#!/bin/bash set -euxo pipefail; # Constants readonly ARCHITECTURE={{ binary_architecture | quote }}; readonly BINARIES=( "cleanup" "genkey" "server" ); readonly BIN_DIR={{ installation_directory | quote }}; readonly PREFIX="linx"; readonly SYSTEM_USER={{ system_user | quote }}; # Helper building filenames function getFile() { echo "$PREFIX-$2-$1_$ARCHITECTURE"; } # Helper modifing owners and permissions function correctPermissions() { chown --no-dereference "root":"$SYSTEM_USER" "$1"; chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o= "$1"; } # Check newest version installed installed="$( (ls "$BIN_DIR" | grep --only-matching --perl-regexp '(?<=-)v\d+(\.\d+)*(?=_)' | sort --version-sort --reverse --unique | head --lines=1) || true )"; # Check version from upstream version="$( curl --silent https://github.com/andreimarcu/linx-server/releases.atom | grep --only-matching --perl-regexp '(?<=/releases/tag/)v\d+(\.\d+)*(?=")' | head --lines=1 )"; # Check for missing version numbers if [[ -z "$installed" ]]; then installed="v0"; fi if [[ -z "$version" ]]; then error "Missing version available"; exit 2; fi # Check if version is already installed if [[ "$installed" = "$version" ]]; then exit 0; fi # Remove version and redownloading (only applies on fallback) for binary in "${BINARIES[@]}"; do fileName="$(getFile "$version" "$binary")"; filePath="$BIN_DIR/$fileName"; url="https://github.com/andreimarcu/linx-server/releases/download/$version/$fileName"; rm --force "$filePath"; wget --quiet --output-document="$filePath" "$url"; correctPermissions "$filePath"; done # Relink new binaries for binary in "${BINARIES[@]}"; do toLinkPath="$BIN_DIR/$(getFile "$version" "$binary")"; linkPath="$BIN_DIR/$PREFIX-$binary"; ln --force --symbolic "$toLinkPath" "$linkPath"; correctPermissions "$linkPath"; done # Remove old version for binary in "${BINARIES[@]}"; do fileName="$(getFile "$installed" "$binary")"; rm --force "$BIN_DIR/$fileName"; done # Restart service if systemctl is-enabled {{ service_name | quote }}; then systemctl restart {{ service_name | quote }}; fi