--- # monitor_name: "echo-output-check" instance_name: "tg-monitor-cmd-{{ monitor_name }}" description: "{{ monitor_name }}" # should be human fancy # command: "/bin/echo Hello" # or command_str command_str: "{{ command | map('quote') | join(' ') }}" use_shell: no # read https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html#security-considerations before using use_shell=yes system_user: tg-monitor-cmd recipient_id: "{{ default_tg_monitor_recipient_id }}" bot_key: "{{ global_telegram_server_bot_key }}" telegram_timeout: 10 calendar_spec: "*:0:0" # once every hour service_description: | Telegram Monitor Command of {{ description }} # paths monitoring_directory: "{{ global_deployment_directory }}/tg-monitor-cmd" instance_directory: "{{ monitoring_directory }}/{{ monitor_name }}" script_path: "{{ instance_directory }}/script.py" data_path: "{{ instance_directory }}/data"