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27 lines
816 B

- meta: flush_handlers
- name: "Issue certificate for {{ domain }}"
command: >-
./ --issue
--domain "{{ domain }}"
--webroot "{{ nginx_validation_root_directory }}"
chdir: "~/"
register: acme_issue_result
failed_when: acme_issue_result.rc != 0 and "Domains not changed" not in acme_issue_result.stdout
- name: "Install certificate for {{ domain }}"
command: >-
./ --install-cert
--domain "{{ domain }}"
--key-file "{{ acme_key_location }}"
--fullchain-file "{{ acme_certificate_location }}"
--reloadcmd "service nginx force-reload"
chdir: "~/"
creates: "{{ acme_key_location }}"
register: acme_install_result
failed_when: acme_install_result.rc != 0 and "Reload error for" not in acme_install_result.stderr