset);
$string = implode ('',$aRet);
return $string;
// generate_password
// Action: Generates a random password
// Call: generate_password ()
function generate_password () {
global $CONF;
//check that password length is sensible
$length = (int) $CONF['min_password_length'];
if ($length < 5 || $length > 32) {
$length = 8;
// define possible characters
$possible = "2345678923456789abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; # skip 0 and 1 to avoid confusion with O and l
// add random characters to $password until $length is reached
$password = "";
while (strlen($password) < $length) {
// pick a random character from the possible ones
$char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);
// we don't want this character if it's already in the password
if (!strstr($password, $char)) {
$password .= $char;
return $password;
* Encrypt a password, using the apparopriate hashing mechanism as defined in
* ($CONF['encrypt']).
* When wanting to compare one pw to another, it's necessary to provide the salt used - hence
* the second parameter ($pw_db), which is the existing hash from the DB.
* @param string $pw
* @param string $encrypted password
* @return string encrypted password.
function pacrypt ($pw, $pw_db="")
global $CONF;
$pw = stripslashes($pw);
$password = "";
$salt = "";
if ($CONF['encrypt'] == 'md5crypt') {
$split_salt = preg_split ('/\$/', $pw_db);
if (isset ($split_salt[2])) {
$salt = $split_salt[2];
$password = md5crypt ($pw, $salt);
elseif ($CONF['encrypt'] == 'md5') {
$password = md5($pw);
elseif ($CONF['encrypt'] == 'system') {
if (preg_match("/\\$1\\$/", $pw_db)) {
$split_salt = preg_split ('/\$/', $pw_db);
$salt = "\$1\$${split_salt[2]}\$";
else {
if (strlen($pw_db) == 0) {
$salt = substr (md5 (mt_rand ()), 0, 2);
else {
$salt = substr ($pw_db, 0, 2);
$password = crypt ($pw, $salt);
elseif ($CONF['encrypt'] == 'cleartext') {
$password = $pw;
// See
// this is apparently useful for pam_mysql etc.
elseif ($CONF['encrypt'] == 'mysql_encrypt')
if ($pw_db!="") {
$res=db_query("SELECT ENCRYPT('".$pw."','".$salt."');");
} else {
$res=db_query("SELECT ENCRYPT('".$pw."');");
$l = db_row($res["result"]);
$password = $l[0];
elseif ($CONF['encrypt'] == 'authlib') {
$flavor = $CONF['authlib_default_flavor'];
$salt = substr(create_salt(), 0, 2); # courier-authlib supports only two-character salts
if(preg_match('/^{.*}/', $pw_db)) {
// we have a flavor in the db -> use it instead of default flavor
$result = preg_split('/[{}]/', $pw_db, 3); # split at { and/or }
$flavor = $result[1];
$salt = substr($result[2], 0, 2);
if(stripos($flavor, 'md5raw') === 0) {
$password = '{' . $flavor . '}' . md5($pw);
} elseif(stripos($flavor, 'md5') === 0) {
$password = '{' . $flavor . '}' . base64_encode(md5($pw, TRUE));
} elseif(stripos($flavor, 'crypt') === 0) {
$password = '{' . $flavor . '}' . crypt($pw, $salt);
} elseif(stripos($flavor, 'SHA') === 0) {
$password = '{' . $flavor . '}' . base64_encode(sha1($pw, TRUE));
} else {
die("authlib_default_flavor '" . $flavor . "' unknown. Valid flavors are 'md5raw', 'md5', 'SHA' and 'crypt'");
elseif (preg_match("/^dovecot:/", $CONF['encrypt'])) {
$split_method = preg_split ('/:/', $CONF['encrypt']);
$method = strtoupper($split_method[1]);
if (! preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9-]+$/", $method)) { die("invalid dovecot encryption method"); } # TODO: check against a fixed list?
if (strtolower($method) == 'md5-crypt') die("\$CONF['encrypt'] = 'dovecot:md5-crypt' will not work because dovecotpw generates a random salt each time. Please use \$CONF['encrypt'] = 'md5crypt' instead.");
$dovecotpw = "dovecotpw";
if (!empty($CONF['dovecotpw'])) $dovecotpw = $CONF['dovecotpw'];
# Use proc_open call to avoid safe_mode problems and to prevent showing plain password in process table
$spec = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin
1 => array("pipe", "w") // stdout
$pipe = proc_open("$dovecotpw '-s' $method", $spec, $pipes);
if (!$pipe) {
die("can't proc_open $dovecotpw");
} else {
// use dovecot's stdin, it uses getpass() twice
// Write pass in pipe stdin
fwrite($pipes[0], $pw . "\n", 1+strlen($pw)); usleep(1000);
fwrite($pipes[0], $pw . "\n", 1+strlen($pw));
// Read hash from pipe stdout
$password = fread($pipes[1], "200");
if ( !preg_match('/^\{' . $method . '\}/', $password)) { die("can't encrypt password with dovecotpw"); }
$password = trim(str_replace('{' . $method . '}', '', $password));
else {
die ('unknown/invalid $CONF["encrypt"] setting: ' . $CONF['encrypt']);
$password = escape_string ($password);
return $password;
// md5crypt
// Action: Creates MD5 encrypted password
// Call: md5crypt (string cleartextpassword)
function md5crypt ($pw, $salt="", $magic="")
$MAGIC = "$1$";
if ($magic == "") $magic = $MAGIC;
if ($salt == "") $salt = create_salt ();
$slist = explode ("$", $salt);
if ($slist[0] == "1") $salt = $slist[1];
$salt = substr ($salt, 0, 8);
$ctx = $pw . $magic . $salt;
$final = hex2bin (md5 ($pw . $salt . $pw));
for ($i=strlen ($pw); $i>0; $i-=16)
if ($i > 16)
$ctx .= substr ($final,0,16);
$ctx .= substr ($final,0,$i);
$i = strlen ($pw);
while ($i > 0)
if ($i & 1) $ctx .= chr (0);
else $ctx .= $pw[0];
$i = $i >> 1;
$final = hex2bin (md5 ($ctx));
for ($i=0;$i<1000;$i++)
$ctx1 = "";
if ($i & 1)
$ctx1 .= $pw;
$ctx1 .= substr ($final,0,16);
if ($i % 3) $ctx1 .= $salt;
if ($i % 7) $ctx1 .= $pw;
if ($i & 1)
$ctx1 .= substr ($final,0,16);
$ctx1 .= $pw;
$final = hex2bin (md5 ($ctx1));
$passwd = "";
$passwd .= to64 (((ord ($final[0]) << 16) | (ord ($final[6]) << 8) | (ord ($final[12]))), 4);
$passwd .= to64 (((ord ($final[1]) << 16) | (ord ($final[7]) << 8) | (ord ($final[13]))), 4);
$passwd .= to64 (((ord ($final[2]) << 16) | (ord ($final[8]) << 8) | (ord ($final[14]))), 4);
$passwd .= to64 (((ord ($final[3]) << 16) | (ord ($final[9]) << 8) | (ord ($final[15]))), 4);
$passwd .= to64 (((ord ($final[4]) << 16) | (ord ($final[10]) << 8) | (ord ($final[5]))), 4);
$passwd .= to64 (ord ($final[11]), 2);
return "$magic$salt\$$passwd";
function create_salt ()
srand ((double) microtime ()*1000000);
$salt = substr (md5 (rand (0,9999999)), 0, 8);
return $salt;
function hex2bin ($str)
$len = strlen ($str);
$nstr = "";
for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i+=2)
$num = sscanf (substr ($str,$i,2), "%x");
$nstr.=chr ($num[0]);
return $nstr;
function to64 ($v, $n)
$ITOA64 = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$ret = "";
while (($n - 1) >= 0)
$ret .= $ITOA64[$v & 0x3f];
$v = $v >> 6;
return $ret;
* smtp_mail
* Action: Send email
* Call: smtp_mail (string to, string from, string subject, string body]) - or -
* Call: smtp_mail (string to, string from, string data) - DEPRECATED
* @param String - To:
* @param String - From:
* @param String - Subject: (if called with 4 parameters) or full mail body (if called with 3 parameters)
* @param String (optional, but recommended) - mail body
* @return bool - true on success, otherwise false
* TODO: Replace this with something decent like PEAR::Mail or Zend_Mail.
function smtp_mail ($to, $from, $data, $body = "") {
global $CONF;
$smtpd_server = $CONF['smtp_server'];
$smtpd_port = $CONF['smtp_port'];
//$smtp_server = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
$smtp_server = php_uname("n");
$errno = "0";
$errstr = "0";
$timeout = "30";
if ($body != "") {
$maildata =
"To: " . $to . "\n"
. "From: " . $from . "\n"
. "Subject: " . encode_header ($data) . "\n"
. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
. "\n"
. $body
} else {
$maildata = $data;
$fh = @fsockopen ($smtpd_server, $smtpd_port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if (!$fh)
return false;
$res = smtp_get_response($fh);
fputs ($fh, "EHLO $smtp_server\r\n");
$res = smtp_get_response($fh);
fputs ($fh, "MAIL FROM:<$from>\r\n");
$res = smtp_get_response($fh);
fputs ($fh, "RCPT TO:<$to>\r\n");
$res = smtp_get_response($fh);
fputs ($fh, "DATA\r\n");
$res = smtp_get_response($fh);
fputs ($fh, "$maildata\r\n.\r\n");
$res = smtp_get_response($fh);
fputs ($fh, "QUIT\r\n");
$res = smtp_get_response($fh);
fclose ($fh);
return true;
// smtp_get_response
// Action: Get response from mail server
// Call: smtp_get_response (string FileHandle)
function smtp_get_response ($fh)
$res ='';
$line = fgets($fh, 256);
$res .= $line;
while (preg_match("/^\d\d\d\-/", $line));
return $res;
<p />\n
Please check the documentation and website for more information.\n
<p />\n
<a href=\"\">Postfix Admin</a><br />\n
<a href=''>Forums</a>
* db_connect
* Action: Makes a connection to the database if it doesn't exist
* Call: db_connect ()
* Optional parameter: $ignore_errors = TRUE, used by setup.php
* Return value:
* a) without $ignore_errors or $ignore_errors == 0
* - $link - the database connection -OR-
* - call die() in case of connection problems
* b) with $ignore_errors == TRUE
* array($link, $error_text);
function db_connect ($ignore_errors = 0)
global $CONF;
global $DEBUG_TEXT;
if ($ignore_errors != 0) $DEBUG_TEXT = '';
$error_text = '';
$link = 0;
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql")
if (function_exists ("mysql_connect"))
$link = @mysql_connect ($CONF['database_host'], $CONF['database_user'], $CONF['database_password']) or $error_text .= ("<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Connect: " . mysql_error () . "$DEBUG_TEXT");
if ($link) {
@mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8",$link);
@mysql_query("SET COLLATION_CONNECTION='utf8_general_ci'",$link);
$succes = @mysql_select_db ($CONF['database_name'], $link) or $error_text .= ("<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />MySQL Select Database: " . mysql_error () . "$DEBUG_TEXT");
$error_text .= "<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />MySQL 3.x / 4.0 functions not available! (php5-mysql installed?)<br />database_type = 'mysql' in, are you using a different database? $DEBUG_TEXT";
elseif ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli")
if (function_exists ("mysqli_connect"))
$link = @mysqli_connect ($CONF['database_host'], $CONF['database_user'], $CONF['database_password']) or $error_text .= ("<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Connect: " . mysqli_connect_error () . "$DEBUG_TEXT");
if ($link) {
@mysqli_query($link,"SET CHARACTER SET utf8");
@mysqli_query($link,"SET COLLATION_CONNECTION='utf8_general_ci'");
$success = @mysqli_select_db ($link, $CONF['database_name']) or $error_text .= ("<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />MySQLi Select Database: " . mysqli_error ($link) . "$DEBUG_TEXT");
$error_text .= "<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />MySQL 4.1 functions not available! (php5-mysqli installed?)<br />database_type = 'mysqli' in, are you using a different database? $DEBUG_TEXT";
elseif ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql")
if (function_exists ("pg_pconnect"))
if(!isset($CONF['database_port'])) {
$CONF['database_port'] = '5432';
$connect_string = "host=" . $CONF['database_host'] . " port=" . $CONF['database_port'] . " dbname=" . $CONF['database_name'] . " user=" . $CONF['database_user'] . " password=" . $CONF['database_password'];
$link = @pg_pconnect ($connect_string) or $error_text .= ("<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Connect: failed to connect to database. $DEBUG_TEXT");
if ($link) pg_set_client_encoding($link, 'UNICODE');
$error_text .= "<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />PostgreSQL functions not available! (php5-pgsql installed?)<br />database_type = 'pgsql' in, are you using a different database? $DEBUG_TEXT";
$error_text = "<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Invalid \$CONF['database_type']! Please fix your! $DEBUG_TEXT";
if ($ignore_errors)
return array($link, $error_text);
elseif ($error_text != "")
print $error_text;
elseif ($link)
return $link;
print "DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />\n";
print "Connect: Unable to connect to database<br />\n";
print "<br />\n";
print "Make sure that you have set the correct database type in the file<br />\n";
print $DEBUG_TEXT;
* Returns the appropriate boolean value for the database.
* Currently only PostgreSQL and MySQL are supported.
* @param boolean $bool (REQUIRED)
* @return String or int as appropriate.
function db_get_boolean($bool) {
if(!is_bool($bool)) {
die("Invalid usage of 'db_get_boolean($bool)'");
global $CONF;
if($CONF['database_type']=='pgsql') {
// return either true or false (unquoted strings)
if($bool) {
return 't';
return 'f';
elseif($CONF['database_type'] == 'mysql' || $CONF['database_type'] == 'mysqli') {
if($bool) {
return 1;
return 0;
// db_query
// Action: Sends a query to the database and returns query result and number of rows
// Call: db_query (string query)
// Optional parameter: $ignore_errors = TRUE, used by upgrade.php
function db_query ($query, $ignore_errors = 0)
global $CONF;
global $DEBUG_TEXT;
$result = "";
$number_rows = "";
static $link;
$error_text = "";
if ($ignore_errors) $DEBUG_TEXT = "";
if (!is_resource($link)) $link = db_connect ();
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql") $result = @mysql_query ($query, $link)
or $error_text = "<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Invalid query: " . mysql_error($link) . "$DEBUG_TEXT";
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli") $result = @mysqli_query ($link, $query)
or $error_text = "<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Invalid query: " . mysqli_error($link) . "$DEBUG_TEXT";
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql")
$result = @pg_query ($link, $query)
or $error_text = "<p />DEBUG INFORMATION:<br />Invalid query: " . pg_last_error() . "$DEBUG_TEXT";
if ($error_text != "" && $ignore_errors == 0) die($error_text);
if ($error_text == "") {
if (preg_match("/^SELECT/i", trim($query)))
// if $query was a SELECT statement check the number of rows with [database_type]_num_rows ().
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql") $number_rows = mysql_num_rows ($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli") $number_rows = mysqli_num_rows ($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql") $number_rows = pg_num_rows ($result);
// if $query was something else, UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT check the number of rows with
// [database_type]_affected_rows ().
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql") $number_rows = mysql_affected_rows ($link);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli") $number_rows = mysqli_affected_rows ($link);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql") $number_rows = pg_affected_rows ($result);
$return = array (
"result" => $result,
"rows" => $number_rows,
"error" => $error_text
return $return;
// db_row
// Action: Returns a row from a table
// Call: db_row (int result)
function db_row ($result)
global $CONF;
$row = "";
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql") $row = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli") $row = mysqli_fetch_row ($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql") $row = pg_fetch_row ($result);
return $row;
// db_array
// Action: Returns a row from a table
// Call: db_array (int result)
function db_array ($result)
global $CONF;
$row = "";
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql") $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli") $row = mysqli_fetch_array ($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql") $row = pg_fetch_array ($result);
return $row;
// db_assoc
// Action: Returns a row from a table
// Call: db_assoc(int result)
function db_assoc ($result)
global $CONF;
$row = "";
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysql") $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "mysqli") $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($result);
if ($CONF['database_type'] == "pgsql") $row = pg_fetch_assoc ($result);
return $row;
// db_delete
// Action: Deletes a row from a specified table
// Call: db_delete (string table, string where, string delete)
function db_delete ($table,$where,$delete)
$table = table_by_key($table);
$query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE " . escape_string($where) . "='" . escape_string($delete) . "'";
$result = db_query ($query);
if ($result['rows'] >= 1) {
return $result['rows'];
} else {
return 0;
* db_insert
* Action: Inserts a row from a specified table
* Call: db_insert (string table, array values [, array timestamp])
* @param String - table name
* @param array - key/value map of data to insert into the table.
* @param array (optional) - array of fields to set to now() - default: array('created', 'modified')
* @return int - number of inserted rows
function db_insert ($table, $values, $timestamp = array('created', 'modified') )
$table = table_by_key ($table);
foreach(array_keys($values) as $key) {
$values[$key] = "'" . escape_string($values[$key]) . "'";
foreach($timestamp as $key) {
$values[$key] = "now()";
$sql_values = "(" . implode(",",escape_string(array_keys($values))).") VALUES (".implode(",",$values).")";
$result = db_query ("INSERT INTO $table $sql_values");
return $result['rows'];
* db_update
* Action: Updates a specified table
* Call: db_update (string table, string where_col, string where_value, array values [, array timestamp])
* @param String - table name
* @param String - column of WHERE condition
* @param String - value of WHERE condition
* @param array - key/value map of data to insert into the table.
* @param array (optional) - array of fields to set to now() - default: array('modified')
* @return int - number of updated rows
function db_update ($table, $where_col, $where_value, $values, $timestamp = array('modified') ) {
$where = $where_col . " = '" . escape_string($where_value) . "'";
return db_update_q ($table, $where, $values, $timestamp );
* db_update_q
* Action: Updates a specified table
* Call: db_update_q (string table, string where, array values [, array timestamp])
* @param String - table name
* @param String - WHERE condition (as SQL)
* @param array - key/value map of data to insert into the table.
* @param array (optional) - array of fields to set to now() - default: array('modified')
* @return int - number of updated rows
function db_update_q ($table, $where, $values, $timestamp = array('modified') ) {
$table = table_by_key ($table);
foreach(array_keys($values) as $key) {
$sql_values[$key] = escape_string($key) . "='" . escape_string($values[$key]) . "'";
foreach($timestamp as $key) {
$sql_values[$key] = escape_string($key) . "=now()";
$sql="UPDATE $table SET ".implode(",",$sql_values)." WHERE $where";
$result = db_query ($sql);
return $result['rows'];
* db_begin / db_commit / db_rollback
* Action: BEGIN / COMMIT / ROLLBACK transaction (PostgreSQL only!)
* Call: db_begin()
function db_begin () {
global $CONF;
# if ('pgsql'== Config::read('database_type')) {
if ('pgsql'== $CONF['database_type']) {
function db_commit () {
global $CONF;
# if ('pgsql'== Config::read('database_type')) {
if ('pgsql'== $CONF['database_type']) {
function db_rollback () {
global $CONF;
# if ('pgsql'== Config::read('database_type')) {
if ('pgsql'== $CONF['database_type']) {
* db_log
* Action: Logs actions from admin
* Call: db_log (string domain, string action, string data)
* Possible actions are:
* 'create_domain'
* 'create_alias'
* 'create_alias_domain'
* 'create_mailbox'
* 'delete_domain'
* 'delete_alias'
* 'delete_alias_domain'
* 'delete_mailbox'
* 'edit_domain'
* 'edit_alias'
* 'edit_alias_state'
* 'edit_alias_domain_state'
* 'edit_mailbox'
* 'edit_mailbox_state'
* 'edit_password'
function db_log ($domain,$action,$data)
global $CONF;
global $table_log;
$REMOTE_ADDR = getRemoteAddr();
$username = authentication_get_username();
$action_list = array(
'create_alias', 'edit_alias', 'edit_alias_state', 'delete_alias',
'create_mailbox', 'edit_mailbox', 'edit_mailbox_state', 'delete_mailbox',
'create_domain', 'edit_domain', 'delete_domain',
'create_alias_domain', 'edit_alias_domain_state', 'delete_alias_domain',
if(!in_array($action, $action_list)) {
die("Invalid log action : $action"); // could do with something better?
if ($CONF['logging'] == 'YES')
$logdata = array(
'username' => "$username ($REMOTE_ADDR)",
'domain' => $domain,
'action' => $action,
'data' => $data,
$result = db_insert('log', $logdata, array('timestamp') );
if ($result != 1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* db_in_clause
* Action: builds and returns the "field in(x, y)" clause for database queries
* Call: db_in_clause (string field, array values)
function db_in_clause($field, $values) {
return " $field IN ('"
. implode("','",escape_string(array_values($values)))
. "') ";
// table_by_key
// Action: Return table name for given key
// Call: table_by_key (string table_key)
function table_by_key ($table_key)
global $CONF;
if (empty($CONF['database_tables'][$table_key])) {
$table = $table_key;
} else {
$table = $CONF['database_tables'][$table_key];
return $CONF['database_prefix'].$table;
Called after a mailbox has been created in the DBMS.
Returns: boolean.
function mailbox_postcreation($username,$domain,$maildir,$quota)
if (empty($username) || empty($domain) || empty($maildir))
trigger_error('In '.__FUNCTION__.': empty username, domain and/or maildir parameter',E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
global $CONF;
if (!isset($CONF[$confpar]) || empty($CONF[$confpar])) return TRUE;
if ($quota <= 0) $quota = 0;
$command=$CONF[$confpar]." $cmdarg1 $cmdarg2 $cmdarg3 $cmdarg4";
if (0!=$retval)
error_log("Running $command yielded return value=$retval, first line of output=$firstline");
print '<p>WARNING: Problems running mailbox postcreation script!</p>';
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Called after a mailbox has been altered in the DBMS.
Returns: boolean.
function mailbox_postedit($username,$domain,$maildir,$quota)
if (empty($username) || empty($domain) || empty($maildir))
trigger_error('In '.__FUNCTION__.': empty username, domain and/or maildir parameter',E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
global $CONF;
if (!isset($CONF[$confpar]) || empty($CONF[$confpar])) return TRUE;
if ($quota <= 0) $quota = 0;
$command=$CONF[$confpar]." $cmdarg1 $cmdarg2 $cmdarg3 $cmdarg4";
if (0!=$retval)
error_log("Running $command yielded return value=$retval, first line of output=$firstline");
print '<p>WARNING: Problems running mailbox postedit script!</p>';
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Called after a mailbox has been deleted in the DBMS.
Returns: boolean.
function mailbox_postdeletion($username,$domain)
global $CONF;
if (!isset($CONF[$confpar]) || empty($CONF[$confpar]))
return true;
if (empty($username) || empty($domain))
print '<p>Warning: empty username and/or domain parameter.</p>';
return false;
$command=$CONF[$confpar]." $cmdarg1 $cmdarg2";
if (0!=$retval)
error_log("Running $command yielded return value=$retval, first line of output=$firstline");
print '<p>WARNING: Problems running mailbox postdeletion script!</p>';
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Called after a domain has been added in the DBMS.
Returns: boolean.
function domain_postcreation($domain)
global $CONF;
if (!isset($CONF[$confpar]) || empty($CONF[$confpar]))
return true;
if (empty($domain))
print '<p>Warning: empty domain parameter.</p>';
return false;
$command=$CONF[$confpar]." $cmdarg1";
if (0!=$retval)
error_log("Running $command yielded return value=$retval, first line of output=$firstline");
print '<p>WARNING: Problems running domain postcreation script!</p>';
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Called after a domain has been deleted in the DBMS.
Returns: boolean.
function domain_postdeletion($domain)
global $CONF;
if (!isset($CONF[$confpar]) || empty($CONF[$confpar]))
return true;
if (empty($domain))
print '<p>Warning: empty domain parameter.</p>';
return false;
$command=$CONF[$confpar]." $cmdarg1";
if (0!=$retval)
error_log("Running $command yielded return value=$retval, first line of output=$firstline");
print '<p>WARNING: Problems running domain postdeletion script!</p>';
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Called after an alias_domain has been deleted in the DBMS.
Returns: boolean.
function alias_domain_postdeletion($alias_domain)
global $CONF;
if (!isset($CONF[$confpar]) || empty($CONF[$confpar]))
return true;
if (empty($alias_domain))
print '<p>Warning: empty alias_domain parameter.</p>';
return false;
$command=$CONF[$confpar]." $cmdarg1";
if (0!=$retval)
error_log("Running $command yielded return value=$retval, first line of output=$firstline");
print '<p>WARNING: Problems running alias_domain postdeletion script!</p>';
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Called by mailbox_postcreation() after a mailbox has been
created. Immediately returns, unless configuration indicates
that one or more sub-folders should be created.
Triggers E_USER_ERROR if configuration error is detected.
If IMAP login fails, the problem is logged to the system log
(such as /var/log/httpd/error_log), and the function returns
Returns FALSE on all other errors, or TRUE if everything
Doesn't clean up, if only some of the folders could be
function create_mailbox_subfolders($login,$cleartext_password)
global $CONF;
if (empty($login))
trigger_error('In '.__FUNCTION__.': empty $login',E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
if (!isset($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs']) || empty($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs'])) return TRUE;
if (!is_array($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs']))
trigger_error('create_mailbox_subdirs must be an array',E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
if (!isset($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_host']) || empty($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_host']))
trigger_error('An IMAP/POP server host ($CONF["create_mailbox_subdirs_host"]) must be configured, if sub-folders are to be created',E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
if (
&& !empty($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions'])
) {
if (!is_array($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions']))
trigger_error('The $CONF["create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions"] parameter must be an array',E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
foreach ($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_hostoptions'] as $o)
if (isset($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport']) && !empty($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport']))
if (intval($s_port)!=$s_port)
trigger_error('The $CONF["create_mailbox_subdirs_hostport"] parameter must be an integer',E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
sleep(1); # give the mail triggering the mailbox creation a chance to do its job
if (FALSE==$i)
error_log('Could not log into IMAP/POP server: '.imap_last_error());
return FALSE;
foreach($CONF['create_mailbox_subdirs'] as $f)
if (!$res) {
error_log('Could not create IMAP folder $f: '.imap_last_error());
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// gen_show_status
// Action: Return a string of colored &nbsp;'s that indicate
// the if an alias goto has an error or is sent to
// addresses list in show_custom_domains
// Call: gen_show_status (string alias_address)
function gen_show_status ($show_alias)
global $CONF, $table_alias;
$stat_string = "";
$stat_goto = "";
$stat_result = db_query ("SELECT goto FROM $table_alias WHERE address='$show_alias'");
if ($stat_result['rows'] > 0)
$row = db_row ($stat_result['result']);
$stat_goto = $row[0];
if ( $CONF['show_undeliverable'] == 'YES' )
//make sure this alias goes somewhere known
$stat_ok = 1;
while ( ($g=array_pop($gotos)) && $stat_ok )
$stat_catchall = substr($g,strpos($g,"@"));
$stat_delimiter = "";
if (!empty($CONF['recipient_delimiter'])) {
$delimiter = preg_quote($CONF['recipient_delimiter'], "/");
$stat_delimiter = preg_replace('/' .$delimiter. '[^' .$delimiter. ']*@/', "@", $g);
$stat_delimiter = "OR address = '$stat_delimiter'";
$stat_result = db_query ("SELECT address FROM $table_alias WHERE address = '$g' OR address = '$stat_catchall' $stat_delimiter");
if ($stat_result['rows'] == 0)
$stat_ok = 0;
if ( $stat_ok == 0 )
$stat_domain = substr($g,strpos($g,"@")+1);
$stat_vacdomain = substr($stat_domain,strpos($stat_domain,"@")+1);
if ( $stat_vacdomain == $CONF['vacation_domain'] )
$stat_ok = 1;
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($CONF['show_undeliverable_exceptions']);$i++)
if ( $stat_domain == $CONF['show_undeliverable_exceptions'][$i] )
$stat_ok = 1;
} // while
if ( $stat_ok == 0 )
$stat_string .= "<span style='background-color:" . $CONF['show_undeliverable_color'] .
"'>" . $CONF['show_status_text'] . "</span>&nbsp;";
$stat_string .= $CONF['show_status_text'] . "&nbsp;";
$stat_string .= $CONF['show_status_text'] . "&nbsp;";
if ( $CONF['show_popimap'] == 'YES' )
$stat_delimiter = "";
if (!empty($CONF['recipient_delimiter'])) {
$delimiter = preg_quote($CONF['recipient_delimiter'], "/");
$stat_delimiter = preg_replace('/' .$delimiter. '[^' .$delimiter. '@]*@/', "@", $stat_goto);
$stat_delimiter = ',' . $stat_delimiter;
//if the address passed in appears in its own goto field, its POP/IMAP
if ( preg_match ('/,' . $show_alias . ',/', ',' . $stat_goto . $stat_delimiter . ',') )
$stat_string .= "<span style='background-color:" . $CONF['show_popimap_color'] .
"'>" . $CONF['show_status_text'] . "</span>&nbsp;";
$stat_string .= $CONF['show_status_text'] . "&nbsp;";
if ( count($CONF['show_custom_domains']) > 0 )
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($CONF['show_custom_domains']); $i++)
if (preg_match ('/^.*' . $CONF['show_custom_domains'][$i] . '.*$/', $stat_goto))
$stat_string .= "<span style='background-color:" . $CONF['show_custom_colors'][$i] .
"'>" . $CONF['show_status_text'] . "</span>&nbsp;";
$stat_string .= $CONF['show_status_text'] . "&nbsp;";
$stat_string .= ";&nbsp;";
// $stat_string .= "<span style='background-color:green'> &nbsp; </span> &nbsp;" .
// "<span style='background-color:blue'> &nbsp; </span> &nbsp;";
return $stat_string;
Called by create-admin.php and setup.php
'error' => 0, # 0 on success, otherwise > 0
'tMessage' => '', # success / failure message
'pAdminCreate_admin_username_text' => '', # help text / error message for username
'pAdminCreate_admin_password_text' => '' # error message for username
function create_admin($fUsername, $fPassword, $fPassword2, $fDomains, $no_generate_password=0)
global $PALANG;
global $CONF;
$error = 0;
$tMessage = '';
$pAdminCreate_admin_username_text = '';
$pAdminCreate_admin_password_text = '';
if (!check_email ($fUsername))
$error = 1;
$pAdminCreate_admin_username_text = $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error1'];
if (empty ($fUsername) or admin_exist ($fUsername))
$error = 1;
$pAdminCreate_admin_username_text = $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_username_text_error2'];
if (empty ($fPassword) or empty ($fPassword2) or ($fPassword != $fPassword2))
if (empty ($fPassword) and empty ($fPassword2) and $CONF['generate_password'] == "YES" && $no_generate_password == 0)
$fPassword = generate_password ();
$error = 1;
$pAdminCreate_admin_username_text = $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_username_text'];
$pAdminCreate_admin_password_text = $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_password_text_error'];
if ($error != 1)
$password = pacrypt($fPassword);
$pAdminCreate_admin_username_text = $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_username_text'];
$result = db_query ("INSERT INTO " . table_by_key('admin') . " (username,password,created,modified) VALUES ('$fUsername','$password',NOW(),NOW())");
if ($result['rows'] != 1)
$tMessage = $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_result_error'] . "<br />($fUsername)<br />";
if (!empty ($fDomains[0]))
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($fDomains); $i++)
$domain = $fDomains[$i];
$result = db_query ("INSERT INTO " . table_by_key ('domain_admins') . " (username,domain,created) VALUES ('$fUsername','$domain',NOW())");
$tMessage = $PALANG['pAdminCreate_admin_result_success'] . "<br />($fUsername";
if ($CONF['generate_password'] == "YES" && $no_generate_password == 0)
$tMessage .= " / $fPassword)</br />";
if ($CONF['show_password'] == "YES" && $no_generate_password == 0)
$tMessage .= " / $fPassword)</br />";
$tMessage .= ")</br />";
# TODO: should we log creation, editing and deletion of admins?
# Note: needs special handling in viewlog, because domain is empty
# db_log ('', 'create_admin', "$fUsername");
return array(
function getRemoteAddr() {
$REMOTE_ADDR = 'localhost';
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))
return $REMOTE_ADDR;
Convert $CONF['whatever'] to boolean
(obviously only useful for settings that can be YES or NO)
Returns: TRUE (on YES/yes) or FALSE (on NO/no/not set/unknown value)
function boolconf($setting) {
global $CONF;
if (!isset($CONF[$setting])) { # not set
# TODO: show/log error message on unknown settings?
return false;
} elseif (strtoupper($CONF[$setting]) == 'YES') { # YES
return true;
} else { # NO, unknown value
# TODO: show/log error message on unknown value?
return false;
$table_admin = table_by_key ('admin');
$table_alias = table_by_key ('alias');
$table_alias_domain = table_by_key ('alias_domain');
$table_domain = table_by_key ('domain');
$table_domain_admins = table_by_key ('domain_admins');
$table_log = table_by_key ('log');
$table_mailbox = table_by_key ('mailbox');
$table_vacation = table_by_key ('vacation');
$table_vacation_notification = table_by_key('vacation_notification');
$table_quota = table_by_key ('quota');
$table_quota2 = table_by_key ('quota2');
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