You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
9.4 KiB

domain: "gitea.localhost"
description: "{{ domain }} Gitea"
gitea_system_user: "{{ domain | regex_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9-]+', '-') }}"
gitea_service_name: "{{ domain }}.service"
user_directory: "{{ global_webservers_directory }}/{{ domain }}"
gitea_installation_directory: "{{ user_directory }}/bin"
gitea_custom_directory: "{{ gitea_installation_directory }}/custom"
gitea_data_directory: "{{ user_directory }}/data"
gitea_repositories_directory: "{{ user_directory }}/repositories"
gitea_lfs_directory: "{{ gitea_data_directory }}/lfs"
gitea_binary_path: "{{ gitea_installation_directory }}/gitea"
gitea_socket_path: "{{ user_directory }}/gitea.socket"
gitea_configuration_path: "{{ gitea_custom_directory }}/app.ini"
database_user: "gitea"
# database_pass from mysql/database
# database_name from mysql/database
gitea_repository_force_private: no # Force new repositories to be private
gitea_repository_default_private: public # Default visibility on new projects )(public / private / last)
gitea_repository_max_creation: -1 # Maximum creations of repositories per user (-1 means no limit)
gitea_repository_pull_request_queue_length: 1000 # Patch test queue length
gitea_repository_mirror_queue_length: 1000 # Mirror sync queue length
gitea_reopsitory_preferred_licenses: # Preferred Licenses to place at the top of the list, the name must match the filename in conf/license or custom/conf/license
- "Apache License 2.0"
- "MIT License"
gitea_reopsitory_preferred_licenses_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_repository_disable_http: no # Disable HTTP access to repositories
gitea_repository_use_compat_ssh_uri: no # Force ssh:// clone url instead of scp-style
gitea_repository_default_close_issues_via_any_branch: no # Default for closing issues by commit to non-default branch
gitea_repository_push_create_on_user: yes # Create repository while pushing to user namespace
gitea_repository_push_create_on_org: yes # Create repository while pushing to org namespace
gitea_repository_disabled_repo_units: [] # Disable units of all reopsitories globally
gitea_pull_request_wip_prefixes: # Prefixes for pull request to be marked as WIP
- "WIP:"
- "[WIP]"
gitea_pull_request_wip_prefixes_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_pull_request_close_keywords: # Keywords for automatically closing an issue using a pull request / commit
- close
- closed
- closes
- fix
- fixed
- fixes
- resolve
- resolved
- resolves
gitea_pull_request_close_keywords_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_pull_request_reopen_keywords: # Keywords for automatically opening an issue using a pull request / commit
- reopen
- reopened
- reopens
gitea_pull_request_reopen_keywords_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_pull_request_default_merge_message_commits_limit: 50 # Commits included in default squash commit message
gitea_pull_request_default_merge_message_size: 5120 # Maximum size for default squash commit message
gitea_pull_request_default_merge_message_all_authors: no # Name all authors in squash commit message
gitea_pull_request_default_merge_message_max_approvers: 10 # Max approvers to be named in squash commit message
gitea_pull_request_default_merge_message_official_approvers_only: yes # Name only official approvers in squash commit message
gitea_signing_initial_commit: # Requirements for signed initial commit
- twofa
gitea_signing_wiki: # Requirements for signed wiki commits
- parentsigned
- twofa
gitea_signing_crud_actions: # Requirements for signed online commits (not first)
- parentsigned
- twofa
gitea_signing_merges: # Requirements for signed online merges
- approved
- parentsigned
- twofa
gitea_ui_explore_paging: 20 # Number of repositories on explore page
gitea_ui_issue_paging: 10 # Number of issues in one page
gitea_ui_feed_max_commit: 5 # Max commits in activity feed
gitea_ui_graph_max_commit: 100 # Max commits is commit graph
gitea_ui_code_comment_lines: 4 # Number of lines of code shown for code comment
gitea_ui_theme_color: "#6cc644" # Theme color for meta tag for Android / Chrome
gitea_ui_max_display_file: "{{ 8 * 1024 * 1024 }}" # Max size of files to be displayed in bytes
gitea_ui_show_user_email: yes # Show user email in explore users page
gitea_ui_default_theme: arc-green #
gitea_ui_themes: # Available themes
- arc-green
- gitea
gitea_ui_themes_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_ui_reactions: # Available reactions, for whole list see
- +1
- -1
- confused
- laugh
- hooray
- heart
- rocket
- eyes
gitea_ui_reactions_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_ui_default_show_full_name: no # Show full name if given
gitea_ui_search_repo_description: yes # Search within descriptions if search on explore page
gitea_ui_use_service_worker: yes # Enable service worker for caching frontend assets
gitea_ui_admin_user_paging: 50 # Number of users displayed on one page
gitea_ui_admin_repo_paging: 50 # Number of repos displayed on one page
gitea_ui_admin_notice_paging: 25 # Number of notices displayed on one page
gitea_ui_admin_org_paging: 50 # Number of orgs displayed on one page
gitea_ui_user_repo_paging: 15 # Number of repos displayed on one page
gitea_ui_meta_author: "{{ description }}" # Author for meta / titlepage
gitea_ui_meta_description: "{{ description }} ({{ domain }})" # Description for meta / titlepage
gitea_ui_meta_keywords: # Keywords for meta
- git
- gitea
- go
- self-hosted
gitea_ui_meta_keywords_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_markdown_hard_line_break: no # Enable hard link break extension
gitea_markdown_custom_url_schemes: [] # Allows custom URL-schemes as links
gitea_markdown_file_extensions: # List of file extensions which should be rendered as markdown files
- md
- markdown
- mdown
- mkd
gitea_markdown_file_extensions_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_server_offline_mode: no # Disable cdn files in "prod" mode
gitea_server_lfs_support: yes # Enable git-lfs support
gitea_server_lfs_auth_expiry: 20m # lfs authentication validity
gitea_ssh_min_size_ed25519: 256
gitea_ssh_min_size_ecdsa: 256
gitea_ssh_min_size_rsa: 2048
gitea_ssh_min_size_dsa: -1
gitea_admin_disable_org_creation: no # Disable regular org creation
gitea_admin_default_email_notifications: "enabled" # Default email notifications for users
gitea_security_login_remember: 7 # Remember login for given time in days
gitea_security_min_password: 8 # Min password length
gitea_security_disable_git_hooks: yes # Prevent creating custom git hooks
gitea_security_password_complexity: # Check passwords for given character classes
- lower
- upper
- digit
- spec
gitea_openid_enable: yes # Enable OpenID SignIn
gitea_openid_whitelisted_urls: "" # Restrict OpenID to whitelisted domains using POSIX regexp
gitea_openid_blacklisted_urls: "" # Restrict OpenID by blacklisting domains using POSIX regexp
gitea_service_require_signin: no # Require sign in for users to see anything
gitea_service_default_email_private: no # Default keep email address private
gitea_service_default_allow_create_org: yes # Default allow creating org
gitea_service_default_org_visibility: public # Default org visibility on creation, public / limited / private
gitea_service_default_org_member_visible: no # Default membership to org visible
gitea_service_enable_user_heatmap: yes # Enable user heatmap on profiles
gitea_service_enable_timetracking: yes # Enable timetracking globbally
gitea_service_default_enable_timetracking: yes # Enable timetracking per default
gitea_service_default_timetracking_contributers_only: yes # Timetracking for contributers only per default
gitea_service_show_registration_button: yes # Show registration button # TODO Link to enable registration
gitea_service_auto_watch_new_repos: yes # Auto watch repository after creation
gitea_service_auto_watch_on_changes: no # Auto watch repository on changes
gitea_picture_avatar_max_width: 4096 # Max width for avatars
gitea_picture_avatar_max_height: 3072 # Max height for avatars
gitea_picture_avatar_max_size: "{{ 1 * 1024 * 1024 }}" # Max size for avatars
gitea_picture_gravatar_source: gravatar # Gravatar source service
gitea_picture_disable_gravatar: yes # Disable gravatar service
gitea_picture_enable_federated_avatar: no # Enable federated avatar service
gitea_attachment_enabled: yes # Enable attachments
gitea_attachment_allowed_types: # Allow types as attachments
- image/jpeg
- image/png
- application/zip
- application/gzip
gitea_attachment_allowed_types_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_attachment_max_size: 4 # Max size of attachments in MB
gitea_attachment_max_files: 5 # Max files per upload
gitea_markup_asciidoc_enabled: no # Enable asciidoc rendering
gitea_markup_asciidoc_extensions: # List of file extensions which should be rendered as asciidoc files
- adoc
- asciidoc
gitea_markup_asciidoc_extensions_additional: [] # Appends to list above
gitea_internal_token: "{{ lookup('password', 'credentials/' + inventory_hostname + '/' + domain + '/internal_token length=80') }}"
gitea_cookie_secret: "{{ lookup('password', 'credentials/' + inventory_hostname + '/' + domain + '/secret_key length=80') }}"
gitea_lfs_jwt_secret: "{{ lookup('password', 'credentials/' + inventory_hostname + '/' + domain + '/lfs_jwt_secret length=43') }}"
gitea_oauth_jwt_secret: "{{ lookup('password', 'credentials/' + inventory_hostname + '/' + domain + '/oauth_jwt_secret length=80') }}"
gitea_update_script: ""
gitea_update_script_path: "{{ update_scripts_directory }}/{{ domain }}"