--- - meta: flush_handlers - name: "Issue certificate for {{ domain }}" become_user: "{{ acme_system_user }}" command: >- ./acme.sh --issue --home {{ acme_installation_directory | quote }} --config-home {{ acme_configuration_directory | quote }} --domain {{ domain | quote }} --webroot {{ acme_validation_root_directory | quote }} --ocsp-must-staple args: chdir: "{{ acme_installation_directory }}" register: acme_issue_result changed_when: acme_issue_result.rc != 2 or "Domains not changed" not in acme_issue_result.stdout failed_when: acme_issue_result.rc != 0 and "Domains not changed" not in acme_issue_result.stdout - name: "Install certificate for {{ domain }}" become_user: "{{ acme_system_user }}" command: >- ./acme.sh --install-cert --home {{ acme_installation_directory | quote }} --config-home {{ acme_configuration_directory | quote }} --domain {{ domain | quote }} --key-file {{ acme_key_location | quote }} --fullchain-file {{ acme_fullchain_location | quote }} --reloadcmd {{ reload_command | quote }} args: chdir: "{{ acme_installation_directory }}" creates: "{{ acme_key_location }}" register: acme_install_result failed_when: acme_install_result.rc != 0 and "Reload error for" not in acme_install_result.stderr