--- - name: Install required packages apt: state: present name: - sudo - name: Create new user {{ bootstrap_expected_user }} user: state: present name: "{{ bootstrap_expected_user }}" groups: - sudo append: yes password: "{{ bootstrap_expected_become_pass | password_hash('sha512', LOCAL_SALT) }}" update_password: on_create register: bootstrap_expected_user_data - name: Copy SSH Keys if bootstraped now when: bootstrap_used block: - name: Retrieve data from user {{ bootstrap_user }} user: name: "{{ bootstrap_user }}" state: present register: bootstrap_user_data - name: Be sure old user has .ssh directory file: state: directory path: "{{ bootstrap_user_data.home }}/.ssh" owner: "{{ bootstrap_user }}" group: "{{ bootstrap_user }}" mode: "u=rwx,g=rx,o=" - name: Be sure old user has authorized_keys file file: state: touch path: "{{ bootstrap_user_data.home }}/.ssh/authorized_keys" owner: "{{ bootstrap_user }}" group: "{{ bootstrap_user }}" mode: "u=rw,g=r,o=" - name: Create .ssh directory for user {{ bootstrap_expected_user }} file: path: "{{ bootstrap_expected_user_data.home }}/.ssh" state: directory owner: "{{ bootstrap_expected_user }}" group: "{{ bootstrap_expected_user }}" become: yes - name: Transfer SSH keys to new user copy: remote_src: yes src: "{{ bootstrap_user_data.home }}/.ssh/authorized_keys" dest: "{{ bootstrap_expected_user_data.home }}/.ssh/authorized_keys" owner: "{{ bootstrap_expected_user }}" group: "{{ bootstrap_expected_user }}" mode: u=rw,g=r,o= become: yes - name: Configure given SSH key for new user authorized_key: state: present user: "{{ bootstrap_expected_user }}" key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub') }}"