You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
2.6 KiB

domain: "nextcloud.localhost"
system_user: "{{ domain | regex_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9-]+', '-') }}"
nextcloud_gpg_fingerprint: "28806A878AE423A28372792ED75899B9A724937A"
nextcloud_gpg_key_remote: ""
nextcloud_release_remote: ""
nextcloud_release_remote_checksum: "{{ nextcloud_release_remote }}.sha256"
nextcloud_release_remote_signature: "{{ nextcloud_release_remote }}.asc"
user_directory: "{{ global_webservers_directory }}/{{ domain }}"
nextcloud_installation_directory: "{{ user_directory }}/nextcloud" # directory name of inside downloaded tar zip
nextcloud_data_directory: "{{ user_directory }}/data"
nextcloud_keyring: "{{ user_directory }}/nextcloud.gpg"
nextcloud_release_file: "{{ user_directory }}/nextcloud.tar.bz2"
nextcloud_release_signature: "{{ nextcloud_release_file }}.asc"
nextcloud_config: "{{ nextcloud_installation_directory }}/config/config.php"
status_page_path: "{{ phpfpm_status_page_path }}"
status_page_acl: "{{ nginx_status_page_acl }}"
database_user: "{{ system_user }}"
# database_pass from mysql/database
# database_name from mysql/database
# redis_socket_path from redis/instance
nextcloud_admin_user: "admin"
nextcloud_admin_pass: "{{ lookup('password', 'credentials/' + inventory_hostname + '/' + domain + '/' + nextcloud_admin_user + ' length=80') }}"
- accessibility
- activity
- admin_audit
- apporder
- bruteforcesettings
- calendar
- checksum
- cloud_federation_api
- comments
- contacts
- cookbook
- cospend
- dav
- deck
- dicomviewer
- external
- federatedfilesharing
- federation
- files
- files_automatedtagging
- files_ebookreader
- files_external
- files_markdown
- files_pdfviewer
- files_rightclick
- files_sharing
- files_texteditor
- files_trashbin
- files_versions
- files_videoplayer
- firstrunwizard
- gallery
- logreader
- lookup_server_connector
- mail
- metadata
- nextcloud_announcements
- notes
- notifications
- oauth2
- ocdownloader
- password_policy
- phonetrack
- polls
- privacy
- provisioning_api
- quota_warning
- ransomware_detection
- ransomware_protection
- serverinfo
- sharebymail
- sharerenamer
- social
- sociallogin
- socialsharing_email
- spreed
- support
- suspicious_login
- systemtags
- theming
- twofactor_admin
- twofactor_backupcodes
- twofactor_gateway
- twofactor_nextcloud_notification
- twofactor_totp
- twofactor_u2f
- updatenotification
- viewer
- workflowengine
- encryption
- recommendations
- survey_client
- user_ldap